Wendell Corey

Wendell Corey

Nascimento : 1914-03-20, Dracut, Massachusetts, USA

Morte : 1968-11-08


Wendell Reid Corey (20 de março de 1914 - 8 de novembro de 1968) foi um ator e político americano. Ele começou sua carreira de ator no palco, fazendo uma série de produções de estoque de verão. Sua estréia na Broadway foi em Comes the Revelation (1942). Depois de aparecer em vários papéis coadjuvantes, ele conseguiu seu primeiro sucesso como um jornalista cínico na comédia de Elmer Rice, Dream Girl (1945). Enquanto aparecia na peça, Corey foi visto pelo produtor Hal Wallis, que o convenceu a assinar um contrato com a Paramount e seguir carreira no cinema em Hollywood. Sua estreia no cinema foi como gângster em Desert Fury (1947). Ele estrelou com Casey Walters na série de televisão Harbor Command (1957–1958), co-estrelou em The Nanette Fabray Show (1961) e, durante sua primeira temporada, teve o papel principal no drama médico The Eleventh Hour (1962– 1963). Corey fez aparições em vários programas, incluindo Target: The Corruptors !, Channing, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Untouchables, Burke's Law, Perry Mason, The Road West e The Wild Wild West. Ele serviu como presidente da Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas de 1961 a 1963 e foi membro do conselho de diretores do Screen Actors Guild. Um militante republicano na política nacional desde 1956, Corey foi eleito para o Conselho Municipal de Santa Monica em abril de 1965. O político conservador concorreu à cadeira da Califórnia no Congresso dos Estados Unidos em 1966, mas perdeu as eleições primárias. Ele ainda era um vereador na época de sua morte.


Wendell Corey


The Astro-Zombies
For devilishly mad "astro-scientist" Dr. DeMarco (John Carradine), a typical day involves run-ins with reanimated corpses, bloodthirsty solar-powered killer robot zombies, Chinese communist spies and vicious Mexican secret agents. But when a bloody trail of young female murder victims leads an intrepid CIA agent to his door, things get really interesting. Ted V. Mikels directs this unique B horror-thriller.
Rep Marlowe
A Montana marshal fights a land baron out to parch homesteaders with a spite dam.
Red Tomahawk
Sy Elkins
After Custer's defeat an army captain tries to warn a small town that the Sioux are coming. The inhabitants own two machine-guns but don't want to lend them to him.
O Estranho Retrato
Lawyer Clayborn
A trágica morte da mãe faz garota perder a memória. Como não bastasse, a menina ainda é encarnada pelo espírito da falecida.
Cyborg 2087
In the future world of the year 2087, freedom of thought is illegal and the thoughts of the world's populations are controlled by the government. A small band of "free thinkers" send a cyborg back in time to the year 1966 to prevent a scientist from making the breakthrough that will eventually lead to the mass thought control of the future. Our time traveler soon discovers he is not alone when government agents from the future try to prevent him from carrying out his mission.
Sam Stone
Preacher Sam Stone and his new beautiful wife Jill stand by the grave of Sheriff Billy Kelly, who died trying to bring law-and-order to Emporia, Wyoming. Among the mourners are businessman George Gates, mayor Ned West and his daughter Patricia. The mayor rejects Gates' suggestion that he release gunfighter Waco from jail to clean up the town. When Patricia is attacked by a cowboy after leaving her boyfriend Scotty Moore, the mayor finally decides it is time accept the governor;s offer of amnesty for Waco. Jill Stone's first reaction, when learning that Waco has been released, is to leave town before Waco finds out that she, his former fiancée, has married the town preacher while Waco was in jail. Town boss Joe Gore is not overjoyed, either, but Ike and Pete Jenner eagerly await the chance to shoot Waco for the death of their brother. Written by Les Adams
Women of the Prehistoric Planet
Adm. David King
A space ship crash lands on the third planet of a distant solar system, killing all hands except for a young boy named Tang. The rescue ship arrives some 20 years later. One of the crew, a girl named Linda meets Tang and falls in love with him. They are attacked by the native humanoids of the planet and many of them are killed off. Also, the crew encounters many strange beasts on this strange, but somewhat familiar world.
Agent for H.A.R.M.
Jim Graff
The head of the Human Aetiological Relations Machine pits an agent against a flesh-to-fungus spore gun.
Broken Sabre
Major Whitcomb
A western edited from episodes of the Chuck Conners TV series 'Branded'.
Blood on the Arrow
Clint Mailer
In this western, the sole survivor of an Apache ambush rides out to save a young boy who has been captured. The hero was a captured outlaw en route to his trial.
Valentão é Apelido
Jesse James
Insurance salesman Milford Farnsworth sells a man a life policy only to discover that the man in question is the outlaw Jesse James. Milford is sent to buy back the policy, but is robbed by Jesse. And when Jesse learns that Milford's boss is on the way out with more cash, he plans to rob him too and have Milford get killed in the robbery while dressed as Jesse, and collect on the policy.
O Tratado dos Moicanos
Wilse Owens
No ano de 1764, a América ainda é uma colônia britânica. O coronel Henry Bouquet, comandante do exército dos casacos vermelhos, desce o estado de Ohio com sua tropa de 1500 homens para se dirigir ao forte Pitt, durante da guerra do Pontiac (1763-1766), numa tentativa de acordo de paz com os chefes dos índios moicanos Delaware. Por este tratado, todos os homens brancos e mulheres capturados pelos índios e vivendo em cativeiro, deverão ser devolvidos a suas famílias de origem.
A Mulher Que Eu Amo
Walter (Tex) Warner
Deke Rivers, vem do Sul, mas ele não se adapta ao mundo da música country. Uma promotora musical megera, interpretada por Lizabeth Scott, reconhece o talento único de Deke e o explora como um novo rosto que encanta o público jovem. A mídia distorce seu encanto e o identifica como uma pessoa temperamental até Derek provar que foi tão somente um mero engano.
Lágrimas do Céu
Deputy Sheriff J.S. File
Bill Starbuck (Burt Lancaster) é um trapaceiro que, viajando pelo Texas, tenta se aproveitar de pessoas simplórias dizendo que é capaz de fazer chover, pois a seca prolongada está apavorando os fazendeiros. Assim ele vai parar na propriedade de H.C. Curry (Cameron Preud'Homme), um pai preocupado que sua filha Lizzie (Katharine Hepburn), torne-se uma solteirona. Os irmãos dela, Noah (Lloyd Bridges) e Jim (Earl Holliman), têm igual preocupação, pois Lizzie é considerada um patinho feio. H.C., Noah e Jim pretendem num último recurso aproximá-la de J.S. File (Wendell Corey), o xerife local, quando Bill chega, diz ser um fazedor de chuva e se propõe a acabar com a seca se lhe pagarem US$ 100. Ele cativa a família com seu carisma e Lizzie se sente atraída por ele, pois Bill, com sua lábia, a convenceu que ela é a mulher mais maravilhosa do mundo.
Deus é Meu Juiz
Maj. Sam Moulton
Army Captain Edward Hall returns to the US after two years in a prison camp in the Korean War. In the camp he was brainwashed and helped the Chinese convince the other prisoners that they were fighting an unjust war. When he comes back he is charged for collaboration with the enemy. Where does loyalty end in a prison camp, when the camp is a living hell?
The Arena
Senator James Norton
Arriving in Washington, a freshman senator gets an experienced advisor who warns him not to continue a heated feud with his state's senior salon, held over from his father. But later in a drunken jag, he blurts out secret evidence that can end the career of the older man.
O Assassino Anda Solto
Leon 'Foggy' Poole
Um desequilibrado criminoso cuja mulher, acidentalmente foi morta por um detetive da polícia durante sua prisão, pretende vingar-se matando a esposa do policial.
O Preço da Audácia
Dave Fairchild
An assortment of American types come together in the Italian campaign of 1944.
A Grande Chantagem
Smiley Coy
Movie star Charlie Castle draws the ire of Hollywood producer Stanley Hoff when he refuses to sign a new seven-year contract. Castle is sick of the low quality of the studio's films and wants to start a new life. While his estranged wife supports him in the decision, Castle's talent agent urges him to reconsider. When Castle continues to be uncooperative, Hoff resorts to blackmail in order to get his way.
Janela Indiscreta
Det. Lt. Thomas J. Doyle
Em Greenwich Village, Nova York, L.B. Jeffries, um fotógrafo profissional, está de molho em seu apartamento por ter quebrado a perna enquanto trabalhava. Como não tem muito o que fazer, fica bisbilhotando a vida dos seus vizinhos com um binóculo. Porém vê algumas coisas que o fazem suspeitar que um assassinato foi cometido.
Hell's Half Acre
Chet Chester, aka Randy Williams
A woman travels to Hawaii to find out if a man in prison there is actually her missing husband.
The Backbone of America
Ben Bruce
An account executive tried to find the perfect American family to use in a forthcoming advertising campaign.
Laughing Anne
Capt. Davidson
Story of love affair of captain who runs ship in Java Seas and a French saloon singer. From a story "Because of the dollars" by Joseph Conrad.
A Tale of Two Cities
Sydney Carton
A dramatization originally for TV on the Plymouth Playhouse. A retelling of the Charles Dickens story.
Jamaica Run
Todd Dacey
Promoter William Montague wants to buy the estate owned by the Daceys, Mrs. Dacey and her daughter Ena and son Todd, in order to build a resort hotel. When they turn him down, he produces a couple of distant relatives, Janice and Robert Clayton, and sets about to prove that the estate rightfully belongs to them. The identity of the rightful heirs is thought to be buried in a sunken ship off of the Jamaican shore and the search begins, led by a schooner skipper, Patrick Fairlie, who is in love with Ena.
My Man and I
Ansel Ames
In California, a Mexican-American is falsely accused of killing the farmer he was working for after the racist farmer stiffed his immigrant employee with a bad check.
Carbine Williams
Capt. H.T. Peoples
David Marshall Williams is sent to a prison farm where he works in the tool shop and eventually develops the precursor of the famous M-1 Carbine automatic rifle used in World War II.
Terras do Norte
Constable Pedley
In the Canadian mountains, a trapper goes on the run accused of a crime and is pursued by a rugged and determined lawman of the Royal North-West Mounted Police.
The Wild Blue Yonder
Capt. Harold Calvert
Wendell Corey and Forrest Tucker star as a pair of World War II Army Air Corps officers. In between their battles over the affections of a beautiful nurse, Corey and Tucker prepare to fly a bombing mission in the South Pacific. Before boarding their B29 Superfortress, Tucker appears to be chickening out, but he's steadfastly at his cockpit post at takeoff time.
Rich, Young and Pretty
Jim Stauton Rogers
A rancher's daughter visits Paris to meet her mother and find love.
The Great Missouri Raid
Frank James
During the American Civil War (1861-1865), farmers Jesse and Frank James decided to form an armed gang to face the Union troops using guerrilla warfare.
A Dominadora
Walter Craig
A perfectionist woman's devotion to her home drives away friends and family.
Almas em Fúria
Rip Darrow
A New Mexico cattle man and his strong-willed daughter clash over the man's choice for a new bride. Things get worse when the elder man has his daughter's lover hanged. With the help of an old flame, a gambler, the daughter puts into motion a plan to drive her father from his estate.
No Sad Songs for Me
Bradford 'Brad' Scott
Mary Scott learns she only has ten months to live before dying of an incurable disease. She manages to keep the news from her husband, Brad and daughter, Polly. She tries to make every moment of her life count, but her effort is weakened by the discovery that Brad is interested in his assistant, Chris Radner. But when she learns that Brad does indeed love her and not Chris, and that Chris is leaving town, she realizes what she must do to ensure the future happiness of Brad and Polly. She persuades Chris to stay, makes a genuine friend of her and watches Polly grow towards Chris.
Duas Vidas Se Encontram
Carl Davis
Just before Christmas, department store clerk Steve Mason meets big spending customer Connie Ennis, who's actually a comparison shopper sent by another store. Steve lets her go, which gets him fired. They spend the afternoon together, which doesn't sit well with Connie's steady suitor, Carl, when he finds out, but delights her young son Timmy, who quickly takes to Steve.
A Confissão de Thelma
Cleve Marshall
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
Quando Morre Uma Ilusão
Robbin Elcott
When illegal casino owner Charley Enley Kyng develops heart disease, he is advised by a doctor to spend more time with his family. However, he finds it difficult to keep his work separate from his life at home. His son, Paul, feels ashamed of Charley's career and gets into a fight at his prom because of it. Meanwhile, Charley's brother-in-law, Robbin, who works at the casino, begins fixing games due to his extreme gambling debts.
Lieut. Ted Dorgan
O estudante universitário Bill se sente atraído pela professora de psicologia Wilma e tenta estuprá-la. Ela se defende e acidentalmente o mata. Então, move o cadáver para uma praia e faz com que sua morte pareça um acidente.
A Fera de Kumaon
Dr. John Collins
Nas selvas um médico caça um tigre, vicioso comedor de homens, e experimenta uma pessoal mudança atraído pelos costumes e crenças dos nativos. .
Uma Vida Por um Fio
Dr. Philip Alexander
Leona Stevenson is confined to bed and uses her telephone to keep in contact with the outside world. One day she overhears a murder plot on the telephone and is desperate to find out who is the intended victim.
Perdidos na Tormenta
Jerry Fisher
Na Berlim do pós-guerra, um soldado americano ajuda um menino Tcheco perdido a encontrar sua mãe. Um menino Tcheco de nove anos de idade, mudo, sobrevivente de Auschwitz, foge de um centro de refugiados na Alemanha no pós-guerra e é encontrado por um soldado americano. Ao mesmo tempo, a mãe do menino, o único membro sobrevivente de sua família, procura pelo seu filho em Centros de Refugiados. Tempo, distância, e o enorme número de crianças refugiadas são fatores que dificultam o reencontro de mãe e filho.
Estranha Fascinação
Frankie Madison retorna a Nova York depois de 14 anos de prisão. Noll Turner, ex-parceiro de Frankie em contrabando, é agora um rico gerente de boate, e Frankie está esperando que ele honre um acordo verbal de 'meio-a-meio' que eles fizeram quando ele foi pego e Noll escapou. Chance gorda! Será que Frankie, que conhece apenas os métodos violentos da Lei Seca, vai vencer no Big Business? Vai ser difícil... mesmo com a improvável ajuda da cantora Kay, a ex-namorada de Noll. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
A Filha da Pecadora
Johnny Ryan
Fritzi Haller (Mary Astor) é a dona de um saloon e um cassino na fictícia pequena cidade de Chuckawalla, Nevada. Sua filha, Paula Haller (Lizabeth Scott), acabou de largar o colégio e resolveu voltar para casa ao mesmo tempo em que o gangster Eddie Bendix (John Hodiak) também retorna à cidade. Ele já se envolveu com Fritzi, mas deixou a cidade sob suspeita de ter assassinado sua mulher. Paula apaixona-se por Bendix, eles se envolvem. O ex-namorado de Paula e o xerife local, Tom Hanson (Lancaster), junto ao parceiro de Bendix, Johnny Ryan (Corey), tentam acabar com o relacionamento. Quando Fritzi descobre sobre os dois, logo tenta proteger Paula desse provável desastre amoroso. Mas, quando resolve fugir de Hanson - que quer livrar a cidade de tipos como Bendix e Ryan, Eddie Bendix verá que o passado, apesar de morto, ainda poderá cruzar seu caminho de maneira inesperada...
Easy to Get
Military Doctor
U.S. Army training film about avoiding venereal disease, intended primarily for Black servicemen.