Gastón Melo


The mountains of Oaxaca harbor the remains of a ravaged and burnt shelter, once home to a psychoanalyst priest who used it to look after savage children, trying to re-integrate them into society. Through videotape diaries and interviews, the truth of what happened is shockingly revealed.
Time without Pulse
Bruno, 19 years old, has not begun his sexual life. He feels guilty about his brother's death and one of his exgirlfriends, who happens to be his first love, is back in town to help him out.
La extinción de los dinosaurios
Familia Gang
A senior official of the Mexican political system decides to fake the capture and death of The Coyote, public enemy number one in Mexico, to make this happen, he cuts a deal with his family, who require a dead body to pose as a double. Topillero is responsible of executing the plan. But on this journey he is reunited with his wife and son, whom he abandoned years ago.
A group of beings permeated by the lack of love, guilt, pain and a desire for revenge, meet on the day of a storm at a cantina in the mythical town of Parián, a place where all roads and all destinies converge. There they find consolation for their woes in mezcal and in the distress of the others.
Sea of Dreams
On an island across the sea lies a village full of romance, wonder and mystery; a timeless place where people carry strong beliefs that can fulfill the heart's deepest desires. A beautiful ...
Para vestir santos
O Crime do Padre Amaro
O jovem padre Amaro acaba de ser ordenado e em breve irá para Roma continuar seus estudos, graças à boa relação que mantém com o bispo. Antes, contudo, deve trabalhar em uma paróquia. Ele é enviado para Los Reyes para atuar sob as ordens do padre Benito, o vigário que aparentemente vive uma existência corrupta e contraditória. Lá Amaro conhece a linda e devota Amelia, filha de Sanjuanera, dona do restaurante mais importante da cidade e amante do padre Benito. Diante do mundo real, Amaro é confrontado com a hipocrisia da Igreja, que condena as guerrilhas mas convive com chefes do tráfico de drogas.
Un mundo raro
The Edge of the Earth
Hombre del estandarte
O filme La orilla de la tierra se concentra na história sobre dois homens Gregorio e André à procura de um tesouro que só viram em sonhos, em sua busca eles vão a um lugar onde apenas as mulheres viviam porque os homens foram trabalhar no campo dos Estados Unidos, mas cansado de esperar e deixar a aldeia só fica Matilde que mais tarde se reúne Gregory e André.
O Ministro e Eu
Huésped de Nuevo León
Mateo Melgarejo (interpretado por Mario Moreno "Cantinflas") é um notário e escreve para o analfabeto de Santo Domingo, um bairro ao norte do Zócalo da Cidade do México. Um amigo invasor pede sua ajuda na negociação com o escritório do censo de terras para regularizar um título de propriedade. Depois de uma grande frustração com a burocracia do governo, ele escreve uma carta ao ministro, conquistando uma audiência com ele. O ministro contrata Melgarejo para reformar o escritório e o designado passa a dar uma conferência aos funcionários sobre seus deveres em uma sociedade democrática. No final, ele deixa o cargo, regressando a Santo Domingo para ajudar os seus pobres moradores.
La India
Boy is traumatized from watching his sex-worker mother with her clients; he grows up with a particular grudge against that one guy that used to come to see her...
Canoa: A Shameful Memory
A group of students arrives in a small town during a hiking expedition. Once there, the local priest accuses them of being communist agitators on the run from an army crack-down against student demonstrations in nearby Mexico City and rallies the townsfolk to lynch them. Based on a true story.
The Living Forces
It narrates the phenomenon of the Mexican Revolution, satirically reflected through what happens in a town far from the places where the true Revolution was fiercely fought.
Do You Hear the Dogs Barking?
Carrying his son on his back, a man travels from place to place looking for a doctor to treat the sick boy. As they journey, the indio father tells the boy stories to keep him distracted. These stories reveal the life of native peoples in Mexico, both in the countryside and in cities, and they shed light on characteristic beliefs and rituals.
La venida del rey Olmos
After spending some time with the Mennonite community in Chihuahua, Reynaldo Olmos goes back to Mexico City and establishes a ministry in the poorest of poor neighborhoods. Is he sincere, or is this a scam?
Cinco mil dolares de recompensa
A gunfighter is appointed sheriff of a town that is terrorized by a gang of criminals.
Those Years
Gen. Santos Degollado
President Juárez fights against the conservatives, who have ordered an emperor to be brought from France to govern Mexico
Faith, Hope and Charity
(segment "Caridad")
Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.
Once Upon a Scoundrel
After falling for Alicia, greedy and powerful Mexican landowner Carlos has her fiancé thrown in prison on a bogus charge. To trick Carlos into releasing her man, Alicia teams up with her Aunt Delfina and tries to convince Carlos that he's a ghost.