Bettina Brokemper

Nascimento : , Cologne, North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


The Devil's Bath
18th century Austria. Villages surrounded by deep forests. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one and candidly prepares herself for a spouse life. Soon after, her head and heart start to feel heavy. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts. Maybe not just thoughts…
Ingeborg Bachmann – Journey into the Desert
It tells the story of the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann and her life in Berlin, Zurich and Rome, her relationship with Frisch, her trip to Egypt and her radical texts and readings.
Até o Cair da Noite
The undercover investigator Robert is supposed to win the trust of a criminal through a fictitious relationship with Leni. However, the feelings are not just a game. It is the spied criminal, of all people, who makes him confront his contradictory feelings…
The Sitting Duck
La syndicaliste is the true story of Maureen Kearney, the head union representative of a French multinational nuclear powerhouse. She became a whistleblower, denouncing top-secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector. Alone against the world, she fought government ministers and industry leaders, tooth and nail to bring the scandal to light and to defend more than 50,000 jobs.. Her life was turned upside down when she was violently assaulted in her own home... The investigation is carried out under pressure: the subject is sensitive. Suddenly, new elements create doubt in the minds of the investigators. At first a victim, Maureen becomes a suspect.
Martha and Betty have known each other for twenty years and they have decided to breakthrough. But while Martha realizes that her father has only faked his death wish in order to see the great love of his life again on Lake Maggiore, Betty mourns her stepfather Ernesto, who supposedly died years ago.
Germany. A Winter's Tale
Becky, Tommi and Maik form a right-wing terror cell that lives in the underground and is dreaming of country-wide attention. Entangled in a complex relationship of love, hate and friendship, they follow a path of destruction that leads to a series of violent crime. Their alleged values such as honor, pride and loyalty decline due to their increasing disorientation.
A Casa Que Jack Construiu
Um dia, durante um encontro fortuito na estrada, o arquiteto Jack mata uma mulher. Este evento provoca um prazer inesperado no personagem, que passa a assassinar dezenas de pessoas ao longo de doze anos. Devido ao descaso das autoridades e à indiferença dos habitantes locais, o criminoso não encontra dificuldade em planejar seus crimes, executá-los ao olhar de todos e guardar os cadáveres num grande frigorífico. Tempos mais tarde, ele compartilha os seus casos mais marcantes com o sábio Virgílio numa jornada rumo ao inferno.
Unser Kind
Katharina became a mother after an artificial insemination when she died in a traffic accident. Although her wife Ellen is the guardian of little Franz, she has custody - unlike in heterosexual marriages - without adoption but not. And not only the biological father of the child, also the parents of the deceased Katharina make claims.
O Príncipe Feliz
Associate Producer
Icônico autor, Oscar Wilde passou por momentos difíceis. Casado com Constance, o dramaturgo vai parar atrás das grades após se envolver com outro homem. Tempos depois, ele é solto e inicia uma viagem pela Europa, local que será palco de seus três últimos anos de vida.
Nosso Ex-Marido
Em Nova York, a aspirante a designer Jade, de 40 anos, se vê numa difícil situação quando o marido Nick a dispensa por uma mulher mais jovem. Arrasada, ela ainda precisa conviver com a outra ex-mulher dele, Maria, que vai morar com ela, já que tem direito a metade do luxuoso apartamento do ex-casal.
After losing his job as a marketing officer, Walter, a workaholic in his forties, finds himself in an existential crisis and takes on the identity of another man.
The Lies of the Victors
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
Set in post-colonial India, Qissa tells the story of Umber Singh, a Sikh who is forced to flee his village due to ethnic cleansing at the time of partition in 1947. Umber decides to fight fate and builds a new home for his family. When Umber marries his youngest child Kanwar to Neeli, a girl of lower caste, the family is faced with the truth of their identities; as individual ambitions and destinies collide in a struggle with eternity.
Dragon Girls
The documentary film Dragon Girls tells the story of three young Chinese girls training to become Kung Fu fighters, far away from their families, at the largest Kung Fu school in China. These girls, in a crowd of 26,000 children, are under constant pressure to conform to the norms and structures. They are turned into fighting robots and yet, if you look behind the curtain, you see children with dreams and aspirations. It show the controversial world of selection of the fittest in a totalitarian system.
Hannah Arendt
A filósofa Hannah Arendt e o marido fogem de campo de concentração nazista e se refugiam na América. Anos mais tarde, ela é convidada para cobrir o julgamento de Adolf Eichmann e escreve reportagens sobre o envolvimento de alemães e judeus na guerra.
The City Below
A man and a woman at an art exhibition share a fleeting moment of attraction, which neither can act upon. Days later, a chance second meeting leads to an innocent coffee and the two strangers – both married - toy with their unexplainable fascination for each other. Svenja is curious and finds herself in a hotel room with Roland, but she does not consummate an affair. A powerful executive at the large bank where Svenja's husband works, Roland is used to getting what he wants. He manipulates the transfer of her husband to Indonesia to replace a recently murdered bank manager. Unaware of Roland’s actions, Svenja now ceases to resist...
Os Cavaleiros do Rei
Tiuri é quase um cavaleiro. Ele só tem de passar em um teste e ele vai ser condecorado. Ele só tem de dormir uma noite na capela, sem falar e sem abrir a porta. Então, alguém bate à porta da capela e pede ajuda. Arriscando seu título, Tiuri abre a porta e ajuda o indivíduo. Tiuri tem que entregar uma carta a um cavaleiro na floresta, que contém uma mensagem importante para um rei aliado. Quando Tiuri encontra o cavaleiro, o cavaleiro é mortalmente ferido e pede Tiuri para entregar a carta. Tiuri hesita, mas aceita a missão. A aventura começa …. Tiuri conseguirá entregar a carta na hora? Qual o conteúdo da carta?
Salma é uma viúva palestina e ganha a vida com os limoeiros que tem no quintal. Quando menos espera o ministro da defesa de Israel se torna seu vizinho, e os agentes que fazem sua segurança declaram que os limoeiros são um perigo pois dificultam sua patrulha. A Força de Segurança ordena que os limoeiros sejam cortados, mas Salma leva o caso à Suprema Corte israelense.
Teacher Anne and policeman Georg are thought of as the perfect couple. However, appearances are deceptive: one of them is covered with scars and bruises. But which one is the abuser?
Sweet Mud
Set in mid-70's, 12-year old Dvir Avni navigates between the equality values of his home-born Kibbutz and the relationship with his undermined mother, whom the Kibbutz members will to denounce.
I Am Guilty
Armin Steeb is adrift: just finished with school, living with his middle-class parents, clueless about finding work. He tries connecting with a girl, he engages in risky sex with strangers in public toilets, he goes to job interviews. He also sends an anonymous letter to a local Munich newspaper, claiming responsibility for a fatal road accident. He fitfully pursues notoriety as he goes through life nearly without affect. What will it take to get Armin to smile?
Anos 30, Dogville, um lugarejo nas Montanhas Rochosas. Grace (Nicole Kidman), uma bela desconhecida, aparece no lugar ao tentar fugir de gângsters. Com o apoio de Tom Edison (Paul Bettany), o auto-designado porta-voz da pequena comunidade, Grace é escondida pela pequena cidade e, em troca, trabalhará para eles. Fica acertado que após duas semanas ocorrerá uma votação para decidir se ela fica. Após este "período de testes" Grace é aprovada por unanimidade, mas quando a procura por ela se intensifica os moradores exigem algo mais em troca do risco de escondê-la. É quando ela descobre de modo duro que nesta cidade a bondade é algo bem relativo, pois Dogville começa a mostrar seus dentes. No entanto Grace carrega um segredo, que pode ser muito perigoso para a cidade.