The genius inventor pig Albert Einswein has with his super seed the solution for Cattle Hill, which is struggling with supplies. The seed is mysteriously stolen when it is transported on the new hyper-modern railway - but by whom? On the train, Klara and Gaute meet master detective Agatha Christensen and together they must solve the mystery to save Cattle Hill.
Gaute (voice)
Klara the Calf is excited to spend her first Christmas on Cattle Hill with her Father, but when they arrive at the farm Klara is disappointed to see he has not attempted to decorate for the holidays. When her father is unexpectedly called away for work, Klara sees it as an opportunity to make Cattle Hill a Christmas paradise with the help of the cheeky christmas elf who lives on the farm, but as Klara finds out it is about being together at Christmas which is the most important.
Former pro cyclist Kim Karlsen (39) holds a press conference admitting use of performance enhancing drugs in her career. Rather than accepting the consequences of her actions, our antiheroine sticks to her guns and refuses to alter her mindset.
Gaute (voice)
Klara, a young city-calf, dreams of becoming a big star. One day she receives a letter from her father, Mosk, who wants her to visit his farm. Her mom says Mosk is a rock star, but when Clara arrives, she discovers her father is only a regular apple pie farmer.
Lærer Bråthen
Baseado no best-seller homônimo de Lars Saabye Christensen, o filme conta a história de quatro adolescentes vivendo em Oslo quando a beatlemania chega à Noruega. Kim, Gunnar, Ola e Seb assumem cada um o nome de um dos Beatles e planejam montar sua própria banda, The Snafus. Como a maioria dos sonhos adolescentes, esse nunca se realiza, mas a necessidade de economizar para comprar instrumentos se torna a razão de muitas das decisões dos garotos.
Swedish Policeman
It’s not easy to rebel when your dad wants to join the party... One day (in 1979), Magnus and his son Nikolaj hit the wall in their new terrace house in Rykkinn. Magnus is an architect, hippie and free spirit, a glaring exception in a community where equality and conformity is the norm. He always stands up for his son, supporting him unconditionally, even when Nikolaj decides to stop giving a damn.
Edvard Tallaksen
Max Manus é um filme de guerra biográfico norueguês de 2008, baseado nos fatos reais da vida do lutador de resistência Max Manus (1914–96), após sua contribuição na Guerra de Inverno contra a União Soviética. A história segue Manus desde o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial na Noruega até o tempo de paz em 1945.
Ung Kiwi-ansatt
Nils é "Fatso" um gordinho desajeitado que passa o seu tempo traduzindo manuais de ferramentas do alemão para o norueguês. Nils vive sozinho num apartamento em Oslo, mas seus pais decidem alugar metade da do apartamento para Malin, uma sueca lindíssima e muito sexy. No início as coisas não começam bem, uma vez que Marlin rapidamente arranja um namorado e os dois transam sonoramente a altas horas da noite, o que faz Nils sentir-se ainda mais infeliz e sozinho. Mas os dois acabam criando uma amizade bem interessante.
Depois de uma provação angustiante nas montanhas, Jannicke acorda no hospital. Todos os seus amigos estão mortos. Como ela anda através de corredores escuros, acha que foi deixada sozinha. Mas o pesadelo ainda não terminou.
Maria is an unconventional single mother of three children, who's got a cool grip on her life. Three demanding children and a strong career seem to be plenty. Men are certainly a finished chapter. Until Fredrik suddenly appears. He's interesting, attractive and mature; all in all quite perfect for Maria. Finally there is a reason to believe in love again. But then Jonas appears. He's charming, very funny and 25 years old. Maria starts to lose her control, and falls in love. This all gets very complicated when her ex-husband Lasse returns, demanding full custody of the children.