Hiam Abbass

Hiam Abbass

Nascimento : 1960-11-30, Nazareth, Israel


Hiam Abbass (born November 30, 1960), also known as Hiam Abbas or Hiyam Abbas, is a Palestinian actress. She is known for her roles in the films Satin Rouge (2002), Haifa (1996), Paradise Now (2005), The Syrian Bride (2004), Free Zone (2005), Dawn of the World (2008), The Visitor (2008), Lemon Tree (2008), and Amreeka (2009). She had a small role in Steven Spielberg's Munich, a film depicting the response to the Munich Massacre, where she also served as a dialect and acting consultant. She directed two short films, Le Pain (2001), La Danse éternelle (2004). She portrays humanitarian Hind al-Husseini in Julian Schnabel's film Miral (2010), based on the life of Husseini and her orphanage.


Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass


Sobrenatural: A Porta Vermelha
Professor Armagan
Josh Lambert segue para o leste para deixar seu filho, Dalton, na faculdade. Mas demônios reprimidos do passado voltam repentinamente para assombrar os dois.
Itto, a young woman from a modest rural background, is slowly adapting to the Moroccan privileged codes of her husband’s family. But when supernatural events put the country in a state of emergency, Itto finds herself separated from her husband and new family. Alone, pregnant and looking for her way back, she finds emancipation.
Hellraiser: Renascido do Inferno
Uma jovem lutando contra o vício se apossa de uma antiga caixa de quebra-cabeça, sem saber que seu objetivo é convocar os Cenobitas, um grupo de seres sobrenaturais sádicos de outra dimensão.
Mother (voice)
Night has to trick the mother of the missing child into sleeping to save her soul.
Gaza Mon Amour
Gaza, today. Sixty-year-old fisherman Issa is secretly in love with Siham, a woman who works at the market with her daughter Leila. When he discovers an ancient phallic statue of Apollo in his fishing nets, Issa hides it, not knowing what to do with this mysterious and potent treasure. Yet deep inside, he feels that this discovery will change his life forever. Strangely, his confidence starts to grow and eventually he decides to approach Siham.
Sofa So Good
In the streets of New York, a young woman is relentlessly, stubbornly and desperately looking for a sofa. This is a funny story with some touching moments about holding on and letting go.
Os Olhos de Cabul
Mussarat (voice)
Verão de 1998, Cabul em ruínas é ocupada pelos talibãs. Atiq e Mussarat estão casados ​​há muitos anos e quase não falam mais um com o outro. Ele não apoia sua vida como guarda de prisão para mulheres. Ela, sofrendo de uma doença incurável, está em agonia. Mohsen e Zunaira são jovens, eles se amam profundamente, apesar da violência e da miséria cotidiana, eles querem acreditar no futuro. Um movimento insensato de Mohsen transformará seu destino em tragédia.
Madame Miroun
Because he wanted to protect his little brother, Teddy, a young man without a history, is accused of the murder of his father and sent to a closed educational center, waiting for his trial for parricide. He then plunges into a brutal universe of which he does not know the rules.
In Vitro
Decades after an eco-disaster engulfs the biblical city of Bethlehem, two scientists from different generations discuss memory, exile and nostalgia in this symbolic speculative fiction.
When Arabs Danced
Writer, director, and journalist Jawad Rhalib presents a timely exploration of Muslim identity in relation to artistic expression and harmful stereotypes, through archival footage, interviews, and evocative performances.
Amel, la mère
Mona sempre sonhou em ser atriz. Ao sair do Conservatório, ambiciona um futuro brilhante pela frente, mas é Sam, sua irmã mais nova, que logo se torna uma atriz famosa. Sem recursos, Mona é obrigada a morar com Sam, que, fragilizada por uma filmagem difícil, propõe que Mona se torne sua assistente. Aos poucos, Sam vai negligenciando seus papéis de atriz, de esposa e de mãe e acaba se perdendo. Mona acredita que deve se apossar dos papéis que Sam abandona.
Blade Runner 2049
Após descobrir um segredo enterrado há muito tempo, que ameaça o que resta da sociedade, um novo policial embarca na busca de Rick Deckard, que está desaparecido há 30 anos.
Na Síria
Oum Yazan
Encurralada em casa, numa cidade sitiada, Oum Yazan, mãe de três, transformou o apartamento num porto seguro para a família e os vizinhos, tentando protegê-los da guerra no exterior. Corajosamente, organizam-se no dia a dia, de modo a continuarem a viver, apesar das carências e do perigo.
I Still Hide to Smoke
Fatima é gerente de um banho turco frequentado todos os dias por dezenas de mulheres que compartilham esperanças e medos com suas amigas. Elas passeiam nuas, fumam e falam sobre sexo, política e religião. Porém, todas estão cientes da realidade turbulenta lá fora.
O salão de beleza de Christine está lotado com clientes do sexo feminino: uma divorciada amarga, uma mulher religiosa, uma lunática viciada em drogas de prescrição e uma jovem noiva, entre outras. Mas o seu dia de lazer é interrompido quando tiros surgem do outro lado da rua. A família do submundo do crime roubou o leão do zoológico de Gaza e um deles decidiu que é hora de acertar velhas contas.
Nasser's Republic: The Making of Modern Egypt
NASSER'S REPUBLIC: THE MAKING OF MODERN EGYPT is the first film for an American audience about Gamal Abdel Nasser, one of the Arab world's most transformative leaders.
Foreign Body
Madame Bertaud
Samia, um jovem sem documentos chega clandestinamente à França depois da revolução tunisina. Assombrada pela ideia de ser pega por um irmão islâmico, ela encontra refúgio com Imed, um conhecido da sua aldeia e depois com Christine, para a qual ela trabalha. Entre ela e estes novos conhecidos, o desejo misturado com medo exacerba tensões e transtornos em sua jornada pela liberdade.
O Sentido do Maravilhoso
Mélanie Ferenza
Um atropelamento liga duas pessoas e desse acidente nasce uma aproximação improvável e algo de assombroso acontece nas suas vidas.
Nothing Escapes My Eyes
"Nothing Escapes My Eyes" is about a silent transformation of a place and a human being. Inspired by the texts of Edward W. Said, the poems of Mahmoud Darwish and Verdi’s opera Aida, the film depicts in a metaphoric form current issues of cultural identity, loss and the pressures to conform. With no dialogue, the film is backed by a musical excerpt from Aida whose lyrics express the difficulties of being loyal to one’s country and cultural identity. The personal and urban transformation tackles on issues of identity, loss and disorientation as a result of historical colonialism and contemporary globalization.
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.
Exodus: Deuses e Reis
Aventura épica que retrata a história de coragem e ousadia de um homem, que conquista o poder de um império inteiro. Com recurso à arte dos efeitos visuais e à profundidade do 3D, Ridley Scott dá uma nova vida à história, trazendo de uma forma incrivelmente real o terrível ciclo da praga mortal e o confronto do lider Moisés e o faraó egípcio Ramses, quando lidera 600.000 escravos numa viagem monumental de fuga do Egito. Uma história conhecida, mas uma viagem nunca antes vista!
De guerre lasse
Alex, the son of a gang boss from Marseilles, joins the French Foreign Legion to avoid a hit put out on him by the Corsican Mafia. Four years later, Alex deserts and returns to Marseilles to get back together with Katia, his former girlfriend. But in the city, relationships have changed...
May in the Summer
A bride-to-be is forced to reevaluate her life when she reunites with her family in Jordan and finds herself confronted with the aftermath of her parents’ divorce.
Peace After Marriage
Desperate for companionship, a lonely, young Palestinian-American man agrees to marry an Israeli woman in need of a Green Card, forcing them to re-examine their respective cultural and familial traditions.
Rock the Casbah
The whole family is reunited when Sofia comes back for his father's funeral. Quickly, inner problems are revealed.
Games of Clouds and Rain
Podemos mudar a vida em uma noite? Sob um céu caprichoso, seis almas perdidas se tornarão heróis de uma imprevisível história de amor, pungente, cruel e agitado.
Le Donne della Vucciria
In “Le Donne della Vucciria”, sixth Miu Miu Women’s Tale, Palestinian female director Hiam Abbass contemplates the transformative power of clothes, music and dance in a charming, evocative study of the women of the Sicilian city of Palermo.
Le Donne della Vucciria
In “Le Donne della Vucciria”, sixth Miu Miu Women’s Tale, Palestinian female director Hiam Abbass contemplates the transformative power of clothes, music and dance in a charming, evocative study of the women of the Sicilian city of Palermo.
A Palestinian family living in the north of Galilee gathers to celebrate the wedding of one of their daughters, as war rages between Israel and Lebanon. Internal conflicts explode between the family - secrets are revealed and lies are unmasked. The battles between different family members become as merciless as the outside war once their father falls into a coma and inches toward death.
A Palestinian family living in the north of Galilee gathers to celebrate the wedding of one of their daughters, as war rages between Israel and Lebanon. Internal conflicts explode between the family - secrets are revealed and lies are unmasked. The battles between different family members become as merciless as the outside war once their father falls into a coma and inches toward death.
A Palestinian family living in the north of Galilee gathers to celebrate the wedding of one of their daughters, as war rages between Israel and Lebanon. Internal conflicts explode between the family - secrets are revealed and lies are unmasked. The battles between different family members become as merciless as the outside war once their father falls into a coma and inches toward death.
Do Not Forget Me Istanbul
Several directors from countries of the region were invited to create stories taking place in and around the beautiful city of Istanbul, in the vein of “Paris, je t’aime” and “New York, I love you”. They come together to remind viewers that Istanbul’s history does not belong only to the people of Turkey.
The Bag of Flour
Based on a true story, this beautifully-shot epic traces the life of Sarah, from her early years in a Catholic orphanage in 1970s Belgium, through her rebellious, poverty-stricken teens in a village in the Atlas mountains of Morocco.
A Fonte das Mulheres
A Fonte das Mulheres apresenta uma história que se passa em uma aldeia situada entre a África e o Oriente Médio, onde as mulheres são responsáveis por buscarem a água utilizada pelas famílias. Para isso, precisam caminhar grandes distâncias embaixo de sol escaldante, enquanto seus maridos ficam em casa bebendo e jogando. Um dos habitantes do vilarejo fica noivo de Leila, uma francesa que mora há algum tempo na região. A jovem não aceita a tradição e decide pôr fim a isso, exigindo que os homens passem a buscar água. Por se tratar de uma comunidade extremamente machista, a solução encontrada é fazer “greve de sexo”, o que, entre islamistas radicais, causa muitos problemas.
Uma Garrafa no Mar de Gaza
Uma carta numa garrafa jogada ao Mar de Gaza une dois jovens, a israelita Tai e o palestino Naim, que desenvolvem uma relação à longa distância de apoio mútuo, na esperança de juntos conseguirem enfrentar a dura realidade de suas vidas.
Hidi Husseini
Em 1948, Hind Husseini transforma a casa do pai em um orfanato e escola para crianças palestinas. Anos mais tarde, uma adolescente chamada Miral, que cresceu no seio pacífico do instituto, vai para um campo de refugiados trabalhar como professora. Lá, ela se apaixona por um ativista político.
On bosse ici! On vit ici! On reste ici!
Call for the regularization by the French government of all undocumented workers living in the country, a short film co-directed by 320 filmmakers and directors, producers, distributors and cinema owners.
A veiled Arab woman, steeped in tradition, journeys to London to visit her estranged daughter only to find her living with a black boyfriend..
Everyday Is a Holiday
It's Independence Day in Lebanon: three women who've never met before are on the same bus heading to visit a prison situated in a remote area of the country. Traveling through an arid landscape littered with mines and decapitated dreams, the journey transforms into the women's quest for their own independence.
The solitary Daniel and Sonia share an uneasy love/hate relationship. Daniel's life is disrupted by the appearance of a stranger that proceeds to insinuate himself in his life. The man's persistence takes its toll on Daniel and Sonia, leaving Daniel alone with nagging questions of "Why?"
Raghda Halaby
Um drama centrado nas provações e tribulações de uma orgulhosa mãe solteira imigrante cristã palestina e seu filho adolescente na pequena cidade de Indiana.
Dawn of the World
Mastour's mother
The Mesopotamian Marshes, at the delta of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, in the south of Iraq. This is where Mastour and Zahra grow up. Shortly after their marriage, Mastour and Zahra are forced to separate when the Gulf War breaks out. On the battlefield, Mastour befriends Riad, a young soldier from Baghdad. Mortally wounded, Mastour makes Riad promise to protect Zahra when the war is over. When Riad arrives in the village, he falls deeply in love with Zahra. But unable to bear the loss of her husband, Zahra shuts herself off. In this completely foreign environment that is hostile to this newcomer, and as a new conflict is on the verge of inflaming the whole area, Riad will do the impossible to find his place.
Os Limites do Controle
The Driver
A mysterious stranger works outside the law and keeps his objectives hidden, trusting no one. While his demeanor is paradoxically focused and dreamlike all at once, he embarks on a journey that not only takes him across Spain, but also through his own consciousness.
Human Zoo
In Marseille, the young Serbian-Albanian Adria Shala is an illegal immigrant traumatized by her past. Every now and then Adria recalls her life in Kosovo, when she was saved from rape by a deserter called Srdjan Vasiljevic in 1999. They move to Belgrade where Srdjan becomes a gangster, dealing weapons and becoming an assassin. Adria learns how to shoot and helps Srdjan with his work at first, becoming his mistress later.
Pomegranates and Myrrh
Umm Habib
A free spirited woman dancer, Kamar, finds herself the lonely wife of a prisoner, Zaid, and away from everything she loves until she returns to the dance, defying societys taboos. At the dance Kamar is confronted with Kais, a Palestinian returnee. Sparks fly between Kamar and Kais, creating more than a passionate, emotional dance for the both of them. Matters become even more complicated when Zaid's sentence is extended. Kamar's life is thrown into turmoil as she becomes increasingly attached to Kais, and caught in the midst of her desire to dance and breaking the family and society taboos of the prisoner's wife's role while life under occupation rages on.
In London, an airport baggage handler is forced by French and British intelligence agents to seduce the wife of a businessman with ties to Syrian terrorists.
Mona Bendrissi
Shattered by the loss of her child, Nyla Jayde, a brilliant criminal defense attorney, takes on a case involving a 14th century Moroccan legend, a vengeful spirit named Kandisha.
Mateo Falcone
La madre / Mother
The Wedding Guest
Jénane (Voice)
A Police Romance
In a small police station, Lieutenant Emilie Carange finds herself sexually attracted to Jamil Messaouden, a young rookie officer. When an old Algerian woman reports that she's seen drug dealers operating in the neighborhood, they find themselves in over their heads in an investigation. Night after night, Emilie's desire grows. The drug investigation gets out of hand and so does Emilie...
Minor Revelations
"The choice of each period is intimate, as each period awakens a particular emotion in me. This emotion reflects what is around me, not everyone is able to recognise it -- that is the risk I take. I think that this is good enough reason to make a film that will make visible small yet revealing things in differeent ways. I believe in tropisms and that is what interests me in this film." -- Marie Vermillard [taken from London Film Festival 2006 catalogue]
Selma Zidane
Salma é uma viúva palestina e ganha a vida com os limoeiros que tem no quintal. Quando menos espera o ministro da defesa de Israel se torna seu vizinho, e os agentes que fazem sua segurança declaram que os limoeiros são um perigo pois dificultam sua patrulha. A Força de Segurança ordena que os limoeiros sejam cortados, mas Salma leva o caso à Suprema Corte israelense.
The Feelings Factory
professeur Sterne
A successful woman searches for romance by speed dating in this drama. Eloise has a great job and a great education, but she's looking for love. Can a couple of minutes be the key to finding true love?
La voisine
Chloé, a young baby sitter, must look after Blanche, the daughter of Agnes and François, for the first time. Once the couple has left, Chloé falls asleep in front of TV. When she wakes up, she is horrified to discover that the baby is no longer there.
A political drama centered around Israel's pullout from the occupied Gaza strip, in which a French woman of Israeli origin comes to the Gaza Strip to find her long ago abandoned daughter.
O Visitante
Mouna Khalil
Walter Vale, viúvo há cinco anos, tem uma vida sem perspectivas como professor universitário de economia da suburbana Connecticut. Quando relutantemente aceita representar um colega em uma conferência em Nova York, Walter descobre um jovem casal, Tarek e Zainab, que foi induzido a ilegalmente alugar seu apartamento vago. Walter concorda em deixá-los ficar até que encontrem seu próprio lugar e logo Walter e Tarek formam uma amizade que Zainab, por ser mais reservada, desaprova. Porém, um dia, um arbitrário encontro com a polícia leva Tarek, que não tem documentos, a um centro de detenção ICE e Walter é a única pessoa permitida a visitá-lo. Quando Mouna, a mãe de Tarek, aparece à procura do filho, o compromisso emocional de Walter está firmado. Enquanto as quatro pessoas se debatem com a complicada realidade do sistema americano de imigração e suas próprias vidas individualmente, sua humanidade compartilhada é revelada, das mais estranhas, cômicas e dramáticas formas.
Conversations with My Gardener
The gardener's wife
A successful artist, weary of Parisian life and on the verge of divorce, returns to the country to live in his childhood house. He needs someone to make a real vegetable garden again out of the wilderness it has become. The gardener happens to be a former schoolfriend. A warm, fruitful conversation starts between the two men.
Jesus - A História do Nascimento
Em 2004, plateias de todo o mundo lotaram os cinemas para conferir a violência e sofrimento de “A Paixão de Cristo”. Agora é a hora de voltar ainda mais no passado e descobrir como esta extraordinária história começou, em uma superprodução focada na emocionante saga de Maria e José - na qual eles enfrentam provações para o seu amor, para a sua esperança e principalmente para a sua fé. Acompanhe a profecia descoberta pelos Três Reis Magos nas estrelas, testemunhe a caçada do temível Rei Herodes ao Messias anunciado e siga a trajetória da mãe do Filho de Deus saindo de Nazaré rumo a Belém, onde nasce então a criança que mudaria o mundo para sempre. Você está convidado a vivenciar a mais eterna das histórias de uma forma como você nunca viu antes.
As Aventuras de Azur e Asmar
Jenane (Voice)
Azur e Asmar são criados como irmãos por Jenane, apesar de terem origens diferentes. Um dia, Jenane precisa partir com Asmar, seu filho biológico. Já adultos, os dois se reencontraram como rivais enquanto procuram pela Fada dos Djins.
Marie Claude Hamshari
O governo israelense envia uma missão secreta de retaliação para matar onze pessoas ao redor do mundo depois que terroristas palestinos assassinam onze atletas israelenses nas Olimpíadas de Munique em 1972.
O Paraíso, Agora!
Said's mother
Dois jovens amigos palestinianos, Khaled e Saïd, são recrutados para cometerem um atentado suicida em Telavive. Após a última noite com as famílias, sem se poderem despedir, são levados à fronteira com as bombas atadas à volta do corpo. No entanto, a operação não corre como esperado e eles perdem-se um do outro. Separados, são confrontados com o seu destino e as suas próprias convicções...
The Demon Stirs
Anne Cestac accepts the obvious: her husband Julien, in his forties, has fallen madly in love with another woman. Annoyed, Anne sets out to find potential lovers.
Sur les traces de Mélanie
Rachid learned of Mélanie's accidental death. He decides to follow in his footsteps by taking his friend's last walk again. That day, Mélanie had met her sister Madeleine, for a last face-to-face meeting. What happened? What will Rachid discover?
Free Zone
Rebecca, an American who has been living in Jerusalem for a few months now, has just broken off her engagement. She gets into a cab driven by Hanna, an Israeli. But Hanna is on her way to Jordan, to the Free Zone, to pick up a large of sum of money.
A Noiva Síria
Colinas de Golam, na fronteira entre Israel e Síria. Está em andamento a preparação das bodas de uma jovem drusa, que mora no lado israelense, com um astro de TV também druso, mas que mora do lado sírio. A noiva precisa atravessar a fronteira, mas a burocracia do procedimento atrapalha a realização do casamento.
Nadia and Sarra
Nadia is a 45 year old female professor at the University of Tunis. She is married and has a daughter of 18, Sarra. For some time, Nadia has problems in her marriage also symptoms of menopause are inseparable. The physical and psychological state deteriorates inexorably Nadia.
The Gate of the Sun
Um Youness
Yousry Nasrallah's powerful adaptation of Lebanese writer Elias Khoury's epic novel of fifty years of Palestinian dispossession, exile, and resistance. The film follows the flight of Younes, his wife Nahila, and those around them, from their village in northern Palestine to a refugee camp in Lebanon. Some vow to continue the struggle, most simply struggle to survive. Unsparingly detailing the impact of the nakba (disaster) on Palestinian life and society and the refugees' often-contentious relationship with their reluctant Lebanese hosts, Gate of the Sun spans generations, mixing personal stories with historical events.
La Danse Éternelle
Saïd, seventy, has been demoralized by his wife’s illness which has left her hospitalized. He withdraws into solitude and writes poetry to express the infinite love he carries for his beloved.
La Danse Éternelle
Saïd, seventy, has been demoralized by his wife’s illness which has left her hospitalized. He withdraws into solitude and writes poetry to express the infinite love he carries for his beloved.
Tar Angel
Naïma Kasmi
Newly-arrived Ahmed tries to integrate his family to the canadian society, while attempting to control his son's life orientation.
Meu Pai, Meu Filho
Writer Léo Shepherd lives in rural France together with his daughter Virginia, who manages his affairs. One day Virginia gets a call from the Swedish Academy. Léo has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. His estranged son Paul tries desperately to contact him, but is denied every time by his sister. When Léo starts traveling to the ceremony in Stockholm by motor bike, Paul decides to follow him and try to speak to him. Clearly Léo doesn't want to be followed, starts speeding and gets involved in a accident, but isn't badly hurt. The police confuse another motorist for Shepherd and announce his death. Paul, driven by his childhood experiences, decides to kidnap his father.
Satin Rouge
After the death of her husband, Lilia's life revolves solely around her teenage daughter, Salma. Whilst looking for Salma late one night, Lilia stumbles upon a belly dance cabaret and though initially reserved and taken aback by the culture of the place, Lilia gets consistently drawn back to it. She befriends one of the belly dancers and is encouraged into dancing for the audience. Lilia also starts a romance with one of the cabaret's musicians, who unbeknown to both of them, is also romancing Salma.
We Need a Vacation
La mère de Lucien et de José
It is the end of the school year for the children of a dormitory town. Most of them leave the place for a vacation with their parents but not Lucien and Adama whose parents can't afford the expense. While the big brothers of the housing estate are busy breaking the law Lulu and Adama manage to sneak into their neighbors' trailer. The two stowaways are elated until they reach their destination: a nudist camp...!
A mother living in the French countryside bicycles into town to buy a baguette for her family, and makes a dramatic discovery.
A mother living in the French countryside bicycles into town to buy a baguette for her family, and makes a dramatic discovery.
A mother living in the French countryside bicycles into town to buy a baguette for her family, and makes a dramatic discovery.
Ali, Rabiaa and the Others
In the 70s, Ali, Rabiaa, Driss, Abdellah and Hamid are a group of friends grow up in a heavy world of drugs, pop, politics ans sex. Rabiaa is a local girl whom they all share whenever the urge comes. Ali, accidentally kills a policeman and sent to prison. When he is released 20 years later, the group is just a memory. Ali relives the past and faces up the today's different reality with its disillusions ans responsibilities.
Living in Paradise
Set in France in 1961-1962 during the Algerian War, Living in Paradise is a thought-provoking examination of the lives of North African immigrants trying to find a place in the social system of Western Europe.
When the Cat's Away
Une femme dans la cour
When Chloe, a young Parisian, decides to take a long-overdue vacation, she has to find someone to look after Gris-Gris, her beloved cat. Everyone, including her gay male roommate, refuses to help her, but she finally makes an arrangement with the elderly Madame Renée, who often watches over other peoples' cats and dogs. However, when Chloe comes back, Madame Renée tells her that unfortunately the cat has been lost, and the unlucky owner goes on a search for her dear animal friend. While looking for the cat, she meets many colorful characters who populate the neighborhood.
Oum Said
Haifa, nicknamed after the city of his love and hope, goes around and comes around in a Palestinian refugee camp. Although he is everybody's fool, there are many things that only he knows. He is closely related to the family of Abu Said, a former policeman who gains new hopes from the political developments. Oum Said, his wife, hangs her hope on the imminent release of their eldest son, Said, from jail. She tries to find him a bride to secure things for the future. Their youngest son, Siad, is cynical and rebellious. He refuses to believe things. Sabah, the 12 year old daughter is romancing the future and wants to find out what's in it for her. The different stories are interwoven into a very timely insight into the current Palestinian mind.
Le Poisson rouge
Suzanne et Osmane