Wai-Man Yip

Wai-Man Yip

Nascimento : 1973-04-11, Hong Kong


Wai-Man Yip


Snow Dance
This is a never say never journey to pursue one's dream. It is also sincere tribute for the dream of snow and ice to be integrated with the Chinese dream.
The Last Judgment
In a small seaside town, a single father called Lao Yu is driving a sightseeing car; Jian Rue and Fang Da, a couple wants to have a child; brothers from the car repair shop... These little people living on different lives at the bottom of society, are set to a life threatening journey on day with typhoon. On the edge of the cliff of life and death, death is getting closer, time is slipping away, and the chance of survival is getting smaller and smaller... How should they compete for the remaining chance of survival?
Iceman 2: O Viajante do Tempo
A guarda imperial e seus três amigos de infância traidores ordenados a caçá-lo são acidentalmente enterrados e mantidos congelados no tempo. 400 anos depois passam e são descongelados continuando a batalha que deixaram para trás.
Arrasando na Cozinha
A rivalidade entre um cozinheiro de rua cantonês e um chef francês toma um rumo surpreendente quando ambos entram numa competição culinária mundial
Phantom of the Theatre
A haunted theatre, filled with the vengeful spirits of a tragically-trapped performance troupe murdered in a fire 13 years ago, waits for the once-grand palatial playhouse to re-open with a new show - and bring in new victims.
Tales of Mystery
The House That Never Dies
Story based on the legendary mansion at No. 81 on Chaoyangmennei Street in Beijing, which local legend says is haunted by the ghost of a Kuomintang official's wife, who committed suicide in the home around the time of the Cultural Revolution. The film follows Xu Ruoqing a woman whose presence in the notorious mansion draws up the spirits that have taken residence there.
Bump in the Road
A womanizing OB-gyn and a mentally-challenged brother share a life-changing road trip together, in search of the mysterious woman the OB-gyn knocked up unbeknownst to himself. Released in China as "一路顺疯" or "Yi lu shun feng".
Blood Stained Shoes
This film is set in the 1930s, and starts with a strange murder in a beautiful Jiangnan river delta. At the scene, all that is left is an exquisite pair of embroidered shoes. An innocent seamstress is suspected and put to death, but the bloody murders do not stop..
Blood Stained Shoes
This film is set in the 1930s, and starts with a strange murder in a beautiful Jiangnan river delta. At the scene, all that is left is an exquisite pair of embroidered shoes. An innocent seamstress is suspected and put to death, but the bloody murders do not stop..
New Year's In-Laws
Bruce Lee, Meu Irmão
Produzido por Robert Lee, irmão mais novo do lendário Bruce Lee, o filme recheado de cenas de ação, vem para mostrar a realidade do Dragão Chinês : Seu nascimento, sua família, sua infância e adolescência rebelde, seu início nas artes marciais e porquê o jovem Bruce, com 18 anos e apenas 100 dólares no bolso, foi para a América... O primeiro passo para a conquista do mundo.
Lost on Journey
A boss of a toy corporation, Chenggong Li, tries to head back to Chan Sar to celebrate the Chinese New Year with his family. However, plans don't go as smoothly after he crosses paths with a stranger, Geng Niu.
In Cross Street, memories fade and everyone can start his life anew.
Os Senhores da Guerra
Um homem é quase morto em uma violenta batalha, mas consegue sobreviver e se recupera ao encontrar e se apaixonar por uma misteriosa e bela mulher. Ele descobre que ela faz parte de um clã de ladrões, e faz amizade com os dois chefões do grupo. Com isso, os três fazem um pacto de irmandade e lutam juntos contra uma poderosa tropa imperial, que está ameaçando a vida de toda a população.
Os Senhores da Guerra
Um homem é quase morto em uma violenta batalha, mas consegue sobreviver e se recupera ao encontrar e se apaixonar por uma misteriosa e bela mulher. Ele descobre que ela faz parte de um clã de ladrões, e faz amizade com os dois chefões do grupo. Com isso, os três fazem um pacto de irmandade e lutam juntos contra uma poderosa tropa imperial, que está ameaçando a vida de toda a população.
My Dream Girl
Joe (Cheng) is a HK rogue living off his clearly long suffering girlfriend. When he's inexplicably hired as an image consultant by Shanghai millionaire Cheung (Ng), to spruce up his long-lost, street urchin daughter Ning (Wei), the scene is set for a fun ugly duckling tale in the tried and tested rom-com style.
Anna in Kungfu-land
Miriam Yeung plays a half-Chinese who represents her father (a Shaolin monk who defected to Japan after falling in love with a Japanese) at a martial arts tournament. What she really wants is to experience first love (with Ekin Cheng, a marketing executive) and become a movie star. Both which are fulfilled in her stay in Hong Kong.
Loving Him
Doc is an intern who has been invited by the United Nations' Children Fund, along with his fellow interns, to a deserted area in Sichuan to run physicals for poor children. There, Doc meets a teacher named Lu. Although Lu is from a different world, she firmly believes that Doc is her hero, but she also knows that he has been diagnosed with blood cancer and will die soon. As Doc prepares for his own death, Lu takes care of him the best she can, and perhaps fall in love with him before he dies.
Women from Mars
A hairdresser, a village leader and a veterinarian each have girlfriends but still insist on playing the field. One night, a demon spirit arrives to teach them a lesson by taking their "goods" away. To get their "goods" back, the trio must each have a woman tell them "I love you."
Beauty and the Breast
Mario works in an ointment company. He spends most of his time flirting with office girls or sucking up to the boss's son. The moment he catches sight of Yuki, a pretty woman who newly joins the company, he makes a bet that he will win her heart.
City of Desire
Sandra (Sandra Ng) is in for a serious dose of culture shock when she returns from her studies abroad to her home in Macau, where her father is the head of a major network of underground gambling, prostitution, and other assorted super-vices. Sandra's father is putting on the pressure for her to inherit his morally-corrupt throne, but her morals dictate that she have nothing to do with it. However, Sandra's childhood friend Josie (Josie Ho) has gotten herself into serious debt and desperately needs any help Sandra can offer. Will Sandra help her friend at the cost of her own morals? It's now up to her to decide between upholding her own beliefs and making serious ethical sacrifices for the sake of her friend.
For Bad Boys Only
The Bad Boy Squad, a variety of private detective agency, is composed of King (Ekin Cheng Yi-kin), Queen (Kristy Yeung), and Jack (Louis Koo Tin-lok), whose primary source of business is the reuniting of clientèle with their first flames, and when the trio of young operatives returns to Hong Kong from an assignment in Thailand and the Squad's next three customers supply photographs of lost loves, the women in the pictures appear to be the same individual.
Those Were the Days
Those Were the Days... is a 2000 Hong Kong film directed by Raymond Yip. The film is a spin-off/prequel of the Young and Dangerous film series, as it follows the life of Chicken Chiu (Jordan Chan) before he joined the triads with the boss Chan Ho Nam (Ekin Cheng).
Portland Street Blues
This spin-off movie provides a different contrast to the familiar Young and Dangerous films with greater character development. This time, the story's focus is on a female character - Sister 13 of the Hung Hing triad. In a triad underworld dominated by men, the film tells the story of how she faces trials and tribulations of rising to become the branch leader of Portland Street. The story shows the reasons she became a lesbian. The film also gives more details about the Tung Sing triad, and how the relationship between Sister 13 and Ben Hon develops.
Till Death Do Us Laugh
An investigative reporter has been invited to an exclusive annual dinner of the "Strange and Unbelievable Experiences Society," where three stories are told in the framing device of this horror anthology.
I'm Your Birthday Cake
A man (Cheng) hires a mousy woman (Yau to help his disabled brother overcome psychological paralysis.
Sixty Million Dollar Man
After mobsters blow him up, a rich, arrogant prankster is resurrected as a cyborg with unique skills, a real job and a new love interest.
Sixty Million Dollar Man
After mobsters blow him up, a rich, arrogant prankster is resurrected as a cyborg with unique skills, a real job and a new love interest.
Salve o Juiz
Second Unit
Pao Lung-Sing, um descendente do famoso juiz Pao Ching Tient, é um juiz corrupto de 9º grau (grau mais baixo) que muda de tom quando tenta defender uma mulher Chi Siu-Lin, que foi acusada de matar seu marido. Como resultado, Pao é forçado a fugir e por meio de uma série de eventos (geralmente hilários) se torna um juiz de primeiro grau e volta para causar estragos e justiça aos culpados.
Zhang: O Bárbaro
Assistant Director
Ele carrega a cruz de seus pais... Ele é um rebelde que luta para limpar o nome de sua família. Seu nome é Zhang, o neto do Grande Mestre do Tai Chi. Destinado à glória, mas o destino tem seus próprios caminhos e Zhang se transformou no alvo da "Escola dos Seis Grandes". Por pouco Zhang conseguiu escapar da morte certa quando foi envenenado, e agora está nas estradas à procura da cura acompanhado por seu avô. Em sua jornada cheia de aventuras, o jovem Zhang é treinado por Grandes Mestres e se transforma num verdadeiro guerreiro, poderoso e inteligente. Agora ele se sente apto para realizar sua missão... limpar o nome de sua família... assim nasce um Grande Herói !
Queen's Bench III
After scoring a massive HK$20 million at the box office with the hit comedy Her Fatal Ways in 1990, the golden trio of Tony Leung Ka Fai, Carol Cheng ("Dodo"), and Alfred Cheung returned later that year with another winner in Queen's Bench III. Besides writing, directing, and producing, the talented Alfred Cheung also starred in the courtroom drama as Chang, an aspiring young lawyer who takes on the tricky case of defending for Fai (Tony Leung), a man charged with murdering a girl in the woods. Chang believes that Fai is innocent, but can he save the man and nail the real culprit with the treacherous prosecutor Fang (screen villain Sunny Fang Kang) on the opposing side? Luckily, Chang gets some help from Carrie Ng as a fellow lawyer, Carina Lau as Fai's girlfriend and a witness, and Dodo who makes a cameo appearance as Chang's aunt.