Jenna Harrison

Jenna Harrison

Nascimento : 1981-11-27, Gorleston, Norfolk, England


Jenna Harrison


A homeless man searching for his lost dog forges an unexpected bond with a young boy.
Chimera Strain
A brilliant but disturbed scientist freezes his children alive, while he races to cure their deadly genetic disease by decoding the DNA of the immortal Turritopsis jellyfish.
Access All Areas
Four runaway teenagers are catapulted on a wild and uplifting road trip out of the city and across the water to a magical island music festival.
The Magnificent Eleven
A modernization of the classic western in which the Cowboys are a struggling local amateur soccer team, the Indians run a nearby Tandoori restaurant and the bandits are a group of menacing thugs led by a maniac known simply as 'American Bob'.
Damien, a London copper has a past he's trying to forget. Before joining the force he ran with a football firm, getting involved in tear-ups up and down the country. Now he's on the other side of the law and faces a tough decision, side with his old crew or protect London as it burns and rioters run amok. Falling in love with fellow cop Louise, he is quickly alerted to a street-level uprising that is about to shake London. Amidst the brutalities presented by the riots, he fights for justice at Louise's expense. Having been raped by a rioter known to him, Damien finds himself levelling with the rioters, fighting a war he cannot win, as much against the rioters as against himself.
A short horror telling the story of a siege that takes place over 30 seconds in a bathroom.
Escuridão Mortal
Tagart, hábil mestre da katana, comanda uma tropa de operações especiais em uma missão sangrenta. Seu alvo: vampiros. Em um mundo apocalíptico, alguns poucos sobreviventes ficam presos em um hospital infectado. Tagart é a única esperança desses sobreviventes. Mas, ele sabe que a única cura é o extermínio...
Natasha Bela e Morta
Christine Loomis
Anna (Cristina Chirila) é uma bela garota russa que ganha a vida como stripper, em bares e casas noturnas de perigoso submundo da cidade de São Petesburgo. Acostumada a lidar com os mais diferentes e incovenientes tipos de marginais, ela não esperava, porém, que o pior pudesse acontecer: após presenciar o assassinato de seu chefe e de sua prima Natasha, ela é obrigada a fugir do país, para não ser capturada e morta pelos assassinos. Com o passaporte da prima nas mãos, Anna assume a identidade de Natasha e via para a Inglaterra, em busca de uma vida melhor. Porém, ao se instalar numa pequena e conservadora cidade do interior, ela logo percebe que seu jeito sensual e cativante vai mudar a vida de todos. Anna (agora Natasha) traz mais alegria para os moradores que rapidamente se tornam seus amigos. E chega até a encontrar um novo amor. Mas os criminosos que a procuram não estão nem um pouco dispostos a deixá-la em paz com sua nova vida.
Heroes and Villains
Comedy following the exploits of four 20-something London flatmates who devise a wild money making scheme. They cater to clients who suspect the infidelity of their loved ones, by hiring phoney male and female suitors to deliver pick-up lines and 'test' the faithfulness of the partners, while the men secretly videotape the come-ons.
Telling Lies
Faith Munro
The morning after the night before, a rapid spiral of disastrous telephone calls chart the certain ruin of young Phil's day as he attempts to fib his way out of one scrape after another. Told entirely in animated captions.
12 Days Of Terror
July of 1916 was a time of record heat, a polio epidemic, and a World War in Europe. But beachgoers in New Jersey are threatened by a even greater terror: a shark that has suddenly developed a taste for human flesh. Starting July 1st and lasting over a period of 12 days, the unidentified shark kills four people and seriously injures a fifth before the attacks stop, and threatens New Jersey's thriving tourist industry. Based on true events, and one of the inspirations behind Peter Benchley's Jaws.
Confissões de uma Irmã de Cinderela
Clara Van Den Meer
Íris, uma heroína peculiar, sai das ruas de Haarlem para um estranho mundo de riqueza, artimanhas e ambição. Seu caminho cruza-se com o de Clara, a menina misteriosa e assustadoramente bonita destinada a se tornar sua irmã. Enquanto Clara se refugia nas cinzas do acolhimento da família, Íris sai em busca dos obscuros segredos de sua nova casa e da traiçoeira verdade de sua antiga vida.
Emily Montrose
A retelling of the classic Swiss Family Robinson story.
My Brother Tom
A teenage girl, Jessica, befriends a teenage boy called Tom, who is bullied by a local gang. She is abused by Jack, who is both her neighbour and school teacher, and Tom is sexually abused by his father. Together they bond in the woods, creating a private reality that no-one else can enter.
Submarino, Prova Mortal
Betty Cole
Três vezes indicado ao Globo de Ouro, Sam Neill interpreta o Comandante Charles "Swede" Momsen - o homem por trás do maior resgate a um submarino da Marinha dos EUA, neste filme de ação e suspense de duas horas que conta sobre a única vez em que a tripulação de um submarino foi resgatada do fundo do oceano. Baseado no envolvente best-seller do The New York Times, The Terrible Hours, de Peter Maas.
The Magic Hour
Compilation of five disability-themed short films, made by a group of disabled British directors.