Michael Marshall


Um Natal de Mudanças
Director of Photography
Cansadas da rotina e dos rumos que suas vidas tomara, duas irmãs gêmeas resolvem trocar de identidade até o dia do Natal para descobrirem o verdadeiro sentido de suas vidas.
O Culto de Chucky
Director of Photography
Confinada em um hospício para criminosos insanos pelos últimos quatro anos, Nica Pierce é erroneamente convencida de que ela, e não Chucky, matou sua família inteira. Porém, quando seu terapeuta começa a usar um boneco Good Guy para as sessões, uma série de assassinatos começa a acontecer e Nica percebe que ela pode não ser tão louca assim.
The Christmas Heart
Director of Photography
The tight-knit neighbors on Arthur Avenue have proudly lit Christmas luminaries for 40 years, but that long-standing tradition is cancelled this year when Matt Norman, a teenage boy in the neighborhood, is hospitalized in desperate need of a heart transplant. As his parents Ann and Mike anxiously pray by his bedside, a donor is found, while in Detroit, a mother is in anguish at her own son’s bedside. When Matt's neighbors decide to honor him in the best way they know how, they just might help save his life.
Jogo de Asfixia
Director of Photography
Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn about the Choking Game. Hiding it from her ever-present mother, best friend, and teachers, Taryn sees choking as a way to build self-control and grab an easy high. But, as the stakes are raised through each subsequent ‘flight’, Taryn has no idea that she is actually putting her life in extreme danger.
Perseguição 3: Correndo Para a Morte
Director of Photography
Um grupo de corredores precisa enfrentar um enorme perigo para chegar à reta final de uma competição importante.
Acampamento do Medo
Director of Photography
Quando dois irmãos encrenqueiros vão parar em um tranquilo acampamento de verão, acabam levando um bando de garotos a quebrar todas as regras. Mas os problemas começam mesmo quando eles, acidentalmente, liberam uma maldição que torna real uma história de acampamento sobre zumbis.
A Maldição de Chucky
Director of Photography
O boneco possuído por um assassino sádico está de volta, desta vez para aterrorizar uma jovem presa a uma cadeira de rodas e a sua família.
Mad Ship
Director of Photography
A poor young Scandinavian immigrant couple winds up in Canada in search of prosperity, but the hardship of the Great Depression takes a toll in a way they never feared when they went in search of the dream.
Pânico na Floresta 4: Origens Sangrentas
Director of Photography
Um grupo de jovens esquiadores consegue encontrar abrigo durante uma violenta nevasca. O que eles não sabem é que o lugar em que estão se refugiando é um antigo hospital psiquiátrico que não está tão abandonado quanto parece.
Shadow Island Mysteries: The Last Christmas
Director of Photography
Resort manager Claire prepares for a holiday family reunion, but when her grandfather makes a startling announcement and then dies unexpectedly, Claire must solve a devilishly clever puzzle in order to earn her inheritance and expose a murderer.
Shadow Island Mysteries: Wedding for One
Director of Photography
TV Movie directed by Gary Yates. Claire is hosting her best friend's wedding. Guests arrive, old family conflicts resurface and the night before the wedding, the Groom goes missing. Only Claire knows of Danny's disappearance and she is determined to find him and bring him back before her best friend finds out.
Wild Cherry
Director of Photography
A virginal high school senior decides to get revenge on her jock boyfriend when she discovers he's only dating her in hopes that she'll end up in his team's "bang book."
Director of Photography
The story of Elijah Harper.....
Alerta de Perigo
Director of Photography
Acontecimentos estranhos aterrorizam uma pequena cidade pesqueira. Um casal de namorados desaparece nas águas do oceano e um atordoado sobrevivente jura ter sido atacado por um "monstro do mar". Para investigar a história do que pode ser a causa da crise pesqueira, é enviado à cidade um cientista do governo, Dan Leland (James Van Der Beek) que se alia a uma oficial da guarda costeira. A comunidade local corre risco de vida, e o pânico vai se instalando. Todo morador que até agora ignorou o alerta de perigo, nunca retornou para casa com vida. Agora todos terão que lutar contra este ser das profundezas do oceano que tem um único desejo: nos esmagar!
Mr. Soul
A serial killer preys on prostitutes from the mean streets of a small, mid-west city as the police turn a blind eye. With an insatiable sexual appetite, the killer brutalizes his victims and leaves their bodies at Moon Lake outside of town. A voice inside the killer's head commands him to kill, his victims beg for death. John Martin Crawford is only too happy to oblige. But Moon Lake happens to be a spiritual holy ground for the local Native Americans, and soon the victims' ghosts are haunting both family members and complete strangers in desperate pleas for justice so their souls may rest. A supernatural story that reminds us the dead are not powerless.
Quem é Morto Sempre Aparece
"B" Camera Operator
Paul Barnell (Robin Williams) é um agente de viagens que trabalha no Alasca. Ele passa por sérios problemas financeiros, mas tem um plano para sair de suas dificuldades: sacar a apólice do seguro de vida de seu irmão desaparecido há cinco anos. Com o dinheiro, Paul poderia pagar todas as suas dívidas e ainda prover auxílio médico à sua esposa, que sofre da síndrome de Tourette. A seguradora, porém, recusa o pagamento declarando que não há certeza sobre a morte do seu irmão. Pouco depois, Paul encontra um cadáver atrás de sua loja. Ele pretende usar o corpo num plano macabro para conseguir o dinheiro do seguro.
Possuída 3: O Início
Director of Photography
No começo do século XIX, no Canadá, as irmãs órfãs Ginger e Brigitte perdem-se na floresta e são resgatadas por um misterioso índio que as leva de volta a Fort Bailey. O gesto é mal visto pelos colonos, e elas logo descobrirão o motivo.
Director of Photography
Joseph is in love with Laura. Laura is in love with Bruce. Bruce is in love with Alex. Alex is in love with Joseph. While a mysterious germ in the water supply threatens the population of Winnipeg, Canada, four love-struck individuals struggle with a greater illness - the randomness and intensity of their own desire. A love triangle with four people.
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs
Director of Photography
Peter Glahn is released after years of incarceration as a political prisoner and is now returning to his homeland, the mythical Mandragora where the sun never sets. On board the ship home, he meets the mysterious Juliana Kossel who vanishes after stealing his heart. Once he arrives on the island, he goes to the family ostrich farm run by his sister Amelia. He finds Amelia living with a farmhand named Cain Ball who fears that Peter's return will endanger the agreement he made with Amelia that will see him inherit the farm. Amelia has since fallen for the vain Dr. Isaac Solti who controls the island and has a hold on both Zephyr Eccles, the widow of a local fisherman, and Juliana, Peter's dream girl from the ship. Solti's true obsession is a recently discovered statue of Venus that possesses strange powers. All the characters meet at Solti's lab where the sexual tensions erupt.
The Hands of Ida
Director of Photography
Repudiated TV movie directed by Guy Maddin. Rumored to have been destroyed "in a black magic ceremony."