John Brumpton

John Brumpton


Brumpton has performed in over 60 short films including the 2006 Tropfest finalist - Silencer. Last Ride and The Loved Ones screened in competition at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival, where The Loved Ones won the Midnight Madness Audience Award. Brumpton portrays Eric Stone ("Daddy") in the Australian horror film The Loved Ones.[1] Brumpton's second film in a leading role, Dance Me to My Song (1998) was screened in competition at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival. His third film in a leading role, Redball (1999) won the Grand Jury Prize, at the 1999 Chicago Independent Film Festival.


John Brumpton


An oddly comical and touching meditation on suburban masculinity as two burly, aging men negotiate grief, rage and forgiveness without exchanging a word. It’s a tale of two men bound together by a death but dealing with it in very different ways.
Measure for Measure
An improbable love affair flares up between Karima, a modern Muslim girl, and Claudio, a local musician, in Melbourne's most notorious housing estate, where ruthless gangs rule, drug abuse spreads and racial tension grows.
The Diver
Callan tem vinte anos e sente que tem cada vez mais dificuldade em conter o crescente impulso nele. A fim de proteger os outros de seu comportamento estranho, seu pai, Malcolm, tenta por todos os meios canalizar sua atenção.
Lost Gully Road
Lucy travels to an isolated house in the forest to wait for her sister. They have worked out a risky scheme for their future and all she needs to do is sit it out. However a sinister presence may have something different in mind.
The Menkoff Method
Security Guard #2
David Cork (Lachlan Woods) is a lowly data processor slaving away in the cubicle wasteland of Endo Bank's notorious Data Processing Centre, the DPC. But his real passion is manga. David is obsessed with the superhero Foxy Chaos - and he aspires to meet her creator, Takuya Fujimoro. David's manga dreams are shattered when a sinister Russian HR guru arrives at the DPC. Max Menkoff (Noah Taylor) has big plans and no worker is safe from his "method". Murder, chaos and office zombies take hold! Only David, in alliance with the brilliant and determined Ruby Jackson (Jessica Clarke), can stand in Menkoff's way. But what is the Menkoff Method? And what does it mean for David Cork?
Scare Campaign
Popular prank TV show, Scare Campaign, has been entertaining audiences for the last 5 years with its mix of old school scares and hidden camera fun. But as we enter a new age of online TV the producers find themselves up against a new hard edged web series which makes their show look decidedly quaint. It's time to up the ante, but will the team go too far this time, and are they about to prank the wrong guy?
Welcome Home Allen
A group of soldiers return home to a world that no longer recognises them.
When Chinese-Australian teenager Lawrence cheats at and fails his high-school exams, destroying his dreams of a medical degree, he's banished to the country for the summer. There, he meets wily old conman the Professor and his cynical daughter Sarah, and learns that even the sneakiest scam can't conjure up love. Is it a true story? That might be another of Leung's tricks.
Les Underwood
Pawno is a character driven ensemble film set in the diverse and multicultural suburb of Footscray in Melbourne, Australia.
Black Chook
They were Australia’s bad days. Men killed other men and laughed. All that was left for the children of the dead was to remember. If they had the strength.
Charlie's Country
Policeman Brum
Blackfella Charlie is getting older, and he's out of sorts. The intervention is making life more difficult on his remote community, what with the proper policing of whitefella laws that don't generally make much sense, and Charlie's kin and ken seeming more interested in going along with things than doing anything about it. So Charlie takes off, to live the old way, but in doing so sets off a chain of events in his life that has him return to his community chastened, and somewhat the wiser.
We Keep On Dancing
Two distinctly disparate characters come together over a broken down Volkswagen Beetle in this sweet, amusing tale of love, loss and... car trouble.
O Combate Paranormal
Um grupo de soldados de elite enviados para se infiltrar e extrair a equipe de cientistas de ponta do Pine Gap, o complexo militar secreto da Austrália, depois que ele foi atacado por forças desconhecidas. A missão é comprometida quando eles encontram uma jovem mulher sem memória de quem ela é ou como ela chegou lá. Enquanto tentam escapar, o grupo rapidamente descobre que tudo não é o que parece e a instalação se tornou um campo de testes para algo muito mais sinistro.
O Caçador
Martin é um mercenário enviado à Austrália por uma empresa internacional de biotecnologia para caçar um animal considerado extinto: o tigre da Tasmânia. Ele se instala na casa de Lucy, mãe de Sass e Bike, mulher de um zoólogo que desapareceu na floresta também em busca do animal. Mantendo sua missão em segredo, ele começa a procura pelo tigre. A sua relação com a família e a força da natureza ao seu redor vão fazer com que Martin comece a questionar as consequências de sua missão.
Busca Sangrenta
Shane Cooper é um jovem policial que se transfere para a pequena comunidade de Red Hill, onde espera começar com sua esposa grávida uma nova família. Mas quando chegam as notícias de uma fuga da prisão, os policiais do local entram em pânico, e o primeiro dia de Shane irá de mal a pior. Jimmy Conway é um assassino convicto que está buscando vingança. E agora, em meio a um terrível banho de sangue, Shane se verá obrigado a tormar a justiça em suas mãos se quiser sobreviver.
The Beautiful and Damned
Twenty something trust fund kid Anthony Patch and his party girl wife Gloria Gilbert are disinherited by their wealthy benefactor grandfather and their lives spiral out of control in a blizzard of drugs, sex and eventual violence. Based on the novel by F.Scott Fitzgerald.
Entes Queridos
Daddy Stone
Brent Mitchell é um jovem constantemente confrontado pelo colapso emocional de sua mãe após o trágico acidente automobilístico que matou seu pai. Rejeitado e sem perspectivas, a sua única felicidade é a bela namorada Holly. O que Brent não desconfia é que ele é também a grande paixão de Lola, a esquisitinha da escola. E que Lola tem um pai maluco capaz de fazer coisas absurdas para agradar a filha.
Old Timer
Peter (James Caviezel) e Carla (Claudia Karvan) passam por uma crise no casamento. Para tentar salvá-lo, eles decidem passar um final de semana prolongado em uma praia isolada. A ideia é que não tenham que se preocupar com nada além deles próprios, deixando de lado a preservação do local. Só que eles não esperavam ter que enfrentar a fúria da natureza.
Em Busca de Redenção
Quando seu pai o coloca dentro de um carro no meio da noite, Chook de 10 anos imagina que algo de muito errado está acontecendo. Pai e filho partem para uma jornada de final desconhecido onde ficará evidente seu relacionamento conturbado e a necessidade de sobreviverem. Um embate entre 2 forças questionando amizade, traição, amor e lealdade.
The Combination
Mr. Roberts
Set in the maligned western suburbs of Sydney, Lebanese-Australian John gets out of gaol to discover his younger brother Charlie is caught up with drugs, hookers and crime. Charlie oscillates between the streets and school. Daily clashes between Scott and Charlie's gang escalate. This feud spills into the streets in a territory and identity battle that turns bloody.
Aviso de Tempestade
No Filme, Em um passeio de barco, o casal Rob (Robert Taylor) e Pia se perde durante uma tempestade e acaba em um local muito estranho. Quando o barco quebra, a única solução é procurar por ajuda e um abrigo. Eles finalmente encontram uma casa sem ninguém, mas com claros sinais de que é habitada por pessoas que não gostam de companhia. Logo, os perturbados donos da casa retornam e aprisionam Rob e Pia. Quando descobrem que não têm a menor chance de serem libertados, eles percebem que precisarão fazer o que for preciso para sobreviver e isso certamente significará ultrapassar qualquer limite.
BlackJack: Ace Point Game
Andy Margate
After wearing a wire to catch a dirty colleague selling confiscated drugs, detective Jack Kempson is hated by his colleagues. He also gets 'promoted away' to the basement, where old files get transferred to the national computer database. Thus he comes across fingerprints, now identifiable, in the 30 year old case of Ashley, the kidnapped son of lottery winners. Although he's too late to help him now, he tracks the perpetrators down behind his boss's back.
Gettin' Square
Lenny Morrison
Gettin' Square is about starting over, keeping clean and going straight. Barry Wirth is fresh out of prison and determined to stay on the straight and narrow. But like his mate Johnny 'Spit' Spiteri and reformed gangster turned restaurateur Dabba, he finds out the hard way that there are old scores and a few new ones that'll make getting square a lot harder than he thought.
Andy Margate
Jack Kempson started out as an idealistic cop. Thirty years on, he remains relentless in tracking down villains, but has lost confidence in his moral barometer. He turns a blind eye to the dubious methods employed by some of his contemporaries — prepared to let dodgy means be justified by the noble end.
Trojan Warrior
When a comical mob bag-man rats out the local mob boss, the bagman's cousin must rescue him from both the mob and the cops so he can testify at the grand jury.
Det. Robbie Walsh
Two detectives are assigned to solve a series of grisly murders of children. However, when their investigation leads them towards someone in their own squad room as the killer, the female detective edges on a total breakdown as she loses faith in her fellow officers. The film explores the decadence and corruption that exists in the police force.
Adrift in hostile waters, during the last vicious battles of the Triad societies after explusion from mainland China, The Captain, William, is ruined. He has a shady past, a drinking problem and a dirty job to do - at the lowest ebb of his career, William has agreed to sink the Arabella for an insurance scam. A tale of lost men adrift on the high seas in a battle for survival
Dance Me to My Song
The story of Julia, a disabled woman in a wheelchair and voice synthesizer, who's trapped psychologically by a cruel, manipulative caregiver. After the arrival of a mysterious man, Julia begins to question the day-to-day dramas and frustrations she's tolerated for years. An achingly genuine and profoundly moving drama about a woman born with cerebral palsy.
A highly cinematic adaptation of John Brumpton’s play about a group of inmates incarcerated in an isolated HIV-positive section of a prison.
A highly cinematic adaptation of John Brumpton’s play about a group of inmates incarcerated in an isolated HIV-positive section of a prison.
The Rat Tamer
Officer Gilbert
In this Aussie prison drama directed by Kate Woods, no one can explain why inmate Kevin Jones (Hugh Jackman) arrived at Blackstream Penitentiary with brain damage and horrible bruises on his body -- least of all Kevin. Can a jailhouse psychologist (played by Deborra-Lee Furness) help Kevin regain his memory, or will it take an act of violence to bring out the truth? This "Correlli" TV series pilot "The Rat Tamer" was later released separately on DVD as a feature.
Silent Number
Man at Door
A young woman takes a babysitting job during a bad thunderstorm. She begins to receive frightening phone calls from a young boy who claims he needs help. It seems that the boy's abusive father has locked him up somewhere, and he can't get out. The woman calls the police so they can trace the boy's call, and then they all learn the shocking truth about the boy's whereabouts.
Skinheads - A Força Branca
Skinheads nazistas em Melbourne descontam sua raiva sobre os vietnamitas locais, que são vistos como uma ameaça à pureza racial. Finalmente, os vietnamitas tiveram o suficiente e confrontaram os skinheads em um confronto total, enviando os skinheads em funcionamento. Uma mulher propensa a convulsões epilépticas junta-se ao bando alegre das peles e as ajuda na fuga da justiça, mas sua aflição também é um sinal de impureza?