Sergey Barkovsky

Sergey Barkovsky

Nascimento : 1963-12-14, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, USSR [now Almaty, Kazakhstan]


Sergey Barkovsky is a Russian film and television actor.


Sergey Barkovsky


I am on Rewind!
Maksim is so busy at work, trying to do everything and not let his boss down, that he does not notice the most important things in his life. On the anniversary of meeting his beloved girl Sasha, after an accidental quarrel with an unusual taxi driver Tamara Petrovna, completely inexplicable events begin to happen to Maksim - he will have to live his life on rewind.
The Parent
Struggling for a daughter, hooked on heroin, the father had to get acquainted with the underground life of Saint-Petersburg. He doesn’t trust the police. Together with his friend he unravels the drug dealers network in order to stop the drug addiction that conquered the city in the 90s. Will they have enough powers to make it to the end?
I Am a Clown
The story of three great actresses applying for one role in the play, each of whom once had an affair with the artistic director of the theater. In the enchanting atmosphere of the backstage, it is highlighted: what roles were played on the stage, and what in life, who is to blame for this and how to forgive? After all, life is the same theater, only without rehearsals and repetitions. But the sworn diva girlfriends have yet to face the trials of the new reality. Legends of the theater, artists of a wonderful, but passing century, will meet contemporary art “not for everyone” and will try to figure out what to do for all of us, the rest. Who will win: loyalty to the old theater or the modern "version of the theater" - formalism from a young shocking amateur director, on whose side his father is an official.
Expedição ao Ártico
A imagem fala sobre a façanha de cientistas russos que são enviados a Svalbard como parte da expedição russo-sueca para medir o tamanho e a forma reais do globo.
Cidade de Gelo
Na gelada São Petersburgo, um ladrãozinho barato conquista o coração da filha de um aristocrata, mas esse romance não vai ser nada fácil.
Котов обижать не рекомендуется
The Envelope
A strange envelope is delivered to an architect bureau by mistake. Igor, a driver, gets the task to bring it to the right address. From that moment his life becomes a string of paranormal events. The cursed letter invades Igor's life and leads him to a mysterious addressee.
Depois de uma nave alienígena cair numa cidade russa, muitos que viram o seu interior e os ocupantes, começam a questionar a sua própria existência, enquanto há aqueles que exigem que os alienígenas deixem a Terra.
The Monk and the Demon
Fantastic story of the first half of the XIX century about a monk named Ivan who must fight the dark forces in his monastery.
Венедикт, редактор
Didn't See Didn't Do
Pretty innocent game of two boys caused the man's death. Now they have to decide what to do: hide it or tell the truth...
A Sniper Russa
General Oktiabrskiy
A história de uma jovem estudante soviética que se juntou ao Exército Vermelho para defender a União Soviética contra a invasão nazista de 1941. Atiradora nata, sua habilidade era tanta que o alto comando do Exército Alemão deu ordens para eliminar a garota a qualquer custo. Ela acabou se tornando uma das peças mais mortíferas da Segunda Guerra Mundial e a atiradora de maior sucesso na história.
8 New Dates
Vera and Nikita have been married for 3 years. In the midst of another joyful quarrel they exchange views on what should be a "normal man" and "a good wife." And the next morning ... everyone wakes up with a "perfect half." Nikita has a blonde wife blonde, which is a good cook; Vera has a caring husband, a businessman, he buys her favorite breakfast croissants. With whom is life better? Be careful with your dreams - sometimes they come true!
The Winter Will Not Come
The world is going absolutely crazy when the giant meteor is approaching Earth...
The Last Tram
Petya’s dream is to become a tram driver, and the boy has explored every corner of the tram depot located near his house. The lad is well acquainted with the “residents” of the depot: the old trams, which long ago served out their term and are now laid up forever in its furthest, emptiest reaches. One day Petya decides to show his classmate Katya his secret place, and the excursion turns into an adventure.
The Sky Court
Савва Мефодьевич Чинушин
Last Hero
Once the main character Andrei worked at a hot spot as a peacemaker and rescued his co-worker Victor. Victor promised Andrei that he would always remember who he owed his life to and would come to Andrei’s help at any time. The chance to pay was presented to Victor after 20 years. Andrei quarreled on the road with an escort of an expensive car with a flashing light and was badly beaten. From his wounds, he died, leaving his pregnant wife alone. Victor is looking for Katya to help her achieve justice and avenge the death of her husband. The crime drama "The Last Hero" tells a difficult story about honor and friendly duty.
The Conductor
The famous conductor (Vladas Bagdonas) goes with his orchestra to Jerusalem to perform the oratorio "St. Matthew Passion." The day before he receives a telegram, stating the suicide of his son, who lived in Israel. Conductor at the time denied the artist's son, believing that he is living right. It's suicide, especially suicide note flip soul maestro's son, forced him to reconsider all their attitudes.
8 First Dates
Vera is a TV star, her fiancé Constantine - a professional tennis player. They're going to get married soon. Veterinarian Nikita and beautiful surgeon Ilona are also in a hurry to formalize the relationship. But one crazy morning destroy all their plans.
The Admirer
A story based on love between Anton Chekhov and a young writer Lidiya Avilova.
A Quinta Execução
Um surto de um vírus desconhecido numa ilha remota deixa o mundo inteiro à beira de uma crise, à descoberta de que a doença se espalhou a partir de animais para seres humanos e agora a ameaça pode se tornar global. Enquanto uma equipe de cientistas busca por respostas, agentes da Forças Especiais Russas, e mercenários começam a chegar na ilha e logo fica evidente de que há mais em jogo do que podiam imaginar.
Red Mercury
Vjateslav Eduardovitsh
It's the early 90's. A new currency is in circulation in Estonia - the kroon. The former federal republic has become a world leader in non-ferrous metal exports. There is a relentless struggle around this criminal business. It brings new victims every day. Estonia ranks first in Europe in terms of the number of killings. This is just the beginning ...
Michal Michalych who almost felt like "had it all" suddenly meets a young girl who never ate "crawfishlike"...
The Inhabited Island 2: Rebellion
Nolle Renadu
Maxim Kammerer fights for his love and freedom. He leads a rebel movement challenging the five greedy rulers. One of the rulers, Strannik, knows how dangerous Maxim can be. He makes up his mind to stop the young man at any cost. The last close fight will decide everything.
A Room and a Half
A semi-fictional account of the life of Russian poet Joseph Brodsky, who was forced into American exile in 1972.
Prisioneiros do Poder
Nolle Renadu
No futuro, o mundo mudou muito. O desenvolvimento humano chegou ao ponto das viagens interestelares tornarem-se rotineiras e a fome, a violência e as guerras são coisa do passado.
Cidade dos Ventos
Na década de 1970, jovem universitário que se proclama "dissidente" disputa com o amigo comunista o amor da doce Lyuda, enquanto o entusiasmo socialista na URSS vai sofrendo uma gradual, porém contínua, erosão.
надзиратель Пилецкий
Detective story set up in the time and place of young Pushkin, at Tsarskosel'sky Liceum.
The Ugly Swans
In the near future, writer Victor Banev gets himself on a UN commission to investigate what's going on in the remote town of Tashlinsk, where reports tell of a virus-created race of brainiac mutants. Banev's tween daughter Ira is enrolled at a school for gifted children which has been taken over by the mutants, who have grown to despise ordinary humanity.
Family Name
A new father could not be more happy about the birth of his first son...until he learns that the baby is not biologically his. In spite of everything, he raises the child as his own.
Your Own Alien Life
Director Andrey Kalistratov is making a multi-part television film about the literary life of Petrograd after the Civil War, about the House of Arts, which was created by the Bolsheviks to control the creative intelligentsia. Modern Petersburg and Petrograd of 1921 are intricately intertwined in the director's mind. The cruel, bloody, but romantic world of the first years of the revolution and the artistic and everyday environment of modern cinema coexist in one space. The main characters of the film that Kalistratov is shooting - the poet and former officer Pyotr Versilov, his girlfriend Olga, the French documentary cameraman Etienne Faberge and his wife Francoise - are as real to the director as the people around him-the film's producer Semyon Mikhailovich, the film crew, actors, friends, acquaintances, relatives. Despite the demands of the producer to be "simpler" and "more economical", Kalistratov wants to make a real historical film, not a standard TV series "soap".
Poor, Poor Pavel
Lenfilm's most recent major production spins a kind of historical fantasy based on real incidents that's full of ominous implications for today. One night, a patrol rushes into the chambers of the Russian prince Pavel, son of the Empress Catherine; the Empress has died, and Pavel is to be anointed the new Tsar. Thought to be feeble-minded at best and crazy at worst, Pavel soon lives up to his enemies' fears: he dismisses long-serving courtiers, demands that peasants only work three days a week, and declares that state officials should start their days at 5 am. Soon, it seems that everyone who can is trying to hatch some kind of plot against him - including his own sons. Sumptuously designed, POOR POOR PAVEL constrasts the imperial splendor of the court with the sordid atmosphere of conspiracies and backstabbing that comes to define these characters' lives.
Игра в модерн
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Летающий пистолет
Frederick Veppler
The Christmas Miracle
During Christmas, in the winter sky are shining magic stars and miracles happen. The story of a talented man who had a gift and love.
Khrustalyov, My Car!
Military doctor General Klenski is arrested in Stalin's Russia in 1953 during an anti-Semitic political campaign accused of being a participant in so-called "doctors' plot".
The Arrival of a Train
Almanac of five short stories commissioned by ROSKOMKINO to celebrate the 100th anniversary of cinema.
Whispering Pages
An anonymous man wanders through decomposing, fog-enshrouded catacombs and encounters a series of “the degraded and the humiliated,” including a holy prostitute and a Kafkaesque bureaucrat.
The Key
St. Petersburg. Winter of 1917, the eve of the February Revolution. The maid finds in the room the corpse of the murdered tenant. In his pocket, a hotel account was found in the name of Karl Fischer, a well-known banker. An investigation is beginning. In the list of suspects - an agent of the secret police...