A young Englishman obsessed with Cowboys and becoming a Country and Western singer travels down to Mexico in search of his missing girlfriend during the festival of The Day Of The Dead.
THE DRY SPELL chronicles 48 hours in the life of a guy who can't get laid at the tail end of a 2-year-long dry spell.
Wang Dang is the real-time story of a washed-up director who's come to an unnamed film school to speak on the adventures of his career and ends up entertaining two nubile graduate students in his seedy off-campus motel room
Joy Greer
Irmã de Ivy, Violet, vem visitar a residência Greer neste terceiro filme da franquia. Não demorou muito para que a família é virado de cabeça para baixo como Violet usa o seu corpo e as habilidades de manipulação de jogar a casa em um estado de pânico e decepção.