Kristine Cofsky
Nascimento : 1983-08-23, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Katie (Tiera Skovbye) e sua melhor amiga Sloane (Kirsten Zien), viajam para o interior da América para trabalharem em uma fazenda orgânica por um mês. Em um ponto de ônibus no caminho, elas aceitam carona de Jed (Garrett Black) e Lucas (Jameson Parker). Porém, os jovens sequestram as amigas e deixam elas presas, sem roupa, em containers no meio do nada. Então, eles trazem clientes estranhos e forçam as meninas a se prostituírem até conseguirem escapar. Enquanto planejam sua implacável vingança, o tio da Katie, detetive Jason (Michael Karl Richards), suspeita que tem algo errado e decide procurar por elas.
Uma casamenteira de sucesso perde o controle em seu próprio casamento de 15 anos. Jennie insiste em ir com seu marido, Ian, a um encontro às cegas com ela. Ao se redescobrirem neste encontro, eles têm uma segunda chance de se apaixonar pela primeira vez de novo.
Iris Balashev
In a world where women have become asexual and are no longer giving birth to males, a quiet, unassuming housekeeper named Andrew Myers finds himself at the center of a battle to keep men from going extinct.
A Mamãe Noel se sente abandonada por seu marido desatencioso, Papai Noel, e decide ir a Las Vegas para realizar o desejo de uma menina. Quando Papai Noel fica sabendo, vai atrás dela, colocando em risco o Natal.
Executive Producer
Suspended in post-adolescence, twenty-something Sarah (Kristine Cofsky) alternates between hedonism and ennui. Urged on by her sister, Sarah awakens to the possibility that life could be different- and that it might not be so bad.
Suspended in post-adolescence, twenty-something Sarah (Kristine Cofsky) alternates between hedonism and ennui. Urged on by her sister, Sarah awakens to the possibility that life could be different- and that it might not be so bad.
Suspended in post-adolescence, twenty-something Sarah (Kristine Cofsky) alternates between hedonism and ennui. Urged on by her sister, Sarah awakens to the possibility that life could be different- and that it might not be so bad.
Suspended in post-adolescence, twenty-something Sarah (Kristine Cofsky) alternates between hedonism and ennui. Urged on by her sister, Sarah awakens to the possibility that life could be different- and that it might not be so bad.
Terrance is a promising writer in need of a getaway to finish his book. Convinced by his sister-in-law that a little time at a nearby beach resort is the right answer, Terrance heads on a trip with his brother David...
Brooklyn flies home to surprise her boyfriend on his birthday, but immediately changes her mind upon arrival and decides to hide out for the summer with her friend Faith. Faith lives with Casey and with relationship problems of their own, the couple are happy with the distraction...until Brooklyn begins to assert herself, then all of the characters come face to face with the hard realities of their relationships.