Laurence Briaud

Laurence Briaud


Laurence Briaud


The story homes in on Lorik, who's barely thirty years old yet who works as an enforcer for the Albanian mafia in Brussels, alongside his mentor Aleks. And when Lorik falls in love with Sema, a Fine Arts student of Turkish origins, his past comes back to haunt him: a man hailing from Lorik's village in Albania, whose father was killed by the latter's uncle, tracks down the young man and demands that his family's debt be paid for in blood, as per the Kanun tradition. In short, he asks the clan for Lorik's death.
Brother and Sister
A história gira em torno de um irmão e uma irmã que estão chegando aos cinquenta anos - Alice é atriz, Louis era professor e poeta. Eles não se falam mais e se evitam há mais de vinte anos, mas a morte de seus pais os forçará a se cruzar.
Calais, Mon Amour
Recentemente enviuvada, Béatrice vive com o seu filho e a sua mãe. O seu encontro com Mokhtar, um professor iraniano que veio ilegalmente para a Europa, irá mudar a sua vida quotidiana e as suas convicções. Por amor a ele, terá de desafiar os preconceitos dos que a rodeiam e as leis do seu país.
Philip é um famoso escritor dos EUA que vive exilado em Londres. Sua amante vem regularmente vê-lo em seu escritório, um refúgio para os dois. Eles fazem amor, discutem, se reconciliam e conversam por horas sobre mulheres, sexo, antisemitismo, literatura, e de como permanecer fiel a si mesmo.
Perfect Nanny
When Myriam, the mother of two young children, decides, despite the reluctance of her husband to resume his activity in a law firm, the couple is looking for a nanny. After a severe casting, they engage Louise, who quickly conquers the affection of children and gradually occupies a central place in the home. Gradually the trap of mutual dependence will close, until the tragedy.
Oh Mercy
A police chief in northern France tries to solve a case where an old woman was brutally murdered.
A Revolução em Paris
Em 1789, sob o reinado de Luís XVI, o povo francês rebela-se contra a monarquia e exige uma transformação na sociedade baseada nos princípios de liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade. A Revolução em Paris, cruza os destinos de homens e de mulheres comuns com figuras históricas. No coração da história, há o destino do rei e o surgimento da República.
The Stopover
Duas jovens amigas, que servem ao exército de seu país, retornam de um período de serviço no Afeganistão. Como é de praxe, elas devem passar um tempo de readaptação e descanso em hotel de luxo, no Chipre.
Três Lembranças da Minha Juventude
Paul Dédalus (Mathieu Amalric) recorda sua infância e adolescência. Família, amigos, dores, estudos, a descoberta da antropologia e, principalmente, a paixão por Esther (Lou Roy-Lecollinet). Dirigido pelo mestre francês Arnaud Desplechin ("Um Conto de Natal") e exbido no Festival de Cannes e Mostra de São Paulo, em 2015.
Les Jours venus
Terapia Intensiva
Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o combatente indígena Jimmy Blackfoot é internado em um hospital militar no Kansas, com queixas de perda de audição, vertigem e cegueira temporária. Os médicos não descobrem nenhuma causa fisiológica para os seus distúrbios, e passam a acreditar na tese da esquizofrenia. Mesmo assim, um etnólogo e psicanalista especializado em culturas ameríndias, Georges Devereux, é chamado para conversar com Jimmy e confirmar o diagnóstico. Através das conversas que evocam lembranças e traumas no paciente, nasce uma grande amizade entre esses dois homens.
O Exercício do Poder
Transport Minister Bertrand Saint-Jean is awoken in the middle of the night by his head of staff. A bus has gone off the road into a gully. He has no choice but to go to the scene of the accident. Thus begins the odyssey of a politician in a world that is increasingly more complex and hostile.
Minha Pequena Princesa
Young Violetta and her mother Hannah are a peculiar couple. Ten-year-old Violetta lives a quiet life with her grandmother, while her mother Hannah is an unpredictable photographer who lives off of the generosity of others. When Hannah forces her daughter to pose as a model, Violetta finds her life with her loving grandmother turned upside down.The resulting pictures quickly become a sensation for the trendy 70's Paris art scene, and Violetta finds herself caught in between her new stature as an art muse and her dull childhood.
Hands in the Air
March 22, 2067. At dawn of life, Milana remembers her life, when she was a young Chechen immigrant in Paris, struggling for a better life along with her school friends.
Yuki & Nina
When Yuki finds out that her parents are separating and she is moving to Japan with her mother, she and her best friend Nina devise ways to reunite the feuding adults.
Um Conto de Natal
Quando sua matriarca régia adoece, a problemática família Vuillard se reúne para uma hesitante reunião de Natal. Entre eles está o rebelde Henri e a nervosa Elizabeth. Juntos sob o mesmo teto pela primeira vez em muitos anos, seus ressentimentos e anseios intrincados e há muito negados emergem novamente.
24 Bars
It is Christmas Eve. Separated from her young son, Helly struggles for money. A solitary man, Didier pays her to play his fiancée for the night. But the act comes to a tragic end. Left stunned, Helly meets Marie, who takes her in, on her way to the coast. There they encounter Chris. All three will end the night together. It’s their last move in joy and perdition.
The Beloved
Arnaud Desplechin documents the selling of his family home.
My Son
Julien and his mum care for each other very much. But Julien has committed a deadly sin: he is growing into a teenager! Worse, he has found himself a girlfriend of his age. "Mummy" is not going to tolerate such an ignominy. Julien is HER baby and will remain HERS for ever, encouraged in her "crusade" by her bovine husband and barely thwarted by the more courageous interventions of Suzanne, Julien's sympathetic big sister.
Reis e Rainha
Diretora de galeria de arte bem-sucedida passa por uma crise no casamento, não consegue se relacionar bem com o filho, tem o pai em estágio avançado de câncer e reencontra o ex-marido, que ainda ama, com sérios problemas mentais.
Playing 'In the Company of Men'
Power and corruption—and the men who rule with them—are ruthlessly scrutinized in this multilayered French work set in a shadow realm of arms dealers and blood ties. Part Shakespearean family tragedy, part political noir, it recalls such American paranoid thrillers of the 1970s as All the President’s Men and Marathon Man, revealing protagonists who work in the shadows, the unseen kings of the contemporary jungle.
Once Upon an Angel
Esther Kahn
Assistant Editor
A Jewish girl in 19th century London dreams of becoming a stage actress.
My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument
Paul Dedalus is at a crossroads in his life. He has to make several decisions; should he complete his doctorate, does he want to become a full professor, does he really love his long-standing girlfriend, or should he re-start with one of his other lovers?
Os Patriotas
Assistant Editor
Ariel, a young French Jew, decides to leave his family to go to Israel and secretly become an agent of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. After years of training, his first mission is in Paris to steal secrets from Remy Prieur, a French atomic scientist.
Life of the Dead
A young woman convenes with her extended family in a provincial village where her cousin, in a coma, is hospitalized after attempting suicide.