Leslie Binns


Production Design
Viktor Kahdem is a man who has almost given up on life, sentenced to a low-security prison farm, a completely non-threatening environment where it is still felt that some individuals can be reformed. At Won Wron, Case Worker Matt Perry has established a unique program to rehabilitate broken men through giving them the responsibility for the rehabilitation of injured raptors - beautiful, fearsome proud eagles, falcons and owls. Against all odds, Matt takes on Viktor as his number one test case, introducing him to Yasmine, the majestic wedge tailed eagle with a 2 metre wingspan. If these two can tame each other, anything is possible.
O Frio do Universo
Production Design
Quando um eclipse solar manda uma enorme onda de frio para a Terra, da inicio a uma catastrófica série de eventos que pode reiniciar a era do gelo.
Sozinho em Casa 4
Production Design
Neste Natal, Kevin encontra-se em apuros de novo, tal como Marv e o seu cúmplice que tentam roubar a casa de Natalie! Kevin terá à disposição engenhocas mais modernas e truques mais engraçados para travar o crime, o que poderá “congelar” os dois bandidos para sempre. E, já agora, pode aproveitar para manter os pais juntos, nesta bem-disposta e hilariante comédia que toda a família irá adorar!
Raízes no Surf
Production Design
Sydney Miller e seu pai visitam sua terra natal: uma ilha no Havaí. Lá ela descobre que herdou grande parte da terra da ilha, antes considerada "Domínio Público", e que uma cadeia hoteleira pretende comprar essa área e proibir que surfistas a usem. Conforme Sydney fica sabendo mais sobre sua mãe e sobre seu passado, ela estreita seu relacionamento com seu pai, conhece pessoas diferentes, faz amigos, aprende a surfar e encontra sua força interior através desse esporte. Ela precisa, então, decidir se venderá a terra ou não.
An Unfinished Affair
Production Design
When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.
Fúria Indomável
Production Design
Depois de alguns anos tentando ganhar dinheiro para se casar com Jessica Harrison (Sigrid Thornton), Jim Craig (Tom Burlinson) retorna a Snowy River. Mas ele acha que muitas coisas mudaram.
Cool Change
Production Design
Park ranger Steve Mitchell is torn between Lee, a beautiful sly political aide from Melbourne who supports the government's decision to turn the local grazing areas into a national park, and his old flame Joanna, a rancher who opposes it.
Herança de um Valente
Art Direction
Jim Craig viveu os primeiros 18 anos de sua vida no alto das montanhas, na fazenda de sua família. Agora, depois da morte de seu pai, ele precisa trabalhar, juntar dinheiro para garantir a posse da fazenda e assim se tornar um homem respeitado.
Art Direction
Um paciente hospitalizado em coma assedia e mata usando seus poderes de telecinese.
The Mango Tree
Production Design
Jamie is a young man growing up in the small Australian town of Bundaberg during the early 1940s. Jamie loves his tranquil life, surrounded by the friendly locals, and being brought up by his warm caring grandmother. But when a local preacher goes nutty, all hell breaks loose for the community, and Jamie leaves Bundaberg for the city.
Alvin Purple
Production Designer
Alvin is your average guy, except for the fact women find him irresistible and chase him everywhere. He tries to avoid them and get psychiatric help but gets used by the psychiatrists as a gigolo to treat other patients instead.
Art Direction
Stork is a gangly young man, a virgin with an overactive imagination who thinks he’s a revolutionary. Bored with a design job at General Motors Holden in Melbourne, he drops out and moves into a share house with his mate Westy. He daydreams his way through life, bungling job interviews, upsetting ‘respectable’ people, and getting drunk. The only girl in the house, Anna resists Stork’s advances, because she’s already involved with the other two resident males, Tony and Clyde. But when she becomes pregnant and Clyde and Anna decide to marry, Stork, Tony, Clyde and Westy are shocked when they realize that either one of the foursome could be the father. Then the fun begins....