An asylum patient must find her mother amid the guests at a large gala held at the hospital.
Anne Lauvergeon
La syndicaliste is the true story of Maureen Kearney, the head union representative of a French multinational nuclear powerhouse. She became a whistleblower, denouncing top-secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector. Alone against the world, she fought government ministers and industry leaders, tooth and nail to bring the scandal to light and to defend more than 50,000 jobs.. Her life was turned upside down when she was violently assaulted in her own home... The investigation is carried out under pressure: the subject is sensitive. Suddenly, new elements create doubt in the minds of the investigators. At first a victim, Maureen becomes a suspect.
Every summer, 10-year-old Dune goes with her parents to the south-west coast of France, where she meets her best friend Mathilde. Together, they explore pine forests, contemplate the shape of clouds, follow teenagers and crash their parties, and secretly watch horror films. But this one summer is special for Dune – last year, the family skipped their usual holiday without her knowing why. She feels that something has changed. As childhood becomes a little more distant, she begins to see adults and teenagers differently and understand their secrets.
Rosy Vlaminck
For Stella, it’s her final year. But she says she doesn’t care! That year, she discovers the famous Parisian club, the Bains Douches, 80’s and its crazy nights. Her friends are just studying, her father has left with another woman and her mother is depressed. And then there is André who dances like a God… That year will decide her whole life. She pretends not to think about it…
Paralysed by fear of the future, a middle aged French bureaucrat escapes to Brazil where a destructive affair with a boy forces her to learn to live in the present.
Voix off
Documentary that follows the movement of the collage makers throughout France.
Uma pequena cidade costeira no sudoeste da França está em alerta máximo após o desaparecimento de um surfista, logo a incrível verdade é revelada: um tubarão está rondando o porto.
Antoine e Olga, um casal francês, vivem há muito tempo numa pequena aldeia da Galiza. Eles praticam uma agricultura ecologicamente responsável e restauram casas abandonadas para facilitar o repovoamento. Tudo deveria ser idílico, exceto por sua oposição a um projeto de turbina eólica que cria um sério conflito com seus vizinhos. A tensão aumentará a ponto de ser irreparável.
One morning, Louise, 45, is suddenly unable to step out of her car. Sweats, anxieties, palpitations... she is having an inexplicable panic attack. She is tetanized and simply cannot set foot outside.
Recentemente enviuvada, Béatrice vive com o seu filho e a sua mãe. O seu encontro com Mokhtar, um professor iraniano que veio ilegalmente para a Europa, irá mudar a sua vida quotidiana e as suas convicções. Por amor a ele, terá de desafiar os preconceitos dos que a rodeiam e as leis do seu país.
Raf e Julie, um casal prestes a se separar, estão em um pronto-socorro na noite de um grande protesto dos 'coletes amarelos' em Paris. O encontro com Yann, um manifestante ferido e furioso, vai chacoalhar suas certezas e preconceitos. Lá fora, a tensão aumenta e logo o hospital tem que fechar as portas e a equipe fica sobrecarregada. A noite vai será longa, reveladora e hilária.
Sophie Pascal
O filme conta a história de um casal dono de um açougue falido que no desespero por reerguer seu negócio, acaba matando um homem sem querer. E mais sem querer ainda eles acabam matando um homem, um vegano que ataca e quase destrói o restaurante deles.
Claire Girard
Graças ao marido controlador, uma famosa pianista ambiciosa engravida de forma inesperada. O acontecimento muda a dinâmica do relacionamento do casal.
De mentiras exageradas a surpresas sensuais, esta coleção de vinhetas captura as loucuras de vários homens enquanto eles se atrapalham com a fidelidade e os relacionamentos.
Ever since she served on the jury during his trial, Nora has been convinced that Jacques Viguier is innocent, despite him being accused of murdering his wife. Following an appeal by the public prosecutor’s office, and fearing a miscarriage of justice, she convinces a leading lawyer to defend him during his second trial, on appeal. Together, they will put up a tenacious fight against injustice.
Claire, Bertrand's wife
Bertrand está no "auge" dos seus quarentas anos e sofre de depressão. Depois de usar uma série de medicamentos que não surtiram nenhum efeito, ele começa a frequentar a piscina municipal do bairro em que vive. Lá ele conhece outros homens com histórias semelhantes a sua. O grupo se junta e forma uma equipe de nado sincronizado masculina, algo incomum dentro do esporte. Sob o comando de Delphine, uma ex-atleta vitoriosa, Bertrand e os novos companheiros decidem participar do Campeonato Mundial de Nado Sincronizado, encontrando, enfim, um novo propósito para sua vida.
Depois de ficar afastado durante anos, Gaspard, com 25 anos, se reencontra com a família após o anúncio do casamento do pai. Acompanhado de Laura, uma moça extravagante, que aceita fingir ser sua namorada durante o casamento, ele se sente pronto para pisar, novamente, no zoológico familiar e rever os animais que o viram crescer… Mas entre um pai mulherengo, um irmão sensato demais e uma bela irmã, ele não tem consciência de que está prestes a viver os últimos dias de sua infância.
Olivia Dejazet
É verão em La Ciotat, na França. Antoine acaba de aceitar um convite para participar de um grupo de escrita, onde alguns jovens têm a tarefa de escrever um romance policial com a ajuda de Olivia, uma famosa romancista. O problema é que, durante o processo, o texto vai acabar revisitando assuntos antigos da cidade, fazendo com que Antoine perca o interesse, e criando uma complicada inimizade com o grupo.
A forest full of animated animals encourage a pair of snails, who are fully clad in black because they are in mourning for a dead leaf, to celebrate the new spring and reclaim the colors of life. Based on the children's poem by Jacques Prévert entitled "Chanson des escargots qui font à l'enterrement" ("Song of the snails who are on their way to a funeral").
Florence Corrigan
Dois anos se passaram. Depois de perderem a separação, os Leroy parecem ter o divórcio perfeitamente bem resolvido. Mas o aparecimento de dois novos amores na vida de Vincent e Florence vai incendiar tudo. A partida entre os ex-cônjuges recomeça.
Constance, a 40-years-old real estate agent, gets fired from her job. With no options left, she contacts her former boss, from the small agency where she started her career. To her surprise, he is hiring, but explains he may have already found someone. Constance is convinced she will get the job because of her experience and extensive qualifications. But when Audrey, a younger and prettier woman, is hired instead, it proves too much for Constance to take.
Adaptação do livro homônimo, "Pericle il Nero". Péricles (Riccardo Scamarcio) é um violento soldado contratado para fazer o trabalho sujo, um trabalho que se resume a "obedecer" e "intimidar". No entanto, toda sua vida muda quando, no meio da realização de uma missão, conhece Missy, filha de outro poderoso chefe criminoso local.
La conseillère du ministre
Ernest Krakenkrick and Bachir Bouzouk are about to become pilots in the French army. But after the bad consequences of a test undertaken with the centrifuge, they are forced to give up their dream. They are eventually given the position of baggage handler at Orly-West Airport in Paris. But one night, there is a hostage-taking in the airport and the "Moustachious", a group of terrorists, take hold of the control tower.
Pierre and Maria, a Parisian couple, travel to Spain with their daughter and her friend. When a violent storm hits they must settle for the night in a tiny hotel in a small Andalusian city. This small city has been the scene of a crime of passion. The police search the murderer, an immigrant worker. The whole city is aroused by this murderous act which roused resentment and a dangerous desire for vengeance...
A married couple lives hateful for each other together, they think about divorce until they ask their neighbors, young couple out for a drink . At this moment the young lucky couple get rope into the hate of the other pair.
Florence Leroy
Florence e Vicent Leroy são um casal bem-sucedido. Eles têm três filhos e ótimos empregos. Tudo corre bem, até que ambos recebem propostas de promoção. Com a turbulência e o caos da vida em conjunto, eles decidem se separar, mas nenhum deles quer ficar com a guarda dos filhos.
Louise, Sam, Lili. Three women who don't know each other but whom will be forced to meet, get together, and compare themselves to each other by the wild will of evolution.
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
Xavier e Brigitte, um casal de criadores de gado na Normandia, veem sua vida tranquila perturbada quando Brigitte conhece Stan, um jovem atraente de Paris. Quando ela decide encontrá-lo secretamente em Paris, nada corre como planejado.
Various Characters
The story of Aleksandra and Cyrille, a prominent, trendy, and very well-off Parisian couple, whose life is not quite the same after seven-year-old Alekseï from Russia suddenly pops up in their 100% cashmere, childless home. Aleksandra soon realises that this little boy they have adopted is not quite what she had been hoping for...
Hélène, la mère
15-year-old Chérif feels like a million bucks behind the wheel of a stolen car. Placed under the guardianship of his Aunt and Uncle, he has to return to his apprenticeship as a mason. It's his last chance. But every night graffiti artists descend upon the city's walls. And with this, a whole new world opens up before him...
Maman Boule
Narra as aventuras diárias de Boule (Charles Crombez), um garoto de sete anos, e seu cachorro Bill.
Frank-Étienne is a door-to-door salesman on a mission to sell empty boxes in the middle of nowhere. Things go awry when he meets a young woman who is determined to take advantage of his kindness and his car. Unable to resist her, Frank-Étienne finds himself in an increasingly absurd situation with the woman, her lover, and his dog.
Sandrine and Alice are two sisters who, in their thirties, decide the time has come to attempt a reconciliation with their mother.
O filme mostra a vida dos policiais da Brigada de Protecção de Menores, que devem lidar diariamente com assuntos sérios, como fome e pedofilia. Além de cuidar desses assuntos terão de lidar com Melissa, jornalista enviada pelo Ministério do Interior para realizar um livro de fotos sobre seu trabalho.
Maylis Tremazan
A writer suffering from a lack of inspiration sneaks his way into the lives of a star television journalist and his lead ballerina daughter to write, unbeknownst to them, a non-authorized biography. Meanwhile, in Brittany, twenty-year-old Bruno, who lives with his parents, doesn't yet know the consequences that this story will have on his existence...
Paul Exben is a success story – partner in one of Paris's most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood provokes Paul into a fatal error.
Rachel (Marina Foïs) é funcionária de uma loja de joias. Quando conhece Vincent (Nicolas Duvauchelle) fica encantada e decide organizar um jantar de casais. Rachel e seu marido Franck (Roschdy Zem) acabam se envolvendo com Vincent e sua esposa, Teri (Élodie Bouchez). Loucos de paixão, eles passam a viver uma relação a quatro, fazendo todas as rotinas da casal, dormindo juntos e apostando nesse romance. Sem regras e sem mentiras, tudo caminha bem, mas não por muito tempo. Quando a confusão começa a tomar conta desse namoro moderninho, eles vão fazer de tudo para voltar à normalidade.
Marie Goldman
Depois de anos vivendo fora da lei, Charly Mattei, resolveu nos últimos três anos se dedicar a família e viver harmoniosamente com sua esposa e seus dois filhos pequenos. No entanto, em uma manhã de inverno ele é encontrado em um estacionamento com 22 balas no corpo e apesar de muitos acreditarem que ele havia morrido, Charly misteriosamente sobrevive. Agora ele sai à caça de Tony Zacchia, o único homem que se atreveria a tentar matá-lo. Zacchia cometeu apenas um erro: ele falhou.
Desde que se separou de Nigel, Léna enfrenta a vida da melhor maneira possível com seus dois filhos. Com valentia, supera todos os obstáculos colocados em seu caminho. Mas ainda precisa lidar com o pior deles: as ações de sua família insistente, que decidiu fazê-la feliz de qualquer maneira. Com Chiara Mastroianni, filha do ator.
Os chamados amigos em um jantar acabam agindo como uma família disfuncional.
Marina Foïs
Uma cineasta resolve fazer um documentário sobre todos os tipos de atrizes existentes, das desconhecidas às mais populares. Para tanto resolve filmar tudo em torno das personagens escolhidas para retratar seu filme, mesmo que não tenha o consentimento delas. Só que, aos poucos, a cineasta é tragada para o universo das atrizes e passa a ser manipulada por elas.
Agents des services secrets, Muriel et Philippe forment un improbable duo amoureux. Dans leur nouvelle mission, ils sont chargés de mettre la main sur une clé usb cachée par Constance, la veuve d'un trafiquant d'uranium fraîchement assassiné. Cette jeune bourgeoise étrangement ingénue conduira le duo dans un cours de chant lyrique où s'entremêlent d'autres espions aux voix ensorcelantes.
Muriel Perrache
80's pop icon Gilles Gabriel is about to make a comeback in the French music scene, until he accidentally hits Ranu, a slightly nutty accountant, when out driving one day. Both are horrified to realise that Gilles died in the crash, and that his spirit now lives in Ranu's head! The kooky accountant's life soon becomes chaos!
Mathilde Aubain
Unable to forget her first love, Félicité, a simple and kind maid, devotes herself completely to her new master, Mathilde Aubain. As the passing of time doesn't heal her wounds, she gives love to all those who surround her: Mathilde's children, her nephew Victor. But fate seems to always deny her from any love in return. Still she tries to find someone who'll accept her unconditional love.
Catherine / Sophie / Cécile Nicolle / dite 'Darling'
Darling is a woman of today. It seems to always choose the wrong path. Suffers but does not look like a victim. Do not feel sorry for herself. On the contrary, shows a passion for life against all odds. She is struggling to exist. If you fall, get up. Because Darling is naive and fearless, brave and instinctive. Has the life force of a tragic heroine.
Various Characters
Various Characters
Quand Yves-Marie, 9 ans, demande à Jacqueline, qui a son âge : "Epouse-moi", elle répond par une pirouette : "Le jour où tu vas dans les étoiles, je te donne ma main."
Face à l'incompréhension de la population française quant au montant des crédits alloués à la recherche spatiale, le gouvernement lance une vaste opération de communication. En partenariat avec le Centre spatial français, un grand jeu est organisé. "Le ticket pour l'espace", un jeu à gratter, va permettre à deux civils de séjourner dans la station orbitale européenne.
Three disparate people meet in a bizarre skiing accident: an alcoholic doctor who has just been left by his wife, a beautiful but directionless woman, and the bumbling Algerian man who caused the accident. They become fond of each other, and of liquor.
Claire et Bruno forment depuis douze ans un couple établi, une "institution". Au cours d'une journée à la campagne réunissant tous leurs proches, ils vont, par jeu, prétendre qu'ils se séparent.
Fanny Fontana
Fanny, a single woman in her mid-thirties, has had enough of relationships that don't work, so she decides to seduce Paul, a colleague from the office, into a brief one-night sexual encounter. Everything is prepared when Paul arrives, but then, thanks to Fanny's clumsiness, things don't exactly work out as planned...
35.000 A.C., em plena pré-história. A tribo dos Cabelos Limpos passa os dias de forma tranquila, guardando para si a fórmula secreta do xampu, enquanto que a tribo dos Cabelos Sujos passa o dia a se coçar e queixar. Até que um dia ocorre na tribo dos Cabelos Limpos o 1º crime da história da humanidade: a morte de uma mulher. Intrigados nos motivos que fariam alguém matar uma pessoa que morreria de qualquer forma, os integrantes da tribo tentam descobrir quem foi o autor do crime.
35.000 A.C., em plena pré-história. A tribo dos Cabelos Limpos passa os dias de forma tranquila, guardando para si a fórmula secreta do xampu, enquanto que a tribo dos Cabelos Sujos passa o dia a se coçar e queixar. Até que um dia ocorre na tribo dos Cabelos Limpos o 1º crime da história da humanidade: a morte de uma mulher. Intrigados nos motivos que fariam alguém matar uma pessoa que morreria de qualquer forma, os integrantes da tribo tentam descobrir quem foi o autor do crime.
Tired of their stressful parisian lifestyle, Caroline and Bertrand decide to start a new life, running a traditional gîte in deepest Provence. It is not long before they start to question the wisdom of this move – the buldings are in a state of near-dilapidation, their friend and supposed partner Sophie has walked out on them, and they are but a stone’s throw from a far more attarctive holiday home, catering for gay men. Will this change be as good as a rest or the start of a nightmare?
Claude Duty's feature-length debut Filles Perdues, Cheveux Gras (Hypnotized and Hysterical, (Hairstylist Wanted)) is an offbeat comedy about three women. Elodi (Olivia Bonamy) is a struggling single mother. Natacha (Marina Fois) is an upbeat alcoholic hair stylist whose beloved pet cat has disappeared. Marianne (Amira Casar) is drawn to a roguish, sexually adventurous art dealer. Their lives intertwine in a variety of ways. Song and dance numbers, as well as animated sequences, punctuate the film.
Raph and Swan, two retarded thugs, are hanging out looking for a bad thing to do. When they steal a bag from a defenseless girl, Swan does a good deed. A halo begins to glow over his head. Determined to make it disappear, Raph and Swan try to find the dirty trick that will save them.
La jeune nurse
Sami, Tacchini, Yaya and Kader are four small-time crooks from the suburbs of Paris. After a failed robbery, their boss, Carlito, sends them to Canada to spy on his fiancée. There, they are mistaken for a band of professional killers and are hired to assassinate the heiress Léonore de Segonzac...
Cleópatra, rainha do Egito, acredita que pode construir um templo em tempo recorde e faz uma aposta com Júlio César. Seu arquiteto, no entanto, precisa da ajuda de Asterix e Obelix para lutar contra romanos que tentam impedir a construção.
Various Characters
If you like offbeat, burlesque, absurd, sometimes scatological, but talented humor, the Robins des Bois are for you. With the Norwegian moment broadcast in NPA de Dugeon, they elaborate a grating parody of television and have almost no limits.
Stéphanie Lanceval
Eric and Ramzy are working as window washers at the Montparnasse skyscraper in Paris. Thinking that he has a date set up with beautiful executive Marie-Joelle (who in reality hates his guts), Ramzy stays at work late while Eric hangs around with him. As a result, the pair witness a gang of terrorists seize the tower and take its late-night occupants (including Marie- Joelle) hostage. Knowing that only they can save the day, Eric and Ramzy swing into action.
Various Characters
Various Characters
Florilège des sketch réalisé pour "La grosse émission" sur Comédie!.
l'invitée aux pétards
Maxime and Gerard are a couple of white-collar criminals condemned to 5 years in prison. Sandrine Athan, an honest and principled young police officer, is assigned the banal task of escorting them to the nearest prison in Melun. Things get complicated when killers try to knock them off. Meanwhile, they must contend with strikes which have paralyzed the country and make travelling a nightmare. Added to this mess are the prisoners' many botch escape attempts. All these complications turn a simple transfer into a hellish adventure.
Various Characters
La pièce de théatre qui à fait découvrir Les robins des bois avant leur apparition sur Comédie!.
Winegrower Patrick Ponsac comes close to ruining his marriage when he has an affair with another woman. By way of atonement, he takes his wife back to the Mediterranean island where, 13 years earlier, they spent their honeymoon. Not such a good move, as it turns out. The peacemaking holiday coincides with the outbreak of a bloody civil war. Having failed to leave the country, Patrick, his wife and their eccentric entourage are taken hostage by merciless guerrillas…