Pedro Adorno


Palés y la rumba de esquina
A musical tribute to Puerto Rican poet, Luis Palés Matos. His poems are set to Caribbean and Latin American rhythms, including drums, guitars, and melodies.
Andrés is a nine year old boy musician who plays the treble. On the way to a recital with his parents and in the midst of endless traffic, he tries to practice the melody he’ll be playing. Frustrated by the traffic, the heat, and that he can’t play the piece correctly, Andrés bursts in anger, throwing his instrument, which stops time as it touches the floor.
Che: O Argentino
Epifanío Díaz
Fidel Castro viaja do México para Cuba com oito rebeldes, entre eles Ernesto Che Guevara e seu irmão Raul. Guevara era um médico argentino que tinha por objetivo ajudar Castro a derrubar o governo de Fulgêncio Batista. Ao chegar, logo se integra à guerrilha, participando da luta armada mas também cuidando dos doentes. Aos poucos ele ganha o respeito de seus companheiros e torna-se um dos líderes da revolução que está por vir.
El clown
A young clown decides to abandon the small-town circus he works for in order to try and make it in a big city.
El clown
A young clown decides to abandon the small-town circus he works for in order to try and make it in a big city.