Penny Southgate


Seriously Red
Production Design
Raylene 'Red' Delaney trades her nine to five career in real estate for a life under the spotlight as a Dolly Parton impersonator. A romantic liaison with Kenny Rogers then occurs while her tumultuous journey continues full of fake hair and artificial boobs.
O Recuo das Ondas
Production Design
Um fotojornalista, de luto pela perda de seu filho natimorto, é atraído para uma relação obsessiva com uma adolescente grávida.
Pelo Rio Abaixo
Production Design
James has served time for drowning a little boy when he was a child, although the body was never found in the river. A visit from his victim's mother upon parole sends him on a quest to find the truth. With little time and danger at every turn, James risks his freedom and his life to uncover the trail of sins that might give closure to the grieving mother.
O Segredo do Lago Mungo
Production Design
Alice Palmer morre acidentalmente num lago local. Depois do corpo ser reconhecido, os pais e o irmão começam a presenciar manifestações sobrenaturais em casa ou nas suas imediações. Começam a surgir várias fotografias e vídeos onde pode-se ver a silhueta da jovem. É iniciada então toda uma investigação paranormal que não só vai abalar a comunidade como vai desvendar o verdadeiro segredo por trás da morte de Alice.
Take Away
Production Design
Tony Stilano and Trev Spackneys both own, live over and work in adjoining take-away fish shops in Melbourne. Although they have fallen into a habitual rivalry based on a cause long forgotten, the pair unite when the multinational fast-food outlet "Burgies" unveils a new store directly opposite the twin fish & chips shops.
Production Design
When dwindling membership and increasing overheads makes a local bowling club a prime candidate for a takeover, it's all hands on deck to save the club, in what turns into an epic battle where young meets old, greed meets good and people rise to the occasion in extraordinary circumstances.
The Craic
Production Design
When Fergus and Wesley get in the bad books of a local rough in their home town in Northern Ireland they decide to flee to Australia. After making a new life for themselves in Sydney they soon outstay their visas and must go on the run again, this time from the immigration officials.