Franky, Shazza, Dazza, Kev and Vanessa are the Housos of the Housing Commission. Lifelong unemployed bludgers they are entirely reliant on government pensions to support their way of life. That way of life entails stealing, bashing, bonging, drinking and rooting each other and whoever they meet down the block - the very worst park of the very worst suburb in Australia - Sunnyvale.
Franky and his best mate Dazza travel in a drug-laden campervan from the western outskirts of Sydney to Uluru so that Dazza's foul-mouthed girlfriend, Shazza, can be reunited with the dying mother she hasn't seen since she was three.
História de dois gangsters jamaicanos, Biggs e Wayne, que querem subir na vida como criminosos. Eles vão de Kingston até Miami em uma longa jornada de violência, extorsão e tráfico de drogas, até dominarem o submundo do crime.