Lavish adaptation of Wilhelm Hauff′s fairy tale: Young charburner Peter Munk dreams of joining the upper class. He makes a deal with the sinister Holländer-Michel, who offers to trade Peter′s human heart for one made of stone. Once he has the "cold heart" in his body, Peter eventually strikes a fortune and enjoys great wealth, but at the same time, he becomes a bitter and emotionless man – and, having lost all traces of humanity, even murders his wife Lisbeth. Only then does Peter Munk finally realize what has become of him, and he decides to regain his real heart from Holländer-Michel.
The mechanic Behnke wants to join the Nazi party to secure a good living. However, after his Jewish neighbors have been taken away, he changes his views. Trying to remain "a non-political man," he withdraws from reality and becomes a Nazis laborer.
Nessa notória propaganda anti-semita, Suess Oppenheimer, um ambicioso negociante judeu, ascende como o tesoureiro do duque, o qual lhe corrompe com riquezas e promessas sempre grandiosas.
Com a crescente atuação do judeu, cada vez mais descarada e elaborada, o duque acaba quase que estourando uma guerra civil.
Quando o Duque acaba por morrer de um ataque cardíaco, o judeu sofre represália e é sentenciado à morte pela Assembléia dos Anciãos, que o acusa de "manter relações carnais com uma mulher cristã".