Philippe Hérisson

Philippe Hérisson


Philippe Hérisson


Edouard Lockroy
Em Eiffel, a história acompanha o engenheiro civil, Gustave Eiffel, e sua busca por inspiração sob extrema pressão. Depois de sua elogiada colaboração com Auguste Bartholdi na Estátua da Liberdade, Gustave deve produzir uma obra espetacular para a Exposição Universitária de Paris de 1889.
Unraveling Life
Flore and Philippe have been together for two years. For Flore, love is a total commitment. A film that speaks about love, bonding, and personal development. Throughout the film, the characters, a little offbeat and with emotional baggage, seek to understand each other and try with difficulty to communicate. Flore, with all her tenderness, her anger, and her constant need to talk. Philippe, the one who needs silence. Julien, the one who is never there. Anna, the one who won’t settle down.
O Príncipe Esquecido
Johnny, le régisseur
O pai solteiro Djibi conta à filha de sete anos, Sofia, contos de fadas bem elaborados todas as noites, sendo ele mesmo o Príncipe Encantado. Cinco anos depois, ela começa a superar o ritual e seu pai, que luta para permanecer o herói da vida dela.
Papai por Acaso
Docteur Guérinaud
O parisiense Thomas Platz de repente torna-se o guardião de um bebê. Então finge ser seu verdadeiro pai, a fim de reconquistar Marie, a namorada que o abandonou um ano antes. Preso entre permanecer um homem-criança para sempre, e provar que ele está pronto para dar os próximos passos do casamento e da família com o amor de sua vida, Thomas entra em uma aventura hilariante levando a mulher dos seus sonhos a acreditar que mudou.
The Marquise of Darkness
Marie Madeleine Dreux, Marquise of Brinvilliers, was executed in 1676 for poisoning. Manipulated by her lover and having kept the aftereffects of her childhood, she does not hesitate to poison her father and two brothers to recover their inheritance.
L'appel du 18 juin
Roland Margerie
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme
Le maître d'armes
Bank Error in Your Favour
After working with the bank for a long time, Julien decides to open a restaurant with his best friend. Unfortunately, when the bank refuses to grant him a loan, he comes up with a plan.
Family Values
un acteur de la Comédie-Française
On the one hand you have Judith Zahn, an arrogant, snobbish, bitchy Parisian editor. On the other hand meet Julien Demarsay: an insecure, timid, young bookseller from the East of France who has just written his first autobiographic novel, with what it takes of navel-contemplating and soul-searching. What do they have in common? Nothing much, except that sex will unite them, ambition part them before true love is born between them at last.
Bandits d'amour
The banker
A young woman who has gone over to the wrong side of the law with her new boyfriend begins having second thoughts about both crime and her new romance in this drama. Helene is an attractive 18-year-old who has fallen for Paul, a 25-year-old drifter, and one evening as they're having drinks in a cafe in the North of France, Paul decides to rob the bank across the street. Though wary, Helene agrees to help, and soon the couple is 40,000 francs richer -- and on the run from the law. The two hop a train to Marseilles, but it isn't long before Helene begins to think the robbery was a bad idea -- and isn't certain if her relationship with Paul is such a good thing either. Paul, however, isn't troubled by any second thoughts, and is very certain about his feelings for Helene -- so much so that he forces a priest to marry them at gunpoint. This is only the most recent manifestation of Paul's volatile personality, and rather than binding Helene closer to him, it only drives her farther away.
Long Live the Republic
A group of young unemployed people from Le Mans (France) decide to create a new political party.
Le naufragé
In a water world, two men fight for their childhood love.