In a small Swedish town in the early 1990s, a lonely teacher at the local job center, Åsa, finds herself attracted to an unemployed teenager. His youthful charm, adventurous attitude and ambitious personality reminds Åsa of her younger self. Attempting to get closer to him she arranges for a group of youths to try out one of his business ideas - a wildlife retreat in the mountains. But as the weekend progresses, nothing goes according to plan and the group is soon lost in the woods.
Há 40 anos, uma adolescente de 16 anos desapareceu sem deixar pistas e seu corpo jamais foi encontrado. O tio da jovem acredita que ela tenha sido assassinada por alguém da família. Para encontrar provas, ele contrata um jornalista e uma hacker.
Ten-year-old Lea lives with her grandmother after her parents died in a car accident. She is very interested in ghosts and supernatural things, but when she hears the story of the green hand, she discovers the ghost story becomes part of her own life.
Mia returns from Stockholm to her parents' home in a small town in Dalecarlia (Dalarna) to celebrate her father's 70th birthday. Her elder sisters Eivor and Gunilla welcome her, but their different lifestyles prevent them from really communicating. The tension builds, and the party that should be a celebration turns out to be a turning point for the family and their friends