Danny De La Paz
Nascimento : 1957-04-03, Whittier, California, USA
Fifteen years is a long time to contemplate revenge -- and that's precisely how long a recently released ex-convict has had to think about the folks who landed him in the big house. Now, he's out and ready to take action.
"Boyz N the Hood" meets "Blood In, Blood Out" in this gritty tale of life on the streets of East L.A. Danny (Jacob Vargas), Alfonso (Greg Serano) and Raymo (Clifton Collins Jr.) are lifelong friends who have spent their days hanging out and playing basketball. But everything is about to change...when one of them gets involved with a dangerous drug dealer, all their lives are at risk and they must make some life and death decisions.
Hotel Guard
Carlos wants to be an actor. But his father, Pepe, wants him to work in the family business, that is, male prostitution. Carlos decides that he will be one of his father's boys until he can get his foot in the door in Hollywood.
Lives in Hazard is a tough, uncompromising look at kids in gangs and the men they become in prison. Filmed in the barrios of east LA and in the prisons of California, this real-life drama follows the making of the Hollywood feature film American Me, in which director Edward James Olmos used real gang members and prison inmates as actors. The fictional scenes these homeboys portray pale in juxtaposition to the stark reality of their daily lives, a world where opportunities are scarce and guns plentiful. The brutal honesty of these gang members as they struggle to change makes Lives in Hazard a powerful story of kids caught up in a growing national crisis.
Policial Na Los Angeles dos anos 40, delinquente mexicano e sua turma de amigos se envolvem com o mercado das drogas e acabam presos. Na prisão, eles são obrigados a enfrentar um grupo de traficantes que planeja controlar o narcotráfico dentro do presídio.
Julio Mendez
A veteran vice cop has a hard time dealing with her partner's suicide.
Em Los Angeles, quando o músico Harry Washello conhece Julie Peters em um museu, ele imediatamente se apaixona por ela. Eles combinam de sair de noite, mas falta luz e o despertador de Harry não toca, e ele perde o encontro. Mesmo com três horas e meia de atraso, Harry vai a lanchonete onde Julie trabalha em Miracle Mile tentando encontrá-la e atende uma chamada em um telefone público, onde um homem informa que os Estados Unidos iniciaram a Guerra Nuclear disparando mísseis contra a União Soviética. O homem diz que em cerca de duas horas, Los Angeles será destruída pelos mísseis soviéticos. Harry conta as pessoas que estão na lanchonete e elas fogem, tentando alcançar o aeroporto usando um helicóptero que uma cliente conseguiu. Harry entretanto prefere ir buscar Julie em seu apartamento e depois tenta desesperadamente encontrar um piloto de helicóptero para levá-los para fora de Los Angeles. Mas neste meio tempo, o boato se espalhou trazendo caos para a cidade.
A strait-laced FBI agent and a hulking, big-hearted narcotics cop team up to track down a drug lord associated with a militant hate group.
Filha de refugiados europeus no México nascida com paralisia cerebral que afetou o corpo, mas não a mente, Gaby é encorajada pelos pais e pela babá a jamais desanimar com a deficiência. Ela vai à universidade e se torna uma aclamada escritora.
A Los Angeles psychiatrist testifies for the prosecution in the trial of an accused child molester. Later the defendant, who is out on bail, is found dead in the psychiatrist's office, in what appears to be a suicide. Shaken, the psychiatrist moves to the mountains outside of L.A. Not long afterwards a detective he knows comes to him for help. A seven-year-old girl saw someone kill both of her parents, but is so traumatized by the event that she can't remember anything, and the detective wants the doctor to help jar her memory. Soon, however, the doctor and the detective discover that the parents' murder and the pedophiles "suicide" may be linked to a shadowy group of wealthy and influential pedophiles, and that the child isn't the only one whose life is in danger.
Derek e Victor são dois jovens que cairam na armadilha do crime. Tudo começou quando alguns marginais se aproximaram do círculo de amigos de Derek, que retaliaram formando um grupo de vigilância afim de conter a criminalidade em seu bairro. O grupo foi chamado de Irmandade da Justiça, que começou uma luta para manter os traficantes e delinquentes longes de seu convivio social. No começo a Irmandade é vista com bons olhos pela sociedade, porém com o seu crescimento o grupo ganha poder, gerando corrupção, vingança e violência, ao invés de proporcionar segurança.
Violent crime is routine. Organized drug trade runs rampant in the face of powerless authority. And a vicious street gang holds dominion with a savage reign of terror. Welcome to Lincoln High! Here the cobras rule the school and everyone in it. Everyone except for Jeff Hanna.
Karl Westover, um inexperiente garoto do campo, foge de seu lugar depois de acidentalmente matar um vizinho, de quem a família passa a persegui-lo por vingança. Em sua fuga ele encontra Barbarosa, um pistoleiro de proporções quase míticas, que se encontra ele próprio em perigo perseguido por seu sogro Don Bráulio, um bem sucedido rancheiro mexicano. Don Bráulio que ver Barbarosa morto por este ter casado com sua filha contra sua vontade. Relutante, Barbarosa toma Karl como parceiro, tão logo eles lutam para sobreviver contra as forças que alinham contra eles.
Benny Romero
Frank Cooper, a senior immigration police, remains a daily struggle against mafias operating between Mexico and the United States. Although it has a good standing with the poorest of Mexican towns near the border. Two are Leina and Benny, a couple of young boys who have decided to marry and have chosen Frank as best man. The problems are not slow to appear when Suarez, a mobster local forces Benny to work for him in their dirty business. Now, for Frank, the job becomes personal.
Julio Mederos
A British mercenary arrives in pre-Revolution Cuba to help train the corrupt General Batista's army against Castro's guerrillas while he also romances a former lover now married to an unscrupulous plantation owner.
Chuco Avila
A focus on life in a gang, Boulevard Nights portrays the dangers of street violence. Richard Yniguez plays a young Chicano who tries to get out of the gang, but he keeps finding himself drawn back into it.