Paul T. Murray


Paint It Red
A pair of bank robbers knock off Bohemian tenants in search for their stolen loot.
Paint It Red
A pair of bank robbers knock off Bohemian tenants in search for their stolen loot.
Road to the Well
Drifter, Jack, pays a visit to an old friend Frank whose mundane life is upended after the two become involved in a strange and seemingly random murder and journey up to the Northern California Sierra in order to bury the body.
A Holiday Heist
A group of college students stay at school over Christmas to work at a special exhibit in the college's fine art gallery. The students have little in common to each other. When they decide to hold an unplanned Christmas Eve dinner in the gallery, they stumble into a trio of bumbling thugs planning a Holiday Heist of the exhibit. As the students are held hostage, they are forced to learn about themselves and each other, the spirit of Christmas, and get the courage to work together and fight back to foil the thieves. With heartfelt talks, wild escapes, and Christmas romance -- the night ends up being a Christmas Eve these new friends will never forget!
Redes do Crime
"Redes do Crime" conta a história de dois melhores amigos que cresceram juntos e, aos poucos, se envolveram com pequenos crimes. Brian (Mark Ruffalo) tem uma bela esposa (Amanda Peet) e dois filhos, mas o seu vício em drogas e álcool deixam ele longe de ser um bom pai. Paulie (Ethan Hawke) está determinado a fazer um grande roubo, para de uma vez por todas se "aposentar" e abandonar de uma vez por todas a vida do crime. Mas, seus planos vão por agua abaixo quando um policial (Donnie Wahlberg) finalmente os pega em flagrante e os manda para a cadeia. Anos mais trade ao retornar para casa, Brian terá que enfrentar a terrível verdade de que o crime faz parte da sua vida e, por mais difícil do que pareça, tentará mudar sua postura para nunca mais ter que abandonar sua família novamente.
Boiler Maker
Boiler Maker
Cruel World
Following his dismissal from a television reality show, a deranged young man lures a group of beautiful coeds to his abode by telling them they will be the stars of a new show he is creating. What the women do not know is that when they lose their slot on the show, they lose their lives as well.
Very Mean Men
A bartender wants rid of an obnoxious drunk but not until the drunk has left a decent tip. So the bartender tells the story of two mobster families, the Minetti's who work out of an Italian restaurant in the East San Fernando Valley, and the Mulroney's who work out of an Irish pub in the West San Fernando Valley. Mob war breaks out when one of the Minetti "boys" stiffs Big Paddy's daughter on her tip. We soon see why these hoods are called very mean men
Very Mean Men
A bartender wants rid of an obnoxious drunk but not until the drunk has left a decent tip. So the bartender tells the story of two mobster families, the Minetti's who work out of an Italian restaurant in the East San Fernando Valley, and the Mulroney's who work out of an Irish pub in the West San Fernando Valley. Mob war breaks out when one of the Minetti "boys" stiffs Big Paddy's daughter on her tip. We soon see why these hoods are called very mean men
Histórias Insólitas
Harley (segment "Showdown")
The foul-mouthed, wheelchair-bound Mr. Rush introduces three adventure tales inspired by the EC Comics of the 1950s: "Showdown," "King of the Road," and "Yellow." This star-studded telefilm was an attempt to launch a second anthology series in the mold of "Tales from the Crypt." When the film failed to generate sufficient interest, the three tales were re-edited and shown as "Crypt" episodes.