José Pozo

José Pozo


José Pozo


The Burning Cold
Winter of 1943. Andorra, a small country in the Pyrenees. In the tense calm of a borderland, where echoes of a nearby war reach the ears of the local inhabitants, Antonio and Sara, a young, married couple, are expecting their first child. No one knows exactly what is going on, nor what is being fought over, the priority is just to survive another day. When a family of Jews fleeing Nazi persecution arrives in the valley, the locals will find their lives disrupted and filled with a sense of fear and unease. Sara will have to face her own contradictions and decide whether to follow her head... or her conscience. The past, along with all the secrets that have remained buried under the snow for so many years, are about to surface. The burning cold has reached the mountains.
Plastic Killer
Amparo lives in an old abandoned haberdashery with the only company of Carmela, a plastic bag whom she considers her daughter.
Plastic Killer
Amparo lives in an old abandoned haberdashery with the only company of Carmela, a plastic bag whom she considers her daughter.
A woman is kidnapped by an ex-con after he has committed a mysterious robbery.
A woman is kidnapped by an ex-con after he has committed a mysterious robbery.
A woman is kidnapped by an ex-con after he has committed a mysterious robbery.
Margret, a police officer working in a small town where nothing ever happens, has a boring life, but she is happy solving the trivial problems of her neighbors, until her monotonous existence is altered when she receives a call from a London private school.
Margret, a police officer working in a small town where nothing ever happens, has a boring life, but she is happy solving the trivial problems of her neighbors, until her monotonous existence is altered when she receives a call from a London private school.
Donkey Xote
Dom Quixote é desafiado para um duelo com o Cavaleiro da Meia-Lua pelo amor de Dulcineia. Sancho Pança e seu burro Rocio, que sonhava em ser cavalo, embarcam nessa aventura e só resta convencer Rocinante, o cavalo de Quixote, a participar do duelo.
El Cid - A Lenda
El Cid - A Lenda conta a história de um menino que torna-se homem, vira herói e transforma-se em lenda, Rodrigo, um belo jovem, corajoso e com um futuro promissor é envolvido por seus inimigos em uma conspiração. Como punição é exilado de Castella. Longe de casa, faz de tudo para salvar sua cidade natal do rei ganancioso. Rodrigo só triunfará caso consiga derrotar esse terrível inimigo. Uma guerra na qual a maior vitória é recuperar a honra, o amor e a felicidade.