On the run from his former employer, a reluctant hitman seeks refuge in an isolated village where he is faced with events that test the true nature of his conscience.
Executive Producer
Seven long-time friends meet for dinner. They decide to share their text messages, emails and phone calls. Secrets are unveiled. Harmony trembles.
Norwegian remake of the 1973 Czech film "Three Wishes for Cinderella" by Václav Vorlícek. Since her father's death, Cinderella lives with her cruel stepmother and spoiled stepsister, who treat her like a servant in her own house. During one of her daily escapes to the forest, Cinderella prevents a couple of men from hunting, amongst them the handsome Prince of the kingdom. Cinderella and the Prince immediately feel attracted to each other, but he is expected to find a suitable bride at the next royal ball, which Cinderella is not allowed to attend. Equipped with a great deal of courage and empowered by her three magical acorns, she decides to stand up for herself and determine her own fate. Will she be able to break free from her stepmother's tyranny and find true love?
Sara é uma menina de nove anos que se torna melhor amiga de um dragão recém-nascido. Juntos, eles planejam virar o Natal de cabeça para baixo e incendiar a comemoração.
Roy derrapa feio na véspera do casamento e, para não perder a noiva, acaba aceitando correr contra uma nova adversária na pista de Nürburgring, na Alemanha.
When a mummy display arrives in Elvestad, a numerous unexplainable accidents happen to the employees at the museum. Rumors has it that they are haunted by pharao Tutankhamon's curse.
Supervising Producer
Cinebiografia de Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen, explorador norueguês de regiões polares, que liderou a primeira expedição a atingir o Polo Sul no dia 14 de dezembro de 1911, utilizando trenós puxados por cães.
Line Producer
Nels é um tranquilo homem de família que trabalha como motorista de um removedor de neve e vê seu mundo virado de cabeça para baixo quando seu filho é morto por um poderoso traficante de drogas. Impulsionado pelo desejo de vingança e sem nada para perder, ele faz tudo o que for preciso para destruir o cartel.
Mysterious holes in the ground appear during the night, causing Oliver's bicycle to be destroyed. Who made these holes and why? The child detectives Tiril and Oliver will have to be as smart as Sherlock Holmes to find out.
Supervising Producer
21 died in the explosion in the kings bay-accident in Ny-Ålesund in Spitsbergen i 1962. The accident led to the fall of the Norwegian labor party government ruling since WW2. Was this really an accident, and was it under Norwegian control?
Supervising Producer
An evil lord, eager to rule the Valley of Knights, steals a magic suit of armor and is determined to hunt down the young queen for the missing part, the snow-making glove. But two courageous kids from our world are coming to her rescue.
Line Producer
Director Eva Sørhaug (Cold Lunch) reveals the rage and violence lurking beneath seemingly tranquil domesticity in her bold and uncompromising sophomore feature.
Supervising Producer
Lucas, 15 anos, muda-se de Estocolmo na Suécia, para uma pequena cidade na Noruega. Ele apaixona-se por Susanne, a guarda-redes da equipa feminina de futebol local. Para ganhar o seu amor, ele junta-se à equipa de futebol e participa na Taça da Noruega, num grande torneio, realizado em Oslo. No entanto, Lucas percebe que as coisas serão mais difíceis do que tinha pensado, pois Susanne já tem namorado...
Special Effects Supervisor
Sonia arrives in Trinidad with her two children to join her husband Jo who is working as an oil engineer. On the surface she lives a life of luxury in a large houses with servants. The days are uneventful and blend together into an everlasting holiday, where the women nurse their superficial relationships over cocktails poolside – the perfect climate for self-delusion.
Sonia arrives in Trinidad with her two children to join her husband Jo who is working as an oil engineer. On the surface she lives a life of luxury in a large houses with servants. The days are uneventful and blend together into an everlasting holiday, where the women nurse their superficial relationships over cocktails poolside – the perfect climate for self-delusion.
Production Supervisor
Max Manus é um filme de guerra biográfico norueguês de 2008, baseado nos fatos reais da vida do lutador de resistência Max Manus (1914–96), após sua contribuição na Guerra de Inverno contra a União Soviética. A história segue Manus desde o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial na Noruega até o tempo de paz em 1945.
Executive Producer
The three young immigrant boys Wasim, Riaz and Munawar are growing up in the east end of Oslo, Norway. They find school extremely boring and become attracted to the hard boiled gang East Side Crew, which is run by the brothers Sadiq and Khalid. Petty theft soon develops into drug dealing, violence and murder.
Binh, vietnamita, sempre foi discriminado por ser filho de um americano. A mãe, trabalhando como empregada, o convence a ir aos Estados Unidos em busca do pai.
Little Oddemann uses every means available to find Jesus, including his slingshot. The film takes us to Norway in the late '30s, where we meet a series of burlesque and humorous characters, whose antics convince Oddemann that growing up may be a bad idea. Yet Oddemann finds there are certain rewards to being grown-up, such as partying and chasing women, that merit closer examination.
Após um pedido de sua mãe doente, Kaisa (Lena Headey)viaja para a Noruega para encontrar o pai alcoólatra, que não vê há muitos anos. Será uma tortuosa viagem em que pai e filha precisarão superar suas mágoas e ressentimentos.
Adapted from a novel by Norway's justice minister Anne Holt. Lesbian policewoman Hanne Wilhelmsen (Kjersti Elvik), who has a live-in lover, tools about Oslo on her Harley-Davidson. After a number of women vanish, police find blood but no bodies, and Wilhelmsen begins a search for the suspected serial killer.
No norte da Noruega uma jovem de 15 anos, Tanja Lorentzen (Maria Mathiesen), é assassinada. Dois detetives suecos rumam para lá, para tentar elucidar o crime. Eles vêem um suspeito na névoa perto do mar mas, na ânsia de pegar o possível assassino, Jonas Engström (Stellan Skarsgard), um dos detetives, dá um tiro e acidentalmente mata seu parceiro. Desesperado, Engström tenta encobrir seu crime. Por vários dias o insone Jonas manipula as provas relacionadas com a morte do seu parceiro, ao mesmo tempo em que procura o assassino de Tanja. Jonas então ouve do criminoso que o viu atirando no seu parceiro, fazendo que ele fique numa situação que nunca passou, pois é manipulado pelo assassino.
Norwegian short film
Sigga and Didi are sisters who lost their mother when very young and were separated. Since then their lives have taken very different paths and their characters have come as different as black and white. When they meet in their twenties the pair take a run through Reykjavik, ripping off drug smugglers and dealers and partying while escaping from the thugs.
A story about a young boy, Otto, whose childhood is brought to an abrupt end when Frank, an older boy, suddenly enters his life.
Set against the beautiful backdrop of northern Norway, this film tells the story of a telegraphist in a very small community at the turn of the century.
"Herman", based on Lars Saabye Christensen's novel of the same name, tells the story of the young boy Herman who suddenly loses his hair and becomes bald at the age of eleven. It follows him through what is a very difficult period in his life, through big mood swings and irrational behaviour until he finally learns to accept himself for who he is.
Associate Producer
Sundquist and Eidsvold play the two deep sea divers, who agree to do a quick unscheduled dive before taking their Christmas vacation, to help an oil company who's got a oil-valve caught in a trawl. The dive is to take only 5 minutes, and the divers will get a nice bonus. But things go wrong. The diving bell gets tangled in the trawl, and while trying to hoist up the bell, they tear asunder the oxygen tanks. Suddenly the bell is stuck, and the crew is unable to get it up. Caught in a diving bell at the bottom of the sea, rapidly running out of air, both the divers and the crew on the surface are racing against time to find a solution; how to get the two men up ALIVE!
Special Effects
A whale-boat is making its final whaling tour of the season. It pursues and catches a whale, and then proceeds home. The men working on the boat have to find themselves different employment now that the season is over. Among the crew are two friends, Grímur and Bubbi. They are well- seasoned and experienced seamen of the kind that never puts down roots anywhere. Grímur is not the kind of man to allow much to set him off balance. When he arrives on land he heads directly for the capital where he intends to make a new start and get himself involved in the night life. With him is his faithful and rather troll-like companion, Bubbi. The film then mainly concerns itself with their efforts to make some kind of contact with what is going on in Reykjavik.
Live to tell the truth. What can one man do against the most lethal army on earth? Local fishermen/smugglers/tourist guides Tom, Lars and Sverre discover the Soviet Union aren't just mining for coal in the arctic archipelago of Svalbard. This is a secret too big for any of them, and soon they find themselves hunted down by Soviet forces and secret agents.
Special Effects
The film follows a gang of unemployed youth in the little town of Svolvær, Lofoten, starting up an illegal radio-channel called "Radio Feskslog".
Special Effects
Carl Gustav is 12 years old and particularly interested in comics and detective work. Gjengen is his friends, two boys and two girls of the same age and 'Rævedilter'n' Georg who is seven.
Property Master
Carl Gustav is 12 years old and particularly interested in comics and detective work. Gjengen is his friends, two boys and two girls of the same age and 'Rævedilter'n' Georg who is seven.
The Olsen Gang realizes that cash is obsolete with the current inflation rate, and plans a coup for property and bonds. They make a fake company and tries to buy Oslo's biggest shopping mall, Steen and Strøm.
Property Master
In a dystopian future set in the northern part of Norway, a big corporation have stripped the sea of fish leaving locals without food and income.
An unfaithful servant in the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate tries to sell top secret information to German industry leaders. Egon has a plan to earn money on the transaction himself.
Special Effects
A feature film with documentary inserts about freedom of speech in Norwegian film, from the "witch" dance in Hønefoss in 1977, to the challenging of Norwegian film censorship today.
Bør is startled when he discovers that his father-in-law is becoming more Norwegian than he is. The father-in-law is about to raise the village's highest flagpole. Bør can't sit still and watch, and that's why the fight and the intricacies are underway.
Nora Helmer lives a quiet life with her husband, Torvald, in a small Norwegian town. While he works diligently at a bank, she looks after their children. But Torvald doesn't know that several years ago, when he was very ill and she was desperate for money, Nora forged a loan document and has been secretly working to pay the money back ever since. The arrival of her friend Kristine prompts Nora to re-evaluate her life and confront Torvald.