Carmen González

Carmen González


Carmen González


The Sweet Hand of the White Rose
How many times have you had a bad day? How many times have you thought you would run away from everyone and everything? That is exactly what happens to Mark. In order to forget about a heated discussion with his girlfriend, he decides to get in the car and go far away. But a little mistake will change his reality forever...
Love Letters of a Nun
Spain 1640, the reverend superior nun Mariana, attends the death of her younger sister, Isabel's husband, who is overcome with hopelessness and heartache. Isabel then kisses and caresses the cadaver's exposed body as if he were still alive. Mother Mariana
Cantinflas, o Evadido
Dois porteiros da margem de uma pequena cidade encontram a porta aberta e o guarda inconsciente ao chegar ao trabalho. Então eles ouvem uma forte explosão. A polícia prende-os como suspeitos do evento e conseguem escapar da prisão para encontrar os verdadeiros ladrões.