John H. Lee

John H. Lee


John H. Lee


Manga artist "Shinji Izumoto" has secured a movie deal. He should be celebrating, but he's going blind, his manga series has been canceled, and he can no longer care for his grandmother. All alone, Shinji makes the devastating decision to jump off a balcony. When "Hibiki Aida", a deaf fan of his, saves Shinji, they begin an unusual life together.
Manga artist "Shinji Izumoto" has secured a movie deal. He should be celebrating, but he's going blind, his manga series has been canceled, and he can no longer care for his grandmother. All alone, Shinji makes the devastating decision to jump off a balcony. When "Hibiki Aida", a deaf fan of his, saves Shinji, they begin an unusual life together.
ON THE ROAD an artist's journey
In this documentary, Korean pop star Kim Jae-joong looks back on the personal and musical dreams that brought him to stardom all across Asia.
Operação Chromite
Quando as forças conjuntas da Coreia do Sul e dos Estados Unidos parecem prestes a perder a Guerra da Coreia, o General Douglas MacArthur (Liam Neeson) se junta à guerra e, durante a Batalha de Incheon, no dia 15 de setembro de 1950, ajuda as tropas a vencer o conflito e retomar o controle sobre Seul.
Operação Chromite
Quando as forças conjuntas da Coreia do Sul e dos Estados Unidos parecem prestes a perder a Guerra da Coreia, o General Douglas MacArthur (Liam Neeson) se junta à guerra e, durante a Batalha de Incheon, no dia 15 de setembro de 1950, ajuda as tropas a vencer o conflito e retomar o controle sobre Seul.
The Third Way of Love
"The Third Way of Love" tells the sad love story of Lin Qi Zheng, who is from a rich family, and Zhou Yu who is a smart and beautiful lawyer.
71 - No Meio do Fogo
Baseado em uma história real, o filme retrata delicadamente a dura batalha que jovens soldados enfrentaram para proteger a linha de defesa por conta própria. Entre um ataque de emoções e conflitos inesperados, eles experimentam uma guerra de adultos.
71 - No Meio do Fogo
Baseado em uma história real, o filme retrata delicadamente a dura batalha que jovens soldados enfrentaram para proteger a linha de defesa por conta própria. Entre um ataque de emoções e conflitos inesperados, eles experimentam uma guerra de adultos.
Goodbye, Someday
Higashigaito Yutaka is transferred to the Bangkok branch of Eastern Airlines. In three months, he will marry Michiko, a relative of the airline's founder, and though he doesn't love her, he knows he could be CEO one day if they wed. In Thailand, Yutaka meets Touko at a bar and is instantly drawn to her. His relationship with her only intensifies as the wedding date approaches. Eventually, he decides to break up with her and calls Michiko in front of her. Touko is disappointed, and the next day she leaves for New York. Yutaka and Michiko reunite in Thailand and proceed with their wedding. Twenty-five years later, Yutaka and Michiko are married with two sons. But Yutaka still harbors memories of Touko in his heart. Yutaka visits Bangkok on business and goes to the Oriental Hotel where he had stayed with Touko-and finds she is now in charge of VIP guests there. They realize their love for each other remains, but reality pulls them apart once again.
Goodbye, Someday
Higashigaito Yutaka is transferred to the Bangkok branch of Eastern Airlines. In three months, he will marry Michiko, a relative of the airline's founder, and though he doesn't love her, he knows he could be CEO one day if they wed. In Thailand, Yutaka meets Touko at a bar and is instantly drawn to her. His relationship with her only intensifies as the wedding date approaches. Eventually, he decides to break up with her and calls Michiko in front of her. Touko is disappointed, and the next day she leaves for New York. Yutaka and Michiko reunite in Thailand and proceed with their wedding. Twenty-five years later, Yutaka and Michiko are married with two sons. But Yutaka still harbors memories of Touko in his heart. Yutaka visits Bangkok on business and goes to the Oriental Hotel where he had stayed with Touko-and finds she is now in charge of VIP guests there. They realize their love for each other remains, but reality pulls them apart once again.
A Moment to Remember
Su Ju acaba de ser abandonada por seu noivo e por casualidade conhece o Chul Soo um jovem carpinteiro que não poderia ser mais diferente dela. Eles se encontram uma vez ou outra e começam um relacionamento e se casam. Quando parece que não podem ser mais felizes um com o outro o destino muda com uma doença trágica, Su Ji com 27 anos descobre que tem Alzheimer e logo vai começar a esquecer tudo. Chul Soo luta com todas as suas forças para que isso não aconteça.
A Moment to Remember
Su Ju acaba de ser abandonada por seu noivo e por casualidade conhece o Chul Soo um jovem carpinteiro que não poderia ser mais diferente dela. Eles se encontram uma vez ou outra e começam um relacionamento e se casam. Quando parece que não podem ser mais felizes um com o outro o destino muda com uma doença trágica, Su Ji com 27 anos descobre que tem Alzheimer e logo vai começar a esquecer tudo. Chul Soo luta com todas as suas forças para que isso não aconteça.
The Cut Runs Deep
A poor Chinese restaurant worker comes into contact with the leader of a Korean street gang and earns his respect after warning him of an impending police raid.