Robert Morgan

Robert Morgan

Nascimento : 1972-07-20, Wales, UK


Robert Morgan, born in Wales but grew up and lived most of his life in Australia, is an actor who played the character of Tony Corbett on the Australian soap opera Neighbours in 2005.


Robert Morgan
Robert Morgan
Robert Morgan


Director (Wallach's Party)
Durante a era de ouro de Hollywood, em Los Angeles da década de 1920, um jovem latino está determinado a conseguir uma carreira enquanto o cinema entra em fase de transição dos filmes mudos para produções com falas.
Los Angeles
Agent D'Onofrio
"Los Angeles" is the story of Jojo, a young mute, who thinks she hears God calling her to save the Baby Jesus. She packs five angels in a shoe shine kit and takes a one-way trip to Tampa, Florida, where she is picked up by Cash, an escaped convict. The two hit the road with the FBI on their tail. At different cities along the way, Jojo opens her shine kit, and the angels perform. Will Cash get to freedom? Will Jojo save the Baby Jesus? God only knows.
Linhas Opostas
Coach Clarke
Inspirado na história real do medalhista olímpico Ian Thorpe. Aos 15 anos, o prodígio da natação Benjamin Lane está prestes a encarar a maior competição de sua vida, podendo até chegar às Olimpíadas. Empurrado por seu implacável treinador e sua mãe Kim, ele leva uma vida rigorosa na piscina, mas solitária fora dela. Mas, quando seu pai distante é libertado da prisão, Benjamin precisa decidir entre uma vida com mais liberdades e o caminho para a glória olímpica.
First Date
When Rob meets Lee online, it's love at first digital sight, until Lee stands him up on their first in-person date. Rob must then decide if he will give up, or confront Lee and fight for the perfect relationship he has longed for.
Paradise City
Douglas Friedkin
The worlds of a young cop with a checkered past, an ex-con turned devout Muslim, and a junkie with affluent roots collide in a plot to justify New York City's counter-terrorism campaign against homegrown extremists.
Han Solo: Uma História Star Wars
Imperial Guest
Embarque na Millennium Falcon e viaje para uma galáxia distante em uma nova aventura com o mais amado canalha da galáxia. Através de uma série de ousadas aventuras no obscuro e perigoso submundo do crime, Han Solo encontra seu poderoso futuro copiloto Chewbacca e encontra o famoso jogador Lando Calrissian, em uma jornada que definirá o curso de um dos heróis mais improváveis da saga Star Wars.
Duendes e Dragões
Três duendes estão explorando a perigosa Montanha do Dragão quando uma explosão súbita e violenta provoca um desmoronamento, aprisionando o grupo numa mina. Com o oxigênio acabando e as forças diminuindo, o grupo deve trabalhar em conjunto para descobrir uma saída antes que seja tarde demais. Mas o caminho para a liberdade pode não ser tão simples quanto eles esperam quando se deparam com uma criatura faminta que os rastreia na escuridão.
Piratas do Caribe: A Vingança de Salazar
O Capitão Jack, que anda passando por uma onda de azar, sente os ventos da má sorte soprando com muita força quando os marinheiros fantasmas assassinos, liderados pelo aterrorizante Capitão Salazar (Javier Bardem), escapam do triângulo do diabo decididos a matar todos os piratas em seu caminho, especialmente Jack.
Até o Último Homem
Colonel Sangston
Desmond T. Doss, foi o médico do Exército Americano da Segunda Guerra Mundial, que serviu durante a Batalha de Okinawa, se recusando a matar pessoas, tornando-se o primeiro homem da história americana a receber a Medalha de Honra sem disparar um tiro.
Cut Snake
Young, charismatic, and hardworking, Sparra Farrell seems to be sailing into a happy, respectable life. He has a solid job and an adorable fiancée named Paula, and already owns a modest house in the country outside Melbourne. The only odd thing is that Sparra says precious little about his past — but that past is about to catch up with him, and wrest control of his present.
Suburban Mayhem
John Skinner
Can you really get away with murder? Welcome to the world of Katrina, a 19-year-old single mum who's planning to do just that. Katrina lives in a world of petty crime, fast cars, manicures and blow-jobs. A master manipulator of men living at home with her father in suburban Golden Grove, Katrina will stop at nothing to get what she wants - even murder.
Opal Dream
Pobby & Dingan are invisible. They live in an opal town in Australia and are friends with Kellyanne, the 9 year-old daughter of an opal miner. The film tells the story of the bizarre and inexplicable disappearance of Pobby & Dingan, Kellyanne's imaginary friends, and the impact this has on her family and the whole town. The story is told through the eyes of Kellyanne's 11 years old brother Ashmol.
How long does it take before the abnormal seems normal? Death, love and family values are all up for re-negotiation in this dark and unusual black comedy about a girl trying to start a new life for herself after the loss of her mother.
A Proposta
Sergeant Lawrence
Após um intenso tiroteio entre policiais e uma gangue de foras-da-lei, Charlie Burns (Guy Pearce) e seu irmão Mike (Richard Wilson) são capturados pelo capitão Stanley (Ray Winstone). Juntamente com seu irmão Arthur (Danny Huston), o trio é procurado por ter cometido um crime brutal. Na tentativa de pôr fim a um sangrento ciclo de violência, Stanley faz a Charlie uma proposta aparentemente impossível de ser aceita.
He Died with a Felafel in His Hand
Melbourne Detective #2
A search for love, meaning and bathroom solitude. Danny goes through a series of shared housing experiences in a succession of cities on the east coast of Australia. Together these vignettes form a narrative that is surprisingly reflective.
When two medical students find themselves dangerously indebted to a sadistic loan shark, they become embroiled in an illicit black-market organ transplant scam in order to save their lives. 'Muggers' is a twisted, hilarious, pitch-black comedy about friendship, poor choices and the drag of student debt.
Sr. Det. Mike Brown
Two detectives are assigned to solve a series of grisly murders of children. However, when their investigation leads them towards someone in their own squad room as the killer, the female detective edges on a total breakdown as she loses faith in her fellow officers. The film explores the decadence and corruption that exists in the police force.
The Craic
Colin/Steven Philips
When Fergus and Wesley get in the bad books of a local rough in their home town in Northern Ireland they decide to flee to Australia. After making a new life for themselves in Sydney they soon outstay their visas and must go on the run again, this time from the immigration officials.
A highly cinematic adaptation of John Brumpton’s play about a group of inmates incarcerated in an isolated HIV-positive section of a prison.
Angel Baby
Two schizophrenics meet during therapy and fall in love. Unfortunately they are on a road to nowhere...
Everynight... Everynight
Is an Australian drama film directed by Alkinos Tsilimidos and released in 1994. Based on a play of the same name, written by Ray Mooney, the film details the early life of contract killer Christopher Dale Flannery and is set inside Melbourne's HM Prison Pentridge's maximum security H Division.[1] Filming was undertaken at HM Prison Geelong. Dale, a remandee, is awaiting a court hearing and yet to be sentenced, highlighting the horrific injustice of the repeated beatings he's subjected to. Gradually Dale becomes indifferent to the bashings and horrors of prison life and develops an alternative, subversive way to exist and express his rage. As Dale walks defiantly from the prison in the last scene to be tried, the failure of the correctional system to produce docile, disciplined bodies pulls its last punch. Even if the system has enframed Dale he has maintained his sanity and his voice.
The Big Steal
Danny wants two things in life more than anything else, one is a Jaguar and the other is Joanna Johnson. After he is conned into trading his Nissan Cedric for a 1973 Jaguar, he plots to win Joanna and get revenge against the sleazy car dealer Gordon Farkes.
Camp de Thiaroye
A Senegalese platoon of soldiers from the French Free Army are returned from combat in France and held for a temporary time in a military encampment with barbed wire fences and guard towers in the desert. Among their numbers are Sergeant Diatta, the charismatic leader of the troop who was educated in Paris and has a French wife and child, and Pays, a Senegalese soldier left in a state of shock from the war and concentration camps and who can only speak in guttural screams and grunts.