In this dazzlingly filmed live performance of Sam Harris’s award-winning one-man musical, Harris belts out original songs and beloved ballads while playing 11 different roles to tell his own life story — from growing up gay in Oklahoma’s Bible Belt to his escape for Los Angeles, where his rendition of “Over the Rainbow” on Star Search led to fame, Broadway, television, platinum records, and Carnegie Hall. But after the highs and lows of a life in show business, Sam ultimately learns to ask: When is enough finally enough?
Os Vikings, grandes exploradores e desbravadores dos mares, seguem numa jornada quando uma gigante e poderosa criatura surge e pode destruir toda a população. Para salvá-los, o povo contará com a ajuda de um homem vindo de outro universo que poderá deter a fúria deste predador. Agora será necessário unir a coragem e os conhecimentos deste soldado com a força dos Vikings para vencer esta batalha.
Um grupo de estudantes resolve fazer um filme de terror numa floresta e quando menos esperam, são surpreendidos por vários zumbis. Pensando em criar algo real, os estudantes resolvem usar os mortos vivos no projeto, o que pode fazer com que o filme nem termine e não sobre ninguém vivo para contar a história.
The Joy of Christmas combines the talent of the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square with one of the most enduring and beloved stars of film, theater, and television: Angela Lansbury.
The Joy of Christmas combines the talent of the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square with one of the most enduring and beloved stars of film, theater, and television: Angela Lansbury.
Walter and his 12-year-old son Henry are a pair of New York City street musicians living at poverty level in an empty Brooklyn lot. When Walter has a nervous breakdown, it's up to Henry to find his father's long-lost family, including the grandfather and aunt he's never met.
Spin off from the classic 1946 Jimmy Stewart film "It's A Wonderful Life" finds his protecting angel, Clarence, again returning to Earth to help another human.