François Hadji-Lazaro

François Hadji-Lazaro

Nascimento : 1956-06-22, Paris, France


François Hadji-Lazaro


Le rock alternatif (une brève période de médiatisation du punk français 1986-1989)
Le cabanon rose
A cottage inhabited by a peasant, crazy painter in his spare time, who only paints naked women. After his death, another farmer decides to transform the place into a brothel which quickly attracts the notables of the area. But all those who come disappear one by one.
Chubby is the nickname of Kevin, a 12 years old kid already weights 100 kilos (220.46 lb). If he keeps devours fries, pastries and ice cream everyday, he's gonna have heart attack sooner or later unless he decides to change his diet to turn around and stop eating junk food.
Bulles de Vian
"Vian Bubbles" - On June 23, 2009, fifty years to the day after the death of Boris Vian, a supernatural phenomenon crosses all of France: in the streets, one sings everywhere his songs and one expresses oneself only in the language of the poet. In Paris, Antoine de Caunes wakes up to discover the strange "vianic" epidemic, which also affects radio waves and the small screen. A boss of channel proposes to him to organize, for the same evening, a show dedicated to the songs of Boris Vian. Jean-Pierre Marielle tells us the story of this phenomenon, as supernatural as inexplicable. A tribute in songs to the glowing cast.
Dante 01: Prisão Espacial
Na extremidade de uma galáxia, encontra-se Dante 01, a prisão espacial que reúne os piores criminosos da humanidade. Num dos últimos transportes chega um novo prisioneiro, que sobreviveu a um encontro com seres extraterrestres, e uma médica para realizar experiências pouco éticas com os presos. Com o tempo, este novo detento começa a revelar estranhos poderes que vão mergulhar a estação no caos e na rebelião, onde cada um dos habitantes será confrontado com os seus limites e os seus maiores medos.
Pigalle - Neuf et occasion.
Jacob Mazel, Le bourreau de Béthune
Milady De Winter, a beautiful femme fatale without scruples, plays with the feelings of her suitors. And sometimes very dangerously.
Nha fala
Antes de partir para a Europa para estudar, Vita, uma jovem africana, promete à sua mãe que jamais cantará, pois uma maldição que se abate sobre a sua família determina que qualquer mulher que ouse cantar, morrerá amaldiçoada. Em Paris Vita conhece Pierre, um jovem e talentoso músico por quem se apaixona. Transbordando de alegria, Vita liberta-se finalmente e canta, deixando-se convencer por Pierre a gravar um disco que se torna um imediato sucesso de vendas. Temendo que a mãe descubra que quebrou a promessa, Vita decide voltar a casa... para morrer! Com a ajuda de Pierre e de Yano, Vita encena a sua própria morte e ressurreição, para mostrar à família e amigos que tudo é possível se tiverem a coragem de ousar.
Les deux vieilles dames et l'accordeur
Black Dju
This standard slice-of-life drama is about Dju Dibonga (Richard Courcet), a young man who leaves his home on Cabo Verde, an island of Portuguese dependency off the coast of Africa, to go to Luxembourg and search for his father. Far from his home village and unfamiliar with the large city, the young black man forms an unlikely friendship with a down-and-out white policeman whose only consolation in life is found at the bottom of a bottle. Their developing companionship forms the main focus of this movie directed by Pol Cruchten.
Ladrão de Sonhos
Este conto de fadas acompanha um menino andando pelas ruas de uma nublada cidade portuária povoada por estranhas criaturas aterrorizadas por Krank, um cientista louco que sequestra crianças órfãs para roubar seus sonhos, na tentativa de abrandar o processo de envelhecimento.
Cemetery Man
A cemetery man has the unusual problem of the dead rising from the grave. Himself and his assistant must end these creatures' lives again after they are reborn. Everything is going well until "She" comes along and stirs things up a bit.
Les mamies
When 12 year old Alex runs away, his grandmother ask her 6 friends for help and follow the kid from Paris to Lisbon.
Too Close to the Gods
Le psychiatre
Ramses is a "life organs" smugler and a millionaire. He wishes to have the tower of Babel rebuilt and hires a detective to find the architect who disappeared with the original plans.