Gianmarco Tognazzi

Gianmarco Tognazzi

Nascimento : 1967-10-11, Rome - Lazio - Italy


Gianmarco Tognazzi is an actor.


Gianmarco Tognazzi


The Undecided Groom
Gianni Buridano
An unlikely marriage between two worlds that would like to unite, but their diversity will inexorably make them incompatible. And the more they try, the more they move away, with the hand of fate. Or maybe not...
A man wakes up from a coma that has lasted since 1984.
I cassamortari
Marco Pasti
In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black.
C’era una volta il crimine
Ritorno al crimine
Divórcio em Las Vegas
Gian Andrea Bertolini
Uma noiva embarca em uma viagem louca e secreta a Las Vegas para obter o divórcio do homem com quem se casou há quase 20 anos.
Sono solo fantasmi
Three brothers pretend they're ghost hunters to inherit from their father.
Homens de Ouro
Inspirado em uma história real que aconteceu em 1996, em Turim, na Itália. Quando uma nova lei impossibilita sua aposentadoria precoce, Luigi, um motorista de van de segurança dos correios, planeja o roubo perfeito para poder parar de trabalhar e se mudar para a Costa Rica. Ao lado de seu amigo Luciano, eles procuram por um parceiro confiável, e Luigi convence seu misterioso colega Alvise a se juntar a eles. Mas o crime não é para todos, e a ganância de cada um vai transformar uma tarefa fácil em um jogo muito perigoso.
Se mi vuoi bene
After a suicide attempt, depressed lawyer Diego decides to take up the mantle of good Samaritan by helping his loved ones fix the problems in their life, but ends up bringing only utter havoc.
Passeggeri notturni
All You Need is Crime
In the present day, three friends to make ends meet invent a "criminal tour" for the places which were scenes of the Banda della Magliana criminal acts, even with vintage clothes. Suddenly they are catapulted in the 1982, during the Spain World Cup, facing the real Banda della Magliana, which at that time had the control over illegal bets.
Aqui em Casa Tudo Bem
Uma grande família se reúne em uma ilha em Nápoles para comemorar as bodas de ouro dos avós, Alba e Pietro. Porém, quando em meio as festividades uma tempestade faz com que o numeroso grupo fique preso na ilha, eles são obrigados a encarar os rancores e hipocrisias escondidos por muitos anos na família.
Non c'è campo
Andrea Basile
Prevented from using mobile phones due to the non-existent reception of the location, a school trip to a rural town becomes a life-changing experience of friendship and love for a group of Italian kids and their teacher.
Nonnas on the Run
Angela and Franca decide to take the dream trip of their lives. They run away from their boring retirement home in Rome and make a daring getaway to fabulous Venice in this joyous, heart-warming on-the-road adventure where anything can – and does – happen.
Poor but Rich
Lallo De Bernardi
The "Tucci" are a poor Italian family living in a small village in Lazio. Father, mother, a conceited daughter and a genius son, forced to pretend being stupid to keep up with the family. One day something unexpected happens: the family wins one hundred million Euros. Excited, they decide to keep the winning a secret, but as soon as a single word slips out from the mouth of the householder, they only have one choice to avoid being persecuted by friends and acquaintances: run away. They leave at night, heading to Milan. They will realize as soon as they arrive that today's rich people behaves very differently from the past, and being rich has become a real bother... this discovery will make things way different from what Tuccis' expected.
Il Lato Oscuro
Commissario Gordoni
Il ministro
Scandals, bribes, corruption. The Italian newspapers are full of news of corrupt politicians and unscrupulous contractors willing to do anything to get a contract. The script of THE MINISTER comes from the desire to tell a story of ordinary corruption, inspired by facts that "probably happened".
The Wait
Beretta the Victim
A mafia killer accepts to take the identity of his last victim in order to redeem his past. Two games of chess - one with his victim, the other with his boss - will stress the turning points of this change. The killer meet his victim on a ship that carries back together in Sicily 40 years after their departure. Only one will arrive in Sicily, but he'll chose to change his life and complete the destiny of the other one.
Pietro Mennea - La freccia del sud
La solita commedia - Inferno
Padre Pio / Terapeuta / Ministro della bruttezza / Ispettore
Hell can't take the new types of sinners.
Bolgia totale
Under - The Movie
Em meio à um violento divórcio, os pais infantis e egoístas de Aria estão preocupados demais com suas carreiras e casos extra-conjugais para cuidar adequadamente das necessidades da filha. Enquanto suas duas irmãs mais velhas são mimadas, Aria é tratada com fria indiferença. No entanto, ela deseja amar e ser amada. Na escola, Aria se destaca academicamente, mas é considerado um desajuste por todos. Ela é mal compreendida. Expulsa da casa de ambos os pais, abandonado por todos, até mesmo por sua melhor amiga, Aria vagueia pela cidade com sua mochila e seu gato preto, tentando preservar a sua inocência da falta de esperança.
Tutta colpa di Freud
O protagonista é um psicanalista (Marco Giallini), pai de três filhas em crise: uma lésbica frustrada tentando se tornar heterossexual (Anna Foglietta), uma jovem de dezoito anos de idade com um homem maduro (Laura Adriani), uma bibliotecária atraído por um ladrão de livros (Vittoria Puccini). Todos os três acabam no escritório do pai para falar sobre seus problemas
Niente può fermarci
The training trip of 4 "special" boys, one narcoleptic, one internet-dependent, one suffering from Tourette's Syndrome and one obsessed with hygiene towards self-affirmation and acceptance of one's differences.
Mi rifaccio vivo
Avvocato Mancuso
After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, meek Biagio tries to commit suicide – but in the hereafter he's offered a chance to come back to life for a week as Dennis, Ottone's trusted business partner.
Viagem Solitária
Irene tem um trabalho que lhe proporciona grandes prazeres: ela viaja para inspecionar hotéis luxuosos, sozinha e em segredo. Ela aproveita muito, mas um dia sente que não tem nada e acredita que é o momento de fazer uma viagem por si mesma.
I 2 soliti idioti
Siro Pileri
The sequel to 2011 film "I soliti idioti".
Vorrei vederti ballare
A Bela Que Dorme
Marito della Divina Madre
Eluana Englaro é uma italiana de 38 anos que está há 17 anos em um estado vegetativo, em coma desde um acidente de trânsito. Seus pais lutam na justiça para conseguir autorização pela opção de deixar a filha morrer, mas a eutanásia não é permitida pela lei neste caso. A história de Eluana reflete na vida de outras pessoas, como a mãe, que cuida da filha em coma. Com o posicionamento da igreja, questões delicadas envolvendo escolhas, respeito, amor e esperança vêm à tona.
Para Roma com Amor
Anna's Client
O longa é dividido em quatro segmentos. Em um deles, um casal americano (Woody Allen e Judy Davis) viajam para Roma para conhecer a família do noivo de sua filha. Outra história envolve Leopoldo (Roberto Benigni), um homem comum que é confundido com uma estrela de cinema. Um terceiro episódio retrata um arquiteto da Califórnia (Alec Baldwin) que visita a Itália com um grupo de amigos. Por último, temos dois jovens recém-casados que se perdem pelas confusas ruas de Roma.
Maledimiele tells the story of Sara, a teenage girl who sinks – slowly but inevitably – into the abyss of anorexia.
I soliti idioti
Avv. De Peverelli
A movie based on the italian sitcom "I Soliti Idioti".
Cara, ti amo...
Portrait Of My Father
A labor of love documentary, in which a daughter, with the help of various talking heads, looks back on the life work of her father.
Le ultime 56 ore
Moresco Gabriele- Commissario Parà
Natale a Beverly Hills
The story of some Italians at Beverly Hills during the Christmas holiday.
Ex is a 2009 film directed and co-written by Fausto Brizzi and interpreted by a rich and large cast of characters. The film, produced by Italian International Film, in co-production with the French company and Mes Films in collaboration with RAI Cinema. It was released February 6, 2009 in Italian cinema and has been recognized as "national cultural interest" by the Directorate General for Cinema of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Marco Baldini is a young man determined to become the voice of a major radio; he alternates between his job at Radio Deejay and his gambling addiction, that slowly consumes his life, his relationship with his girlfriend and his work skills.
Maria Montessori: una vita per i bambini
The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.
Guido, Who Challenged the Red Brigades
Roberto-Riccardo Dura
Genoa, Italy, 24th of January 1979. Red Brigades' member Roberto Dura is waiting with two other comrades for trade unionist leader and factory worker Guido Rossa to leave his home to go to work. Three months earlier, Rossa had denounced a work colleague, Francesco Berardi, because he was distributing Red Brigade flyers inside the factory. Berardi was arrested and, after a fast tracked trial, was convicted to four and a half years. ....
Ligações Criminosas
A história do criminoso conhecido como 'O Libanês' e de seus dois amigos, que, juntos, entre as décadas de 70 a 90, conquistaram o submundo do crime italiano. Em paralelo, o filme mostra o tenente de polícia Scialoia, que enquanto tenta prender o grupo persegue também a bela Patrizia, amor de sua vida, que possui ligações criminosas.
Cielo e terra
Io no
Past Perfect
A pair of summer and winter weekends intertwine in a series of flashbacks involving five friends. Their dreams and expectations overlap with memories of events that took place in the house that they are sharing, which has a particular significance for all of them.
Teste di cocco
Tommaso Tiraboschi
Ninni Cassarà
Determinado a quebrar o reinado da máfia na Itália, Giovanni Falcone, um advogado corajoso, ousou desafiar a Cosa Nostra.
Angelo gets handcuffed to the bed by Alba who won't let him go. A womanizer rediscovers fear, doubts and desire.
I fobici
Carlo (segment "Ho chiuso il gas?")
Four stories about phobias, manias and other complexes.
I miei più cari amici
Angelo arrives in New York along with his friend Jimbo, convinced that he will find work. Not wanting to return to Italy after being rejected, they decide to drive to California.
Giulio 'Dado'
Two thirtysomething friends on the verge of a nervous breakdown can no longer cope with the stress created by their wives, jobs, mobile phones, and struggle for survival.
Facciamo fiesta
Il decisionista
Rome, 1990s. Gian Luigi, an unscrupulous financial administrator, finds himself embroiled in a journalistic investigation that aims to unmask shady monetary dealings. The recklessness of the fixer has the hours numbered.
Uomini senza donne
Alex and Max are two "bachelors" who share the same house: Alex, advertising copywriter, is boxing, is an impenitent dongiovanni and does not hesitate to betray his colleague and girlfriend Paola; Max, saxophonist, neglects his ulcer and is attracted, yes, but also scared, by women. The meeting with the chorister Anna at a recording session gives birth to a relationship that she would like to realize in a cohabitation that frightens the other. Meanwhile, Alex, between an adventure and the other, waits for the call of the only woman for whom he spits, Eleonora, who is undecided whether to leave for him the man to whom he is bound, exasperates him in a frustrating way. The father of Alex then, Dante, who has a relationship with a young woman, called Chicca, asks in vain to his son to act as a peacemaker with her, who has left him. Anna.
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
I laureati
Bruno Dallai
Four thirtysomething university students share a flat in Florence: Leonardo pursues beautiful Letizia, her brother Rocco works night shifts to pay for his rent, Bruno has to graduate to inherit his father-in-law's business (while cheating on his wife with her sister), and Pino dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.
Marco, 22 years old, lives in a Roma's suburb. His life goes on without any goal in an anonymous way. His only successful situation is his relationship with Zaira, a Somalian girl. While spending days uselessly, he meets Saverio, AKAS "The Fuhrer", head of a bunch of Nazi skins. He is fascinated by Saverio's world and tries all he can do to enter the fascist group. From that point on his life is deeply involved with the group activity. He tries to hide his relationship with Zaira, but the destiny is waiting for the final count.
Torta di mele
Carlo, an elderly widowed farmer, is about to marry Elena, a young Brazilian woman, and calls his children to his country home for a family gathering.
A Simple Story
Figlio di Roccella
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
Although the drug is present in this film, the Crack this movie is about is, metaphorically, the crack in society which all the protagonists inhabit in a rundown neighborhood in Rome.
The "Brigatte Veneno" is a fan group from the soccer club "AS Roma". The next match is against "Juventus Turin", the classic prestige duel. Principe, the former leader of the group, has been dismissed from jail a few days before. He has to realize that his best friend Red has not only taken over control of the group, but also has started an affair with his girlfriend. The rivalry between the hot-blooded Principe and the sensible Red causes an anxious mood within the group. When Smilzo, a member of the group, dies during a street fight with another fan group, Red knows that Principe is to be blamed for this catastrophe.
Musica per vecchi animali
Paninaro #2
Arrivederci e grazie
Graveyard Disturbance
Five young robbers spend a whole night in a dark catacomb to win a priceless treasure. They will have to fight against lots of ferocious zombies and vampires. At the end they will meet the Death in person!
Sposerò Simon Le Bon
Vacanze in America
Filippo De Romanis
A group of students from the San Crispino school for boys take a holiday in the United States, traveling from New York to Los Angeles. Young Father Don Buro has great difficulty controlling the youngsters, especially trouble making ex-student Peo, and finds himself distracted by the attractive single mother of one of the boys.
Lucien Pujol
The real story of a French man who was able to control his own farts.
Não toque na mulher branca
Figlio di Mitch e Raggio di Luna
A highly stylized surreal farce about the events leading up to Custer's Last Stand anachronistically reenacted in an urban renewal area in modern Paris.
L'estate di Bobby Charlton