Edgar Barrier

Edgar Barrier

Nascimento : 1907-03-04, New York City, New York, USA

Morte : 1964-06-20


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Edgar Barrier (March 4, 1907 - June 20, 1964) was an American actor who appeared on radio, stage, and screen. In the 1930s he was a member of Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre and played Simon Templar on The Saint radio show. Barrier was born in New York City and died in Hollywood, California. Description above from the Wikipedia article Edgar Barrier, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Edgar Barrier


Too Much Johnson
Leon Dathis
This film was not intended to stand by itself, but was designed as the cinematic aspect of Welles' Mercury Theatre stage presentation of William Gillette's 1894 comedy about a New York playboy who flees from the violent husband of his mistress and borrows the identity of a plantation owner in Cuba who is expecting the arrival of a mail order bride. The film component of the performance was ultimately never screened due to the absence of projection facilities at the venue. Long-believed to be lost, a workprint was discovered in 2008 and the film had its premiere in 2013.
Branca de Neve e Os Três Patetas
King Augustus
O rei de um reino distante morre e deixa sua filha, Branca de Neve, vulnerável aos caprichos de sua sucessora, a Rainha Má. A rainha manda matar Branca de Neve, que consegue fugir para a floresta e encontra uma cabana ocupada por três patetas.
Os Piratas de Tortuga
Sir Thomas Mollyford
After a lengthy voyage, Capt. Bart docks his ship in a London harbor and is given a new mission by British Admiralty: capture the notorious Henry Morgan, a pirate who has been wreaking havoc throughout the Caribbean. After recruiting some former shipmates for his crew, Capt. Bart sets sail in search of the infamous buccaneer, and is joined by a beautiful female stowaway in the process.
O Homem de Duas Cabeças
Na época da Invasão da Normandia, um soldado americano é chamado a representar um coronel britânico para confundir os espiões e assassinos nazistas em Londres. O soldado americano Ernie Williams, reconhecidamente um molenga, tem uma estranha semelhança com o coronel britânico MacKenzie. Williams, também um mestre de imitação e disfarce, é convocado para representar o Coronel, aparentemente para permitir que o Coronel faça uma viagem secreta para o Oriente. O que não é contado para Williams é que o coronel recentemente foi alvo de assassinos. Depois que o avião do Coronel pousa no oriente, o plano muda e Williams mantém o disfarce para confundir os nazistas até o dia D.
Juke Box Rhythm
Ambassador Truex
An European princess visiting America helps a record producer organize a big concert.
The Killers of Mussolini
As the Salo Republic crumbles around him, Mussolini, along with his mistress and several of his ministers flee with retreating Nazi soldiers, but are caught at the town of Dongo by red partisans. All are brutally executed without trial.
O Ataque Vem do Pólo
Dr. Karol Noymann
Uma série de ataques a aviões em pleno vôo intrigam um grupo de cientistas que descobrem a existência de uma ave gigantesca de origem extraterrestre que começa a aterrorizar o planeta. Filme B de ficção científica típica dos anos 50 que ganhou notoriedade pelo horrível monstro que foi apresentado devido ao baixo orçamento.
Frutos da Violência
Pete Smigelski
A Brooklyn-born 17-year-old's loyalty is torn between his parents' old-fashion values and a local gangster's flashy lifestyle.
A Princesa do Nilo
Ano 1249 DC, Shalimar (Debra Paget), uma princesa egípcia, lutando para libertar seu país dos conquistadores beduínos, e contra um conselheiro misterioso do Príncipe Selim, seu pai, forma uma aliança com o Príncipe Haidi (Jeffrey Hunter), filho do Califa de Bagdad. Vivendo uma vida dupla, Shalimar semeia intrigas tanto na corte quanto disfarçada como dançarina, no mercado local.
Levante dos Apaches
Cara Blanca
Sheriff Lane Dakota captures robbery-murder suspect Greiner just as the latter is wounded in an Apache ambush. At remote outpost Apache River, Lane and his prisoner spend the night with other travelers, including 2 women with a surprising number of fancy dresses. In the morning, who should appear but a band of ostensibly peaceful Apaches strayed from the reservation. And bigoted Colonel Morsby is strongly inclined to shoot first and ask questions afterward...
Guerra dos Mundos
Prof. McPherson (uncredited)
Os cientistas Clayton Forrester e Sylvia Van Buren são os primeiros a chegar no local onde caiu um meteorito. Logo depois, uma máquina alienígena aparece e começa uma matança aleatória. Fuzileiros navais são enviados para o local, porém as forças de ataque deles não está a altura da força de ataque dos alienígenas.
A Espada de Damasco
Tendo o seu pai sido morto às mãos de uma horda de soldados que transportam o símbolo de uma serpente enroscada, Harun decide ir até Bagdade para descobrir quem mandou executar o assassinato. Assim que chega à cidade arma-se com uma espada que parece estar dotada de uma incrível força e cuja magia só funciona nas suas mãos. Entretanto, no palácio, o malvado vizir Jafar conspira com o seu filho para derrubar o califa. Mas a filha deste, a princessa Khairuzan, apaixona-se por Harun e juntos viverão uma aventura para salvar o califado dos perfídios planos do vizir.
Count the Hours!
Dist. Atty. Jim Gillespie
A lawyer defends a migrant worker in a sensational murder trial.
Prince of Pirates
Count Blanco
In a 16th century kingdom in the Netherlands, the newly crowned King Stephan concludes a secret treaty with the Spanish. This puts him at odds with his younger brother, Prince Roland, who favors a treaty with the French. Stephan orders Roland imprisoned but Roland escapes and leads a revolt.
Cruéis Dominadores
Dr. Edward Keller
A small-town reporter investigates a mysterious group holed up in a country lodge.
Hurricane Island
Ponde de Leon
Ponce de Leon searches for the Fountain of Youth, but it's not an easy quest, thanks to bad weather, a treacherous lady pirate, warring Florida tribesmen, and a ship's cargo of man-hungry, marriage-minded maidens.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cardinal Richelieu
Cyrano devota um amor platônico à prima Roxane, mas ela confessa estar apaixonada por Christian, um dos jovens do regimento, e pede que Cyrano o proteja. Por causa disso, o poeta vai estar presente em todos os momentos da vida do casal, inclusive escrevendo cartas e recitando poemas à amada, sem que ela o saiba.
Joe Palooka in the Squared Circle
Dist. Atty. Michael Brogden
Joe Palooka encounters gangsters and tries to alert the law.
O Último Pirata
George Mareval
Swashbuckler about the adventures of pirate Jean Lafitte after he helped save New Orleans from a British invasion during the War of 1812.
The Secret Of St. Ives
Sgt. Carnac
A French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars plots his escape after he's captured and imprisoned in a castle fortress in Edinburgh, Scotland. Director Philip Rosen's 1949 film, adapted from a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, stars Richard Ney, Vanessa Brown, Henry Daniell, John Dehner, Douglas Walton, Aubrey Mather, Jean Del Val, Luis Van Rooten, Maurice Marsac and Billy Bevan.
The Adventure of the Speckled Band
Dr. Grimesby Roylott
Sherlock Holmes gets the clues he needs to solve a murder, and to prevent another one from occurring, when he finds out that a doctor owns a poisonous snake--the deadly swamp adder. Filmed on the expensive sets leftover from the movie Joan of Arc at Hal Roach Studios in Culver City and produced for the "Your Show Time" series, the short has been released as a solo feature on many DVDs that chronicle classic Sherlock Holmes films..
Legião Sinistra
Colonel Mauclaire
A post World War 2, US Army agent is assigned to join the Foreign Legion in search of high ranking Nazi war criminal who may have also enlisted.
Macbeth: Reinado de Sangue
A Scottish warlord and his wife murder their way to a pair of crowns.
Port Said
The Great Lingallo
Travel author Leslie Sears arrives in Cairo, Egypt, to meet with Greg Stewart, an old war buddy who is a theater booking agent in Port Said. Leslie telephones Greg and arranges a rendezvous, but shortly after the conversation ends, Greg is murdered.
Adventures in Silverado
Robert Louis Stevenson
Author Robert Louis Stevenson takes a trip to Napa Valley, California, in 1880 and gets involved in the exploits of a stagecoach driver who captures a hooded highwayman called The Monk. Supposedly inspired by a true incident, this offbeat Western based on Stevenson's The Silverado Squatters is a dandy, high-spirited adventure yarn.
To the Ends of the Earth
A treasury agent becomes obsessed with exposing an international drug ring.
John Hammond
Out fishing one day, painter John Hammond and his son Chris come across Bert Hillman, the foreman of a local ranch. He and his ranch hand are searching for a wild dog that killed one of their sheep. They find the animal and kill it, along with one of its puppies, but after they leave Hammond and his son discover another puppy still alive. They take it home and call it Rocky. John believes that a dog descended from sheep-killers will himself become a sheep-killer someday, but e gives his son a chance to raise and train the dog, hoping that he can train the killer instinct from it. Unfortunately, local farmers have reported an epidemic of sheep-killings, and they suspect that Rocky is responsible for them.
Tarzan e a Mulher Leopardo
Dr. Ameer Lazar
A tribe devoted to the leopard cult is dedicated to preventing civilization from moving further into Africa.
Song of Mexico
Gregory Davis
Actress Carol Adams retires from the theater when she becomes engaged to businessman Gregory Davis, but is increasingly frustrated by Greg's unwavering devotion to his business. Tired of being ignored, Carol leaves her engagement ring with Greg's secretary, Sarah Anderson, and flies to Mexico City to repair her broken heart and visit her friends, Anita and Arturo Martinez. On the plane, Carol meets Ramon Carranza, a handsome singer and movie star who is wildly popular in Mexico.
A Game of Death
Erich Kreiger
A shipwreck victim washes up on a homicidal big-game hunter's Caribbean island.
DuBois, Insurance Man
A World War II veteran hunts down the Nazi collaborators who killed his wife.
Nob Hill
Lash Carruthers
A Barbary Coast saloon owner hopes to marry his way into San Francisco's high society. Directed by Henry Hathaway, the film was released in 1945.
Secrets of Scotland Yard
John Usher / Robert Usher
Secrets of Scotland Yard is Republic's spin on a plotline first elucidated in the old E. Phillips Oppenheim novel The Great Impersonation. After losing WW I, the German high command, with remarkable foresight, prepares for the next war by planting a spy in the British Admiralty. Edgar Barrier plays the dual role of the German spy and his British twin brother. When one twin is killed, the other assumes his identity. The question: is the surviving brother the "good" one or the bad? It is up to C. Aubrey Smith, cast as Scotland Yard inspector Sir Christopher Belt, to sort out the mystery. Though it owes a great deal to the aforementioned Oppenheim yarn, Secrets of Scotland Yard is actually based on a novel by Denison Clift, who also wrote the screenplay.
Mulher Cobra
Quando descobre que sua noiva tollea foi raptada, ramu e seu amigo kadu viajam para uma ilha do pacífico em busca de resgatá-la. O que eles não sabem é que esta ilha é habitada por um povo fanático, adoradores da deusa cobra, e que todos os visitantes desta ilha são assassinados ao chegarem para serem dados em sacrifício ao deus vulcão. A ilha é comandada pela maligna irmã de tollea, naja, a mulher cobra, que além de cair em desejo por seu novo prisioneiro, ramu, está pronta para eliminar todos à sua volta que a impeçam de realizar suas vontades, inclusive sua benevolente irmã.
Os Mistérios da Vida
Stranger in Mask Shop (segment 1)
Anthology film of three tales of the supernatural. The first story is set at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The second involves a psychic who predicts murder. The third is about a man who literally meets the girl of his dreams.
Crazy House
Studio Actor
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
O Fantasma da Ópera
Raoul D'Aubert
Este imortal e espetacular conto de terror de Gaston Leroux é estrelado por Claude Rains como o mascarado fantasma da Ópera de Paris, um compositor enlouquecido que planeja fazer de uma linda jovem soprano (Susanna Foster) a estrela da companhia de ópera e saciar sua vingança contra os que roubaram sua música. Nelson Eddy, o heróico barítono, tenta obter o afeto da garota enguanto persegue os passos do monstro que começa a matar aqueles que resiste a suas loucas exigências.
Jamais Foram Vencidos
Young Brad Craig enters the military school with a chip on his shoulder which upperclassmen quickly knock off. Once adjusted, Craig falls in love with a professor's beautiful daughter, only to find she is in love with his roommate.
Jornada do Pavor
Kuvetli - tobacco salesman
Howard Graham e sua esposa Stephanie acabam de chegar em um hotel em Istambul. Howard é engenheiro de uma empresa americana que fornece armas para a marinha turca. É levado a uma casa de shows por Kopeikin, representante local da empresa, quando durante a apresentação de um número de mágica, o próprio mágico é morto. O coronel Haki, da polícia secreta turca, o informa que o atirador é um agente nazista que pretende eliminá-lo. Haki crê ser mais seguro embarcá-lo em um navio com destino a Batumi, mas os agentes o perseguem.
The Adventures of Smilin' Jack
Tommy Thompson
A movie serial in 12 chapters: The famous comic strip character is on a mission to protect a secret tunnel passage between China and India.
As Mil e Uma Noites
Neste incrível épico das Arábias, os personagens das histórias que encantaram leitores no mundo todo ganham vida com toda a sua paixão e glória através da história de irmãos que lutam entre si pelo poder político e pelo amor de Sherazade (interpretada pela encantadora e carismática Maria Montez). Contando com um elenco memorável, cenários suntuosos e figurinos exóticos, “As Mil e Uma Noites” é um clássico imperdível que já encantou platéias de todas as idades no mundo todo!
Ídolo, Amante e Heroí
Hospital Doctor
The story of the life and career of the baseball hall of famer, Lou Gehrig.
Eagle Squadron
Wadislaw Borowsky
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
Danger in the Pacific
Scientist-explorer David Lynd leaves wealthy bride-to-be June Claymore at the altar to join photographer Andy Parker and British secret service agent Leo Marzeli in search of rare minerals. They soon run afoul of crooked trader Tagani, who's been busily stockpiling weapons in the hills on behalf of his Nazi partners.
They Dare Not Love
Capt. Wilhelm Ehrhardt
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. He meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving. He makes a deal with the Nazis to return in exchange for some Austrian prisoners, but discovers that the Nazis are not to be trusted.
O Inimigo X
An American reporter smuggling news out of Soviet Moscow is blackmailed into helping a beautiful Communist leave the country.
An American goes to Germany to find his mother and discovers her in a concentration camp. With the help of an American-born widowed countess he seeks to engineer her escape.
The Green Specter
Le médecin
A group of people who knew each other years before discover that members of the group are being killed off one by one by someone who calls himself (or herself) The Green Ghost. The survivors gather at an old mansion to find out who is doing the killing and why, and discover that the murderer is a member of that very group.