This informative programme gives a fascinating account and vivid insight into the colourful history and traditions of a colossal national army, which has always been well respected for its tremendous fighting spirit, regimental pride, courage, organisation and sheer professionalism. It explores the historical background to the key phases of the army's evolution throughout generations, and highlights the struggles and triumphs of Britain's long-term heroes, through exciting, educational and rare archive footage.
British historian David Irving scripted this two-hour video special, based on his book Hitler’s War. Researching, writing, and revising this book, he spent many years privately interviewing members of Hitler’s staff and his generals. When it appeared in 1977, it was an instant best-seller. This film version was broadcast many times on PBS in North America, and in countries around the world, including Israel. Combining Irving’s script with the film and newsreel footage of the time, the Edinburgh film company Lamancha closely collaborated with the author in the production of this film.
Heroes appear in different guises but all possess the same qualities; bravery, courage, passion and pride. As the German armies swept all before them, Britain stood alone to face this seemingly unstoppable force and an entire nation put their best foot forward. Some individuals would be celebrated with medals but countless hundreds of thousands of others would pass unrecorded or even unknown. Outside of Britain the men and women of the French resistance, the people of Malta and countless soldiers, sailors and airmen fought bravely to rid the world of such a poisonous evil.
The Hawker Hurricane was the first fighter monoplane to join the Royal Air Force and the first combat aircraft adopted by that arm capable of exceeding 300 mph in level flight. The Hurricane shouldered the lion s share of Britain s defence during the Battle of Britain. This program portrays the history of this legendary aircraft which was to form an immortal partnership during the infamous battle.
The story of Britain's legendary WWII fighter plane.
Using original footage, looks at the various attempts to climb the world's loftiest peak, in particular the successful 1953 expedition, when, on 29 May, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay raised the Union Jack on the summit of Everest.
Colonel Wilson
Um espião britânico aposentado é chamado de volta ao serviço por seu governo para ajudar a impedir a Coreia do Norte de por as mãos em um vírus mortal chamado de "A Morte Vermelha". Quando o velho agente britânico Harry Palmer perde o emprego porque a Guerra Fria acabou, ele é prontamente abordado por um empresário russo, Alex. Em São Petersburgo Alex conta a Harry o seu plano para o futuro da Rússia, que está ameaçado porque uma arma bioquímica mortal chamada de "Morte Vermelha" foi roubada dele. Ele vai pagar generosamente ao Harry para recuperá-la. Um ex-espião amigo de Harry aconselha a cair fora quando ele está indo para Pequim de trem, a bordo do qual começamos a entender de que lado cada um realmente está.
Maj. Ronald Ferguson
Biopic purporting to tell the real story behind the marriage of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson from their initial courtship through their eventual separation.
The rise and fall of Nazi Germany's terrifying secret police force from 1933 through 1945.
Remake of the 1953 original. Princess Elysa is touring Rome, and decides to get "out and about" away from her normal life. She meets with an American reporter and his photographer, who show her the sites. The reporter is initially more interested in a story than the Princess, but begins to fall for her.
Gilbert Smith
A psychotic young man causes trouble during a Christmas gathering with his parents.
King Simonides
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Public Information Film Announcer (voice) (uncredited)
A União Soviética avança sobre o Irã para transformá-lo em um país soviético. Os EUA, o Reino Unido e outros membros da OTAN condenam o ato de agressão e ações militares começam a acontecer. A União Soviética então faz um ataque nuclear Inglaterra sem aviso destruindo parte do país. O pior vem depois: o caos, a falta de água, comida, eletricidade são os maiores desafios dos sobreviventes.
Police Commissioner
When SAS Captain Peter Skellen is thrown out of the service for gross misconduct due to unnecessary violence and bullying, he is soon recruited by The People's Lobby, a fanatical group aiming to hold several US dignitaries hostage. But Skellen's dismissal is a front to enable him to get close to the terrorist group. Can he get close enough to stop the Lobby from creating an international incident?
Maj. Horton
American computer whiz Luke Williams meets elderly Lavinia Fullerton on a London-bound train. She reveals she's discovered the identity of a serial killer in her village and is going to report it to Scotland Yard. When she's murdered after disembarking the train. Williams vows to pursue the case himself
Colin Mackenzie
Uma verdadeira história da WW2. Os britânicos precisam atacar um navio alemão, mas ele está na segurança da neutra Goa. Então eles enviam civis, ex-soldados de cerca de 60 anos de idade.
Gen. Sir Claude Auchinleck
The complicated relationship between Winston Churchill and the leaders of the British army during World War II.
Oscar François de Jarjayes was born female, but her father insisted she be raised as a boy as he had no sons. She becomes the captain of the guards at Versailles under King Louis XVI and Marie Antonette. Her privileged, noble life comes under fire as she discovers the hard life of the poor people of France. She is caught up in the French Revolution, and must choose between her loyalty and love.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Roy Tucker, a Vietnam war veteran with excellent shooting skills, is serving a long prison sentence when a mysterious visitor promises him that he will be released if he agrees to carry out a dangerous assignment.
Opening Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Quando o alto comando nazista descobre, no final de 1943, que Winston Churchill passará um tempo em uma propriedade rural em Norfolk, cria um esquema audacioso para seqüestrar o primeiro-ministro e enviá-lo à Alemanha para negociações forçadas com Hitler.
District Commissioner
A situação na África do Sul está se tornando cada vez mais insuportável, devido à política do Apartheid. Rina (Nicol Williamson) consegue em juízo a liberdade de Twuala Shack (Sidney Poitier), seu cliente sem saber que é um Departamento de Segurança Nacional. Jim (Michael Caine), amante de Rina, de repente se vê envolvido em um vôo emocionante de helicóptero com Shack, e tenta escapar do cerco policial para atravessar a fronteira, não imaginando que tudo segue num plano muito bem engendrado. Obra prima do cinema político/ação indispensável. Filme com brilhantes interpretações, com destaque para Poitier.
Robert Masters
A cat lover (Lana Turner) kills her husband, blackmails her lover (Trevor Howard) and torments her son (Ralph Bates).
A young woman schemes to marry a wealthy businessman by becoming his secretary.
Insp. Cook
Three kids get mixed up with jewel thieves and stolen diamonds in a 24-hour road rally.
Number One in Europe is a promotional film made for the 25th anniversary of (now defunct) airline, BEA (British European Airways).
Em um passado fictício em que homens e dinossauros dividem o planeta, mulheres são sacrificadas em troca da proteção dos deuses contra os animais. Sanna, uma das oferendas, precisa lutar por sua vida quando uma tempestade interrompe a cerimônia.
Inspector Van Gelder
Special agent Taube is on the case of a deadly heroin smuggling operation. This one is notable for an amazing power boat chase through the canals and waterways of Amsterdam
Self - Narrator (voice)
As finais de 1970 viram o surgimento de provavelmente o melhor time que o mundo jamais viu, na forma do todo poderoso Brasil. Pélé estava jogando seu último mundial e seu toque, visão e faro de gol, combinado com o fantástico feito de Jairzinho marcar gols em todos os jogos, levaram os brasileiros a uma vitória irresistível sobre uma Itália esmagada.
Bob Megan
A British military paratrooper disappears in mid-air during a jump from an army plane. Two investigators, Patrick Allen and Neil Connery, try to unravel how this happened. What they uncover is an alien plot to steal the bodies of earthlings by snatching them out of the air.
Narrator (voice)
On November 26, 1968, London's illustrious Royal Albert Hall was jammed to its gilded rafters with rock fans ready for the final concert of what many still consider the greatest band that ever played. That band, Cream, featured the legendary Eric Clapton (aka "Slowhand") on lead guitar, the great drummer Ginger Baker (also of the classic rock band Blind Faith), and lead singer-bassist Jack Bruce in a trio that made some of the most amazing rock songs of the Sixties.
Narrator (uncredited)
Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond cuida do posto britânico perto da passagem de Khybar. Protegido pelo terceiro regimento de pé e boca, você pensaria que eles estavam seguros. Mas o khazi de Kalabar tem outras idéias. Ele quer todos os britânicos mortos! Mas suas tropas temem os "demônios contornados"; eles são rumores de não usar nada por baixo. Então um é pego com as calças dele ...
Narrator (voice)
Originally a BBC documentary, this film by Tony Palmer about the 1960's music scene was later released as a standalone DVD by the BFI
The Storyteller (voice)
Playboy John Carter picks up a woman in a discotheque and takes her home. When she is murdered and he is framed for the crime, he finds himself drawn into a seedy underworld plot.
Francis Bigger, a notorious charlatan who tours the country lecturing on the subject of mind over matter, slips off the platform in the middle of his performance and ends up in hospital under the care of Dr Tinkle. The hospital is about to enter a period of total chaos.
Promotional documentary to coincide with the release of the James Bond movie You Only Live Twice (1967) featuring clips from the earlier 007 movies.
Jeff Callum
Embora a Inglaterra esteja no meio de um inverno congelante, a pequena ilha escocesa de Fara experimenta uma onda de calor que ultrapassa os 40 graus e sobe diariamente.
Sem muito o que fazer, a jovem e linda Angela Roberts dá um jeito de esquentar ainda mais a situação enquanto um cientista misterioso recém chegado, o Dr. Godfrey Hanson, faz pesquisas com o solo e instala câmeras pela ilha.
Quando indagado, Godfrey diz suspeitar que a onda de calor seja obra de alienígenas e tentará provar sua teoria e dar um fim a tudo aquilo juntamente com o médico local, o Dr. Vernon Stone.
Colonel Mannheim
Em 1942, uma prostituta polonesa é assassinada em Varsóvia. A suspeita recai sobre três generais de alto escalão, e o Major Grau da Inteligência Alemã busca justiça apesar das atrocidades cometidas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. As pistas levam Grau de Varsóvia para Paris e direto para o plano de assassinar Adolf Hitler em 1944, no qual dois dos generais estão profundamente envolvidos. O caso de Grau fica inacabado até 1965, quando então o verdadeiro assassino é levado à justiça. (e 16 Anos)
A gang of hapless crooks, led by Sidney James, successfully perpetrate a robbery only to be caught after the fact. Fifteen years later they emerge from prison intent on retrieving their stolen loot - and discover a police station has been built over its hiding place.
Theseus, Duke of Athens, is going to marry Hyppolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Demetrius is engaged with Hermia, but Hermia loves Lysander. Helena loves Demetrius. Oberon and Titania, of the kingdom of fairies have a slight quarrel about whether or not the boy Titania is raising will join Titania's band or Oberon's, so Oberon tries to get him from her by using some magic. But they're not alone in that forest. Lysander and Hermina have there a rendezvous, Helena and Demetrius are there, too as well as some actors, who are practicing a play for the ongoing wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Due to some misunderstandings by Puck, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...
One of the earliest hits for the newly established RSC, Michael Elliott’s sparkling version of Shakespeare's comedy is still remembered with joy by a generation of theatre-goers. The design was dominated by a huge oak tree, but the production is most memorable for Vanessa Redgrave’s luminous Rosalind, supported by Max Adrian and Ian Bannen.
Captain Collier
O Capitão Collier e sua tripulação são chamados para uma localidade onde há suspeitas de contrabando, porém o local guarda um misterioso segredo nos seus pântanos assombrados por fantasmas que afastam os curiosos de lá.
The cat and mouse game between government agents and a spy ring that has taken secret documents from a plane crash in Germany, not far from an US military research centre.
Dr. Nelson Pollard
When a corpse is found in the Thames, the only clue is that the dead man was killed by a karate or judo expert.
Peter Carter
Peter Carter, his wife Sally and their young daughter Jean move to a sleepy Canadian village, where Peter has been hired as a school principal. Their idyll is shattered when Jean becomes the victim of an elderly, and extremely powerful, paedophile. The film was neither a box office nor a critical success, it garnered criticism for breaking a significant public taboo.
Allan Mulliner
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Col. Mathers
A incrível, mas verdadeira, história de como um imitador foi recrutado para imitar o General Montgomery para enganar os alemães sobre suas intenções antes da campanha do Norte da África. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Paddy Ryan
Unable to pay his bookie, a man returns to his hometown where his embezzler brother and girlfriend plot a robbery that ends in tragedy.
Sergeant on Parade Ground
Duas histórias em uma. Um tranquilo Cabo Britânico na França torna-se responsável pelas vidas de seus homens quando seu oficial é morto. Ele tem que levá-los de volta para a Grã-Bretanha de alguma forma. Enquanto isso, civis britânicos estão sendo arrastados para a guerra com a Operação Dynamo, a operação de retirada das forças francesas e britânicas encurraladas nas praias de Dunquerque. Alguns se apresentam para ajudar, enquanto outros estão menos dispostos.
Jim Kennedy
American scientist Dr. Frank Smith is brought to Britain to help the C.I.A. There is a defecting East block scientist they want him to debrief. The commies are less than amused and set Dr. Smith up for a murder.
Luke Fulgham
Tempers and sexual jealousies flare when five men and a woman share a mountain cabin while mining for gold.
The man called Obam struggles with the increasingly hostile forces facing each other in a colonial African country. The African natives want their land and lives back from the British colonists. Obam's motives are questioned by his own people, in particular his brother Kanda. With the help of his wife Renee and missionary Bruce Craig, will he be able to get things under control before the country self-destructs? Written by Greg Bruno
Joe Easy
An American ex-GI takes a job as a truck driver to support his British war bride Connie. It isn't long, however, before Harry is blackmailed into joining a smuggling operation run by a conniving criminal.
Charles MacKenzie
After returning home to a rugged island near Nova Scotia, Joanna, daughter of the local bigwig, struggles to choose between three eligible bachelors -- the rebel (Patrick McGoohan), the steadfast friend (Michael Craig) and the poetry-quoting newcomer (William Sylvester). As the local lobster supply dwindles due to overfishing, the island's inhabitants encounter economic difficulties.
A ruthless woman takes advantage of gullible men to climb up the social ladder.
Inner Party Official
Em uma sociedade futurística totalitária, controlada pelo "Big Brother", o amor é proibido. Winston Smith é um funcionários do Estado, ele é responsável por reescrever a história e, ao se apaixonar por Julia, é visto como rebelde, sofrendo tortura e lavagem cerebral pelo seu crime.
Hugo Platt
Charter-boat owner "Tex" Parker is framed on a murder rap by a gang of jewel-and-American currency smugglers operating from the coasts of England and France, with a mid-channel rendezvous. The smugglers use him, his boat and partner, "Soapy", to carry their goods back and forth across the English. During one of the trips, "Tex" is thrown overboard, but is picked up by a French fishing boat and the fisherman take him back to their village, Porte Soliare, where he meets Jacqueline. People who appear to be quite dead early on turn out to be not dead later on, and money and swag and goods keep changing hands with such regularity that, at one point, one guy is searching for something he already has (and doesn't know it), while another guy isn't searching for it because he thinks he has it...but doesn't.
A confession to a priest from a thief leads to the priest's life being threatened by his gang.
Detective Pearson
Em Londres, um ex-tenista profissional decide matar sua mulher, para poder herdar seu dinheiro e também como vingança por ela ter tido um affair um ano antes, com um escritor que vivia nos Estados Unidos mas que no momento está na cidade. Ele chantageia um colega de faculdade para estrangulá-la, dando a entender que o crime teria sido cometido por um ladrão. Mas quando algo sai muito errado, ele vê uma maneira de dar um rumo aos acontecimentos em proveito próprio.
In Singapore, a private detective and the British authorities are on the trail of a crime syndicate that kidnaps a nuclear physicist with the aim of selling him to the highest bidder.