Gary Wilkins


Green Eyes
Sound Mixer
Nicolas, a photographer in his 20's, very suddenly loses his girlfriend to a car accident she was driving in. Still overcoming the loss, he takes up a sudden and unexpected affair with a girl he barely knows who is addicted to ecstasy. Their relationship slowly comes apart at the seams through sex, drugs, and harping on past mistakes.
South Solitary
Sound Mixer
Meredith is a 35 year-old unmarried woman who arrives at a remote lighthouse island 1928 with her uncle the new head keeper.
Tal Pai Tal Filho
Sound Recordist
Paul Hogan plays Charlie McFarland and Shane Jacobson plays his estranged son, Boots. After a family tragedy Charlie and Boots try and put their differences aside and head off on the road trip of a lifetime - from regional Victoria to the Cape York Peninsula - they overcome many challenges to reach their dream - to fish off the northern most tip of Australia.
The Tender Hook
Sound Recordist
The story is about Iris' rise to the apex of a love/power triangle that includes her roguish English lover, McHeath and Art, an earnest young boxer. Within the flawed moral landscape, each character struggles to establish their sovereignty.
Romulus, Meu Pai
Sound Mixer
The story of Romulus, his beautiful wife, Christina, and their struggle in the face of great adversity to bring up their son, Raimond. It is a story of impossible love that ultimately celebrates the unbreakable bond between father and son.
Anacondas: Em Busca da Orquídea Maldita
Sound Mixer
Um ambicioso grupo de cientistas embarca numa perigosa expedição na selva em busca de uma orquídea rara, uma lendária planta que guarda o segredo da vida eterna e da fortuna. Na esperança que a descoberta impulsione as suas carreiras, os exploradores abrem caminho rio acima, enfrentando perigos como insectos venenosos, crocodilos ferozes e caçadores de cabeças, sem contudo imaginar que lhes está reservada uma ameaça bem maior: um ninho de anacondas gigantes, vorazes carnívoras com mais de quinze metros de comprimento que não vacilam perante nada para defenderem o seu local de criação - precisamente onde se localiza a orquídea maldita.
The Soong Sisters
Sound Mixer
The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.
Street Fighter: A Última Batalha
Sound Recordist
No Sudeste Asiático, um general sequestra 63 delegados da ONU e exige um resgate milionário. O coronel Guile e a agente da Inteligência Britânica Cammy tentam resolver a situação, mas seus planos são ameaçados por uma repórter atrás de vingança.
Over the Hill
Sound Recordist
Alma can't stand to have one more birthday without seeing her estranged daughter, Elizabeth, who lives in Sydney, Australia.
Ground Zero
Sound Recordist
A second generation cameraman in Australia finds evidence that his father had filmed a nuclear test that allowed aboriginies to be exposed to and killed by radiation. He begins a search for a secret that if true, his government has already killed people to keep quiet.
O Ano Que Vivemos em Perigo
Sound Recordist
Australian journalist Guy Hamilton travels to Indonesia to cover civil strife in 1965. There—on the eve of an attempted coup—he befriends a Chinese Australian photographer with a deep connection to and vast knowledge of the Indonesian people, and also falls in love with a British national.
Terror Fatal (Mais Próximo do Terror)
Sound Recordist
Em uma casa de repouso para idosos, uma filha lê o diário da mãe. Esses acontecimentos mencionados no diário, começam a acontecer com a ela.
Herança de um Valente
Sound Recordist
Jim Craig viveu os primeiros 18 anos de sua vida no alto das montanhas, na fazenda de sua família. Agora, depois da morte de seu pai, ele precisa trabalhar, juntar dinheiro para garantir a posse da fazenda e assim se tornar um homem respeitado.
Breaker Morant
Sound Recordist
Durante a Guerra dos Boers, na África do Sul, três tenentes australianos estão sendo julgados por atirar em prisioneiros Boers. Apesar de terem agido sob ordens, eles estão sendo usados como bodes expiatórios pelos ajudantes do General, que espera se livrar dessas práticas irregulares da guerra. O julgamento não transcorre tão bem como esperado pelos ajudantes, isso porque a defesa resolve empreender uma forte luta no tribunal.
Sound Recordist
In this modern-day version of the Rasputin story, David Hemmings plays an up-and-coming senator, Nick Rast, whose young son is terminally ill with leukaemia. A mysterious faith healer, Gregory Wolfe, appears and seems to cure the boy. Rast's wife Sandy falls in love with Wolfe, but the powerful interests behind Rast's career, represented by geriatric monster Doc Wheelan are less happy with events.
Sound Recordist
When teacher Simon arrives in a small, secluded village to take over the local school, he is surprised to discover that his predecessor has disappeared without a trace - and that nobody seems too concerned about it. As Simon probes deeper into the disappearance, the inhabitants of a forbidding estate called "Summerfield" take on more and more significance - until events reach a tragic, shattering and unforeseen climax.