David R. Ginsburg


Sou Espião
Executive Producer
Quando o Switchblade, o protótipo do caça stealth mais sofisticado que já foi criado, é roubado do governo dos Estados Unidos, um dos melhores espiões do país, Alex Scott, é chamado à ação. O que ele não esperava era se unir a um civil arrogante, o campeão de boxe Kelly Robinson, em uma missão de espionagem perigosa. Usando sua habilidade e humor, sua missão é capturar Arnold Gundars, um dos traficantes de armas mais bem sucedidos do mundo.
Flowers for Algernon
Executive Producer
Charlie Gordon is mentally handicapped and all he wants in life is to be a genius. When he gets picked for experimental surgery it looks like his dream may finally come true. But the surgery has side effects that could could kill Charlie. Can Charlie survive being just plain old "Charlie Gordon" and will his newfound romance survive this test of character?
The Five Senses
Executive Producer
Interconnected stories examine situations involving the five senses. Touch is represented by a massage therapist who is treating a woman, while her daughter accidentally loses the woman's pre-school daughter in the park. The older daughter meets a voyeur (vision), a professional house-cleaner has an acute sense of smell, a cake maker has lost her sense of taste, and an older man is losing his hearing.
Executive Producer
Em tom de documentário é narrada a vida de Gia Maria Carangi (Angelina Jolie), uma jovem da Filadélfia que tenta a sorte em Nova York e logo se torna uma das top models mais requisitadas do mundo, sendo inclusive capa da Vogue e da Cosmopolitan. Mas sua fama meteórica vem acompanhada de uma paixão homossexual por Linda (Elizabeth Mitchell), que se tornaria o grande amor da sua vida mas era um relacionamento instável. Esta insegurança no amor, na família e em diversos momentos da sua vida a transformam em uma viciada em heroína, sendo que esta dependência às drogas cada vez mais incontrolável provocaria sua decadência.
O Último Pedido
Executive Producer
Viúva se junta às duas filhas para realizar o último desejo do falecido marido e, nesta jornada, elas reencontram a esperança de viver.
Efeito Blackout
John Dantley, veterano investigador de segurança aérea, é incumbido de descobrir as razões por trás de um acidente aéreo em Chicago. As suspeitas da falha recaem sobre um competente operador de tráfego aéreo, que alega pane no sistema de computador da torre.
Os Soldados Búfalos
Executive Producer
No difícil e selvagem período da colonização norte-americana, um regimento da Cavalaria cai na cilada armada por duas facções de terríveis guerreiros indígenas. Aprisionados e humilhados, os soldados terão que mostrar toda a sua bravura, coragem e determinação, se quiserem sair vivos desta emboscada. Mais que os próprios índios, eles terão que vencer também o preconceito, já que o líder da tropa, Sargento Washington,é um ex-escravo negro. Baseado num episódio histórico e real, o filme foi produzido e estrelado por Danny Glover.
Mamãe Quer Que Eu Case
Depois que descobriu ter câncer, Helen só pensa em encontrar a esposa perfeita para seu filho.
Hidden in America
Story of a man whose pride in being the head of his family won't let him accept help from his sick daughters doctor. He has to prove to his kids that even with the death of his wife and the loss of his job that they can and will survive. After hitting brick wall after brick wall comes a glimmer of hope.
Executive Producer
Em uma era fervendo em guerra e revolução, um homem chega com um poder incrível para curar uma nação... ou destruí-la. Baseado na história real de uma das figuras mais poderosas e misteriosas da história da Rússia.
A Vítima Suspeita
Executive Producer
Sylvie vive caso de amor com Peter, do qual nasce Calley. Mas a menina é raptada e Sylvie vira a principal suspeita devido a alguns lapsos de memória. Após ao desaparecimento de Peter, Sylvie investiga, com a ajuda da mãe e de um detetive, e se descobre envolvida em incrível trama.
Cidadão X
Executive Producer
Baseado na história real de um serial killer russo que, que ao longo dos anos, alegou ter matado mais de 50 pessoas. Suas vítimas eram na maioria menores de 17 anos. No que era então um estado comunista, as investigações policiais foram dificultadas pela burocracia, incompetência e pessoas no poder. A história é contada do ponto de vista do detetive responsável pelo caso.
Sex, Love and Cold Hard Cash
Executive Producer
An ex-con whose share of a robbery disappeared joins forces with deluxe edition call-girl in order to get back the money she gave her accountant for investment purposes. The chase will lead them to the Carrabeans where they will have to go on a cruise...
Majority Rule
Executive Producer
A war heroine returns to the US to run for president and ends up facing enemies worse than those in the battle: corruption and the dangerous game of power.
The Danger of Love: The Carolyn Warmus Story
Executive Producer
Michael Carlin, a teacher, has been having an affair with a much younger fellow teacher Carolyn Warmus. When his wife is murdered, the police suspect him due to inconsistencies in his alibi, and no evidence points to anyone else.
Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story
Executive Producer
For a generation, the mobs main money machine was the Teamsters Union. When Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, the fight was on to see who could follow him. Jackie Presser was the son of a long time union board member and when he retired, Jackie was elevated to one of the most powerful position in the country; President of the Teamsters Union.
Confusões em Familia
Executive Producer
Fresh out of college, a young man lazes about his family's estate, which irritates his father, a self-made millionaire who hatches a bankruptcy plan that he hopes will inspire his son to get a job.
My Son Johnny
Executive Producer
Anthony Cortino lives with his mother in a quiet suburb. His father is dead, and his violent criminal brother is a long way off, in the city, and if Anthony has his way, that's where he will stay. However, Johnny runs into trouble with the police in the city, and when he asks to come home, his mother agrees, despite Anthony's objections. A reign of terror begins for Anthony then, for as long as Johnny is around, Anthony is never safe, and never has been.
The Marla Hanson Story
Executive Producer
Story of the model who was assaulted that left her face disfigured. It begins when she comes to New York City and would get work as a model. A guy she met on one of her shoots gets her an apartment in a building he manages. He is constantly hitting on her but she rebuffs him. When he can't take it anymore he sends two men to attack her.
Desastre Aéreo
Executive Producer
Diane and Greg Halstead were once happily married, even deciding to try and have a baby in later years, despite the fact that she had already suffered two miscarriages. She has no luck in becoming pregnant and this leads to an estrangement from her husband. On his latest flight, Greg, a professional pilot, finds out about a bomb threat. The person carrying the bomb supposedly wants to kill another passenger, a politician with an outspoken opinion on abortion. Unknown to the killer, however, the politician has already left the plane because it had an hour and a half delay. Greg decides to make an emergency landing in Dayton, Ohio, but during the heavy weather, the plane crashes, killing almost everyone on board.
Max and Helen
Executive Producer
In trying to bring a former concentration camp commandant to justice, Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal uncovers the tragic story of two lovers separated by the war.
Rei Vermelho, Cavaleiro Branco
The CIA hears of a KGB scheme to assassinate the Soviet General Secretary and enlists Stoner, an agent retired for 10 years, to go to Russia to investigate. He verifies the plot, but then has trouble leaving the country. In the meantime, the U.S. policy makers struggle over whether or not to inform the Soviets of the plot. Stoner's problems are complicated by the renewal of an affair with Anna, a Russian, as he tries to convince her to defect.
Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story
A biographical portrayal of Simon Wiesenthal, famous Nazi Hunter. From his imprisonment in a Nazi Concentration Camp, the film follows his liberation and his rise to become one of the leading Nazi hunters in the world, bringing such criminals to justice as Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbee. (Written by Anthony Hughes)
A Caminho da Morte
Executive Producer
A psychiatrist is sent to evaluate if a convicted multiple murderer who's awaiting execution on Death Row for eighth year now and whose behavior during that time got more and more erratic is still mentally fit to be executed.