Anna Massey

Anna Massey

Nascimento : 1937-08-11, Thakeham, West Sussex, England, UK

Morte : 2011-07-03


Anna Raymond Massey CBE (11 August 1937 - 3 July 2011) was an English stage, screen, and television actress. She was the daughter of Hollywood actor Raymond Massey.


Anna Massey
Anna Massey


Psycho Tom
Helen Stephens
Um video essay de Luís Azevedo e Ricardo Pinto de Magalhães explorando a ligação entre Norman Bates e Mark Lewis, os assassinos voyeuristas de PSYCHO, de Alfred Hitchcock, e de PEEPING TOM, de Michael Powell.
Miss Haxby
A grieving upper class woman becomes a "Lady Visitor" at Millbank prison, hoping to escape her troubles and be a guiding figure in the lives of the female prisoners. Of all her friendships with prisoners, she is most fascinated by Selina - a medium.
Enigmas de um Crime
Julia Eagleton
Uma série de assassinatos assombram Oxford ultimamente e a esperança dos moradores da região estão com dois homens: Arthur Seldom (John Hurt), um prestigiado professor de lógica, e Martin (Elijah Wood), um jovem estudante que acabara de chegar à universidade na expectativa de estudar com o professor. Ao que tudo indica, os crimes estão ligados por códigos, estranhos símbolos e números matemáticos. Professor e estudante juntam suas habilidades para desvendar o mistério e montar esse difícil quebra-cabeças. Na medida que Martin chega perto da verdade, aumenta a sensação de insegurança e incompreensão com o mundo ao seu redor.
The Gigolos
Sacha is an aging, well-established London 'male escort' with a select clientèle of weekly socialite ladies, such as baroness James, who expect an impeccable service he can only provide thanks to his in-living 'orderly', handsome 'clever Trevor', who moonlights as nude arts class model. Ben is a rising novice, who seeks their coaching. When Sasha makes a bad fall, Trevor must cover during his recovery, but jealous Sasha is far from grateful.
Pinochet in Suburbia
Baroness Thatcher
In 1998 former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet visits Britain for medical treatment. On being tipped off, Amnesty International seize the chance to bring to justice a man they insist is guilty of multiple human rights violations. The newly-elected Labour government is initially amenable, and soon Pinochet is under house arrest (albeit in a detached house in leafy suburbia) and awaiting extradition to Spain. However, Amnesty are up against the complexities of British law, the vacillations of Home Secretary Jack Straw, Pinochet's former ally Margaret Thatcher - and the Senator's own vast reserves of cunning.
A Good Murder
An illegal immigrant on the run from a Russian mafia boss, falls for an artist. When he discovers her family home is worth millions, he hatches a plot to get hold of the deeds.
Mrs Palfrey at The Claremont
Mrs. Arbuthnot
All but abandoned by her family in a London retirement hotel, an elderly woman strikes up a curious friendship with a young writer.
Agatha Christie: A Life in Pictures
Old Agatha Christie
A biopic of Agatha Christie including her 10 day disappearance.
Jess (Brenda Blethyn) and town handyman Jacob (Kevin Whately) have been happily married 20 years, recently taking in a trio of Jacob's elderly relatives, including his mother (Rosemary Harris). Though the relations are demanding, kindhearted Jess -- who selflessly quit her job -- enjoys looking after them. But when Jacob disappears one day, Jess' life falls apart, and she must learn to cope with things on her own in this touching drama.
O Operário
Mrs. Shike
O operário Trevor Reznik sofre tanto de insônia, que está prejudicando seu peso e sua saúde mental. Quando Trevor involuntariamente provoca um acidente de trabalho que fere um colega, ele começa a se tornar ainda mais problemático e, apesar de um relacionamento com Stevie, uma bonita prostituta, Trevor começa a culpar seus problemas em uma figura enigmática chamada Ivan.
Lady Bailey
Maud Bailey (Gwyneth Paltrow), uma brilhante acadêmica inglesa, está pesquisando a vida e a obra do poeta Christabel La Motte. Roland Michell (Aaron Eckhart) é um americano que está em Londres para estudar Randolph Henry Ash (Jeremy Northam), conhecido por uma coleção de poemas dedicado a sua mulher. Quando Maud e Roland descobrem um pacote de cartas que parecem ser de Ash para La Motte, seguem uma série de pistas pela Inglaterra, ecoando a jornada do casal mais de um século depois.
An Angel for May
When Tom accidentally travels back in time through a fireplace in a ruined farmhouse he meets May, an orphan who needs help. Now that he knows his friends' fate and his own, he will try to reorder the events and change their history.
Armadilhas do Coração
Miss Laetitia Prism
Nesta hilariante adaptação da obra-prima do escritor Oscar Wilde, Algy e Jack são dois jovens cavalheiros que vivem na Inglaterra do século XIX. Usando o pseudônimo, Earnest, eles se aproveitam desse fato para suas aventuras amorosas, até que um dia, apaixonados pela mesma mulher, Cecily, os dois se encontram face a face. Sem saída, eles precisam encontrar uma boa explicação para não perderem a mulher amada.
Room to Rent
Sarah Stevenson
Ali is a young Egyptian screenwriter determined to succeed in London, where he has been a student. He loves the artistic and political freedom, the colours, the music, the individualism. But he has little money, his student visa is about to expire and he has been thrown out of his lodgings. And so Ali moves in with a succession of eccentric and colourful London flatmates: Mark, a photographer with a very individual style, Linda, a young, blonde, very sexy model and Marilyn Monroe impersonator, and Miss Stevenson who is convinced that Ali is the reincarnation of her long dead Egyptian lover.
Num Céu Azul Escuro
English Teacher
Após a Tchecoslováquia ser invadida pelo exército nazista em plena 2ª Guerra Mundial, diversos pilotos tchecos decidem voar até a Inglaterra. Lá eles tomam parte da Real Força Aérea Britânica, a RAF, e passam a combater o próprio exército nazista. Entretanto, ao retornar ao seu país-natal após o término da guerra, dois amigos são presos em um campo de concentração ao serem considerados anti-comunistas.
The Story of 'Frenzy'
Documentary about the making of Alfred Hitchcock's 'Frenzy'.
The Sleeper
Violet Moon wants to be in control of the circumstances and people in her life. Particularly her son and daughter-in-law who she discovers are considering selling the farm where she has known some of the happiest times of her life. Violet's control is not only threatened by their decision, but also by the sudden reappearance of someone from her past whom she meets at a local spiritualists club. Someone who has the potential to resurrect a long buried secret as well expose her current plot to put a stop to the sale of the farm. When Violet takes the opportunity to silence this person, she doesn't consider that enemies have friends...
Come and Go
An adaptation of Samuel Beckett's short play from 1965. Three women meet on a bench; they reminisce about their old school days and whisper terrible secrets.
Mad Cows
Dwina Phelps
When her TV star husband Alex decides to divorce her so that he can start a career in politics, newly single mother Maddy goes shoplifting and ends up in jail. Losing custody of her infant child, Maddy hatches a scheme to break out of prison with the assistance of her friend Gillian, who's avoiding the law herself for credit card fraud. Now Maddy has to find the couple who have adopted her son and avoid falling in love with selfish Alex all over again.
Captain Jack
A sea captain with a vessel not deemed sea worthy by the ship inspectors assembles a motley crew to sail along the path of Captain Scoresby, a sea captain who sailed from Whitby in northern England to the Arctic in 1791. His crew includes bickering sisters, an Australian hitchhiker who is hiding from his girl friends, and the seaman's confidante who runs a local trailer park. Putting the ship to sea, the group is pursued by the authorities.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Winds of Change
Gertrude Bell
In the nineteenth film in the series, in May 1919, Indy is working as a translator at the historic Paris Peace Conference. He meets up with T.E. Lawrence once more, but finds his ideals have changed a lot since the start of the war. Indy then decides to finally head home to Princeton - even though it means having to face his father. He gets reacquainted with his childhood friend Paul Robeson, who becomes the target of racism when they visit New York City.
Déjà Vu
Fern Stoner
L.A. shop owner Dana and Englishman Sean meet and fall in love at first sight, but Sean is married and Dana is to marry her business partner Alex.
The Slab Boys
Miss Elsie Walkinshaw
Paisley, Scotland, in 1957. Three likely lads look forward to the staff dance at the local carpet factory where they work
A Very British Psycho
A documentary film examining Michael Powell's 1960 film "Peeping Tom," the controversy surrounding its release, and the life of its screenwriter, Leo Marks.
When Sarah walks alone along the desolate beach one day she find an unconscious man, who has been brought to land by the waves. When he awakens he doesn't remember anything. He has no name and no past. His dependence lies on Sarah. A role that makes her forget her loneliness and she decides to therefore lie about their situation... She says that they are situated on an island, where no one can reach them. From now, his life lies in her hands.
Sweet Angel Mine
Paul, a young man from London, arrives in the small Nova Scotia town of Milestone, where his long lost father was last seen years earlier. Paul is eager to find out what brought his father to this remote community. He meets Rauchine, a young, beautiful and unaffected girl who lives with her unstable mother and domineering grandmother on a nearby island, who is eking out a harsh and isolated living. Paul finds himself enmeshed in a web of jealousy, bitterness and fear as his attraction to Rauchine begins to grow. After a failed attempt to leave the island with Paul, Rauchine must make a crucial decision and break the cycle of violence and death that has marked her life.
Ilusões Perigosas
Nanny Tess Webb
Um professor cético visita uma propriedade britânica remota para desmascarar alegações de fenômenos psíquicos, mas logo se vê assombrado por um fantasma de seu próprio passado.
Angels and Insects
Miss Mead
In Victorian England, wealthy patriarch Sir Harald Alabaster invites an impoverished biologist, William Adamson, into his home. There, William tries to continue his work, but is distracted by Alabaster's seductive daughter, Eugenia. William and Eugenia begin a torrid romance, but as the couple become closer, the young scientist begins to realize that dark, disturbing things are happening behind the closed doors of the Alabaster manor.
The Grotesque
Mrs. Giblet
Sir Hugo is more interested in reconstructing dinosaur bones than in paying attention to his wife, Lady Harriet. He's not thrilled when daughter Cleo brings home her betrothed, Sidney, who aspires to be a poet. The new butler, Fledge, provides Lady Harriet with the attention she's been missing and then seduces Sidney. Did he have a role in Sidney's disappearance as well?
The War Within: A Portrait of Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf (voice)
A portrait of Virginia Woolf, including a recreation of the furor around the 1910 and 1912 post-Impressionist exhibits, documentation of the Woolfs' contribution to the creation of the League of Nations, the recently discovered letters of Virginia Woolf to Vita Sackville-West, and the actual 1940 Gestapo arrest list that shows the Nazis' intention to arrest Leonard and Virginia Woolf. With archival footage, paintings of the period, and family photos of a Victorian childhood of both beauty and abuse, the film interweaves the personal story of Virginia’s life and loves with the turbulent times she lived in. Includes interviews with Woolf's acquaintances and relatives; and readings of her works.
Murder In Mind
A body is found face down in a tank. Detective Inspector Iverson, investigating what seems like a routine case of suicide, becomes involved with the mesmerizing psychotherapist who was helping the dead woman find her true self. Gradually their roles are reversed as her probing uncovers the detective's own deeper motives and needs, until the knife-edge between suicide and murder is exposed.
Emily's Ghost
Miss Rabstock
Emily, a young Edwardian girl stifled by the constraints put on the women of her time, moves with her family to the ancestral home in the country, and begins to see the ghost of another girl.
George e Frederic
George Sand's Mother
In 1830s France, pianist/composer Frédéric Chopin is pursued romantically by the determined, individualistic woman who uses the name George Sand.
The Man from the Pru
Julia Wallace
The 20 January 1931 slaying of Julia Wallace remains unsolved, despite an ongoing stream of investigative writers giving an impression that a solution to the crime has been found through a surfeit of working hypotheses.
As Montanhas da Lua
Mrs. Arundell
A lendária história real do capitão Richard Francis Burton e da tumultuada expedição do tenente John Hanning Speke para encontrar a nascente do rio Nilo.
Killing Dad (Or How to Love Your Mother)
A man, always very devoted to his mother, decides to look for his father whom he never met. He meets a seducing older woman prone to drinking and her aged boyfriend whom she grew tired of.
The Tall Guy
An American actor in England tries to find love and work.
The Color of the Wind
Louise, literary advisor to the Cercle Editions, receives a large manuscript from the United States. Upset by the reading of this book, she begins an epistolary relationship with Paul, the author.
Paixões Proibidas
Lady Emily
Uma jovem norte-americana, Casey Cantrell (Stone), vai a Inglaterra para realizar o último desejo de sua falecida mãe: entregar uma misteriosa carta, nas mãos de um rico aristocrata. Michael, o charmoso filho do lorde Bredon, apaixona-se imediatamente pela moça, deixando seu pai furioso. Acusada de oportunista, Casey é tratada com ironia e desprezo pelo lorde, mas Michael desconfia da relação do pai e passa a investigar os reais motivos daquela gressividade repentina.
A Hazard of Hearts
When compulsive gambler Sir Giles Staverley has lost his estate and all his money playing dice, he realises that he only has one thing left of value: his daughter Serena. In a final game, he stakes his daughter's hand in marriage, convinced that this time he will not lose. Unfortunately, however, he does lose; to the evil Lord Wrotham. Unable to return home and tell his daughter that he has lost her in a game of dice, Sir Giles kills himself there and then. Lord Vulcan, who has witnessed the events, takes pity on Serena Staverley, although they have never met. He challenges Lord Wrotham to a game of dice in which the winner takes both Staverley Court and Miss Serena.
Season's Greetings
Eight people attend a Christmas party in hope of having a pleasant celebration, however it takes various awkward turns and ends with one of the guests leaving sooner than they thought. Alan Ayckbourn's stage play adapted for BBC TV, 1986
Foreign Body
Miss Furze
Banerjee stars as Ram Das, a jobless Indian man who, tired of life in Calcutta, steals money from his father in order to afford a passage to Britain and while there, falls in love with a white woman.
Hotel du Lac
Edith Hope
Hotel du Lac, a screenplay version of the Booker prize-winning novel by Anita Brookner, starring Anna Massey, was released in 1986 as an episode of the BBC's "Screen Two" series.
The McGuffin
Paul Hatcher has a habit of spying on the neighbors across the way, something that gets him into deep trouble. Hatcher is a movie critic, and for awhile it looks like his main problem is keeping reality and the silver screen separate. But then a double murder occurs across the street after some mobsters cannot find an incriminating negative. After Hatcher discovers where the negative is hidden, he is bumped to the top on the assassins' hit list.
The Day After the Fair
Based on the short story by Thomas Hardy.
Sacred Hearts
Sister Thomas
A tough nun (Anna Massey) demands belief and obedience from convent schoolgirls (Katrin Cartlidge, Oona Kirsch) in World War II England.
Anna Karenina
Tragic Anna leaves her cold husband for dashing Count Vronsky in 19th-century Russia.
A Garota do Tambor
An American Actress with a penchant for lying is forceably recruited by Mosad, the Israeli intelligence agency to trap a Palestinian bomber, by pretending to be the girlfriend of his dead brother.
Biography of Russian physicist & dissident Andrei Sakharov focuses on his first acts in his civil rights.
Memórias de Um Espião
Imogen Bennett
Guy Bennet e Tommy Judd são dois estranhos na escola de elite que frequentam. Bennet por ser homossexual, Judd por ser marxista. Cada um com seu motivo, eles evitam participar da esnobe e excludente hierarquia social de seu meio, vivendo em relativa paz, até que um acontecimento na escola coloca a vida de todo o corpo estudantil sob meticulosa vigilância.
Moving on the Edge
Radio voice
A woman in a state of personal crisis finds it hard to communicate with her husband and family.
Journey into the Shadows: Portrait of Gwen John 1876-1939
Gwen John
Moving out from under the shadow of her artist brother Augustus John, Gwen John moved to Paris in 1903, working as an artist's model until becoming the mistress of famous sculptor Auguste Rodin. After Rodin's death, she concentrated on her work as an artist, rivalling her brother's reputation with her own expressive portraits.
The Chain
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.
I Remember Nelson
Lady Frances Nelson
Vice Adm. Horatio Nelson's remarkable naval career and troubled personal affairs are brought to life in this miniseries, which tells his famous story through the narratives of those who knew him best.
The Cherry Orchard
Madame Ranevsky and her daughter Anya return home from Paris to find that their beloved family estate and cherry orchard are to be auctioned off to pay debts. Lopahin, a former serf on the estate who is now a walthy landowner, proposes razing the home and cherrt orchard and dividing the estate into plats that could be leased at great profit. The family, however, continues to hold out hope that their beloved home can somehow be saved from destruction.
Sweet William
Edna McClusky
William McClusky (Sam Waterston) is a dashing and eccentric Scotsman whose charms rapidly overwhelm the sweet and naive Ann Walton (Jenny Agutter), but she nearly as quickly begins to comprehend that her new beau is anything but a one-woman man. In addition to his two ex-wives, with whom he remains remarkably close, William exhibits a disturbing attraction for nearly any female who crosses his path -- Ann's friends among them.
Um Pequeno Romance
Ms. Siegel
Lauren (Diane Lane) é uma garota norte-americana que mora na França com sua mãe e seu padastro. Estudante em uma escola particular de Paris, a menina enfrenta problemas para se adaptar à vida no velho continente. E quando seus desencontros estavam para atingir o limite, Lauren conhece Daniel (Thelonious Bernard), um estudante francês que usa as salas dos cinemas da cidade como refúgio distante de seu pai, alcoólatra e autoritário. Juntos, os dois jovens descobrem um inocente romance juvenil. Enquanto a afeição cresce, o casal faz amizade com Julius (Laurence Olivier), que os encanta com as histórias que conta, os relatos de sua vida. Quando Lauren descobre que terá que voltar para os Estados Unidos, o casal resolve partir para Veneza, em uma viagem de despedida. É na Itália que Lauren e Daniel pretendem consolidar para sempre o sua relação. Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Canção Original.
Afternoon Off
Coffee Shop Owner
Lee, a Chinese man, works as a waiter in a hotel in England, despite speaking very little English. Told that a girl called Iris might be interested in him, on his afternoon off work he buys a box of chocolates and sets off to find her.
O Milho Está Verde
Miss Ronberry
A strong-willed teacher, determined to educate the poor and illiterate youth of an impoverished Welsh village, discovers one student whom she believes to have the seeds of genius in him.
You're Not Watching Me, Mummy
Actress attended by homosexual dresser.
The Love of a Good Woman
Isabella Ridout
Isabella and Henry were childhood sweethearts. Isabella dreams of the arrival of a vulgar woman named Emily.
A Casa das Bonecas
Kristine Linde
Nora Helmer, anos antes, cometeu uma falsificação para salvar a vida de seu marido autoritário Torvald. Agora ela está sendo chantageada vive com medo do descobrimento de seu marido e da vergonha que tal revelação traria à sua carreira. Mas quando a verdade sai, Nora fica chocada ao saber onde ela realmente está na estima de seu marido.
A Cripta dos Sonhos
Donna Rogers (segment 1 "Midnight Mess")
Uma antologia de cinco histórias de horror compartilhadas por cinco homens presos no porão de um prédio de escritórios.
Barbara Jane 'Babs' Milligan
Londres está sendo aterrorizada por um assassino em série que estupra as suas vítimas e as mata estranguladas com uma gravata. Devido a uma série de mal-entendidos, o veterano de guerra da RAF Richard Blaney, alcoólatra, divorciado e recentemente desempregado, acaba se tornando o suspeito número um dos crimes quando sua ex-esposa é assassinada com o mesmo modus operandi.
David Copperfield
Jane Murdstone
A made for TV movie of the Charles Dickens' classic novel, turns Dickens' picaresque tale into an extended flashback, with David Copperfield Robin Phillips as a young man, brooding on a deserted beach, recalling his youth. The characters are all trotted out in choppy flashbacks as David remembers his life as a young orphan, brought to London and passed around from relatives, to guardians, to boarding school.
O Insaciável Marquês de Sade
Renée de Montreuil
The 18th-century French marquis recalls his sadomasochistic experiments and goes to jail for lewd behavior.
A Guerra no Espelho
Avery's Wife
When a Polish sailor jumps ship in Britain, a couple of local intelligence operatives keep him under surveillance. Soon, he’s recruited to infiltrate a missile installation outside of East Berlin and bring back photos of the new rockets.
Light the Blue Touch Paper
Armchair Theatre episode released under the Armchair Theatre Archive banner in 2019
Bunny Lake Desapareceu
Elvira Smollett
Mulher recentemente instalada em Londres entra em desespero quando não encontra a filha na saída de seu primeiro dia de escola. Porém, ninguém lembra de ter visto a garota e não há qualquer prova de que ela realmente exista, levando a polícia a suspeitar que tudo seja fruto de sua imaginação.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Theseus, Duke of Athens, is going to marry Hyppolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Demetrius is engaged with Hermia, but Hermia loves Lysander. Helena loves Demetrius. Oberon and Titania, of the kingdom of fairies have a slight quarrel about whether or not the boy Titania is raising will join Titania's band or Oberon's, so Oberon tries to get him from her by using some magic. But they're not alone in that forest. Lysander and Hermina have there a rendezvous, Helena and Demetrius are there, too as well as some actors, who are practicing a play for the ongoing wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Due to some misunderstandings by Puck, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...
A Vítima do Medo
Helen Stephens
Como garoto, Mark Lewis sofria experimentos bizarros pelo seu pai cientista, estudante dos efeitos do medo no sistema nervoso das pessoas. Agora crescido, com seus pais já mortos, ele vira um psicopata que assassina mulheres somente para gravar suas expressões de terror no momento da morte.
Um Crime Por Dia
Sally Gideon
Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-violation ticket from a young police officer. From there, his 'typical day" consists in learning that one of his most-trusted detectives has accepted bribes; hunts an escaped maniac who has murdered a girl; tracks a young girl suspected of involvement in a payroll robbery and then helps break up a bank robbery.