Mika Doi

Mika Doi

Nascimento : 1956-08-04, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan


Mika Doi, born on August 4, 1956, is a veteran voice actress, actress and narrator who was born in Sendai. She is affiliated with Mouvement.


Mika Doi


One Piece: Red
Koby (voice)
Uta — o cantor mais amado do mundo. Sua voz, com a qual ela canta enquanto esconde sua verdadeira identidade, foi descrita como “de outro mundo”. Ela aparecerá em público pela primeira vez em um show ao vivo. À medida que o local se enche de todos os tipos de fãs de Uta – piratas animados, a Marinha assistindo de perto e os Chapéus de Palha liderados por Luffy que simplesmente vieram curtir sua performance sonora – a voz que o mundo inteiro estava esperando está prestes a ressoar.
One Piece: Stampede
Koby (voice)
O Pirates Festival é a maior exposição do mundo de piratas, feito por piratas para os piratas. Luffy e o resto da tripulação Straw Hat recebem um convite por parte do seu anfitrião, Buena Festa, o qual é conhecido como o Mestre de Festividades. Ao chegarem, eles encontram um local repleto de glamorosos pavilhões e muitos piratas, incluindo os que compõem a Worst Generation. O local está eléctrico.
Mushishi Zoku Shou: Suzu no Shizuku
Narrator (voice)
Adaptação do arco final do mangá. Ginko se depara com uma menina em uma montanha com galhos e folhas que crescem fora de seu corpo. A história é sobre essa menina, Kaya, e como ela está dividida entre continuar seu dever ou retornar para sua família.
Mushi-Shi: Path of Thorns
A young Ginko sees the light illuminating the natural order and his own place in the world. He is forced to move due to his condition of attracting mushi.
One Piece: Z
Comparável às Armas Antigas, o trunfo dos fuzileiros navais, as “Pedras Dyna”, de repente foram roubadas por um homem terrivelmente poderoso, o ex- Almirante “Z”! Após uma curta e devastadora batalha contra o almirante Kizaru, “Z” fica gravemente ferido e é encontrado no mar pelo bando dos Chapéus de Palha, porém decide acabar com eles após saber que são piratas. A sede da Marinha finalmente se move para lidar com a conspiração que ameaça abalar os pilares do Novo Mundo.
Halo: Lendas
Mama (segment "Odd One Out")
O universo da série de videogames Halo é expandido em sete curtas-metragens dos maiores diretores e estúdios de anime do Japão.
One Piece: Mundo Forte
Xiao's mother (voice)
O East Blue está em crise? A notícia atinge os Chapéus de Palha ao longo de sua jornada. Com suas cidades natais enfrentando momentos difíceis, Luffy e seus amigos colocam suas aventuras em espera e decidem voltar para o East Blue, quando de repente um misterioso navio pirata aparece voando no céu. O homem que dirigi o navio não é outro senão o usuário de Akuma no Mi, Shiki “O Leão Dourado”, o mesmo lendário pirata que conseguiu escapar da grande prisão submarina Impel Down, e ficou entre os mais infames piratas como o “Rei dos piratas” Gol D. Roger e Barba Branca. Depois de sequestrar Nami por suas habilidades de navegação intuitivas, Shiki envia Luffy e sua tripulação hurdling para baixo a suas próprias ilhas flutuantes pessoais. Separando, a tripulação encontram-se então colocados em uma batalha de sobrevivência com feras terríveis em ambientes misteriosos.
Precure All Stars Movie DX: Everyone Is a Friend - A Miracle All Precures Together
Saori Hyuuga
Love, Miki and Inori are on their way to a dance contest, but get lost on their way to Minato Mirai. Still looking for their way, they are attacked by a monster. When the three Fresh Precure girls start to fight it, other Precures show up to support them. They all have to combine their powers to win against this mighty enemy.
Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! Movie: Happy Birthday in the Land of Sweets
Queen Dessert
It's Nozomi's birthday, but it is disturbed by Bunbee chasing after a girl from another world, Chocola. When Pretty Cure rescue her, she thanks them by taking them to her country, Dessert Kingdom. In this cockaigne with rivers of juice and candy growing on trees, they feel very comfortable. But then they meet the evil Mushiban and his two subordinates Dry and Bitter. They want to take over the kingdom and change Pretty Cure into sweets. In order to save not only Nozomi's Birthday but also the whole Dessert Kingdom, Pretty Cure have to fight their way against Dry and Bitter and also against their own friend: Coco, who is being brainwashed by Mushiban.
Kiddy Grade III: Truth Dawn
The story takes place in a future where the human race has expanded and inhabits a multitude of planets in the universe with fantastic technology. Unsurprisingly, crime has grown alongside technology, and thus the GOTT, Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs, is formed as a sort of universal police force. Within this organization, there is a special (and secret) branch known as the ES Force (ES standing for "Encounter of Shadow-work"), consisting of twelve young people that possess amazing superpowers. Each ES member operates with another as a team, and the series' focus is a team of two low-level members, Éclair and Lumière. As the series progresses, they start to see the darker side of GOTT and its secrets.
Kiddy Grade II: Maelstrom
The story takes place in a future where the human race has expanded and inhabits a multitude of planets in the universe with fantastic technology. Unsurprisingly, crime has grown alongside technology, and thus the GOTT, Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs, is formed as a sort of universal police force. Within this organization, there is a special (and secret) branch known as the ES Force (ES standing for "Encounter of Shadow-work"), consisting of twelve young people that possess amazing superpowers. Each ES member operates with another as a team, and the series' focus is a team of two low-level members, Éclair and Lumière. As the series progresses, they start to see the darker side of GOTT and its secrets.
Futari wa Precure Splash☆Star Tic-Tac Crisis Hanging by a Thin Thread!
Saori Hyuuga
In the middle of a karaoke contest, Saki and Mai find that time has suddenly stopped. Following some spirits, they wind up in the Land of Clocks where they find Sirloin, a warrior from Dark Fall who is keeping the Infinite Clock hostage. Naturally, Pretty Cure won't stand for this, and they begin to battle. But can they stop fighting with each other first?
Tomorrow I'll be Lively ~Half Sweet Potato~
The story is about a 5-year-old girl who lived in just after World War II when people were struggle for living.
O Rei do Futebol Dos Sonhos
Coby (voice)
At a huge pillar stadium, the Grand Line Cup Final is being held. The "Straw Hat Pirate Team"(Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper) are having a tie breaker shoot out against the "Villian All Star Team"(Buggy, Bon Clay, Jango, Hatchan, and a soccer like head player named Odacchi). Everyone of them gets a turn in kicking the ball to the goal. While Coby is taking the goalie position, and isn't doing too good in blocking the goal. One after another, the game eventually comes to a sudden death match. Which team will win the Grand Line Cup?
Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection
Kenshin and Kaoru are married. Kenshin leaves Kaoru with their son, Kenji, to lead a revolution in China. But both of them suffer from a seemingly incurable disease. 15 years later, Kenshin tries to return home to his wife before she dies of grief. Flashbacks of Kenshin's previous encounters with friends and foes occur while Kenshin struggles to make it back home.
Evangelion: Death (True)²
Naoko Akagi (voice)
Um filme altamente experimental que apresenta uma história fora de ordem cronológica que ocorre 15 anos após uma catástrofe quase apocalíptica, sobre quatro jovens traumatizados de 14 anos que são encarregados de pilotar armas maciças humanóides chamadas de Evangelion, os adultos psicologicamente desajustados que os manipulam e comandam e os eventos e forças que os afetam ou dos quais eles participam enquanto enfrentam invasores hostis em massa conhecidos como "Anjos".
Renascimento do Evangelho
Naoko Akagi (voice)
Renascimento do Evangelho foi o terceiro filme de "Evangelho Nova Génese" a ser lançado no Japão. Renascimento é finalmente a "visão final" de GAINAX e Anno Hideaki. Ele combina partes dos dois primeiros filmes, "Evangelho Nova Génese: Morte e Ressurreição" e "O Fim do Evangelho", numa longa produção.
Minky Momo: Station of Your Memories
Woman (voice)
Magical Princess Minky Momo is waiting for a train to take her to her final destination when she encounters an old man who is waiting for a reunion. When she discovers he has left his passport behind in the station, she embarks on the train to try to find him -- in the process running into her previous self.
Gigi e a Fonte da Juventude
A princesa Gigi, que veio de um planeta bem distante da Terra, é adotada por um casal de médicos, mas um acidente de avião faz com que os dois desapareçam num montanha isolada. Gigi tem certeza que seus pais estão vivos e com a ajuda de seus amiguinhos parte numa missão de resgate. Na montanha, Gigi descobre um estranho país onde todos os habitantes são crianças e onde o príncipe Peter tem que manter sempre guardada e protegida do Rei do Mal, a fonte da juventude, que mantém as pessoas sempre felizes e esconde um grande segredo.
Crying Freeman 5: Abduction in Chinatown
Wonshaku (voice)
In L.A.'s Chinatown, the crime cartel known as K.O. hatches a plot to bring down Ron Tayan and the 108 Dragons. Ron joins forces with the computer-savvy daughter of the local boss; she tracks the attacking gang via electronics, Ron goes to their stronghold via plane. They are kidnapers of young children, using ransom money to fuel their other activities. The troops are ex-Green Berets; the leaders are Larry Park, an expatriate Yank, and Nina Heaven, a killer with a soft spot in her heart for Ron. He's her captive, but she wants him to be her partner. Meanwhile, Fu, armed with her Muramasa sword, and Dark Eyes arrive on the island surreptitiously. The battle lines are drawn.
Calico Cat Holmes and the Lord of the Haunted Castle
Yukari Yasaka (voice)
Based on Akagawa Jirou's popular book series about hapless detective Katayama Yoshitaro who lives with his sister Harumi and their cat Holmes, which has a sixth sense when it comes to solve mysteries. In this stand alone OVA the aftershow party of Harumi's acting troupe becomes the showplace of murder and tragedy. Luckily Yoshitaro brought Holmes along.
Seikima II - Humane Society
Rosa (Voice)
Seikima II was a real-life Japanese death-metal band. Full of kabuki makeup, songs about rape, murder, and satanic destruction, and a public persona of devilish evil. The OVA purports to tell the backstory of the band, which, according to its publicity, was composed of actual demons (akuma) from the parallel dimension Makai. In the OVA, five vicious demons (the five band members), led by Demon Kogure (the lead singer), are plotting the destruction of humanity. The only effective opposition comes from the saintly Rosa, who is actually the reformed war goddess Freyja in disguise. The demons attempt to activate their ultimate weapon, the Tower of Babel, before Rosa can complete her counter weapon, the Tower of Cain. The demons triumph and are on the verge on destroying the world when their leader suddenly decides that they should, instead, form a rock-and-roll band in order to convert people everywhere into demon worshipers.
Mermaid Forest
Towa Kannagi
Existe uma lenda no japão que diz que aquele que ingerir carne de sereia pode ganhar o poder da vida eterna. O filme conta a história de Yuhta e Mana, dois adolescentes imortais, e sua experiência com uma família que quer alcançar a imortalidade a todo custo.
Devil Hunter Yohko
Yohko Mano is introduced. Yohko goes about her daily life; day dreaming about a cute guy named Hideki. Yohko learns that her family has a long history of being devil hunters. But this time the demons decide to take out the next devil hunter before she can fight back. After a failed attempt to take Yohko's virginity (so that she can't become a devil hunter), the demons decide to use Hideki as bait. Yohko must become the 108th devil hunter and rescue the man of her dreams. The English-dubbed "Special Edition" of this episode restores approximately 30 seconds of assorted footage that was cut from the final Japanese print of the film.
Makkuro na Obentô
The true story a young boy who left for his job with a lunch box his mother prepared for him the day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Satsujin Kippu wa Heart-iro
Misako Totsugawa (voice)
Seiko, enquanto suspensa da escola, vai para Nagasaki, onde se encontra envolvida em um misterioso assassinato.
Dog Soldier: Shadows of the Past
Catherine Magley
When an American scientist carrying a cure for the AIDS virus is kidnapped by an arms merchant, John Kyosuke is forced back from retirement. He accepts the challenge to regain pocession of the anti-serum. He finds out that some of the people he is after are closely related, which gives his conquest a whole new meaning.
Megazone 23 III
Muller (voice)
Anos após os eventos da Megazone 23 II, a única cidade da Terra é Éden, que supostamente é um lugar idílico. Ali vive Eiji Takanaka, um hacker de nível B que acaba de ser aceito no EX, a organização que controla Éden. No entanto, antes do seu primeiro dia de trabalho, ele envolve-se numa guerra de redes, uma figura lendária chamada EVE e um plano para re-habitar a Terra.
Angel Cop
Angel (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
Cinderella Express
Everyday salary man Shimano Yuji meets and beds a pretty young girl at his bachelor party. Meeting her again at his wedding, he realizes that he has just began an affair with his sister-in-law.
O Serviço de Entregas da Kiki
Ketto's Mother (voice)
Kiki é uma jovem bruxa que acabou de completar 13 anos. Segundo a tradição, quando atingem essa idade, todas as bruxas devem sair de casa por um ano para aprender a viver por conta própria. Ela se muda para a cidade de Korico, junto com Jiji, seu gato falante. Lá ela aprende a seguir em frente com sua vida, apesar de todas as dificuldades que possam surgir.
The Tokyo Project
Professor's Wife (voice)
Akira, Junpei, Keiko and Kumiko are members of the Rutz Detective Agency, and are always ready for a good case. When a mysterious murder places a top secret floppy disk in the hands of Junpei, the gang suddenly has a conspiracy on their hands of grandiose proportions. Not only have they made an enemy of politicians and shady characters, but also the munitions manufacturer company Yotsuboshi itself! With murder attempts, rampaging machinery and kidnappers to handle, the group must race against the clock to foil the evil scheme before it's too late!
Fleia Mautholos (voice)
Num mundo pós-guerra, a história se passa na cidade sobrevivente Olympus, governada pelo supercomputador Gaia e os Sete Anciões. Metade da população da cidade é Biodroid, clones geneticamente modificados para proteger e servir os humanos, estabilizando a sociedade. A protagonista, Deunan Knute, é integrante de um time especial, a ESWAT, junto com Briareos, um Cyborg.
Aura Battle Dunbine: The Tale of Neo Byston Well
Taking place 700 years after the Dunbine TV Series, "The Tale of Neo Byston Well" revolves around Shion Zaba, the reincarnation of series protagonist Sho Zama. Together with Silkie Mau, Reml Jilfried (the reincarnation of Remile Luft), and the Aura Battler Silbine, Shion must stop a twisted Shot Weapon from launching a custom-made nuclear ICBM missile that's poised to wipe out the realm.
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012
Misa Hayase
Flash Back 2012 is Minmay's farewell concert. Featuring some of her best songs, the music is performed over various scenes and events taken from the first Macross television series as well as Macross: Do You Remember Love film. Also included is a newly animated closing sequence showing the launch of Misa's colony vessel, the Megaroad-01, into space.
Hana no Asuka-gumi! Shin Kabukichō Story
Based on the popular girl's manga Hana no Asukagumi! (The Glorious Asuka Gang!) by Takaguchi Satosumi.
Investigador Colegial Hikaruon
Adzumi Hadzuki (voice)
Hikaruon é um anime inspirado em Tokusatsu. Com as séries Uchuu Keiji (Policiais do Espaço) fazendo sucesso na década de 1980, este anime foi criado para homenagear os Metal Heroes (Gaban, Sharivan, Shaider, Jaspion e Spielvan). O herói luta contra a organização Urael juntamente com sua parceira Adzumi Hakuzi. Seu alter ego Hikaru se disfarça de estudante para investigar os misteriosos acontecimentos em uma escola de Tóquio. O jovem presencia a aparição de seres diabólicos e misteriosos no campus. Agora Hikaru combate os seres malignos transformando-se em Hikaruon, um herói com armadura metálica.
Momo (voice)
In the midst of a violent invasion of Earth by unknown alien forces, photo-journalist Wakatsuki Tetsuya comes across a scantily-clad alien woman, cutting a swath of death through the Terran ranks with her sword. After a chaotic struggle, Tetsuya is knocked unconscious, only to awaken aboard her starship. To his surprise, she turns out to be Kahm, the invaders' princess - and she has picked Tetsuya for a starring role in her upcoming wedding. As the groom....
Genesis Climber Mospeada: Love Live Alive
After the original run of the television series, an OAV music video titled Genesis Climber Mospeada: Love Live Alive was specially (mostly due to demands of hardcore Mospeada fans) released in Japan in September 1985. The music video consisted of both old and new footage. The story of Love Live Alive chronicled the events after the ending of the original Mospeada, featuring Yellow Belmont as the main character. The music video focused on Yellow's concert and also on his flashback of past events.
Creamy Mami: Long Good-Bye
Natsume Morisawa, mother of Yu
Shingo is planning the film "A Story of Two Worlds" starring Megumi. Yuu's transformation into Creamy Mami is happening without her wanting it. She is asked to star in the film too. But the magic doesn't last...
魔法の天使 クリィミーマミ ラブリーセレナーデ
Natume Morisawa
Creamy Mami: Forever Once More
Natsume Morisawa, mother of Yu
The Space Kittens Pozi and Nega gave little Yu a magic baton and for a year she possessed the power to transform into grown up idol singer Creamy Mami and use her magic for good. Sometimes her powers caused more problems than they solved, and though everything worked out well she finally returned the baton. Ever since, Mami has been absent from the music scene, but suddenly her return is announced in a blaze of publicity. Yu and her friends uncover a campaign by bad boy Shingo to deceive the singer's many fans.
Macross: A Batalha Final
Misa Hayase (voice)
Ano 2009: A raça humana está em meio a uma guerra de três vias com a raças humanóides alienígenas gigantes chamadas Zentraedi (masculino) e Meltrandi (feminino). Após executar uma dobra espacial que enviou ele e parte do Sul da Ilha de Atalia à borda do Sistema Solar, a fortaleza espacial Macross está em seu caminho de volta à Terra. Durante uma batalha contra as forças Zentraedi, o jovem piloto Hikaru Ichijo resgata a cantora Lynn Minmay e sua relação se desenvolve quando ficam presos em algum lugar da nave. Mas, logo depois de finalmente retornar à Macross City, Minmay é capturada pelos Zentraedi. Hikaru e a oficial Misa Hayase acabam de volta ao planeta Terra (apenas para ver as consequências da destruição de sua civilização). Apenas uma canção descoberta há milhares de anos, juntamente com a voz de Minmay, pode determinar o resultado da guerra.