Tantoo Cardinal

Tantoo Cardinal

Nascimento : 1950-07-20, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada


Tantoo Cardinal CM is a Canadian actress of Cree and Métis heritage.


Tantoo Cardinal
Tantoo Cardinal
Tantoo Cardinal
Tantoo Cardinal
Tantoo Cardinal
Tantoo Cardinal
Tantoo Cardinal
Tantoo Cardinal


Assassinos da Lua das Flores
Lizzie Q
Na década de 1920, em Oklahoma, o povo da nação Osage começa a ser assassinado após petróleo ser descoberto sob suas terras, até que o FBI entra em cena para desvendar o mistério.
The Last Manhunt
O filme contará a história de Willy Boy, um menino que atirou e matou o pai de sua namorada de 16 anos. Os dois, apaixonados, fugiram juntos e obrigaram a polícia a uma perseguição violenta e implacável nos territórios desérticos dos Estados Unidos.
Wendell & Wild
Ms. Hunter (voice)
Dois irmãos demoníacos e ardilosos recrutam Kat Elliot, no auge da sua problemática adolescência, para invocá-los até a terra dos vivos. Só que Kat pede algo em troca — algo que os levará para uma aventura brilhante, bizarra e hilária.
Back Home Again
Mrs. Grey Horns (voice)
An animated reimaging of the largest wildfire evacuation in Alberta's history, with upwards of 88,000 people forced from their homes.
The Corruption of Divine Providence
Juniper Fairweather
16-year-old Jeanne awakens in a pool of her own blood, her hands and feet marked with stigmata and her forehead bleeding as if from a thorny crown. This creates conflict, greed and of faith in a community sewn with horrifying secrets.
Sisters Rising
Executive Producer
"Sisters Rising" is the story of six Native American women fighting to restore personal and tribal sovereignty in the face of ongoing colonial violence against indigenous women in the United States. Dawn was in the Army, now she’s a tribal cop in the midst of the North Dakota oil boom that threatens to pull the last threads of her Native culture apart. Patty teaches indigenous women’s self-defense across the Great Plains of her people. Sarah is an attorney and scholar fighting to overturn restrictions on tribal sovereignty and increase legislative protections for Native women. Loreline and Lisa are grassroots advocates working outside of the system to support survivors of violence and influence legislative change. Chalsey is writing the first anti-sex trafficking code to be introduced to a reservation’s tribal court.
Red Snow
Grandmother Ruth
Red Snow is a dramatic adventure that begins when Dylan, a Gwich'in soldier from the Canadian Arctic, is caught in an ambush in Panjwayi, Afghanistan. His capture and interrogation by a Taliban Commander releases a cache of memories connected to the love and death of his Inuit cousin, Asana, and binds him closer to a Pashtun family as they escape across treacherous landscapes and through a blizzard that becomes their key to survival.
The Grizzlies
Russ Sheppard (Ben Schnetzer) é um professor que em 1998 se muda para o norte do Canadá para trabalhar na escola local de Kugluktuk, um dos lugares com maior taxa de suicídio da América do Norte. Sem nenhuma experiência com a vida no norte, Russ se choca com os inúmeros problemas sociais enfrentados pelos jovens e os resultados da colonização ainda muito presentes na comunidade. Ele decide então introduzir um programa de lacrosse na escola e os alunos formam o time The Grizzlies, afetando profundamente o senso de orgulho e propósito nas suas vidas.
Through Black Spruce
The disappearance of a young Cree woman in Toronto traumatizes her Northern Ontario family, and sends her twin sister on a journey south to find her.
Noite de Lobos
No inverno sombrio do Alasca, um naturalista procura por lobos que supostamente mataram um menino. Logo ele se vê envolvido num mistério arrepiante.
Falls Around Her
Mary Birchbark
A world-famous Anishinaabe musician returns to the reserve to rest and recharge — only to discover that fame (and the outside world) are not easily left behind.
The Great Northern Candy Drop
Narrator / Louisa
The pilot of an arctic community's candy air-drop is confronted by a visiting government bureaucrat who disapproves of the Christmas tradition.
Terra Selvagem
Alice Crowheart
Cory (Jeremy Renner), caçador de coiotes e predadores traumatizado pela morte da filha adolescente, encontra o corpo congelado de uma menina em meio ao nada e inicia uma investigação sobre o crime com o auxílio de uma agente novata do FBI (Elizabeth Olsen) que desconhece a região.
The Pope
Presos num laboratório e em um loop do tempo, Renton e Hannah lutam contra ladrões mascarados enquanto protegem uma nova fonte de energia que pode salvar a humanidade.
On the Farm
Ada Taylor
Based on a true story, a powerful study of the dysfunction and disorder in the police and criminal justice systems that allowed a wily psychopath to murder nearly 50 marginalised women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
Hope Bridge
After a high school boy learns that his father committed suicide, he begins a journey to find hope and reconciliation in the midst of his grief.
Rez Carz
Abandoned cars rest silently in fields for decades, still holding secret conversations within their bodies.
Down Here
Stella Mitchell
When an alcoholic detective fights to find a murderer targeting street workers in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, he struggles to escape the haunting memories of his past and unexpectedly finds solace within the fragile community he endeavours to protect.
Maïna is the daughter of the Innu leader Mishtenapuu, who attends a bloody confrontation between his clan and the clan of "Men of the Land of Ice." Following this confrontation, Maïna chooses a mission that will change her life. To fulfill the promise that she has made to her friend Matsii on her deathbed, she embarked on the trail of their enemies to deliver Nipki, a 11 year old boy that the Inuit have captured. But she was also taken as prisoner by Natak, the leader of the Inuit group, and forcibly taken to the Land of Ice.
The Nurse
Durante os anos 1990, a jovem Eden (Jamie Chung) é raptada e mantida em cativeiro durante dois anos. Junto de outras garotas, ela é obrigada a se prostituir em casas noturnas, motéis e mesmo em dormitórios de universidades. Após muita humilhação e degradação, Eden decide que a melhor saída é cooperar com os sequestradores. Mas esta é uma escolha que trará consequências irreversíveis.
Shouting Secrets
Shouting Secrets is a hopeful and heartwarming, universal story taking place in a present day Native American family. It's a story that is at once about the constancy and the fragility of love, as well as the importance of family.
Changing Climates, Changing Times
Grace Lajoie
Year 2060. Climate predictions made at the beginning of the 21st century have turned out to be dramatically true: global warming of the Earth's atmosphere now has serious consequences on the every day lives of our grandchildren.
Histórias de Mães e Filhas
Comedy about three very different women and the complex relationship they have with their mothers.
Dear Prudence
Prudence MacIntyre, the 'New York home tips' TV show presenter, is sent on holiday, by studio boss Jeffrey Symcox, to a secluded lodge in Tassajero, Wyoming. The lodge was built on the last remnant of Indian land preserved by the Andrews family. Her celebrity status and sassy charm help quickly getting acquainted with local notables, including French heir Jean Phillipe Andrews, his land trust lawyer Doug Craig and police detective Eddie Duncan. Pru is with lodge caretaker Ruth Vigil when she discovers her estranged son JR is missing from his home after leaving a message. Pru finds blood, and although it's not JR's insists he must have been murdered. After her research assent, a computer whiz with a minor criminal record, joins her, and they soon get in danger snooping ahead of the incredulous authorities to discover several linked crimes.
Frustrações de Adolescente
Uma adolescente rebelde tentando superar o divórcio dos pais vai passar o verão com o pai e sua nova madrasta, que está grávida. Ainda ressentida, sua rebeldia só aumenta. Porém novos acontecimentos mudam o desfecho dessa história.
Condenados ao Passado
Auntie Apple
The truth of the past come to light in a series of haunting visions in this drama. The strange visions grow more vivid with each passing day, a young woman of Native American heritage begins piecing together a Catholic priests diabolical plot to prevent her mother from revealing the atrocities that unfolded at a Native Indian boarding school.
Luna: Spirit of the Whale
Gloria Maquinna
When a government representative announces that he intends to reunite an orphaned orca with his pod by transporting him hundreds of miles over dry land, the Mowachaht-Muchalaht First Nations Band, which believes that the spirit of their late chief resides in the majestic ocean mammal, does everything within their power to thwart the controversial plan. As the community grows increasingly divided over how to handle the situation, a young aboriginal boy wrestles with his own identity and new Band chief Mike Maquinna prepares for the trial by fire that could shape his entire future.
Zona da Morte
Aunt Shadie / Rita
Unnatural & Accidental is the feature length dramatic film adaptation of the stage play entitled, The Unnatural and Accidental Women by renowned Metis playwright Marie Clements and is based loosely around the "unnatural and accidental" downing deaths of native women living on skid row. Rebecca has returned home to be with her dying father. His last wish is that she track down her mother, an aborig
Guardião dos Sonhos
Old Pawnee Woman
Em Dakota do Sul, em uma reserva indígena, um velho contador de histórias indiano pede a seu neto Shane, que está em apuros devido a dinheiro para alguns vilões, levar seu velho pônei e ele a Albuquerque para a grande reunião de índios. Enquanto viaja, o vovô conta histórias misteriosas de amor, amizade e magia.
Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic
A documentary of the making of Dances with Wolves told through interviews with cast and crew. It describes the financial and production details, scouting locations, the buffalo hunt, the Lakota Sioux, and the recognition and success the film achieved.
How the Fiddle Flows
Narrator (voice)
How the Fiddle Flows follows Canada's great rivers west along the fur-trading route of the early Europeans. The newcomers introduced the fiddle to the Aboriginal people they intermarried with along the way. A generation later, their mixed-blood offspring would blend European folk tunes with First Nations rhythms to create a rich and distinct musical tradition. From the Gaspé Peninsula, north to Hudson Bay and to the Prairies, How the Fiddle Flows reveals how a distinctive Metis identity and culture were shaped over time. Featuring soaring performances by some of Canada's best known fiddlers and step dancers and narrated by award-winning actress Tantoo Cardinal.
Edge of Madness
1851, Manitoba's Red River Valley. As winter sets in, a young woman on the edge of madness arrives exhausted at the fort, a wilderness station, claiming she murdered her husband. She's placed in a cell; for the next several months, she sews while the local prefect, Henry Mullen, investigates.
The Lost Child
Aunt Mary
Knowing the past changes the future. Seeking a connection to her heritage, Rebecca Hoffman sets out on a journey of discovery following the deaths of her adoptive parents. She finds that connection with her birth family in the Navajo community. But cultures clash when her husband is rejected as an outsider. Rebecca and her family experience rebirth in a rich culture and renewal as a family in this dramatic film based on the autobiography Looking for Lost Bird by Yvette Melanson (with Claire Safran).
The Hi-Line
Singing Bird
A con man and a young woman travel across the country, first in search of a man he knows, and then in search of a woman she knows.
Postmark Paradise
The Dirty Shame is the only bar in the small town of Paradise, Michigan. A burnt out, chain-smoking fortyish bar maid is the only waitress at The Dirty Shame. A group of local red necks conspiring to bring a mail order bride to their Midwest town for their ne'er-do-well leader set the story in motion.
Navigating the Heart
When sophisticated New York journalist Edith Iglauer is assigned to go to British Columbia to write a frivolous piece on the fishing industry, she butts heads with local fisherman and notorious loner, John Daly. While she thrives on the fast-paced life of Manhattan, he loathes pretension and could go days without speaking to anyone. But when the two are caught in a perilous situation, they are forced to put aside their pettiness and re-examine their lives. With external factors stripped away, they begin to fall in love. Ultimately, Edith must decide between staying in the glamorous world she has always cherished or leaving it all behind for a chance at love.
Violet Boucher
When a large corporation threatens to take over a small town's primary business and put half of the town's population out of work, sawmill owner Logan Reeser is the only one who can stand in their way.
Big Bear
Running Second
The story of Big Bear, the real life Cree chief who campaigned for his people and their land against the Canadian government in the 1870s and 1880s.
Sinais de Fumaça
Arlene Joseph
Young Native American man Thomas is a nerd in his reservation, wearing oversize glasses and telling everyone stories no-one wants to hear. His parents died in a fire in 1976, and Thomas was saved by Arnold. Arnold soon left his family, and Victor hasn't seen his father for 10 years. When Victor hears Arnold has died, Thomas offers him funding for the trip to get Arnold's remains.
Honey Moccasin
Honey Moccasin
This all-Native production, by director Shelley Niro (Mohawk), is part of the Smoke Signals new wave of films that examine Native identity in the 1990’s.
A Educação de Pequena Árvore
É a história de um menino que está crescendo e, como qualquer ser humano, procura seu lugar no mundo. Mas crescer, em qualquer época e sob qualquer circunstância, dói. Para Pequena Árvore, um menino cherokee – tribo índia dos Estados Unidos – de oito anos, essa tarefa não será nada fácil. Sua vida numa árida cidade mineradora, durante a Depressão americana – na década de 30 -, oferece-lhe poucos prazeres. Depois de perder os pais, ele vai morar com seus avós paternos numa floresta do Tennessee. Num ambiente mais carinhoso, ele reconhece, pela primeira vez, a beleza da natureza e a sabedoria da vida cherokee. A educação de Pequena Árvore está prestes a começar já que o futuro será recheado de descobertas e sofrimento.
Grand Avenue
When Mollie's boyfriend Jack dies on the reservation, she is asked to leave the reservation by her boyfriend's sister for not being one of their own, aside from Mollie's son. Mollie is forced to pack up her belongings and her children and move to northern California, right into a gang infested neighborhood.
Tecumseh: The Last Warrior
Turtle Mother
This western began in 1812 when the settlers tried to take away more and more territories from the indians. Tecumseh, who is the leader of the Shawnee indians, tries to do something. He plans a big indian state, and tries to win the English settlers over to this plan...
Nobody's Girls: Five Women of the West
Sarah Winnemucca
Real stories of five women of the Old West....
Prophecy, Milestones & Challenges
Tantoo Cardinal stars as Alive, the mother of Jack and Samantha. Her children are learning about their past and, in particular, the Treaty land Entitlement settlement that their First Nation has just completed. This is a story that shows the path that previous generations have foretold and how they laid the foundations for the present generation. We also examine the conflict that land claims have created and how they can be solved. Jack's friend Jeff, a non-Native, is caught between the two groups and must learn what the land claim is and how it can be solved everyone's best interests. This is a story that is being repeated as First Nations Continue to develop and take their place within Canada. Source: 1999 imagineNative Catalogue
Lendas da Paixão
Três irmãos, três destinos. Alfred (Aidan Quinn) é o reservado, o caçula Samuel (Henry Thomas) é o protegido, e o do meio, Tristan (Brad Pitt), aprendeu com os índios a ter um espírito aventureiro. Ao trazer de volta para o rancho do pai (Anthony Hopkins) uma bela jovem (Julia Ormond), Samuel inicia um conflito de paixões que pode terminar em tragédia para sua família.
Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee
Mary's Mother
Mary Crow Dog, daughter of a desperately poor Indian family in South Dakota, is swept up in the protests of the 1960s and becomes sensitized to the injustices that society inflicts on her people. She aids the Lakota in their struggle for their rights: a struggle that culminates in an armed standoff with US government forces at the site of an 1890 massacre.
Sioux City
Dawn Rainfeather
A young Lakota Sioux, adopted by a wealthy Jewish couple in Beverly Hills, gets in touch with his cultural roots and solves a mystery in this thriller
Spirit Rider
Marilyn St. Claire
Jesse Threebears is a troubled Native-American teen who has been tossed from one foster home to the next since his mother died when he was an infant. Finally, he is taken in by his grandfather who, after a ten year stint in prison, is living on the reservation. With the help of his grandfather and several others who live on the reservation, Jesse begins to learn about his heritage and how to come to terms with his troubled life.
Os Caminhos do Rio
Sleeper with a top notch cast in the story of a lone wolf logger who fights developers, bankers and the modern world to maintain his way of life.
Silent Tongue
Silent Tongue
Mad with grief after the death of his Kiowa wife, Roe awaits death under a tree with her body beside him. She begins to haunt him because he won't bury her. His father, who bought him the wife, thinks her sister might reason with Roe.
Mustard Bath
Sister Amantha
Matthew, a young medical student from Toronto, Ontario, returns to his birthplace in Guyana on receiving a letter from his mother three months after her death. Prompted by his surroundings to sort through the idealized memories of his childhood, Matthew reaches the horrifying realization that he has returned to a world which he was never a part of. Contemporary Guyanese reality highlights the white colonialist privilege his family had enjoyed.
The Lightning Incident
McKeon's baby is kidnapped by a devil-worshipping cult and she uses her new-found psychic abilities to track them down.
Hábito Negro
Chomina's Wife
Em 1734, padre jesuíta sai da Europa em direção ao novo mundo para catequizar índios de inóspita região canadense. Seu austero hábito negro e a celebração dos ritos cristãos são mal compreendidos pelos selvagens, que passam a vê-lo como uma entidade do Mal, abandonando-o à sua própria sorte.
The Making of 'Dances with Wolves'
A documentary about the making of director Kevin Costner's Academy Award-winning directorial debut, Dances With Wolves.
Dança com Lobos
Black Shawl
Durante a Guerra Civil, um jovem soldado pratica uma ato ousado, é considerado herói e vai servir por sua escolha em um lugar com forte predominância do povo Sioux. Com o tempo, ele assimila os costumes dos nativos, acontecendo uma aculturação às avessas.
War Party
One hundred years after the Battle of Milk River, both sides agree to reenact it. The cavalry are supposed to shoot blanks & the Indians weren't supposed to fight back....
Candy Mountain
A mediocre musician goes on the road in search of the world's greatest guitar maker
Rosanne Ladouceur
Lily and her three youngest children join her husband David Sutton, a doctor in an isolated northern Alberta town. Their eleven-year-old son arrives later from boarding school. David conceals a dark secret which caused the family to leave England without telling anybody. They befriend a neighbor Rosanne, who throws out her boyfriend after he beats her up in a bar. Lily, who is very English and out of place in the town, hires the half-Native Rosanne as a housekeeper, and eventually the two women become good friends, until the secret emerges again.
Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge
Little Doe
Will Mannon, "product of the Devil's loins," is released from a frontier prison and promptly goes in search of the people who put him there some 12 years ago -- Matt Dillon and Kitty Russell.
Running Brave
A história de Billy Mills, o índio americano que veio da obscuridade, para ganhar a corrida a pé de longa distância de 10.000 metros nos Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio.
Perseguição Mortal
Indian Woman
Albert Johnson (Charles Bronson, da série Desejo de Matar) é um homem estranho e solitário, que gosta dos animais e se comporta como um fugitivo da lei. Certo dia ele impede que um cão seja morto durante uma briga, coisa comum nos anos 1930, nas gélidas montanhas do Canadá. Depois de comprar o animal ferido, Johnson desagrada a um bando de homens que, para se livrarem dele, inventam a história de um roubo num posto policial. O chefe da Polícia Montada, Edgar Millen (Lee Marvin, de os 12 Condenados), é obrigado a investigar o fato. Instigado pelos homens, o policial acusa Johnson em sua própria cabana. Mas Johnson acaba matando alguns agressores no confronto e foge. A partir daí, uma grande caçada humana é empreendida na neve para prende-lo. Esta história foi baseada num fato real.
Marie Ann
Tantou, Indian princess
Narra a história de Marie Ann (Andrée Pelletier), uma jovem casada que, após um sequestro, se apaixona por um índio.
Set beyond Portland’s city limits, in Wildwood. You’re not supposed to go there. You’re not even supposed to know it exists. But Prue McKeel is about to enter this enchanted wonderland. Her baby brother Mac has been taken by a murder of crows into the forest’s depths, and she – along with her hapless classmate, Curtis – is going to get him back. Prue might think she’s too old for fairytales, but she’s just found herself at the center of one. One filled with strange talking animals, roguish bandits, and powerful figures with the darkest intentions.