Charlie Clarke


You Are My Sunshine
Tom and Joe have been together for years. And to some extent, have been together alone. You Are My Sunshine charts their humble beginnings in a world only just waking up to homosexuality, to present day, and a world facing their elder selves. As present day brings further conflict as well as the potential change in the air, Tom and Joe's story will be shown from its first monumental day all the way to its loving last.
England. 1934. A young man, Elijah, has been captured and accused of being a werewolf by Clyde, a self famed bounty hunter from a nearby village. As Elijah is brutally tortured in a vain attempt to get him to confess, he suddenly finds himself secretly released by two villagers, Faye and her younger brother Benjamin, who believe he is innocent. As they attempt to help the young man flee through the woods, all the while pursued by the maniacal Clyde, the night time forest suddenly reveals that some legends are not myth at all.
The Confession
Fiona seeks refuge in her local church, escaping the evil within her house only to find that something far darker sits in the confession booth next to her. This short film is one of the five winning short films which were made for “My Annabelle Creation" competition as a promotion for the film Annabelle: Creation.
The Final Girl
Will Olivia survive the night, well she certainly will with some help from some friends...
Just Henry A Verdade de Uma Vida
1950 Henry Dodge, de 15 anos, vive com sua mãe Maureen e seu novo marido, Bill. Incentivado por sua avó paterna amargurada e intrometida, Henry se recusa a aceitar Bill e deseja manter viva a memória de seu pai Joey, um condecorado herói de Dunquerque, morto por um desertor durante um ataque aéreo. Depois que a nova colega de classe Grace e a educada professora Mrs Beaumont persuadiram Henry a perdoar Paul Jeffries, o filho do desertor, Joey aparece, alegando ter perdido a memória e ansioso para recuperar sua família. Mas Grace está certa em suspeitar dele enquanto Maureen diz a seu filho que bruto ele era como marido e acontece que ele é um criminoso em fuga e um mentiroso que permitiu que outra família suportasse a vergonha que é. dele. Quando Joey seqüestra Henry e sua mãe, o menino é forçado a crescer rapidamente e enfrentá-lo enquanto protege Maureen e traz outra criança para o mundo.
Eternos Heróis
Em meio à Irlanda da década de 70, Mickybo e Jonjo se conhecem e tornam-se logo grandes amigos, sem perceber a grande muralha ideológica existente entre os dois.