Vitalba Andrea

Vitalba Andrea

Nascimento : 1958-12-01, Catania, Sicily, Italy


Vitalba Andrea
Vitalba Andrea


Le leggi del desiderio
Madre di Matilde
Giovanni is a famous life coach who claims he can make any desire come true. One day he announces a competition in which three people dissatisfied with their lives will win the chance to be followed by him for six months.
Just Married
madre di Salvatore
Nicola, a policeman in Puglia, is a reformed ladies' man with his heart set on marrying the daughter of the Indian ambassador.
Rino Gaetano - Ma il cielo è sempre più blu
Pharmacist's Wife
Em 1941, numa pequena vila localizada na Sicília, um grupo de garotos de 13 anos de idade nutre uma profunda paixão por Malena (Monica Bellucci), a viúva de um soldado local, despertando uma história de amor, perda e coragem.
Pão e Tulipas
Em viagem a Itália, dona de casa é esquecida pela família em restaurante de beira de estrada. De início preocupada, decide realizar seu sonho e conhecer Veneza. Acaba estendendo sua estada por lá.
Le acrobate
A chemical analyst and a supermarket clerk strike up a friendship after they are brought together by the death of an elderly woman.
A Soul Split in Two
Factory Supervisor
Store security guard Pietro spends his days catching shoplifters, his weekends visiting his children who are in custody of his ex-wife, and his nights thinking about new ways to flirt with the store's makeup consultant. His malaise psychosomatically manifests itself in nosebleeds, outbursts of anger, visions, etc. One day, he sees a young Gypsy girl steal something from the store and lets it slide: he can't explain why, but she caught his eye. Pietro and Pabe – that's her name – warily start to hang out, knowing each other more and more, until something begins to blossom in them. Could their shared dream for a new, more compassionate life finally be at their fingertips?
The Stolen Children
Sorella di Antonio
Antonio, a policeman (carabiniere), has an order to take two children (Rosetta and her brother Luciano) from Milan to Sicily to an orphanage. Their mother has been arrested for forcing Rosetta (11 years old) to work as a prostitute. First the relation between Antonio and the children is tough, but it relaxes so they become temporary friends.
Rosa Scalia
Palermo 1936. Um funcionário do governo fascista, Tommaso Scalia, cometeu três assassinatos e se espera que seja condenado a pena capital, mas um juiz é contra a opinião geral, e partidário da prisão perpétua e tentará impedir a condenação de morte.