As Hollywood biographies go, Judy Garland's story is one of the saddest success stories you'll ever hear. The sanitized studio version of her life presented a smiling kid with the big voice, who, alongside Mickey Rooney, just wanted to put on a show. But drugs, overwork, even psychological abuse at the hands of the studio is now part of the Garland legend. But despite the number of Garland books and documentaries, one account has always been missing -- Garland herself never managed to write a memoir. She did make several attempts at an autobiography, often recording stories on a tape recorder. Judy Garland: By Myself (2004), finally fills in the blanks - using Judy's personal recordings to tell the story in her own words.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. This biographical docu-drama features rare footage of Elvis and dramatically recreated scenes from Elvis' life.
Greg Nolan (Elvis Presley) é um fotografo que trabalha para dois clientes sem que o outro saiba: Mike (Don Porter), um dono de uma revista masculina e Louis Penlow (Rudy Valee), dono de uma agência de publicidade. Nas horas vagas ele namora Bernice (Michele Carey).
Ele corre. Ela persegue. Ainda assim, de alguma maneira, o amor e o riso encontram um caminho quando um piloto da categoria "World 600" (Elvis) conhece uma agente da Receita Federal (Nancy Sinatra) em O Bacana do Volante. Pela primeira vez desde que fez par com Ann-Margret em Viva Las Vegas, Presley tem como parceira uma cantora e dançarina de grande octanagem. Bill Bixby é o gerente que acaba forçando Elvis a, sem querer, dar um golpe de $145,000 na Receita Federal. O tanque de risadas e ainda abastecido pelo comediante veterano da TV Gale Gordon (The Lucy Show) e Carl Ballantine. A lista de canções supersônica inclui Let Yourself Go, Your Time Hasn’t Come Yet, Baby e Your Groovy Self.
Guy Lambert decide levar seu show de Londres para Bruxelas. O que ele não sabe é que também está levando duas beldades, que o seguem secretamente. Uma (Annette Day) é uma herdeira apaixonada, a outra (Yvonne Romain) uma enigmática tentação. Uma é pouco, mas duas podem ser demais para o desencanado Guy. Comédia, mistério e caos se combinam em Canções e Confusões. Elvis Presley interpreta Guy, nesse filme que mistura o desaparecimento de pedras preciosas, detetives de sobretudo e mais. E no meio de tudo isso, um homem tem que fazer o que um homem tem que fazer: interpretar uma fantástica trilha que inclui Double Trouble, City By Night, Could I Fall in Love?, Long-Legged Girl e There s So Much World to See. Com Elvis Presley, até os confusões são pura diversão.
Três belas mulheres que só pensam em casar. Um solteirão cantor e corredor de carros com um único pensamento: manter seus olhos na estrada - longe das mulheres. Aperte os cintos, camarada: curvas perigosas à frente! Elvis Presley está no volante e inclinado para o romance. Shelley Fabares (sua co-estrela em Girl Happy) interpreta a garota rica que sempre consegue o que quer. Deborah Walley é a baterista de rock ansiosa para um dueto no amor, Diane McBain é a autora de bestsellers pesquisando "o Macho Americano Perfeito" - e quem sabe ela talvez o tenha achado. E interpretando o pai milionário de Fabares está Carl Betz, que também interpretou seu pai na TV em The Donna Reed Show. Elvis canta Never Say Yes, Adam and Evil, All That I Am, Spinout e a enfática Stop, Look Listen.
In this campy spy movie spoof Dr. Goldfoot (Vincent Price) has invented an army of bikini-clad robots who are programmed to seek out wealthy men and charm them into signing over their assets. Secret agent Craig Gamble (Frankie Avalon) and millionaire Todd Armstrong set out to foil his fiendish plot.
An astronaut goes into space with a chimpanzee. When they return to Earth after their orbit, it is discovered that the chimp has the brains of the astronaut, and the astronaut has the brains of the chimp. Complications ensue.
Um coubói fracassado vai trabalhar num rancho que na verdade é um spa. Como o rancho só é frequantado por mulheres, Lonnie acaba se envolvendo em muitas encrencas.
Set in Palm Springs during a long, fun-filled weekend where several Los Angeles college students flock to spring break, centering on Jim who finds romance with Bunny, the daughter of Palm Springs harred, stressful police chief. Jim's bumbling roommate, Biff, tries to get Amanda, a tomboyish girl's attention with a so-called love gadget. Meanwhile, Gayle Lewis is a high school senior posing as a wealthy college girl who is pursued by Eric Dean, a wealthy and spoiled college prepie, while Gayle has eyes for a cowboy from Texas, named Stretch. Also Jim and Biff's basketball coach, Campbell, tries to romance Naomi, the owner of the motel where all of the gang is staying at, which is interfered by Naomi's young, trouble-making, brat son who's dubbed, Boom-Boom.
Mike Edwards (Elvis Presley) é um piloto que, lançando pesticidas em plantações, tenta guardar dinheiro para abrir com Danny Burke (Gary Lockwood), um amigo, sua própria companhia. Porém tudo se complica quando Danny perde o dinheiro deles no jogo e o monomotor que usam para trabalhar é apreendido para pagar dívidas. Eles então conseguem uma carona para Seattle, onde acontece uma Feira Mundial. Lá Mike e Danny esperam ganhar algum dinheiro. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
O guia de pesca Ross Carpenter (Elvis Presley) tem duas paixões... o mar e Garotas! Garotas! Garotas! Sonhando em ter seu próprio barco algum dia, o carismático pescador trabalha também como cantor de um hotel para ganhar dinheiro. No placo ele atrai a atenção de todos e os olhares de mais de uma garota. Dividido entre a festiva atração principal da boate (Stella Stevens) e a charmosa socialite, que posa de moça trabalhadora (Laurel Goodwin), Ross tem que decidir qual será a garota de sorte que vai fazer seu coração cantar.
Após prestar o serviço militar, um jovem (Elvis Presley) volta para a casa dos pais em Honolulu, no Havaí, e começa, contra a vontade deles, a trabalhar em uma agência de turismo. Ao mesmo tempo seduz as funcionárias do hotel ao som de românticas canções.
The admiral is coming, so a sailor and his buddy hide their girlfriend and pet turkey.
Tulsa McLean é um soldado cujo maior sonho é ser dono de um Night Club. Para conseguir o valor em dinheiro para que ele possa abrir o seu empreendimento, ele aceita participar de uma aposta, onde, na qual, ele deve passar uma noite com uma bailarina famosa no local, porém, os dois acabam se apaixonando.
Jerry Lewis é o alienígena Kreton, um ET atrapalhado e curioso por descobrir como é a vida na Terra. Sai escondido de seu planeta e aterrisa no quintal de um famoso jornalista de TV que não acredita em extra-terrestres. Kreton deseja fazer um estudo dos humanos e se apaixona pela filha (Joan Blackman) do jornalista, mas sua incapacidade provoca uma série de confusões e coloca a vida do jornalista de cabeça para baixo.
No dia de seu casamento, anos após o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o ex-oficial John Paul Steckler VII (Jerry Lewis) é procurado pelos oficiais da Marinha por ter extraviado o demolidor de navios USS Kornblatt. John é encarregado de encontrar a máquina, caso contrário, terá que pagar por ela. Entretanto, sua esposa Prudence (Diana Spencer) não vai aceitar a ausência do marido logo no momento de sua lua de mel.
Follow-up to Andy Griffith's big hit in "No Time for Sergeants" moves the action to the Coast Guard and WW II.
When a movie star is kidnapped, everyone thinks it's a publicity stunt. It's not.
Kitschy musical remake of "Bachelor Mother". Debbie Reynolds plays an over-eager clerk in a large department store and Eddie Fisher plays the boss' son. After getting fired from her job, she finds an adorable baby on the steps of the foundling home and the folks inside mistake her for the mother. Fisher, well-meaning, but obtuse, tries to help her out with the baby, and the buds of romance begin to appear. Meanwhile old Merlin, the owner of the store, thinks he just might be a grandfather...
Slim Mosely e Wade Kingsley são dois fazendeiros batalhadores e companheiros que sempre lutam por sua terra. Mas de repente, os dois são mortos em uma rixa com uma gangue chamada Masked Raiders, que pretende há tempos se apoderar da terra de Slim e Wade. Passam-se os anos e seus próprios filhos, Slim Mosely Jr. e Wade Kingsley Jr., que por muito tempo se mantiveram separados, finalmente se reúnem com o objetivo de vingar os seus pais e lutar contra todos que quererem ainda se apoderar da velha fazenda, a qual era pertencida por eles.
On an ocean voyage, a card shark and her father cheat a naive man out of his money. Things take a twist when the girl falls in love with the man she's just fleeced.
Um barbeiro se vê obrigado a se fingir de criança para escapar de um bandido que o persegue. Ele acaba indo parar em uma escola só de moças, onde cai nas boas graças de uma professora. Mas, gradativamente, o namorado dela vai descobrindo a verdade.
Wally Cook (Janet Leigh) é uma repórter do "Crônica da Manhã?, de Nova York, que vai até Fim do Mundo, um pequeno lugarejo no Novo México, para levar Homer Flagg (Jerry Lewis), um jovem que trabalha na estação ferroviária, para Nova York com as despesas pagas, pois se acredita que Homer esteja morrendo vítima de radiação. Mas quando ela chega lá Steve Harris (Dean Martin), o médico de Homer, já constatou o erro e descobriu que ele nada tem. Entretanto, Homer quer conhecer Nova York e Steve se sente atraído por Wally. Assim, nada diz e afirma que tem de acompanhar Homer nos seus últimos dias de vida. Porém, em Nova York esta farsa fica cada vez mais difícil de ser sustentada.
Embora fosse filho de um hábil jogador, Harvey Miller (Jerry Lewis) sempre se sentiu muito nervoso em competir. Por isso ele preferiu se tornar técnico e caddy de Joe Anthony (Dean Martin), que precisa convencer o pai pescador que bater numa bola e encaçapá-la no buraco pode ser mais lucrativo. Mas quando os dois estão disputando o torneio, suas habilidades cômicas tão naturais chamam a atenção de um empresário. É meio caminho andado para o nascimento de dois astros.
After she enters the United States illegally, 15-year-old Polish singer Katri Walenska (Anna Maria Alberghetti) finds herself under the wing of aspiring singer Terry Brennan (Rosemary Clooney). Soon Terry has Katri booked on a TV talent show -- but her immigration status may cause a problem. This musical classic boasts a host of famous performers, including Metropolitan Opera star Lauritz Melchior. [netflix]
Em mais um filme da dupla Martin e Lewis, Bill Martin (Dean Martin) é um comediante sem sucesso que, para inovar seu show, coloca o comparsa Ted Rogers (Jerry Lewis) na platéia para interagir com ele durante a apresentação. Mas, rapidamente, Ted começa a se tornar a estrela do espetáculo.
Chick Allen (Dean Martin) e Hap smith (Jerry Lewis) apresentam-se em shows musicais. Mas Chick é convocado para o serviço militar, enquanto Hap continua a fazer suas apresentações, desta vez com outra companhia. Chick também continua fazendo suas apresentações, mas as dele não são tão boas quanto as de Hap e ele decide pedir ajuda ao seu antigo companheiro.
Anne and "Poppy" Rose have three quirky kids. Anne has a generous heart and the belief in the innocence of children. To the unhappy surprise of her husband she takes in the orphan Jane, a problem child who already tried to kill herself once.
A rancher's daughter visits Paris to meet her mother and find love.
Harriet O'Malley tries to solve a murder aboard a train en route to New York.
Snooty opera singer meets a rough-and-tumble fisherman in the Louisiana bayous, but this fisherman can sing! Her agent lures him away to New Orleans to teach him to sing opera but comes to regret this rash decision when the singers fall in love.
A woman in London unexpectedly inherits a Texas ranching fortune, and takes a transatlantic voyage to collect her fortune, not suspecting two men aboard both plan on winning her hand before she reaches America. One is a gambler interested in her money, and the other, a rich man looking for a wife. The rich man's friend, meanwhile, believes the heiress is actually a gold-digger.
Opera singer Prudence Budell, overhears truck driver Johnny Donnetti singing opera, and persuades her opera company to give him a chance in her new opera. They fall in love, but on meeting his colleague Mary while visiting Johnny's work, Prudence becomes convinced Johnny is in love with her.
Encomium para Larry Hart (1895-1943), visto pelos olhos fictícios de seu parceiro de letras de canções, Richard Rodgers (1902-1979). Começa com sua primeira reunião, e vai através de anos de vacas magras até serem descobertos, com seus sucessos na Broadway, Londres, e Hollywood. Vemos os frutos da parceria de Hart e Rodgers - elaboradamente encenando números de suas peças de teatro, personagens, visitas a clubes noturnos e performances de improviso nas festas. Vemos também a abordagem dispersa de Larry para a vida, seu amor frustrado com Peggy McNeil, a sua infelicidade, e o sucesso de Richard em cortejar Dorothy Feiner.
A young orphan in New York's Lower East Side is collectively adopted by three neighborhood men--a minister, a cantor, and a cop.
McGrath publishes books for children and Uncle Bump is one of the best sellers. Unfortunately, Greg, who is Uncle Bump, tends to drink too much and has not started his next book. Martha won a contest to illustrate the book and the first thing that happens is that Greg gets her soused. To keep her there to illustrate, John gets a juvenile delinquent named Danny to play his son and show how much pressure he is under. The ploy works at first, but Greg's heart was broken by Tillie, and Martha may be the girl who makes him forget all about her.
The research, development, and deployment of the first atomic bomb, as well as the bombing of Hiroshima, are detailed in this docudrama.
A former reporter comes back home after serving in the army during World War I and finds that it's much more difficult to find work than he expected. Desperate, one day he crashes a wedding attended by many of the city's rich and powerful, meets a beautiful girl named Kay who turns out to be his ticket to meeting those rich and powerful people, and he soon manages to land a job on a newspaper. He gets caught up in the "make money at all costs" game but receives a rude awakening when the stock market crashes in 1929.
Rich kid Danny Churchill has a taste for wine, women and song, but not for higher education. So his father ships him to an all-male college out West where there's not supposed to be a female for miles. But before Danny arrives, he spies a pair of legs extending out from under a stalled roadster. They belong to the Dean's granddaughter, Ginger Gray, who is more interested in keeping the financially strapped college open than falling for Danny's romantic line. At least at first...
Starstruck Indiana small-town girl Lily is pestering theatrical producer John Thornway for a role but he is reluctant.
An American playboy is sent to a British boarding school to learn discipline.
George and Mary Elizabeth Cugat are about to celebrate their second wedding anniversary and dream of having a child. Although they live comfortably on George's earnings as a bank official, Liz's scatterbrained handling of their finances constantly puts them in jeopardy. Liz becomes jealous when George's former girl friend, Myra Ponsonby, comes for a visit with his party-loving friends Bill Stone, Cory Cartwright and Chuck, an artist, after which George spends the entire evening dancing at a nightclub with Myra.
A newsman (Walter Pidgeon) falls in love on Cape Cod with the judge (Rosalind Russell) his angry boss (Edward Arnold) expects him to discredit.
Father Flanagan raises funds, helps a disabled boy, and saves an older boy from reform school.
Nellie Kelly, the daughter of Irish immigrants, patches up differences between her father and maternal grandfather while rising to the top on Broadway.
Inventor Thomas Edison's boyhood is chronicled and shows him as a lad whose early inventions and scientific experiments usually end up causing disastrous results. As a result, the towns folk all think Tom is crazy, and creating a strained relationship between Tom and his father. Tom's only solace is his understanding mother who believes he's headed to do great things.
Johnny Brett e King Shaw vêm tentando fazer sucesso como uma dupla de dança em Nova York. O produtor Bob Casey quer um novo parceiro para a estrela da dança Clare Bennett, ele escolhe Johnny, mas Brett acha que o produtor é um cobrador e diz que ele é King Shaw, que deve dinheiro. Devido a essa confusão o homem errado ganha o papel principal em um show da Broadway.
Cora, an heiress who gives it all up for the excitement of looking for a job and living on her own, meets up with unemployed and flat broke Dick. The two of them embark on a wild night of gambling and winning, where everything they touch turns to gold. Pretty soon they're in love and, to the horror of Cora's father, married.
A wealthy playboy surreptitiously romances a scullery maid to gain access to her mistress with whom he is in love, but doesn't count on the maid falling in love with him.
Devout but iron-willed Father Flanagan leads a community called Boys Town, a different sort of juvenile detention facility where, instead of being treated as underage criminals, the boys are shepherded into making themselves better people. But hard-nosed petty thief and pool shark Whitey Marsh, the impulsive and violent younger brother of an imprisoned murderer, might be too much for the good father's tough-love system.
A young woman at a girl's school in Switzerland makes up stories about and writes herself letters from an imaginary explorer-adventurer father; and is eventually put in a position where she has to produce him. Interesting things happen as she talks a visiting Englishman into helping her out.
O pequeno Tom Sawyer (Tommy Kelly) vive com sua tia Polly (May Ribson) numa pequena cidade do Mississipi. Ele e seu inseparável amigo Huckleberry Finn (Jackie Moran) adoram pescar, sonham com piratas e grandes tesouros e vivem pensando em Becky Thatcher (Ann Gillis), uma linda garota do colégio. Os dois vivem se metendo em aventuras e confusões até que um dia presenciam um assassinato, e juntos conseguem provar a inocência do homem injustamente acusado, esse fato faz com que Injun Joe (Victor Jory), o verdadeiro assassino, passe a caçá-los. Ao tentarem escapar de Joe, os dois vivem uma fantástica aventura nas águas do Rio Mississipi que os leva até cavernas misteriosas e ao esconderijo em que Injun Joe havia enterrado uma fortuna.
Starving playwright Judith Wells meets playboy writer of musicals, George Macrae, over a plate of stolen spaghetti. He persuades producer Sam Gordon to buy her ridiculous play "North Winds" just to improve his romantic chances, and even persuades her to sing in the sort of show she pretends to despise. But just when their romance is going well, Gordon's former flame Lulu reveals the ace up her sleeve...
A man on the lam in the Canadian wilds encounters a young woman in a remote lodge who is also on the run.
Newspapers around the world proclaim the birth in Moosetown, Canada of the 3,000th baby brought into the world by the doctor, John Luke, known for delivering the famous Wyatt quintuplets. To honor the doctor on his retirement and to publicize their town, the Moosetown chamber of commerce decides to hold a reunion of all the babies delivered by the doctor, some of whom have become famous.
Cowboy Jeff Larabee returns from the east and meets Doris Halloway, a young girl, that he regards as a vagabond, till he learns that she's the owner of the farm where he works. He tries to win her heart, but without success, until she is endangered by gangsters
Meek Eddie Pink becomes manager of an amusement park beset by mobsters.
The wisp of a storyline involves two-bit radio station owner Spud Miller, who doubles as the station's sole announcer while his comic partner Smiley serves as the house crooner. On the verge of bankruptcy, Spud is receptive to the wacky notions of George and Gracie, who've just invented a television device which can pick up and transmit any signal, any time, anywhere.
The story deals with the college rivalry of a piccolo player and an All-American halfback on the football team who both love the same co-ed. After graduation they carry their their feud and collegiate ideas over into the department store business.
This short plugs the new tunes written by Mack Gordon and Harry Revel for the movie "College Rhythm" and shows the audience how they were written and rehearsed. Naturally it also advertises the movie.
The Wiggs family plan to celebrate Thanksgiving in their rundown shack with leftover stew, without Mr. Wiggs who wandered off long ago an has never been heard from. Do-gooder Miss Lucy brings them a real feast. Her boyfriend Bob arranges to take Wiggs' sick boy to a hospital. Their other boy makes some money peddling kindling and takes the family to a show. Mrs. Wiggs is called to the hopsital just in time to see her boy die. Her neighbor Miss Mazy wants to marry Mr. Stubbins who insists on tasting her cooking. Mrs. Wiggs sneaks her dishes past Stubbins who agrees to marriage. Mr. Wiggs appears suddenly, in tatters, with just the amount of money (twenty dollars) needed to save the family from foreclosure. Miss Lucy and Bob get married.
Beautiful high society type Doris Worthington is entertaining guests on her yacht in the Pacific when it hits a reef and sinks. She makes her way to an island with the help of singing sailor Stephen Jones. Her friend Edith, Uncle Hubert, and Princes Michael and Alexander make it to the same island but all prove to be useless in the art of survival. The sailor is the only one with the practical knowhow to survive but Doris and the others snub his leadership offer. That is until he starts a clam bake and wafts the fumes in their starving faces. The group gradually gives into his leadership, the only question now is if Doris will give into his charms.
Francois, a cheerful Parisian bohemian, wants more than anything to be a tour guide in his beloved city. While working the streets, Francois meets Madeleine, who works at a circus.
Parisian playboy plays father to an abandoned baby who interferes with his womanising.
An elderly business tycoon, believed to be dying, decides to give a million dollars each to eight strangers chosen at random from the phone directory.
Too bad for presidential hopes of banker T.K. Blair; his party feels he has too little flair for savoir faire. But at a medicine show, the party bosses find Blair's double: huckster Doc Varney. Of course, they scheme to make Varney T.K.'s public spokesman; at first, he even fools Blair's girlfriend Felicia, providing a romantic complication. As election eve approaches, the conspirators face the problem of what to do with Varney...who has difficult decisions of his own to make.
Two yokels are framed and sent to prison, but wind up playing football on the warden's championship team.
Skippy, son of Dr. Herbert and Mrs. Skinner, adamantly stands by his poor friend, Sooky Wayne, who lives in Shantytown with his sickly mother. The Boone Boys, a boys' club that costs thirty dollars to join and has uniforms that Sooky admires, refuses to admit him because he is poor. Sooky and Skippy form their own club called the Beagle Boys.
A year after their former exploits, Tom Sawyer's puppy love of Becky Thatcher keeps him home while Huck Finn, chafing under "civilizing" influences like school and shoes, plans to run away. His scapegrace, abusive father intervenes; Tom and black Jim help him escape; and (departing from the novel) all three raft down the Mississippi, where they're joined by two likable rogues and meet pretty orphans Ella and Mary Jane. The latter may change Huck's mind about girls...
Two small town widows bring their children to Hollywood, where their children become competing film stars. The girl is sweet, the boy is a killjoy sissy. For publicity, the rival families go to London to meet a middle European boy King. The three kids decide they need to escape their stifling lives and run away to the docks and join a gang.
In an erudite driver's taxi, Jack Benny shares a ride with a very pretty and delightfully flirtatious young lady.
Skippy, the mischievous son of a wealthy doctor, meets Sooky in poverty-ridden Shantytown, and together they try to save Sooky's pet from a cruel dogcatcher.
The Haddocks are going on a European vacation and from their reception at the station, where the whole town goes to see them off, it is clear who wears the pants in the family - it's their daughter Mildred. Her parents often proclaim she is a genius - but she is just smarter than them, which wouldn't be too hard! On the train, Finn meets shyster Harry who sizes Finn up as a sucker and quickly wires his partner Bessie, aka "The Princess" to make Finn's acquaintance and take him for everything he has.
George convinces his friend John that suicide isn't the answer.
Ed Wynn, a waiter, tries to get hit employers daughter a start on the stage; Ginger Rogers replaces Ethel Merman when Merman is kidnapped.
Lee Morse sings us a few songs.... Lee arrives at a film studio to discuss her participation. However the studio is ready for rehearsal and Lee performs a couple of songs in different settings.
The star pitcher on the Pittsburgh ball team gets into trouble with a gold-digging groupie and his catcher helps him get back into the game.
Story of a football hero whose temper and drinking threaten his spot on the team, and his romantic life. His naive comical roommate remains his steadfast supporter.
Slapstick comics Willie West and McGinty cause havoc at a construction site as they attempt to "work."
This one is set at a college picnic by the lake, with three musical numbers. "We've Got It Bad but It Don't Do Us No Good" is by a quartet of college men, with ukulele, pennywhistle, and ocarinas. "Sort of Lonesome" is a romantic song, sung straight by Roth. "Me and the Boyfriend" is sung more uptempo by Roth, made comic by her actions as she manhandles her geeky boyfriend.
Eddie Haskins, a wisecracking young man, teams up with two ham-acrobats known as 'Bugs & Sunny', and ,when they are all kicked out of a vaudeville theater in California, they enlist in the U. S. Cavalry. Eddie falls in love with Dorothy Clark, the daughter of a sergeant and, following a moonlight tryst, they are discovered by Sergeant Hank Darby who himself is in love with Dorothy. They have a fist-fight in which Eddie comes out second best. When Darby is reprimanded for fighting with an enlisted man, the troopers incorrectly think that Eddie squealed on him, and they punish him with a conspiracy of silence. Dorothy also rejects him. Eddie has a problem. Maybe a fire will break out in the stables and he can rescue Sergeant Darby.
Comedy short.
A young Jewish man works in his father's jewelry business, but he doesn't like it at all--he wants to be an entertainer, something he knows that his father would never approve of. He comes up with a scheme to put on his own show in a theater and show his father that he can be a success, but things don't work out quite as well as he planned.
Scenario Writer
Ham gets a job at the lunch counter at a fitness club and soon rouses the ire of the manager.
Ham gets a job at the lunch counter at a fitness club and soon rouses the ire of the manager.
Rivals go at it as cab drivers, romancers of the same girl and football teams.
Lloyd Hamilton chasing a butterfly in the slapstick comedy "Papa's Boy".
This is a better than average Hamilton film thanks to the presence of a bratty kid who makes Lloyd's life miserable. It seems that Lloyd was hired as a combination chauffeur, butler, cook, etc. and isn't particularly adept at any of these tasks. however, to make things worse, there is a bratty kid in the home who does his best to ruin everything.
A dim witted, scrawny fellow from the country finds college full of bullies that trick him into various painful situations with the dean. His wife mistakes him for a prize athlete, and he's put on the football team. The big game includes unusual things like a mud hole on the field and a wasp nest substituting for the ball.
In this one, we are introduced to a pretentious and uppity family who we just KNOW will be brought down to size later in the short. Then we cut to Lloyd Hamilton, stumbling along, and finding a job advertisement for an electrician's helper. He applies for the job (literally dangling over the business!), and from there on out there is solid physical comedy of all kinds.
A well-dressed hobo gets a job as "utility man" with a theater company, and winds up starring in the show.
Lane plays two roles: Grand Duke Algy Horseradish De Ketchup of Worcestershire and Newsboy White. The newsboy is hired by Elmer Éclair (played by Lane's younger brother, Walter Lupino) to impersonate the Duke for unstated reasons, and to attend a house party at the Smalls (a last name that leads to several puns) in the Duke's stead. Éclair warns the newsboy to stay away from the girl, as she is his finance. The newsboy is somewhat at sea at the elaborate dinner being confused by the multitude of silverware. He begins to tell a story about lion hunting and there is further mayhem with flying food.
A Lupino Lane comedy short.
Dreamy little comedy as down-on-his-luck Ham looks for work, gets thrown out of his rooming house and tries to make it on the street -- in the best, gag-filled 20s comedy style.
Dreamy little comedy as down-on-his-luck Ham looks for work, gets thrown out of his rooming house and tries to make it on the street -- in the best, gag-filled 20s comedy style.
Johnny Arthur has been ordered to spend a year out west to toughen him up, so he and butler George Davis head out. The cowboys at the ranch don't like him, so Johnny and they play practical jokes on each other. However, when Virginia Vance is kidnapped, it turns out to be real desperadoes.
Phil and Lou inherit property left by an eccentric uncle with the provision they occupy the house for thirty days. But their cousin, Anita, wants the property for herself and, with several hired-henchmen, sends "ghost" after "ghoul" through the house after the boys arrive.
A bill collector working in a tough neighborhood manages to rescue a young socialite from kidnappers.
A bill collector working in a tough neighborhood manages to rescue a young socialite from kidnappers.
Cheap Skates is a lost film made by Educational Films, as a "Mermaid Comedy". Funny man Lige Conley starts scrambling when bees fly down his pants!
Exasperated by his playboy son, a wealthy man sends him to Canada to become a Royal Canadian Mountie, in hopes that the young man will learn something about life.
The plot of this film really isn't that important. Instead, the sight gags and chase scenes are paramount--with some of the most impressive chase footage you'll ever see. All the near-misses with the speeding train were amazing and the scene where the car gets smashed by the truck are absolutely priceless.
A Mermaid Comedy
Andy Gump is a clueless yokel that decides that he can run for President.
Lige Conley stars in "Fast and Furious" (1924), a fast-paced silent comedy. Conley's sidekick in this film, as with several in this series of "Mermaid" comedies Conley made for Educational and Jack White, is African-American character actor Spencer Bell. The chase in reel two lifts a number of gags from Buster Keaton films.
In 1923, The Gumps moved up to two-reel live-action comedies, with former Keystone Cop Joe Murphy as the chinless lead, pioneering comedienne-producer Fay Tincher as Min, and Jack Morgan as the rascally Chester. In this episode, the comedy begins with the announcement of Min’s tenth anniversary gift from Uncle Bim—a “tin” flivver. Primping for a family outing in the new car, Min breaks a mirror due to her son’s shenanigans. “That’s seven more years of bad luck, Chester,” she scolds. The rest of the action—in a hotel, on the road, and at the beach—proves her right. Angelinos will take delight in the scenes filmed at Ocean Park’s Lick Pier, just months before it was destroyed by fire.
A Pair of Kings is a 1922 American silent comedy film featuring Larry Semon & Oliver Hardy.
A Pair of Kings is a 1922 American silent comedy film featuring Larry Semon & Oliver Hardy.
A harried propman backstage at a theater must put up with malfunctioning wind machines, roosters that spit nitroglycerine, and a gang planning to rob the theater's payroll.
A harried propman backstage at a theater must put up with malfunctioning wind machines, roosters that spit nitroglycerine, and a gang planning to rob the theater's payroll.
A bumbling sawmill employee tries to win the hand of the owner's daughter while staying out of the clutches of the mill's bullying foreman.
A bumbling sawmill employee tries to win the hand of the owner's daughter while staying out of the clutches of the mill's bullying foreman.
A government official staying in a hotel puts some important secret papers in the hotel safe. A ring of spies out to get the papers manages to steal them from the safe, and a lady government agent enlists the help of the hotel's bumbling bellhop in getting back the papers and breaking up the spy ring.
A government official staying in a hotel puts some important secret papers in the hotel safe. A ring of spies out to get the papers manages to steal them from the safe, and a lady government agent enlists the help of the hotel's bumbling bellhop in getting back the papers and breaking up the spy ring.
Larry falls afoul of wanted criminal Gentleman Joe, who runs a saloon full of tough guys and gunslingers.
Larry falls afoul of wanted criminal Gentleman Joe, who runs a saloon full of tough guys and gunslingers.
Well-meaning but accident-prone bakery employee Larry is involved in numerous slapstick mishaps on the job. After accidentally causing the bakery owner to fall into a vat of cake batter Larry finds his job in jeopardy, but he redeems himself by foiling a robbery planned by the bakery foreman.
Well-meaning but accident-prone bakery employee Larry is involved in numerous slapstick mishaps on the job. After accidentally causing the bakery owner to fall into a vat of cake batter Larry finds his job in jeopardy, but he redeems himself by foiling a robbery planned by the bakery foreman.
The Rent Collector is a 1921 American silent comedy film featuring Larry Semon & Oliver Hardy.
The Rent Collector is a 1921 American silent comedy film featuring Larry Semon & Oliver Hardy.
Larry might be a hick causing a lot of trouble at the farm, but he shows he can outsmart those crooked city folks!
The Sportsman is an American film comedy first released in 1921, directed by Larry Semon and Norman Taurog. The film stars Larry Semon, Lucille Carlisle, Al Thompson, Frank Alexander and William Hauber.
Larry having to go through a lot of trouble to get his girl. All from bomb baking cooks to high flying crashes.
Larry in school and always gets in trouble until he falls asleep and dreams of when he's all grown up.
Larry in school and always gets in trouble until he falls asleep and dreams of when he's all grown up.
Bit Part (uncredited)
Larry going investigating an Oriental opium den. And opium is to Larry what spinach is for Popeye!
Larry going investigating an Oriental opium den. And opium is to Larry what spinach is for Popeye!