A middle-aged underachieving van driver, Jay (Randy Nazarian), is assigned to drive an irascible senior, Harry (Raymond J. Barry), to a new home. Along the way they have a series of misadventures, including being picked up by a troupe of burlesque dancers led by Red (Shondrella Avery) and performing an impromptu comedy act. An enlightening journey that gives both men new perspective on life.
A middle-aged underachieving van driver, Jay (Randy Nazarian), is assigned to drive an irascible senior, Harry (Raymond J. Barry), to a new home. Along the way they have a series of misadventures, including being picked up by a troupe of burlesque dancers led by Red (Shondrella Avery) and performing an impromptu comedy act. An enlightening journey that gives both men new perspective on life.
A middle-aged underachieving van driver, Jay (Randy Nazarian), is assigned to drive an irascible senior, Harry (Raymond J. Barry), to a new home. Along the way they have a series of misadventures, including being picked up by a troupe of burlesque dancers led by Red (Shondrella Avery) and performing an impromptu comedy act. An enlightening journey that gives both men new perspective on life.
Four 22 year-olds on a Mexican road trip seem bound for disaster until they, and their trip, are unexpectedly redeemed by a series of miraculous events.
Four 22 year-olds on a Mexican road trip seem bound for disaster until they, and their trip, are unexpectedly redeemed by a series of miraculous events.
Four 22 year-olds on a Mexican road trip seem bound for disaster until they, and their trip, are unexpectedly redeemed by a series of miraculous events.
To the outer world CHRIS KARAS is a shy, handsome, "A" student, the son of a hard-working Greek contractor. But to his closest confidants he is none other than the celebrated Prince of Pranksters, a secret society dedicated to combating the inequities of high school through masterful acts of subterfuge.
To the outer world CHRIS KARAS is a shy, handsome, "A" student, the son of a hard-working Greek contractor. But to his closest confidants he is none other than the celebrated Prince of Pranksters, a secret society dedicated to combating the inequities of high school through masterful acts of subterfuge.
To the outer world CHRIS KARAS is a shy, handsome, "A" student, the son of a hard-working Greek contractor. But to his closest confidants he is none other than the celebrated Prince of Pranksters, a secret society dedicated to combating the inequities of high school through masterful acts of subterfuge.
Sara adora fotografia, dança e...meninos. Mas não consegue curtir nenhum desses prazeres por causa de seu maior talento: ser craque no futebol. Cansada dos treinamentos, Sara resolve investir em uma vida fora dos campos e recuperar o tempo perdido. Até receber a notícia de que está na mira da seleção de futebol feminino dos EUA e ter que colocar tudo de lado de novo, inclusive um novo namorado. Em campo, com os olheiros da seleção de olho nela, Sara enfrenta o desafio de descobrir o que realmente quer fazer para poder dar o melhor passe de toda sua vida.