Tells the story of the famed Build-a-Bear workshop, weaving together stories from when Maxine Clark first conceived the idea, the company’s struggles to stay afloat, and the endless happiness it has provided for children and adults alike.
Neste documentário, o polêmico boxeador Jake Paul conta como foi sua jornada peculiar de sensação da internet a esportista de sucesso.
Para salvar seu irmão mais novo de um perigoso quartel em Medelín, Reda (Ramzy Bedia) tem um plano completamente insano: montar uma equipe e invadir a Colômbia! Porém, essa aventura sai de controle quando ele decide sequestrar o filho do líder do quartel para trocá-lo pela vida de seu irmão.
16-time World Champion and 2-time WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair is one of the most prolific and controversial superstars in professional wrestling history. Flair is a true American icon: from his famous “Woooo” that is still heard in stadiums and arenas throughout the US, to his influence on hip hop music. At 73 years-old Flair remains a constant in American pop culture, but who is the real man behind the outrageous persona? Finally, Flair reveals all, opening up about his storied career, inside and outside of the ring, over the last 50 years.
The Mentor
Once Within a Time is an anarchic comedy told without words, a sensory feast to be felt through art and music. This multidisciplinary work shows us life on Earth as humanity clashes with the five fundamental elements—earth, air, water, fire, and money— headed towards a critical moment of choice between annihilation and redemption.
Mark Anderson
The journey of Liger, from Karimnagar to Mumbai, from a nobody to a competitor, in his search for recognition while navigating his weaknesses, relationships, and love life.
Quando sua filha é brutalmente assassinada e a justiça parece improvável, William Duncan toma a lei em suas próprias mãos, partindo em busca de vingança. Depois de matar o bandido que foi diretamente responsável por sua morte, ele se encontra no meio de uma guerra com o irmão desse bandido, Rory Fetter, e sua gangue, que estão igualmente empenhados em se vingar de seu membro assassinado.
Self (Archive Footage)
Fight alongside Sylvester Stallone as he creates a brand-new director's cut of Rocky IV: ROCKY VS. DRAGO. This feature-length documentary offers a personal and uncompromising look into the editing process, captured by Sly's longtime friend and fellow filmmaker John Herzfeld.
The untold story of the world’s longest running video show, Video Music Box. A hip hop mainstay since 1983, VMB gave a platform to artists like Jay-Z, Nas and Mary J. Blige before they hit it big. Host Ralph McDaniels’ archives — amassed over 40 nearly years — reveal the show’s importance to numerous big-name musicians, as well as to the kids that grew up watching.
Christy Martin chocou o mundo ao se tornar uma superestrela depois de vencer uma luta preliminar antes do conflito entre Mike Tyson x Frank Bruno em 1996.
Mike Tyson escaped a life of poverty and petty crime to make a name for himself, becoming the youngest Heavyweight Champion of the World and a household name—but his rise was followed by a very public fall. In this remarkably candid portrait, the boxer addresses his controversial past, including the rape charge that sent him to prison and his struggles with substance abuse, while also detailing his ultimate recovery and comeback.
Mike Tyson's climb, crash and comeback, from his difficult childhood to becoming undisputed world champion to his 1992 rape conviction and his personal struggles.
Make It Or Die Trying: The Frank Warren Story takes viewers on a journey across decades of changing times in British boxing and gives fans an intimate insight into the man behind some of the greatest British athletes in history and how, from humble beginnings, Warren rose to leave a legacy in his wake.
WWE Superstars and Legends will recall their first impressions of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. The Undertaker, Ric Flair, Booker T and many others will recount a slew of unforgettable moments and memories they shared with Austin throughout the last 30 years.
The full story of an epic in-ring rivalry and the fascinating personal relationship that went along with it.
Mike Tyson
Boxing match between former undisputed heavyweight world champion, Mike Tyson, and former four-division world champion, Roy Jones Jr at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, California.
Dr. Dre narrates the story of Lennox Lewis' rise from humble beginnings to become the greatest Undisputed Heavyweight Champion in the modern era.
The second annual event under the Double or Nothing banner, this All Elite Wrestling (AEW) produced PPV event will take place at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida.
A vida de London é um turbilhão de festas, mansões, iates e celebridades. Depois de parar no hospital, ela decide roubar de volta os holofotes de suas principais rivais da televisão: As irmãs Kim.
After serving a 4-year prison sentence Mike Tyson was released from an Indiana prison May-1995. For Tyson’s first opponent Don King selected an unknown heavyweight named Peter McNeeley. This is a behind the scenes documentary of the event.
'One Night: Joshua vs. Ruiz' is a comprehensive look at the night Andy Ruiz pulled off the biggest boxing upset in decades.
Overcoming the seemingly insurmountable odds that life threw his way, Liston became heavyweight champion of the world when he knocked out Floyd Patterson in 1962. Eight years later, he died but friends questioned the cause of his death.
Um motorista introvertido e um passageiro cansado tentam chegar ao seus destinos enquanto são assombrados por uma ameaça sobrenatural.
Marcado na história como um dos lutadores de boxe mais habilidosos de todos os tempos, o panamenho Roberto Durán tem a sua história narrada e analisada como paralela à trajetória de seu próprio país. Através de atitudes que o transformaram em um ícone capaz de transcender a política e o esporte, ele firmou-se como um verdadeiro herói de seu povo.
Madea (Tyler Perry) e seus companheiros achavam que estavam indo para uma reunião de família como outra qualquer. Porém, tudo se transforma em um pesadelo quando de repente eles precisam planejar um funeral no meio de sua viagem a Georgia.
Nos esportes, estamos acostumados a ver o improvável. Mas testemunhar o impossível é uma história completamente diferente. E em 11 de fevereiro de 1990, quando as probabilidades eram de 42 para 1, foi o impossível que aconteceu em um ringue de boxe em Tóquio, no Japão, quando James "Buster" Douglas derrotou Mike Tyson no campeonato mundial de pesos pesados.
Barry Black
Os Janoskians são convidados a atuar em uma festa de aniversário repleta de estrelas para Alison, filha de um famoso magnata da mídia (Mike Tyson). Quando seu ato é cancelado no último minuto, os brincalhões planejam o assalto final para tomar conta da estúpida festa e criar o maior distúrbio público de suas vidas.
After a drinking contest with some questionable local spirits, three friends wake naked on a beach to discover two are handcuffed to a locked suitcase, one has a strange new tattoo, and none of them have any clue what happened the night before. When they soon find themselves pursued by local gangsters, their only shot at making it home - and to the altar - is to piece together the previous night's events while on the run.
Um homem, que tempos atrás decidiu abandonar sua família e sua terra natal para tentar a vida em novos ares, é obrigado à retornar para a Tailândia. Tudo porque sua família está ameaça por um lutador formidável: Mongkut, seu novo inimigo.
A mockumentary that chronicles the prevalence of doping in the world of professional cycling.
Com base em uma história real, o filme nos leva a uma aventura perigosa e épica até a África, onde um negociador chinês se vê cara a cara com um competidor corrupto em um grande contrato de telecomunicações. O chefe da tribo local, Kabbah (Mike Tyson) e o mercenário Lauder (Steven Seagal), assumem lados opostos em uma luta brutal, enquanto toda a região ameaça explodir em uma perigosa guerra civil.
This compelling Documentary moves beyond the spotlight and past the attention-grabbing headlines to give pop superstar Chris Brown a chance to tell his own story. New interviews with the international phenomenon reveal long-awaited answers about his passion for making music, his tumultuous and much publicized relationships, and the pitfalls of coming of age in the public eye. Also included is new concert footage, behind-the-scenes access, and special interviews from Usher, Jennifer Lopez, DJ Khaled, Mike Tyson, Jamie Foxx and others.
Himself (Archive Footage) (uncredited)
Documentário em homenagem a grande cantora americana Whitney Houston, onde é retratado a sua vida de forma aberta, contando detalhes sobre suas paixões, medos e decepções.
Anthony teve de suportar um pai abusivo, desempregado e alcoólatra, mas foi abençoado com o carinho da mãe trabalhadora que ele perde em uma idade muito precoce. Apesar de sua amargura, ele se esforça para manter a moral lhe ensinou sua mãe e manter a sua dignidade, apesar de ser contra todas as probabilidades. Ele é tomado sob a asa de um chefe da máfia local, que apoia a vontade de Anthony para fugir de seus demônios por meio do esporte do boxe.
James Clown
Paródia da franquia de terror "Uma Noite de Crime", na qual a família Black acaba de se mudar para o badalado bairro de Beverly Hills, em Los Angeles. Mas a diversão acaba quando chega a noite em que o governo permite qualquer crime num período de 12 horas. O clã Black tenta se proteger e precisa enfrentar um palhaço assassino e até um membro da organização racista Ku Klux Klan.
In the year 2050 a young wrestling fan is less than thrilled to be spending the night at his Grandfather’s house. That is until he learns that his Grandfather once travelled the world interviewing some of the biggest wrestling stars of all time. Featuring exclusive interviews with Bill Goldberg, Bret Hart, Mike Tyson, Chris Jericho, Dynamite Kid, Amy Dumas, Rob Van Dam, Ted Dibiase and Randy Couture, Nine Legends profiles one of the greatest ensembles of wrestling talent ever put together. Through their own words, relive the defining moments of the heroes you grew up with.
Donnie Yen terá uma luta explosiva com o ex-campeão mundial dos pesos pesados de boxe Mike Tyson. E a história ainda abordará parte da juventude do maior discípulo de Yip Man: Bruce Lee.
As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people described as "close to The Donald" weigh in, including former US Senator Al D'Amato (R-N.Y.), former Atlantic City mayor Jim Whelen, boxer Mike Tyson, and notorious "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa.
The story of the rise to glory of boxer Joe Calzaghe.
Com sua personalidade marcante e socos poderosos, Mike Tyson esteve no comando do mundo do boxe durante os anos 80 e 90. Mesmo quando Mike estava na prisão, a divisão de pesos-pesados pertencia a ele. Enquanto isso, como Ahab pacientemente esperando para pescar sua baleia gigante, Evander Holyfield sofreu durante anos, esperando a oportunidade de derrubar Tyson.
Mike Tyson
O astro do cinema Vincent Chase recebe uma ligação de Ari Gold, seu antigo agente e agora chefe de um estúdio, com um projeto. Algumas de suas ambições mudaram, mas o vínculo entre eles permanece forte conforme se viram no mundo feroz de Hollywood.
Uma organização paramilitar tem como objetivo conquistar a Argélia e tê-la sob controle francês. O grupo constrói uma base militar em Omã, de onde organiza seus ataques. Cabe a um agente secreto altamente treinado tentar proteger o seu país.
Comic Russell Brand uses drugs, sex and fame in a quest for happiness, only to find it remains elusive. As he explores iconic figures such as Gandhi, Malcolm X, Che Guevara, and Jesus, he transforms himself into a political antagonist.
Alguns dos maiores nomes da história do boxe, Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield e Bernard Hopkins tem suas vidas examinadas e suas histórias – dentro e fora do ringue.
A biografia conta a história do ex-pugilista norte-americano Muhammad Ali, considerado um dos maiores da história do esporte. A vida do lendário boxeador é contada através de áudios pessoas de Ali, com entrevistas e depoimentos do círculo de familiares e amigos dele.
Mike Tyson
Billy "The Kid" McDonnen (Robert De Niro) e Henry "Razor" Sharp (Sylvester Stallone) foram grandes boxeadores que, agora, estão aposentados. Entretanto, mesmo tendo subido no ringue pela última vez há décadas, eles aceitam se enfrentar em uma última luta para desempatar o confronto histórico. Enquanto se preparam para o confronto, os dois terão que confrontar pessoas de seus passados: a bela Sally (Kim Basinger) e o filho B.J. (Jon Bernthal).
Executive Producer
Dirigido por Spike Lee, o ex-campeão mundial de boxe Mike Tyson fala, de forma divertida, sobre os altos e baixos na sua
Dirigido por Spike Lee, o ex-campeão mundial de boxe Mike Tyson fala, de forma divertida, sobre os altos e baixos na sua
Athletes and fans explore the impact of sports on the lives of Americans.
Em meio à era de ouro contemporânea do boxe - a década de 1980 - havia dois lutadores que criaram uma rivalidade cativante. Em 1980, as duas lutas entre eles em um período de pouco mais de 5 meses tinha todos os elementos dos clássicos instantâneos.
O novo filme da franquia mais politicamente incorreta do cinema inclui paródias dos filmes "Atividade Paranormal", "Mama", "A Entidade", "A Morte do Demônio", "A Origem", "Cisne Negro" e outras referências da cultura pop.
LT: The Life & Times, a feature-length documentary film chronicling the spectacular on-field Hall of Fame NFL career of Lawrence Taylor, as well as his tumultuous off-field life. The documentary will be the first-ever in-depth look focusing on Taylor's life with never-before-heard stories from Taylor, his family and friends, his former teammates and coaches on his playing days with the New York Giants, as well as his infamous off-field challenges, including his trials, and the troubling times that have plagued him throughout his life.
Mike "The Baddest Man On The Planet" Tyson
Bust out your Austin 3:16 shirt, heat up a delicious slice of pie and count down to Y2J all over again with The Attitude Era. Go back to the days when antiheroes ditched “saying their prayers and taking their vitamins” for opening up a can of whoop ass and laying the SmackDown!
Collection of programmes that celebrate the career and greatest fights of some of WWE's most iconic figures. 'Austin 3:16 Uncensored' takes a look at the history of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, who was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009. 'Three Faces of Foley' looks at the lengthy WWE career of Mick Foley, who also fought under the pseudonyms Mankind, Dude Love and Cactus Jack. 'Chris Jericho - Break Down the Walls' celebrates the performer's decade in WWE and 'Kurt Angle - It's True' pays tribute to Kurt Angle, an Olympic wrestling gold medallist as well as a star WWE performer.
Inductees into the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame included Mil Máscaras, Edge, The Four Horsemen, Ron Simmons, Yokozuna and Mike Tyson.
Self (archive footage)
He's one of the most popular Superstars in the history of sports-entertainment, with a resume that includes six WWE Championship reigns, three Royal Rumble victories, a King of the Ring Championship, and an unprecedented run of raising hell throughout WWE. Stone Cold Steve Austin continues to be both popular and controversial.
Himself - Roaster
"Comedy Central Roast" é um programa de humor em que uma celebridade é convidada a ser "detonada" por comediantes. Nesse programa, Charlie Sheen é insultado pelos comediantes Steve O (de Jackass), Jeff Ross (fantasiado de Gaddaffi), Jon lovitz, Amy Shumer, Patrice O’Neal e Anthony Jeselnik – mais Shatner, Mike Tyson e Walsh. Slash faz as honras da abertura e Seth McFarlane (criador de Family Guy) é o mestre de cerimônias. O programa com Charlie Sheen registrou a maior audiência da história de todos os Roasts já feitos.
Fat Burger Griller
Basketball coach Ashmokeem kidnaps and blackmails the opposite team's player and his family in order to secure the championship for his team.
Phil, Stu, Alan e Doug viajam à exótica Tailândia para o casamento de Stu. O que poderia dar errado? Dois anos depois da desastrosa despedida de solteiro de Doug em Las Vegas, agora é a vez de Stu. Ele decide se casar na Tailândia, país de sua futura mulher. Com medo de que os incidentes da despedida de solteiro em Las Vegas se repitam, Stu organiza muito bem a comemoração, mas nada sai como o esperado, e as confusões prometem ser inimagináveis.
On the evening of Sept. 7, 1996, Mike Tyson, the WBC heavyweight champion, attempted to take Bruce Seldon’s WBA title at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. At this point in his career, Tyson’s fights had become somewhat of a cultural phenomenon, where the ever present hype of the professional boxing scene would come face to face with the worlds of big business, Hollywood, and hip hop. Sitting ringside was controversial rapper Tupac Shakur. Shakur and Tyson were friends, a feeling of kinship linked them as each rose to stardom from poverty only to be thrown in prison. Following Tyson’s victory, Shakur and “Iron Mike” were to celebrate at an after party, but the rap star never arrived. Shakur was brutally gunned down later that night, and the scene in Las Vegas quickly turned from would-be celebratory revelry to ill fated and inopportune tragedy.
Mike Tyson: controversial, ferocious, savage, brutal. For the first time legendary heavyweight boxing champion Iron Mike talks LIVE to Steve Bunce about his shocking and violent life. Saved from the gutter and moulded into the Baddest Man on the Planet, Tyson is as explosive on stage as he was in the ring. From the street crime to the ear biting and the fights through to the uncensored truth, this story will rip out your heart. In this once-in-a-lifetime official expose, hear how burning ambition, unimaginable wealth, violence and tragedy shaped the man who became of the most controversial sporting icons of all time. Packed with exclusive bonus features, don't miss out on the most revealing sports story of the year.
Mike Tyson
Dois dias antes do seu casamento, Doug e três amigos rumam em direcção a Las Vegas para uma despedida de solteiro que nunca mais irão esquecer. Mas na verdade, quando os três padrinhos acordam na manhã seguinte, eles não conseguem lembrar-se de nada. Sem saberem como e porquê, eles encontram um tigre na casa de banho e um bébé de 6 meses no guarda-roupa da suite do Hotel Caesars Palace. A única coisa que não conseguem encontrar é Doug. Sem qualquer pista sobre o que se passou na noite anterior e com muito pouco tempo, o trio tem agora que tentar reconstituir a noite passada para encontrar Doug e regressar rapidamente a L.A. a tempo do seu casamento.
A collection of the greatest moments of the first 15 years of Monday Night Raw.
Documentário sobre Mike Tyson, ex-campeão de pesos pesados. Narrado pelo próprio lutador, o filme mistura entrevistas com imagens de arquivo. Sua vida é mostrada desde a infância - quando sofria bullying - passando pelo início de sua carreira, suas grandes vitórias até os escândalos.
Himself (Special Appearance)
A bunch of misfits and gangsters embarks on a journey to find a lost and stolen diamond.
Mike Tyson
Quando sai derrotado de um combate virtual, altamente publicitado, contra o ex-campeão Rocky Balboa, o actual campeão de pesos-pesados Mason Dixon retalia, desafiando o grande italiano para um combate de 10 rounds, transmitido a nível nacional. Para surpresa do seu filho e seus amigos, Rocky aceita sair da sua reforma e enfrentar um adversário mais rápido, mais forte e trinta anos mais novo. Com a estatística contra ele, Rocky acaba por levar Dixon até ao maior, mais violento e agressivo combate na história do boxing.
Mike Tyson vs Corey Sanders (Mike Tyson's World Tour 2006 exhibition match)
Mike Tyson
Legendary Mike Tyson was one of the most feared fighters in boxing. By age 19, his superlative record of wins earned him the nickname "Kid Dynamite." Over the next two years, Tyson knocked out 19 opponents in a row, eventually becoming the youngest heavyweight champion in history. His winning streak expanded to a dazzling 37-0 before Buster Douglas, an 11-1 underdog, TKO'd Tyson in the 10th round in one of boxing's biggest upsets.
Includes 19 Thrill-Packed Fights! Tyson vs. Mercedes, Tyson vs. Spain, Tyson vs. Alderson, Tyson vs. Johnson, Tyson vs. Long, Tyson vs. Colay, Tyson vs. Benjamin, Tyson vs. Richardson, Tyson vs. Scaff, Tyson vs. Young, Tyson vs. Jameson, Tyson vs. Ferguson, Tyson vs. Zouski, Tyson vs. Tillis, Tyson vs. Berbick, Tyson vs. Holmes, Tyson vs. Spinks, Tyson vs. Bruno, Tyson vs. Douglas
Nicholas Jarecki follows director James Toback on the 12-day shoot of his thriller, When Will I Be Loved -- a movie made without a script or distribution deal.
After being knocked out in the fourth round of his previous fight against Danny Williams, Mike Tyson took a lengthy hiatus as he contimplated whether or not he would continue to fight. In April of 2005, Tyson officially announced his return to boxing to take on little-known Irish journeyman Kevin McBride on June 11 in Washington, D.C.. Though the 38–year old Tyson was far removed from his prime, he nevertheless predicted an easy victory, vowing to "gut (McBride) like a fish" while also calling his opponent a "tomato can". McBride, however, remained confident that he could upset Tyson and promised that he would "shock the world" by defeating Tyson Prior to the fight, Tyson parted ways with trainer Freddie Roach, who had trained Tyson for his two previous fights against Clifford Etienne in 2003 and Williams in 2004, and replaced him with former super bantamweight champion Jeff Fenech.
Mike Tyson vs. Danny Williams, billed as "Return for Revenge", was a professional boxing match contested on July 30, 2004.
Nova York. Vera Barrie (Neve Campbell) é uma bela e jovem mulher, que começa a explorar os limites da sua sexualidade e de seu intelecto. Ela aborda homens na rua e se "diverte" com a sua amante em seu espaçoso loft. O pai de Vera, Victor Barrie (Barry Primus), é rico, assim ela não precisa se preocupar com dinheiro. Já Ford Welles (Fred Weller), seu namorado, vive outra realidade e faz tudo para conseguir algum dinheiro, até mesmo "vender" Vera. Ela, sentindo-se desvalorizada, prepara uma vingança quando Ford quer ela tenha algo com o Conde Tommaso Lupo (Dominic Chianese), um magnata das comunicações.
Heartfelt interviews from his peers, behind the scenes footage, and concert clips show the side of Tupac that was far beyond the "thug" of the evening newscasts, the man who has become a cultural icon.
Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne, billed as "Back to Business", was a professional boxing match contested on February 22, 2003.
Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson was a boxing match that took place on June 8, 2002, at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis, Tennessee, United States, between IBF, IBO and WBC heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis and former IBF, WBA and WBC heavyweight champion Mike Tyson. The fight was for Lewis' Heavyweight championship titles. Lewis defeated Tyson by KO in the eighth round.
Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen was a professional boxing match contested on October 13, 2001.
Himself (archive footage)
A Bolivian immigrant working illegally as a cook in a small restaurant in Buenos Aires suffers abuse and discrimination from its customers.
Mick Dundee, sua esposa Sue e seu filho Mikey precisam deixar a pequena cidade de Walkabout, onde vivem, e viajar até Los Angeles, onde Sue precisa assumir a chefia do jornal do seu pai, após o chefe anterior ter morrido em circunstâncias suspeitas. Mick acredita que esta seja uma boa oportunidade de mostrar a seu filho o mundo existente além da pequena cidade onde vivem, enquanto que Sue precisa se desdobrar entre seu novo trabalho e ainda as investigações decorrentes da morte do antigo chefe.
We see the man in action, in the ring as the intense fighting machine with killer instincts, and out of the ring as the quietly spoken young man.
Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota, billed as Showdown in Motown, was a professional boxing match contested on October 20, 2000.
Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis was a professional boxing match contested on 29 January 2000.
Cesar Dominguez (Antonio Banderas) e Vince Boudreau (Woody Harrelson) são dois pugilistas de boxe que irão se enfrentar no próxima grande luta a ser realizada. Com apenas poucas horas para chegarem em Las Vegas, onde a luta será realizada, eles passam por uma inesperada viagem pelo deserto junto com uma ardilosa namorada (Lolita Davidovich).
Mike Tyson vs. Orlin Norris was a professional boxing match contested on October 23, 1999.
Mike Tyson
Quando Charlie (Bijou Phillips) e seus amigos, brancos, começam a andar com o aspirante a cantor de rap oriundo do Harlem Rich Bower (Power) e seu grupo, o American Cream Team, negros, as facções de cada raça começam a questionar quais são suas reais motivações. Fascinados com esta mescla de culturas, um documentarista de cinema e uma jovem rica (Brooke Shields) resolvem capturar o fenômeno através das câmeras, com a ajuda de seu desengonçado marido Terry (Robert Downey Jr.). Enquanto isso, o policial Mark Clear (Ben Stiller) deseja se vingar de sua ex-namorada Greta (Claudia Schiffer), que o trocou por um astro de basquete negro e amigo de Rich Bower. Diferentes mundos - ricos e pobres, brancos e negros - se encontram apenas para descobrir que ninguém é quem realmente parece ser.
From his humble, troubled beginnings at age 10 in New York, to his discovery by Cus D'Amato, his rise to Champ, his marriage, divorce, rape conviction, prison term and release, Tyson's life is profiled.
Stone Cold Steve Austin battles Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship with Mike Tyson as special guest enforcer. The Undertaker battles Kane. The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Ken Shamrock. Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie face The New Age Outlaws for the WWE World Tag Team Championship in a Dumpster Match and more!
Thirty Superstars compete in the annual Royal Rumble Match with the winner advancing to WrestleMania XIV for a chance at the WWE Championship. The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Ken Shamrock. Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker battle in a Casket Match with the WWE Championship up for grabs. Plus, The Road Warriors, Goldust, and more!
This is the video you've been waiting for. Watch Stone Cold Steve Austin continue his unrelenting assault on the Federation and anyone who stands in his way. Give a "Hell, Yeah" if you want to see Stone Cold Steve Austin open an Uncensored Can of Whoop-@#$ and feed it to everyone who gets in his way. Where 'Cause Stone Cold Said So left off, Austin 3:16 Uncensored begins. From Vince McMahon to Mike Tyson to Shawn Michaels, you'll see 'em getting their @#$es whooped by the toughest S.O.B. in the World Wrestling Federation. Steve tells it like it is, the only way he can--one uncensored @#$ kickin' at a time!
In the previous Tyson-Holyfield fight, seven months earlier, Holyfield, who opened as a 25-to-1 underdog (eventually pulling to 15-to-2), floored Tyson for the second time in Tyson's career in the sixth round, and scored a TKO over Tyson in round 11. Holyfield dominated Tyson throughout the fight, winning almost every round. The fight took place at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The referee officiating the fight was Mills Lane, who was brought in as a late replacement when Tyson's camp protested the original selection of Mitch Halpern (who officiated the first fight) as the referee.
Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield, billed as "Finally", was a professional boxing match fought between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson for the World Boxing Association heavyweight championship on November 9, 1996 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The bout was Tyson's first defense of the WBA title that he had won from Bruce Seldon on September 7 of that year. The referee officiating the fight was Mitch Halpern. The fight was promoted by Don King Promotions and carried on pay-per-view by Showtime. The bout was the first fight pitting the two boxers against each other and it would be followed up with a subsequent rematch.
Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson, billed as "The Championship: Part II" was a professional boxing match contested on September 7, 1996 for the WBA Heavyweight championship.
Billed as "The Championship: Part I", was a professional boxing match contested on March 16, 1996 for the WBC Heavyweight championship
Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis, Jr., billed as "Presumption of Innocence", was a professional boxing match contested on December 16, 1995.
Himself (Archival Footage)
The BBC produced “Kings of The Ring – History of Heavyweight Boxing 1919-1990” celebrates boxing’s marquee division. Comprehensive and nonjudgmental, it begins with Jess Willard’s victory over Jack Johnson in Cuba and runs through the Mike Tyson era.
Self (archive footage)
Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson is a 1993 film made by acclaimed American documentary filmmaker Barbara Kopple. Though Tyson was in jail serving a sentence for rape, Kopple used existing interviews with the boxer, as well as her own extensive interviews with those closest to Tyson, to explore the man's history. The film traces Tyson's story from his troubled and tumultuous upbringing, through his rapid ascendancy in the ranks of the boxing world and his subsequent struggle with the trappings of fame. Fallen Champ earned Barbara Kopple a Directors Guild of America award as Best Documentary Director of 1993.
After such a controversial first meeting, a rematch was called for. The second Tyson-Ruddock fight took place on June 28, 1991. The rematch went the distance, a full 12 rounds. Tyson knocked Ruddock down twice during the bout, and won by unanimous decision. The severity of the struggle was evident on both fighters after the fight: Ruddock had a broken jaw and Tyson suffered a perforated eardrum. Sports Illustrated reported that Ruddock's jaw may have been broken as early as the fourth round.Tyson was magnanimous after his triumph, praising Ruddock as a great heavyweight: 'Man this guy is tough, he'll be champion of the world one day if he stays dedicated and doesn't slip up'
Tyson-Ruddock happened on March 18, 1991. The fight received much attention and at the time was one of the biggest pay-per-view fights to date. The fight was brutal with Tyson scoring a knockdown in round 2 and then knocking Ruddock down toward the end of round 3. The fight went back and forth with Ruddock showing incredible heart and determination. Ruddock had his big moment in round 6 after connecting with some big shots and an uppercut that stunned Tyson before the bell sounded. Tyson started Round 7 charging at Ruddock and after catching him with numerous big shots. Referee Richard Steele controversially stopped the fight even though it appeared Ruddock, although staggering, was healthy enough to continue. The premature stoppage caused tempers to boil over with people angry at the decision.
Mike Tyson vs. Alex Stewart, billed as "The Hard Way Back", was a professional boxing match contested on December 8, 1990.
Self (with wife Robin Givens) (archive footage) (uncredited)
Documentary portrait of Andy Warhol.
Self - Choir Member
Behind the scenes making of the charity single "Voices That Care".
Going into the fight, Mike Tyson was the undefeated and undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. He held the WBC, WBA, and IBF titles. Despite the several controversies that marked Tyson's profile at the time, such as his abusive relationship with Robin Givens; the contractual battles between manager Bill Cayton and promoter Don King; and Tyson's departure from trainer Kevin Rooney; Mike Tyson was still lethal in the ring, scoring a 93-second knockout against Carl "The Truth" Williams in his previous fight. Most considered this fight to be a warm-up bout for Tyson before meeting up with then-undefeated number 1 heavyweight contender Evander Holyfield. Buster Douglas was ranked as just the #7 heavyweight by Ring Magazine, and had met with mixed success in his professional boxing career up to that point. His previous title fight was against Tony Tucker in 1987, in which he was TKOd in the 10th round. However, a string of six consecutive wins gave him the opportunity to fight Tyson.
Mike Tyson vs. Carl Williams was a professional boxing match contested on July 21, 1989, for WBA, WBC, IBF and Lineal Heavyweight championships.
Mike Tyson vs. Frank Bruno was a professional boxing match contested on February 25, 1989 for the WBA, WBC, IBF and lineal heavyweight championships.
A boxing match.
Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks was a boxing match which took place on Monday June 27, 1988. Both men were undefeated and each had a claim to being the legitimate heavyweight champion. At the time, Tyson held the belts of all three of the major sanctioning organizations (World Boxing Council, World Boxing Association, and International Boxing Federation) while Spinks was the Ring champion and was considered the lineal champion. Held at the Atlantic City Convention Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey and promoted as "once and for all", it was the richest fight in boxing history to that point, grossing some $70 million, of which Tyson earned a record purse of around $20 million and Spinks $13.5 million. Tyson won the fight, knocking out Spinks in 91 seconds.
On January 22, 1988, Holmes was lured out of retirement to challenge reigning Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson. Tyson dropped Holmes in the fourth round with an overhand right. Holmes got up, but Tyson put him down two more times in the round, and the fight was stopped. After the fight Holmes once again retired.
Tyson vs Tucker was the final fight of HBO's heavyweight unification tournament. Mike entered the bout with the WBA and WBC belts while Tucker had the IBF strap, and the winner would be crowned undisputed (WBA, WBC and IBF) heavyweight champion.
Mike Tyson vs. Pinklon Thomas, billed as Hard Road to Glory, was a professional boxing match contested on May 30, 1987, for the WBA and WBC heavyweight championships.
TYSON WINS W.B.C. CHAMPIONSHIP LAS VEGAS, Nev., Nov. 22— Mike Tyson made history tonight. The 20-year-old slugger from Catskill, N.Y., became the youngest heavyweight champion ever when he stopped Trevor Berbick at 2:35 of the second round of a scheduled 12-round bout. In taking away Berbick's World Boxing Council crown, Tyson knocked Berbick down twice, both times in the second round, pounding him so hard that he had Berbick reeling across the ring at the end in a nearly comic loop-de-loop.
In his 27th fight, Tyson makes his Las Vegas debut against Ratliff, a former World Champion. The fight took place on September 6th, 1989 in Las Vegas Nevada.
Mike Tyson’s early career was full of stunning, highlight-reel knock outs of over matched opponents. On July 26, 1986 Tyson was but four months away from becoming the youngest heavyweight champion in the history of boxing when he was pitted against Marvin Frazier, son of the man who himself had been heavyweight champion of the world 13 years prior – Smokin’ Joe Frazier. The story goes that Frazier senior had his Olympic gold medal cut into eleven pieces & then divided among his eleven children & going on the evidence of the fight video below that seems about right.
A boxing fight.
A boxing fight.
A boxing fight.
A boxing fight.
A boxing fight featuring Mike Tyson.
A boxing fight.
A boxing fight featuring Mike Tyson.
A boxing fight.
A boxing fight featuring Mike Tyson.
A boxing fight.
Mike Tyson (debut) vs. Hector Mercedes (March 6 1985). Fight was on the undercard of Kevin Rooney vs. Garland Wright.
Chief Burroughs
Young paramedic Ollie Cross is partnered with experienced medic Rutkovsky, who thrusts him into the harsh realities of New York’s inner-city streets. Amidst high crime rates, homelessness, and widespread drug use, Ollie finds his perspective on life and death beginning to shift.