Michael Goodliffe

Michael Goodliffe

Nascimento : 1914-10-01, Bebington, Cheshire, England

Morte : 1976-03-20


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Lawrence Michael Andrew Goodliffe (1 October 1914 – 20 March 1976) was an English actor best known for playing suave roles such as doctors, lawyers and army officers. He was also sometimes cast in working class parts. Goodliffe was born in Bebington, Cheshire (now Merseyside), the son of a vicar, and educated at St Edmund's School, Canterbury, and Keble College, Oxford. He started his career in repertory theatre in Liverpool before moving on to the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford upon Avon. He joined the British Army at the beginning of World War II, and received a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment in February 1940. He was wounded in the leg and captured at the Battle of Dunkirk. Goodliffe was incorrectly listed as killed in action, and even had his obituary published in a newspaper. He was to spend the rest of the war a prisoner in Germany. Whilst in captivity he produced and acted in (and in some cases wrote) many plays and sketches to entertain fellow prisoners. These included two productions of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, one in Tittmoning and the other in Eichstätt, in which he played the title role. He also produced the first staging of Noel Coward's Post Mortem at Eichstätt. A full photographic record of these productions exists. After the war he resumed his professional acting career. As well as appearing in the theatre he worked in film and television. He appeared in The Wooden Horse in 1950 and in other POW films. His best known film was A Night to Remember (1958) in which he played Thomas Andrews, builder of the RMS Titanic. His best known television series was Sam (1973–75) in which he played an unemployed Yorkshire miner. He also appeared with John Thaw and James Bolam in the 1967 television series Inheritance. Suffering from depression, Goodliffe had a breakdown in 1976 during the period that he was rehearsing for a revival of Equus. He committed suicide a few days later by leaping from a hospital fire escape, whilst a patient at the Atkinson Morley Hospital in Wimbledon, London. Description above from the Wikipedia article Michael Goodliffe,  licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Michael Goodliffe


Uma Filha para o Diabo
George de Grass
John Verney, um estudioso do oculto, luta desesperadamente ao lado de sua esposa, Eveline, para salvar Catherine, uma noviça, das mãos de Michael Rayner, um padre excomungado, após descobrir que a intenção do mesmo é preparar Catherine para ser a representante do Diabo na Terra ao completar 18 anos.
In Sickness and in Health
Dr David Muray
A hard-working doctor must also carry the burden of a turbulent home life, due to the expectations of his demanding wife. Part of Thames Televison's Armchair Cinema.
Don't Be Like Brenda
Narrator (uncredited)
The brutally entitled Don't Be Like Brenda (1973) is an eight-minute lecture to young women, telling them not to be sexually promiscuous like the film's hapless heroine – although heaven knows, the promiscuity hinted at here is tragically modest. Poor Brenda goes all the way with a boy who does not marry her. The film is stunningly without any useful educational content on contraception and makes it entirely clear that the woman, not the man, is to blame. The film even makes her poor unwanted child suffer from a heart defect, so that no one wants to adopt the poor little thing – just to hammer the point home. (from: http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2009/feb/11/sex-education-films)
Hitler: Os Últimos Dez Dias
General Weidling
Baseada em testemunhas oculares, o filme acompanha os últimos dias de Hitler (Alec Guinness) antes de ter cometido suicídio, percorrendo desde os momentos em que passou no bunker com seus capangas militares até sua relação conturbada com Eva Braun (Doris Kunstmann).
Henry VIII and His Six Wives
Thomas More
1547, King Henry VIII's life has taken a turn for the worse and he is forced to look back over his life and the many loves which had brought him his three children, only one of which was the desired male heir to secure the Tudor dynasty.
A Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolate
Mr. Teevee (uncredited)
Um garoto pobre ganha o direito de visitar a fábrica de chocolates do excêntrico Willy Wonka. Acompanhado por seu avô e quatro crianças mimadas, ele vive aventuras inesquecíveis e aprende uma importante lição.
Still Life
A forgotten and aging actress tries to recapture her youth through her actress daughter's life. Her husband understands what is going on but invariably blames the daughter for his wife's disappointments.
Cromwell, O Homem de Ferro
Solicitor General
O filme narra os feitos de Oliver Cromwell que liderou as forças do Parlamento de Inglaterra durante a Guerra Civil Inglesa e, mais tarde com o título de Lord Protetor, dirigiu a Grã Bretanha e Irlanda em meados do século XVII. Um elenco cheio estrelas cinematográficas, com Richard Harris como Cromwell e Alec Guinness como o Rei Carlos I da Inglaterra.
Deus Está Conosco
Two German deserting soldiers Bruno Grauber and Reiner Schultz are trying to avoid capture by the Canadian and Yugoslavian armies entering Auschwitz at the end of World War II. They are captured. Their fellow German prisoners of war discover that they are deserters. They are put through a formal trial for cowardice organised by Von Bleicher. They are sentenced to death on the "fifth day of peace". A Canadian General persuades the Canadian officer in charge of the prisoner of war camp to allow the execution to be carried out for the higher purpose of preserving army discipline.
O Homem de Kiev
Set in tsarist Russia around the turn of the century and based on a true story of a Russian Jewish peasant Yakov Bog who was wrongly imprisoned for a most unlikely crime - the “ritual murder” of a Gentile child in Kiev. We witness the unrelenting detail of the peasant handyman's life in prison and see him gain in dignity as the efforts to humiliate him and make him confess fail.
O Golpe do Século
Lt. Col. Paling
Brothers Michael and David Tremayne decide to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, not for criminal purposes, but to make themselves famous.
A Noite dos Generais
Em 1942, uma prostituta polonesa é assassinada em Varsóvia. A suspeita recai sobre três generais de alto escalão, e o Major Grau da Inteligência Alemã busca justiça apesar das atrocidades cometidas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. As pistas levam Grau de Varsóvia para Paris e direto para o plano de assassinar Adolf Hitler em 1944, no qual dois dos generais estão profundamente envolvidos. O caso de Grau fica inacabado até 1965, quando então o verdadeiro assassino é levado à justiça. (e 16 Anos)
O Expresso de Von Ryan
Captain Stein
Os Aliados estão levando vantagem sobre os nazistas durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial, empurrando-os cada vez mais de volta à Alemanha. Em uma de suas batalhas o coronel Joseph L. Ryan, um piloto de combate americano, é abatido, feito prisioneiro e levado a um campo de concentração. Inicialmente ele está mais preocupado em sobreviver do que escapar, recebendo um apelido que o insulta: Von Ryan. Com o tempo Ryan assume do major Eric Fincham, um oficial britânico, a posição de comando entre os prisioneiros do campo de concentração e passa a planejar uma ousada fuga. O plano é tomar um trem e fazê-lo atravessar a Itália em direção à Suíça, enfrentando uma forte perseguição nazista.
Troubled Waters
Jeff Driscoll
Tab Hunter as a scary-eyed Aryan-blonde psychopath living in London, who emerges from prison and immediately proceeds to psychologically - and eventually physically - destroy his small family.
A Górgona
Professor Jules Heitz
In the early 20th century a village experienced a series of inexplicable murders. All the victims were young men who had been turned to stone. The perpetrator of these deaths was a being so repulsive that she transformed the onlooker using the power of her deadly stare. Much of the time the creature took the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, but during periods of the full moon she becomes a living horror, vicious and deadly. A professor has come to investigate the deaths, bringing with him his beautiful assistant whose knowledge of the Gorgon is more intimate than anyone would ever realise.
The 7th Dawn
Political and personal intrigues surround a group of characters in Malaya, after the close of the Second World War.
A Mulher de Palha
Anthony Richmond schemes to get the fortune of his tyrannical, wheelchair-using tycoon uncle Charles Richmond by persuading Maria, a nurse he employs, to marry him.
Inferno nos Céus
Squadron Leader Frank Adams
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um esquadrão aéreo da Real Força Aérea Inglesa é destacado para uma missão suicida de destruir uma fábrica de combustíveis alemã situada no meio de um fiorde norueguês.
As Duas Faces da Lei
Colonel Shaw
In a remote jungle outpost in the Far Eastern theater of World War II, a hotheaded American soldier murders an allied British sergeant in cold blood. Stalwart American Lt. Colonel Barney Adams (Mitchum) is dispatched to defend him in the ensuing court martial. But when Lt. Adams starts encountering roadblocks in his search for evidence, and his key witnesses start disappearing one after another, he soon realizes he's merely a pawn in a mysterious conspiracy that could extend to the highest levels of military power.
80,000 Suspects
Clifford Preston
A doctor's already-shaky marriage is tested to an even greater extent when he has to contend with a smallpox epidemic.
The £20,000 Kiss
Sir Harold Trevitt
An up and coming politician is caught in a compromising photograph taken by a maid, who turns out to be part of a sophisticated blackmail ring. When the girl is found murdered, he holds an incriminating old dueling pistol.
Clyde Burchard
A woman is found murdered in a house along the coast from Brighton. Local detectives Fellows and Wilks lead an investigation methodically following up leads and clues mostly in Brighton and Hove but also further afield.
Number Six
An international criminal arrives in London, and a detective is anxious to pin something on him for some unprovable murders of former lovers. The villain starts to suspect servants and henchmen of being a police spy known as "Number Six".
O Dia Em Que A Terra Incendiou
Jacko Jackson the Night Editor
Repórteres britânicos suspeitam que um encobrimento internacional de um desastre global está em andamento. E eles estão certos. Um pânico histérico tomou o mundo depois que os Estados Unidos e a União Soviética simultaneamente detonaram dispositivos nucleares e fizeram com que a órbita da Terra se alterasse, enviando-a para mais perto do sol.
O Suplício de Tua Ausência
Dr. West
Johnnie Byrne is a member of the British Parliament. In his 40s, he's feeling frustrated with his life and his personal as well as professional problems tower up over him. His desires to win the next election are endangered by his constant looking for love and he is faced with the choice of giving up a career in politics or giving up the woman he loves.
A Vítima do Medo
Don Jarvis
Como garoto, Mark Lewis sofria experimentos bizarros pelo seu pai cientista, estudante dos efeitos do medo no sistema nervoso das pessoas. Agora crescido, com seus pais já mortos, ele vira um psicopata que assassina mulheres somente para gravar suas expressões de terror no momento da morte.
Uma Saudade em Cada Alma
Father Desmaines
In wartime Italy nuns in a convent regularly smuggle Jewish children out of a nearby internment camp. The Italian army officer in charge suspects what may be going on but deliberately turns a blind eye. When the Germans take over the camp security the nuns' activities become far more dangerous.
A Batalha dos Sexos
Angela Barrows é uma mulher de negócios comedora de homens, enviada por seu empregador americano para investigar suas oportunidades de exportação em Edimburgo. No caminho, ela conhece Robert MacPherson, um empresário que pede sua ajuda para trazer sua empresa para o século XX. A equipe, liderada por Martin, tem outras ideias - e uma batalha entre os antigos e os novos métodos de negócios logo começa. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
O Testamento de Orfeu
English Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Outside time and reality, the experiences of a poet. The judgement of the young poet by Heurtebise and the Princess, the Gypsies, the palace of Pallas Athena, the spear of the Goddess which pierces the poet's heart, the temptation of the Sphinx, the flight of Oedipus and the final Assumption. This film is the third part of Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy, which consists of The Blood of a Poet (1930), Orpheus (1950) and Testament of Orpheus (1960).
Afundem o Bismarck
Captain Banister
A história do esforço da Marinha Britânica, na Segunda Guerra Mundial, para derrotar o mais poderoso navio de guerra da Alemanha nazista. Narra a fuga do Bismarck durante os primeiros dias da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Apresentado tanto do ponto de vista dos muitos navios de guerra de ambos os lados como do quartel general britânico, de onde a busca pelo super navio de guerra foi controlada.
The White Trap
Inspector Walters
Serving a jail sentence for a crime he didn't commit, Paul Langley makes several attempts to escape from prison, in order to clear his name. He also has other problems, his wife is about to go into labor with their first baby.
Further Up the Creek
Lt. Commander Blakeney
The sequel to 'Up The Creek' sees David Tomlinson return as bumbling navy boffin Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather. This time he is skipper of the ship Aristotle and, together with his second-in-command, Fairweather wreaks havoc when he is ordered to deliver the Aristotle to its new owners in a mythical Middle-Eastern country.
Somente Deus Por Testemunha
Thomas Andrews
Conta a história do navio RMS Titanic, o maior, mais veloz, mais luxuoso e mais seguro transatlântico do mundo, que teria como percurso sair de Southampton, na Inglaterra, e ir para Nova York, nos Estados Unidos. Mas após quatro noites navegando pelo oceano, o navio cruza tragicamente com um gigantesco iceberg, vitimando 1.500 passageiros, sendo que pouco mais de 700 sobreviveram.
The Camp on Blood Island
Father Paul Anjou
Set in a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War II, the film focuses on the brutality and horror that the allied prisoners were exposed to as the Japanese metered out subjugation and punishment to a disgraced and defeated enemy. This harrowing drama concentrates on the deviations of legal and moral definitions when two opposing cultures clash. Although fictional, this was one of the earliest films to deal realistically with life and death in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp during the Second War.
Amanhã Sorrirei Outra Vez
Coding Expert
Londres, Inglaterra, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Após uma trágica experiência de vida, a jovem Violette Szabo se junta ao Executivo de Operações Especiais e atravessa as linhas inimigas alemãs como agente secreto para ajudar um grupo da Resistência francesa.
Águia Fugitiva
R.A.F. Interrogator
Based on the true story of Oberleutnant Franz von Werra, the only german prisoner of war captured in Britain to escape back to Germany during the Second World War.
A Fortuna é Mulher
Detective Insp. Barnes
An insurance man discovers his ex-girlfriend and her husband's art-forgery/arson scam.
A Batalha do Rio da Prata
Captain McCall, R.N., British Naval Attache, Buenos Aires
Nos primeiros anos da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Marinha Real Britânica está lutando uma batalha desesperada para manter as rotas dos comboios do Atlântico abertas para abastecer as Ilhas Britânicas, enfrentando o grande perigo representado pelos muitos navios de guerra alemães, como o Almirante Graf Spee, que estão vasculhando o oceano em busca de navios de carga para afundarem.
Lodo na Alma
Larry Buckham
A ruthless woman takes advantage of gullible men to climb up the social ladder.
Link Span
Narrator (voice)
Twenty-four hours in the story of the British Railways Channel ferryboats, the 'link spans' directly joining the roads and railways of Britain with those of France and all the Continent. The Lord Warden laden with an assortment of road vehicles from Dover, and the Night Ferry from Newhaven carrying passengers bound for Paris, Vienna or Rome are two of the ferries illustrated in this film; and freight is not forgotten.
Dial 999
John Moffat
A man tells his wife that the police are after him for having killed a bookie during an alcoholic binge, but that he is innocent and is being framed for the murder. The wife and her brother hide him and try to find out who the real killer was. The more they investigate, the more holes they begin to find in the husband's story.
A Coroa e a Espada
Count De Dunois
No século XV, Quentin Durward (Robert Taylor), um pobre e bonito cavaleiro escocês, é enviado por seu tio para conhecer a bela condessa de Macroy, Isabelle (Kay Kendall). Ele deverá apresentar os cumprimentos do velho homem, que pretende se casar com a jovem condessa prometida a ele por razões políticas, pelo duque da Borgonha (Alec Clunes). No entanto, ela rejeita as reivindicações e foge para a França com a intenção de ir para a cidade de Tours, buscando a proteção do grande rival de Charles, Louis XI (Robert Morley), rei da França. Quando Durward segue seu encalço, acaba salvando a condessa de grandes perigos, e a convivência faz com que eles se apaixonem. Mas as intrigas da corte mostrarão perigos muito mais mortais do que os campos de batalha da idade média.
The End of the Affair
During the 1940s, Maurice Bendrix, a writer recently discharged from the armed service, falls in love with Sarah Miles, whom he interviews for a book. Sarah is married, but she and Maurice eventually give in to their mutual attraction, leading to an affair that lasts several months. Maurice's jealousy, along with the bombing of London by the Germans, seemingly leads to the end of their relationship. However, the reasons are later revealed to be more complex.
Front Page Story
A workaholic newspaper editor lets his wife leave on the holiday without him just at that time some important news stories break, including a plane crash, the one which his wife took....
Gigantes em Fúria
Gilliatt, a fisherman-turned-smuggler on the isle of Guernsey, agrees to transport a beautiful woman to the French coast in the year 1800. She tells him she hopes to rescue her brother from the guillotine. Gilliatt finds himself falling in love and so feels betrayed when he later learns this woman is a countess helping Napoleon plan an invasion of England. In reality, however, the "countess" is an English agent working to thwart this invasion. When Gilliatt finds this out, he returns to France to rescue the woman who's true purpose has been discovered by the French.
The Hour of 13
1890, London, and a serial killer known as The Terror is murdering policemen. When gentleman thief Nicholas Revel unwittingly becomes the chief suspect, he must use his guile and wits to prove he’s not the killer; whilst also not getting caught for a jewel robbery he has just committed.
Ocean Terminal
Narrator (voice)
Southampton, a deep-water port with four tides a day, is an ocean terminal for the world's largest liners. Their coming and going, and the people who work with them are the subject of this film as they reflect in their personal lives some of the drama and romance of its situation. Among them are a tug skipper and his crew, a stewardess on a Cape ship, an assistant wharfinger in charge of handling baggage and freight, a taxi driver, and a pilot taking a great liner down Southampton water at night.
Plan for Coal
Part of BFI's "National Coal Board Collection".
Os Deserdados
In the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo journeys to the city to search for his missing son, only to find his people living in squalor and his son a criminal. Reverend Misimangu is a young South African clergyman who helps find his missing son-turned-thief and sister-turned-prostitute in the slums of Johannesburg.
Falcão dos Mares
Col. Caillard - POW Escort
Em 1807 o imperturbável Capt. Hornblower da marinha britânica é enviado em uma missão secreta para desviar aliados espanhóis de Napoleão, patrocinando uma revolução centro-americana de um líder megalomaníaco. Depois de uma viagem difícil, complicações inesperadas forçam Hornblower a rever seus planos... e o transformam em anfitrião relutante para a bela irmã do Duque de Wellington. Batalhas navais, aventuras extraordinárias, e um romântico interlúdio de estrelas.
Family Portrait
Narrator (voice)
In preparation for the celebration of the 1951 Festival of Britain, this short film was released to assure British citizens of their nation's place in the world and of their own places within that nation. Illustrative scenes of farming, science, political, and social life are juxtaposed to present a familiar and reassuring image of Britain.
The Wooden Horse
True story of three British POWs and their attempt to escape from Nazi Germany
Stop Press Girl
A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.
De Volta ao Pequeno Apartamento
De Volta ao Pequeno Apartamento detalha as angústias de um pesquisador e especialista em desarme de bombas militares Sammy Rice. Ele vive um relacionamento complexo com a secretária Susan e é contratado pelo governo para orientar sobre uma nova e perigosa arma alemã.