An escort girl gets the opportunity to inherit 6 million euros from a wealthy old and sick man by marrying him. Unfortunately things don't always go as planned.
On Stage is a fake documentary about a promising five-headed cabaret company at the Cabaret Academy, who after their graduation are signed up by an impresario. The latter wants to launch them as real stars, but the troupe appears to be less close-knit than expected, when machinations and mutual competition drive the friends apart and one person is even victimised. The actors really graduated from the Academy in 2003.
Four women are sick of being poor. They decide to rob a bank. They are surprised how easily they get away with it and start to commit more robberies. When the net finally closes around them they decide to make one last big hit.
Frank and Paul are best friends forever and raised Frank's daughter Lilli after a tragic car accident. The two men scrape a living by working as barmen and bouncers in a strip club while Lilly has grown into a lively and self-confident teenager. The disaster unfolds when Lilli seduces Paul and gets pregnant.
Two small town Dutch boys whose socially unnatural friendship is so close, they care nothing for human or divine rules and lose all grip on reality, sliding into violent crime.
Aos 6 anos de idade, após a morte dos pais, as gêmeas Anna e Lotte Bamberg são separadas. Anna permanece na Alemanha e cresce em circunstâncias difíceis na fazenda de seu tio Heinrich e da esposa Martha. Já Lotte, doente, é levada para o lar amoroso da família Rockanje, na Holanda. Nos anos que se seguem as irmãs tentam desesperadamente entrar em contato uma com a outra. Finalmente acontece um encontro, quando está prestes a ser deflagrada a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Apesar de felizes por estarem juntas novamente, ambas sentem o peso das diferenças entre elas. Quando se encontram algum tempo depois, após a guerra, o distanciamento é inevitável, devido às experiências diversas que viveram na guerra. E Lotte então deixa claro que pretende banir as lembranças da irmã de sua vida para sempre.