Kira Clavell

Kira Clavell

Nascimento : , Canada


Kira Clavell


Fall Back Down
Lizzie's mom
A depressed ex-activist takes a job in a sweatshop where he and his coworker make a grim discovery.
Os Caçadores
Uma família de arqueólogos decide caçar artefatos de contos de fadas que estão escondidos ao redor da Terra.
Frankie & Alice
A história de uma exótica dançarina com múltiplas personalidades, lutando para permanecer fiel a si mesma e ao mesmo tempo lutando contra dois alter egos muito originais: uma criança de sete anos, chamada Genius e uma sulista branca racista chamada Alice. Para reprimir as múltiplas vozes em sua cabeça, Frankie faz tratamento com uma psicoterapeuta para desvendar e superar o mistério dos fantasmas internos que a assustam. Com uma cintilante performance de Halle Berry, que foi indicada ao Globo de Ouro®.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
Scooby-Doo! O Mistério Começa
O que reúne grandes amigos? Para Daphne, Velma, Fred, Salsicha e o cãozinho Scooby-Doo, é um mistério! Literalmente! Este longa-metragem leva os fãs de volta no tempo, para quando nossos quatro heróis eram adolescentes novatos no assunto – sempre acompanhados por um cão detetive – e tiveram seu primeiro encontro profissional. Injustamente acusados de encenar uma piada sobre fantasmas, os garotos são suspensos do colégio. Para limparem seus nomes, eles se unem para resolverem um mistério sobrenatural... E se envolvem em uma aventura repleta de bom humor.
Wendy Hartman
Five former college roommates gather years later for an emotional reunion. Although their lives have taken different paths, they still feel a strong bond and each reveals a dark, personal secret.
Homie Spumoni
All his life, African-American Renato has been raised in an Italian-American family. Completely unaware that he is Black, his life is upended when his birth parents materialize, causing Renato to examine what he true heritage is.
Comeback Season
First Down. Second Chance. Skylar is a star quarterback of his football team. He's got the skills, the looks, and the girls. His next-door neighbor, Walter is a loving husband, good father and all-round decent family man. When their worlds start to crumble they find themselves in jail together and suddenly these former enemies must rely on each other to rebuild their lives...
The Last Hit
Coco is a professional assassin and has one shot to make things straight, but who will be the target?
House of the Dead: O Filme
Um grupo de jovens estudantes visita a misteriosa Ilha da Morte onde séculos atrás abrigou um padre banido da Espanha por inventar um soro que engana a morte. Para o horror dos estudantes, eles encontram o padre ainda vivo. Seu passa tempo "colher" partes do corpo humano para poder sobreviver. Agora encurralados em uma ilha dominada por zumbis sedentos de sangue, se refugiam em uma antiga casa e procuram utilizar cada instrumento ou arma para se defenderem de criaturas semimortas assassinas que as rondam.
Snow Queen
Summer Princess
The Snow Queen is a powerful story of friendship and the triumph of love over wickedness. The story follows a young woman who is forced to battle the wicked snow queen in order to save the soul of the man she loves.
Rub & Tug
Three beautiful masseurs are committed to their upstanding clients and their jobs. But their new manager is trying to run an honest business. Will he be able to stop the girls from giving their customers a little something extra?
Voyage of the Unicorn
One day the Aislings find themselves magically transported to a ship called the Unicorn. Here, they discover that they've been chosen to fulfill an incredible quest! They undergo an incredible journey of discovery in strange lands with enchanted creatures, but find their voyage is really one of the spirit, as they each learn faith and the power of love.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Hong Kong martial arts version of Jekyll and Hyde, with Hyde as the mythical fighting champion known as the White Tiger battling the Triads, drug trafficking and illegal organ transplants.
Sealed with a Kiss
Cynthia, Bennett's Assistant
Bennett, who's engaged to his boss's daughter, just lost a major client for his company. When a letter meant for someone else is accidentally mailed to his home, Bennett tries to return it to its author. She turns out to be Robbie, curator of the museum home of the poet Longfellow which is desperate for funding. Bennett is drawn to Robbie and decides to help her save the museum. In the process, he finds himself reevaluating his life.
The Stepsister
A young psych major uses her wits to expose the deadly intentions of her father's new bride and the woman's conniving daughter.