Patrick Ryborn


A movie about Dag Hammarsköljd that will be released in 2023
Até o sol nascer
Peder encontra sua ex-namorada Hanna um dia. Embora muitos anos tenham se passado e ambos estejam casados ​​e felizes, eles ainda se sentem atraídos um pelo outro. No entanto, eles não querem prejudicá-los
Um Pedaço do Meu Coração
Isabella é uma mulher de negócios motivada e uma verdadeira estrela no mundo financeiro. Quando ela retorna à sua pequena cidade natal para comemorar o aniversário do pai, se sente uma vencedora em comparação com seus antigos colegas de classe. Porém, sua confiança fica abalada ao descobrir que uma antiga paixão vai se casar com uma de suas amigas de infância.
Sune vs Sune
Executive Producer
On his first day as a fourth-grader, Sune is welcomed by an unwanted surprise. A new boy is in his seat, and he's everything Sune wants to be. Not only that, but his name is also Sune - it's the worst possible start to the fourth grade.
Kingdom of Sweden
Mankind has always been on the move. Sometimes escaping from something but often also searching for something else.
Meu Pequeno Macaco
Deportado da China, um macaco muito especial chega à Suécia e é adotado por uma família que sequer suspeita que o animal é muito mais esperto que o normal e se mete em um monte de confusões.
Os Anderssons Agitam a Montanha
Executive Producer
A família Svensson vai em uma ski-férias durante as férias de inverno. Sune a namoradeira família menina-encantador é mais uma vez puxado para um relacionamento difícil e seu pai Rudolf é empurrado para dentro desafios dificuldade pai, enquanto o irmão mais novo Håkan é até bom. A irmã mais velha a ser vergonha de sua família ea mãe Karin tenta colar a família e desfrutar de suas férias.
Raspberry Boat Refugee
Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting a suicidal Swedish psychologist Mikael Anderson, he seizes an opportunity for an identity switch. Raspberry Boat Refugee is a comedy about cultural differences in the Nordic countries, their nationalism and, not least, prejudices about our neighbours. It also proves how futile it is to try to escape oneself.
Os Andersson Pegam a Estrada
Sune and his family discovers an old painting that could be worth a fortune. There's only one problem, it lacks a signature. Follow the Anderssons in a wacky roadtrip through Europe, filled with crazy fun.
Família Andersson na Grécia
A maior parte da família Andersson não aguenta mais passar todas as férias em um trailer perto de onde moram, na Suécia. Felizmente, o patriarca da família recebe a notícia de que precisará a ir à Grécia para uma convenção de trabalho, mas quando a viagem é cancelada, ele decide dar um jeito de ir mesmo assim, sem que sua família saiba do ocorrido.
An Enemy to Die For
Despite the threat of war in the fall of 1939, the Germans decide to launch a sea expedition in search of evidence for Pangaea. Although the multi national geologists embark enthusiastically on their research mission, the growing political tension between their countries soon affects their work. With Britain and France declaring war on Germany, the civilian scientists now find themselves mere pawns in a global power struggle.
Behind Blue Skies
It's 1975, and Martin is a teenager looking to break out of a stifling home environment ruled by his alcoholic father and long-suffering mother. When Martin's pal Micke suggests they get jobs together as waiters at a resort off the Swedish coast, Martin is all for it, but before long Micke finds better things to do and Martin is left on his own. The presence of pretty fellow server Jenny is a major consolation, but to his surprise, guileless Martin is soon chosen as the protégé of Gösta, the resort's short-tempered manager. Gösta clearly likes Martin and makes him his right hand man, which gives Martin a crash course in the seedy side of life when he discovers Gösta has a number of other business interests, not all of which are legal or ethical.
The Swimsuit Issue
Executive Producer
A wild bachelor party and an agonizing defeat in floorball awakens Fredrik's passion for male synchronized swimming.
Maravilhosa e Amada por Todos
Bella (Martina Haag) é uma atriz auto-proclamada com uma grande cabeça, mas uma pequena lista de realizações. Ela está chegando aos quarenta, constantemente está em falência e tem muito pouco mais para mostrar. Para acabar com seu azar, ela decide tomar algumas "liberdades criativas" com seu CV, fingindo que ela tem desenvolvido habilidades de acrobata. Ela tem sorte: o lendário Ingmar Bergman está à procura de uma atriz com exatamente essas habilidades para realizar perigosas acrobacias em sua nova peça. Bella consegue o papel de sua vida, mas suas pequenas mentiras terão grandes consequências. - See more at:
Every Other Week
Pontus is divorced and has custody of his children every other week while living life as a bachelor the rest of the time. His older brother, Jens, is married since 20 years and has three children. When Jens' marriage collapses, he moves in with his younger brother - a move which will change both of their lives radically.
Illusive Tracks
Christmas 1945. In a train from Stockholm to Berlin are a motley collection. It is the failure of the author Gunnar who wants to leave his old life and make a contribution in Berlin; physician Henry who plan to marry Marie and likewise Henry's current wife Karin, who he plans to kill during the journey, the middle-aged gay couple Pompe and Sixten, a soldier going to Uppsala but is on the wrong train: the cheerful and cynical old Margaret, and a dressed elf and a surly conductor. With the train are also a number of Baltic refugees accompanied by two nuns to be sent to Germany.
Adam & Eva
Production Manager
Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, when Eva finds out that he has a mistress, she leaves him. Adam tries to convince himself that he is free again, but soon realizes that he is still in love with Eva, and must win her back...