Blair Brown

Blair Brown

Nascimento : 1946-04-23, Washington, District of Columbia, USA


Blair Brown is an American stage, film and television actress. She was the leading actress in feature films such as "Altered States", "Continental Divide" and "Strapless", and she played the title character in the television comedy-drama "The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd", as well as supporting characters Nina Sharp "Fringe" and Judy King "Orange Is the New Black".


Blair Brown
Blair Brown
Blair Brown
Blair Brown


The Massie Affair
A documentary about an important rape case in 1930 Hawaii
My Art
A 65-year-old single artist living in New York City has a good life: a stable teaching job, successful friends, and a loyal, aging dog named Bing. As her dream of a respectable place in the art world becomes more elusive, her frustration with her lack of recognition feels alarmingly urgent.
O Telepata
Joshua Lazarus (Nick Stahl) é um telepata que cresceu sob proteção da Agência de Segurança Nacional dos Estados Unidos. Ele ajuda o governo, usando suas habilidades especiais. Mas suas preocupações começam quando ele descobre que nem todos são tão confiáveis como ele acreditava. Agora, Lazarus vai ter que unir forças para proteger quem ele ama e viver como uma pessoa livre.
The Buddha
This documentary for PBS by award-winning filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere, tells the story of the Buddha’s life, a journey especially relevant to our own bewildering times of violent change and spiritual confusion. It features the work of some of the world’s greatest artists and sculptors, who across two millennia, have depicted the Buddha’s life in art rich in beauty and complexity. Hear insights into the ancient narrative by contemporary Buddhists, including Pulitzer Prize winning poet W.S. Merwin and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Join the conversation and learn more about meditation, the history of Buddhism, and how to incorporate the Buddha’s teachings on compassion and mindfulness into daily life.
Fúria pela Honra
Liu Xing a brilliant Chinese student, arrives at University and makes the transition into American life with the help of Joanna Silver. Xing joins a cosmology group working to create a model of the origins of the universe. He is obsessed with the study of dark matter and a theory that conflicts with the group's model. When he begins to make breakthroughs of his own, he encounters obstructions.
Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil & The Presidency
Margaret Bayard Smith (voice)
A fascinating account of the presidency of Andrew Jackson, who was both one of America's great presidents and a borderline tyrant. The seventh president shook up the glossy world of Washington, DC with his "common-man" methods and ideals, but also oversaw one of the most controversial events in American history: the forced removal of Indian tribes, including the Cherokees, from their homes.
Test Tube Babies
The world's first successful in-vitro fertilization takes place in Great Britain resulting in a live birth on July 25,1978.
O Amor Pode Dar Certo
Quando Henry Griffin (Dermot Mulroney) descobre que está com câncer terminal, ele decide viver sua vida ao máximo. Ao assistir uma aula de psicologia na Universidade de Nova York ele conhece Sarah Phoenix (Amanda Peet), com quem logo se envolve. Porém Phoenix também está morrendo, o que faz com que ambos percebam que o relacionamento que possuem é a última chance que têm para descobrir o amor.
National Security Advisor
Nunca houve um traidor no serviço secreto dos Estados Unidos... até agora. E as pistas apontam para Pete Garrison (Douglas), um dos agentes de mais confiança do departamento. Agora ele tem que fugir de dois incansáveis agentes federais (Sutherland e Eva Longoria) que estão em seu encalço. Garrison tem que lutar para limpar seu nome e impedir um atentado contra a vida do presidente, antes que seja tarde!
Jeanette Rawley
Quando era garota, Emily (Kyra Sedgwick) não recebeu a atenção que achava que merecia de seus pais, Marty (Kevin Bacon) e Sybil (Marisa Tomei). Assim, quando ficou adulta, resolveu fazer uma "produção independente" e acabou tendo Paul (Dominic Scott Kay), que ela carinhosamente chamava de "Loverboy". Paul não gostava deste apelido, no entanto o que mais o incomodava era a atenção sufocante que Emily tinha com ele, não querendo nem mesmo que o filho fosse para a escola, pois assim passaria algumas horas sem a presença dele.
Dogville Confessions
This film depicts the intense drama that takes place during the making of Dogville. Lars von Trier and Nicole Kidman work through this creative process under very extreme conditions.
David Grubin's probing and perceptive biography reassesses the remarkable and tragic life of Bobby Kennedy, whose early life was spent in the shadow of his elder brother John. After JFK's assassination, he discovered his own identity in the forefront of American politics before his career was also tragically curtailed by an assassin's bullet.
Emma Goldman: An Exceedingly Dangerous Woman
The remarkable life of the immigrant christened "the most dangerous woman in America" is explored in this documentary focusing on noted birth-control advocate and anti-military conscription activist Emma Goldman. A noted Russian-born woman who became the leader of the anarchist movement upon immigrating into the United States, Goldman subsequently earned such nicknames as "Red Emma" and "Queen of the Anarchists" for her outspoken vocal attacks on the government and her staunch opposition to World War I
Dark Shadows
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard
The pilot of a remake of the 60s gothic soap opera for The WB that was never picked up
Mrs. Henson
Anos 30, Dogville, um lugarejo nas Montanhas Rochosas. Grace (Nicole Kidman), uma bela desconhecida, aparece no lugar ao tentar fugir de gângsters. Com o apoio de Tom Edison (Paul Bettany), o auto-designado porta-voz da pequena comunidade, Grace é escondida pela pequena cidade e, em troca, trabalhará para eles. Fica acertado que após duas semanas ocorrerá uma votação para decidir se ela fica. Após este "período de testes" Grace é aprovada por unanimidade, mas quando a procura por ela se intensifica os moradores exigem algo mais em troca do risco de escondê-la. É quando ela descobre de modo duro que nesta cidade a bondade é algo bem relativo, pois Dogville começa a mostrar seus dentes. No entanto Grace carrega um segredo, que pode ser muito perigoso para a cidade.
Young Dr. Freud
This documentary retraces the life of the famous Austrian psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud, from his birth to the publication of his landmark book on dream interpretation. Dr. Freud revolutionary theories spawned the psychoanalytic school of psychology.
Follow the Stars Home
Hannah Parker
Two brothers - one virtuous, one feckless - are in love with the same woman. She falls for Brother Wrong, carrying a torch for him even after he deserts her. But Brother Right remains steadfast and available. What's unusual here is why the bad brother pulls his disappearing act. Mark walks out on wife Dianne after learning that the baby they're expecting has severe genetic abnormalities. Dianne is nonetheless determined to bear her child, with support from her mother and Mark's brother David, a pediatrician whose love for Dianne is unspoken but obvious. How do they cope with the challenges of raising this little girl named Julia?
To be or not to be, etc.
In His Life: The John Lennon Story
Mimi Smith
A film about the early life of the rock musician and his burgeoning career as a member of the Beatles.
Cowboys do Espaço
Dr. Anne Caruthers
Um piloto da Força Aérea Americana aposentado (Clint Eastwood), que chegou a trabalhar na NASA durante certo período de sua carreira, é chamado às pressas para consertar no espaço um antigo satélite que está com problemas em seu funcionamento. Ele é a única pessoa com a experiência necessária para realizar esta missão, mas para aceitá-la impõe apenas uma condição: que possa levar consigo três amigos como parte da tripulação.
Enigma do Espaço
Shelly McLaren
Johnny Depp e Charlize Theron estrelam este thriller como o corajoso astronauta Spencer Armacost e sua bela esposa Jillian - um casal aparentemente perfeito cujas vidas são momentaneamente despedaçadas quando a missão de Spencer misteriosamente perde contato com a Terra por apenas 2 minutos. Mas nem ele, nem Jillian sabem que aqueles parcos 120 segundos de terror no espaço irão defeinitivamente, ameaçar a sanidade, o futuro e a vida do casal neste thriller psicológico e de suspense crescente, ao qual a crítica chama de "Pesadelo Assustador".
Zalinda Dorcheus
It has been nine years since Bancroft's character shot Brown's son. She goes to the prison to vent her rage at him over what he did, and discovers he's not the monster she thought he was.
A Season in Purgatory
Grace Bradley
True story about a kid from rich family with political ties who covers up a suspicious death of a young woman. This comes back to haunt him later.
Vítimas da Mentira
Joan 'Joanie' McGrath
Uma prostituta de luxo cuja vida muda após um encontro com um inesperado cliente.
Nobody's Girls: Five Women of the West
Real stories of five women of the Old West....
Moment of Truth: To Walk Again
Carol Keating
A marine is paralyzed after being shot during a training exercise, leaving his parents to fight to get him proper medical care.
The Day My Parents Ran Away
Judy Miller
An irresponsible teen examines his life after his fed-up parents leave him to fend for himself.
Rio Shannon
Elizabeth Cleary
A widow and her family face new challenges when they relocate to a run-down guest ranch in New Mexico.
Majority Rule
Gen. Katherine Taylor
A war heroine returns to the US to run for president and ends up facing enemies worse than those in the battle: corruption and the dangerous game of power.
Este Velório é uma Parada
Amy Scanlan
A morte repentina de Jack Scanlan provoca uma reviravolta na família, que deseja oferecer ao patriarca um funeral apropriado. O filho mais velho tenta liderar o grupo, mas percebe que a tarefa é muito mais difícil do que parece.
Those Secrets
Nellie Banesh
A wife and mother drifts back to her life as a call girl.
The Good Policeman
Rebecca Karp
Isaac Seidel is a highly unconventional New York police-commissioner. He is well-abled in dealing with trouble at the headquarter, the maffia and situations in the streets. His loyalty to his profession and the city he so loves make him do the utmost to solve the problems, even if it means he has to bend the rules.
Extreme Close-Up
Margaret Toll
Innovative drama mixing film and video, with a teenager obsessed with watching his late mother, killed in an auto accident, on tapes he recorded of their daily lives. The mother is seen in extreme close-up only on tape.
Dr. Lillian Hempel
An expatriate American doctor in London allows herself to lighten up when her freewheeling younger sister and a mysterious man enter her life. Her inhibitions released, the beautiful doctor learns that freedom has its own price.
Memórias Secretas
Ginny Wyatt
Mark é um jogador de beisebol que retorna para a casa onde cresceu e descobre que sua primeira namorada cometeu suicídio.
Diane Benton
A New York cop becomes obsessed with finding his wife's rapist.
The Bad Seed
Christine Penmark
Rachel is a 9-year-old girl who is perfection itself - unless she's crossed or challenged. Several disturbing recent incidents have led Rachel's mother Christine to suspect that her child is a latent murderess. Upon discovering that she herself is the daughter of a convicted killer, Christine becomes convinced that sweet little Rachel is a "bad seed" - an inherent killer who feels no remorse because she doesn't know any better.
A Flash of Green
Kat Hubble
A reporter at a local Florida newspaper is torn between his friendship with a corrupt real estate developer and his love for an activist opposing the developer's latest project.
American Playhouse: The Skin of Our Teeth
Production of Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer-winning play "The Skin of Our Teeth."
Brincou com Fogo... Acabou Fisgado!
Nell Porter
Repórter do Chigago Sunday Times, Ernie Souchak (John Belushi) é um especialista em cobrir escândalos políticos. Ele precisa se afastar de Chigago por ter feito certas denúncias e, assim, ruma para o Colorado. Ele vai ao refúgio ecológico de uma ornitologista, Nell Porter (Blair Brown), para entrevistá-la. Eles se apaixonam, mas Souchak retorna para Chigago e se convence de que uma das suas fontes foi assassinada.
Viagens Alucinantes
Emily Jessup
Respeitado cientista e professor de psicologia Edward Jessup decide combinar suas experiências em tanques de privação sensorial, com poderosas drogas alucinógenas, convencido de que isto poderá ajudar a desbloquear diferentes estados de consciência. As experiências são um sucesso no início, mas quando Jessup continua seu trabalho começa a experimentar alteração do estado mental e também físico.
One Trick Pony
An aging rock star trying to put together a new album in the face of an indifferent record label and a talentless producer. At the same time, he's struggling to save his failing marriage.
Os Pais, Os Filhos (O Rapto)
Jan Rodman
A young mother battles to get her children back after her ex-husband kidnaps them and the law won't help her in her efforts.
And I Alone Survived
Lauren Elder
Based on a true story, this tells the story of a young woman who is the only survivor of a plane crash in the Sierra Nevada mountains, and her struggle to get to safety despite her injuries, below-freezing temperatures and rough, and at times impassable, terrain.
Garotos do Coro
Kimberly Lyles
A group of Los Angeles cops decide to take off some of the pressures of their jobs by engaging in various forms of after-hours debauchery.
The Quinns
Millicent Priestley
A drama about three generations of Irish-American firefighters in the New York City Fire Department, and their careers, romances, and growing pains. This pilot film was not picked up to series.
The 3,000 Mile Chase
Rachel Kane
Secret courier Matt Considine accepts the mission to escort chief witness Dvorak and his wife from San Francisco to a trial in New York. They have to cover 3,000 dangerous miles, because the drug mob wants to kill them at any price.
Charlie Cobb: Nice Night for a Hanging
A California rancher hires a private detective to deliver the rancher's long-lost daughter to him. However, several people, including the rancher's new wife, his foreman and a crooked sheriff, don't want the girl--who would inherit the rancher's large spread if he died--to make it to the ranch alive.
Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years
Anna Roosevelt
The story of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt during their 12-year stay at the White House.
The School for Scandal
Lady Teazle
London society matron Lady Sneerwell loves to gossip and spends her free time engaged in manipulation. When she selfishly derails the romance of Charles Surface, her scheming unexpectedly creates a ripple effect among her well-to-do acquaintances.
The Paper Chase
Miss Farranti
A first-year law student struggles with balancing his coursework and his relationship with the daughter of a stern professor.
This 1973 Canadian TV movie adaptation of DRACULA played on CBC's Purple Playhouse program. Norman Welsh plays the vampire count that resembles Stoker's original vision for the character.