Elizabeth Marre


If the River Flows Here
A forest on the banks of a lake... Creatures who are half beasts half human witness a metamorphosis: a young woman’s mutation through an indelible encounter.
Manon on the Asphalt
On a day in early summer, two young men play squash, a lifeguard watches an indoor pool, a young woman shelves books at a store, another stages a puppet show for children in a park, an older woman cooks, and Manon gets on her bicycle to ride to a rendezvous with her boyfriend. She turns a corner. Something happens. As she lies on the asphalt, a crowd gathers around her and an ambulance arrives; we hear her voice, first confused as to what has happened, then telling us how her friends and her mother will receive word, and how her friends will gather to talk. As images move back and forth in time, she remembers recent events and expresses some small regrets.
Manon on the Asphalt
On a day in early summer, two young men play squash, a lifeguard watches an indoor pool, a young woman shelves books at a store, another stages a puppet show for children in a park, an older woman cooks, and Manon gets on her bicycle to ride to a rendezvous with her boyfriend. She turns a corner. Something happens. As she lies on the asphalt, a crowd gathers around her and an ambulance arrives; we hear her voice, first confused as to what has happened, then telling us how her friends and her mother will receive word, and how her friends will gather to talk. As images move back and forth in time, she remembers recent events and expresses some small regrets.
O Bigode
Hôtesse Roissy
Marc decide raspar o bigode que conservou por tantos anos. Supondo que faria surpresa à mulher, aos amigos, aos colegas de trabalho, recebe surpresa em dobro pois ninguém notou diferença. Revoltado com a situação, fica sabendo que há muitos anos não usa bigode. A partir daí, o filme adentra a paranoia do personagem que busca evidências sólidas de sua vida, e põe um mísero bigode no centro de seu universo, como se ele fosse determinante ou não para a presença de Marc no mundo.