Nick Brimble

Nick Brimble

Nascimento : 1944-07-22, Bristol, England, UK


Nick Brimble is an English actor known for his performance as Little John in the film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and his appearances on various television shows. His credits include: Softly, Softly, Z-Cars, Space: 1999, The Sweeney, The Professionals, Danger UXB, The Onedin Line, Blake's 7, Robin of Sherwood, Crossbow, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Dempsey & Makepeace, Bergerac, To Play the King, The Final Cut, The Bill, Casualty, Heartbeat, State of Play, Lock, Stock..., Doc Martin, Lust for a Vampire, and A Knight's Tale. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Nick Brimble


Raising the Costa Concordia
Este filme conta a história da corrida para levantar e desencalhar o navio Costa Concordia. O enorme navio de cruzeiro bateu nas pedras e virou na ilha de Giglio, na Itália, um desastre em que 32 pessoas morreram na tentativa de escapar.
Dr. Zellaby
A widow retreats to a remote cottage to recover from a suicide attempt, only to discover the place is haunted.
O Desastre do Costa Concordia: Um Ano Depois
Confira os detalhes da série de eventos que levaram ao naufrágio do navio de cruzeiro Costa Concordia, além dos planos para fazer o navio flutuar novamente, numa das operações de salvamento mais caras e desafiadoras da história.
A disgruntled married man called Tom believes that there is a better life for him out there somewhere. On his way home one night he gets attacked and falls into a parallel world where he lives 6 other lives including a Rock-Star, A homeless person and the 'hoody' that attacked him. These lives help him to re-evaluate his priorities and values but in order to get home he must face some of his deepest fears and desires. Will he make it home or is the grass greener on the other side?
Body Armour
Victor Tolkin
A burned-out bodyguard is hired to protect the man he hates the most: an international assassin who destroyed his career and ruined his life. Forced to put his personal feelings on hold, the bodyguard must use all his skills and years of experience to keep the assassin alive in the face of constant danger.
Hui Buh, um Fantasma Atrapalhado
Daalor / Adolar
Estamos em 1399. Em uma sexta-feira 13. Baldovino, durante uma disputa com seus adversários, é atingido por um raio. Deste dia em diante ele é obrigado a viver como um fantasma no castelo onde sempre habitou. Muitos séculos depois, o castelo é herdado pelo Rei Julius, que impõe mudanças que vão bagunçar a rotina de Baldovino. Ele feliz e não sabia.
Good Girl, Bad Girl
Inspector Köster
Vanessa and Maria are twins, although not so identical...Maria is a nun while Vanessa is a go go dancer. Leading very different lives they don't interact much, however they are forced to switch lives when Vanessa is chased by Gromek, a powerful drug dealer. The girls must stop Gromek and also save the monastery Maria lives in from being sold.
Lado a Lado com o Inimigo
Adrian Lehder
Chris Cody (Seagal), o melhor mercenário do mundo, é tirado da sua cela de prisão militar com a promessa de perdão presidencial - mas isso tem uma preço. Uma embaixadora americana foi assassinada...pelo serviço secreto americano. Agora a CIA precisa que Cody descubra e acabe com esta operação mortal, mas eles não contaram a ele toda a verdade. Para conseguir cumprir a sua missão, ele precisará usar suas armas mortais e seus golpes marciais e fica LADO A LADO COM O INIMIGO muito mais poderoso do que ele pode imaginar.
Dimi Vertov
A um sociopata no corredor da morte é dada a chance de viver, caso concorde em participar de um programa de modificação química do comportamento agressivo que domina suas ações e o motiva a praticar crimes.
Fora de Alcance
O veterano William Lansing (Steven Seagal) é um antigo agente da CSA que trabalha em um refúgio no Alasca. Ele descobre que o programa de adoção da jovem Irena Morawska (Ida Nowakowska), uma garota polonesa de 13 anos que está ajudando, é, na verdade, um esquema de tráfico humano. Agora, Lansing vai começar uma perigosa missão para salvar a menina e acabar com a operação dos bandidos.
The Baby Juice Express
A middle class London lad’s gangster fantasies go awry when his dodgy uncle puts them into debt to a real life crime boss. Still pulling strings from behind bars, the kingpin’s only desire is to conceive an heir by smuggling his sperm to his wife on the outside. There’s only one way the boys know how to raise the money fast … hijack the ‘baby juice express’. But kidnapping ‘baby juice’ turns out to be fraught with even more peril than the bumbling wannabes could possibly have imagined in this cheeky spin on the gangster genre. Starring Nick Moran (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), with Julian Clary (one of Britain’s funniest) and Joe Bugner (former boxing champion and one of Australia’s toughest!).
Never Say Never Mind
NEVER SAY...NEVER MIND, the SWEDISH BIKINI TEAM find themselves in London at BUCKINGHAM PALACE receiving British Orders of Chivalry. But first, they must locate and destroy a copy of the infamous Los Alamos hard drive. Meanwhile, HELGA is missing in action in AMAZONIA and gets her Damehood in absentia. The other TEAM MEMBERS think that their next stop will be a leisurely yacht cruise and an appearance at the International Bikini Team Federation (IBTF) Open, where they will be judging the contest. Little do they know that intrigue, adventure, portable nuclear devices, a mutant yeast strain and danger in high places awaits.
Coração de Cavaleiro
Sir Ector
Após seu mestre morrer subitamente, o jovem William, um valoroso escudeiro, resolve substituí-lo em uma competição envolvendo combate com lanças. Para tanto passa a treinar exaustivamente e consegue convencer Chauncer, um escritor, a forjar para ele uma nobre árvore genealógica.
Five Seconds to Spare
A young musician travels to London in pursuit of his dreams, but winds up the sole witness to a bizarre murder.
Seven Days to Live
Carl Farrell
A grieving woman suffers terrifying visions of her own demise after she and her husband move into a country mansion.
A Fortaleza 2
Max Polk
Brennick e sua família ainda estão fugindo de seus perseguidores. Um grupo de rebeldes pede a ajuda de Brennick, mas ele decide não se juntar a eles. Porém, todos são capturados e mandados para uma fortaleza de onde tentarão escapar.
Pescando Confusão
Dekker Massey
Os amigos de infância Joe Waters (Joe Pesci) e Gus Green (Danny Glover) vão até a Flórida para participar de um concurso de pesca. Porém eles se metem em várias confusões quando conhecem um criminoso, Dekker Massey (Nick Brimble), e se envolvem em uma caça ao tesouro que o bandido também ambiciona.
O Mistério do Lago
Andy Maclean
Enviado à Escócia para provar que o monstro de Loch Ness não passa, definitivamente, de uma lenda, o Dr. Jonathan Dempsey acaba sendo guiado por uma singela garotinha numa aventura de descobertas, incluindo a simplicidade e simpatia dos habitantes locais.
The One That Got Away
Vince Phillips
The existence of the anti-Iraq coalition was threatened when Saddam targetted Israel. In order to keep Israel out of the war, and the coalition together the Scuds had to be stopped. SAS patrol Bravo Two Zero, under the command of Sgt. Andy McNab was tasked to destroy these weapons. Three of the SAS troopers were killed and four captured: Only one escaped - Cpl. Chris Ryan.
Back in the 'bad old days' when the physically and mentally disabled were locked away in institutions a legend grew of someone who could stand up to the authorities and help them. This charming story is how a group of disabled people went to chase that legend. To assist them John is forced to come to terms with his daughter and her friends.
Robin Hood: O Príncipe dos Ladrões
Little John
Após voltar de uma Cruzada, Robin de Locksley, um jovem cavaleiro, descobre que seu pai, Lorde de Locksley, foi morto pelos seguidores do xerife de Nottingham, que por sua vez é partidário do Príncipe João, que fará de tudo pra que Ricardo Coração de Leão não volte ao poder. Robin é visado pelos usurpadores e foge, mas sempre acompanhado por Azeem, um mouro que lhe deve a vida. Eles vão parar na Floresta de Sherwood, onde são atacados por camponeses que, para sobreviver, atacam os asseclas do xerife. Logo Robin e Azeem se unem ao bando e planejam trazer Ricardo de volta ao poder. Em meio à sua luta, Robin é ajudado por Marian, uma bela donzela por quem se apaixona.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
Giant Porter
Eustace is sent to a horrible school and finds a friend in Jill Pole, who's also running from bullies and looking for a place to hide. The two of them are magically transported from the garden shed into the magical world of Narnia, where they are entrusted with a task by Aslan: to rescue the king's stolen son, Prince Rilian. Together with Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, they must travel north across the mountains, dodge giants, and journey down into the earth itself to rescue Rilian from the mysterious evil that holds him bound there.
Frankenstein - Terror das Trevas
The Monster
Buchanan, um cientista que vive no futuro, é levado por sua própria invenção, para uma aldeia suíça do século 19. Lá, encontra um clima de medo e terror, provocado por uma onda de assassinatos. O Dr. Buchanan vai se deparar com a chave dos crimes.
Tank Malling
Tank is an investigative reporter and jailbird, framed on scant evidence supplied by the London mob. Helen is the sensuous call-girl who offers Tank ammunition and retribution. But, retaliation is swift and brutal, in the guise of Sir Robert Knights and his equally lethal lawyer, Dunboyne. A series of hideous murders follow as the devil protects his own. Only Malling and Helen can halt the onslaught. But, for how long, and at what price?
Silas Marner
Bob Dowlas
Adaption of George Eliot's novel. When a respectable weaver is wrongfully accused of theft, he becomes a virtual hermit until his own fortune is stolen and an orphaned child is found on his doorstep.
A Polícia de Hitler: Um Retrato do Mal
The two-part TV movie Hitler's SS: Portrait in Evil crystallizes that evil by concentrating on two Berlin brothers. In 1931, Helmut Hoffman a brilliant student and self-styled opportunist, joins Hitler's SS. At the same time, his younger brother Karl, a top athlete and idealist, becomes a chauffeur for the "S.A.".
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Sheena, a Rainha das Selvas
Abandonada órfã no território Zambouli, a loira Sheena, é criada por uma nobre tribo e aprende a se comunicar telepaticamente com todas as criaturas. Ela tem sua primeira lição sobre o amor quando conhece Vic Casey, um esperto repórter de televisão. Na África, para cobrir a história de um jogador de futebol da realeza, o príncipe Otwani, Vic, logo se vê envolvido numa teia de intrigas políticas. E quando o malvado príncipe decide invadir a terra dos Zamboulis, é a hora de Sheena, resgatar Vic, e salvar seu idílico reino!
Rivais de Sangue
The Master of Ballantrae is a 1984 TV movie based on the 1889 novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.[2] It was a co production between the US and England for the Hallmark Hall of Fame
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Assassinato, falsidade, intriga e paixão... Scarlet Pimpernel se encontra no meio disto tudo. No calor da Revolução Francesa, Robespierre e o chefe da Polícia Secreta, Chauvelin estão mantendo as guilhotinas ocupadas.
Who Dares Wins
When SAS Captain Peter Skellen is thrown out of the service for gross misconduct due to unnecessary violence and bullying, he is soon recruited by The People's Lobby, a fanatical group aiming to hold several US dignitaries hostage. But Skellen's dismissal is a front to enable him to get close to the terrorist group. Can he get close enough to stop the Lobby from creating an international incident?
Silver Dream Racer
Jack Davis
David Essex stars as Nick Freeman, a motorcycle racer who, following the death of his brother, inherits a revolutionary prototype motorcycle, and is determined to race it at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone.
S.O.S. Titanic
Olaus Abelseth
S.O.S. Titanic é um filme de drama com David Janssen na pele de John Jacob Astor, David Warner como Lawrence Beesley, passageiro de segunda-classe, Ian Holm como J. Bruce Ismay e Cloris Leachman retratando Molly Brown que conta a história de um dos maiores naufrágios do século 20 dirigido por William Hale no ano de 1979. Filme com David Janssen na pele de John Jacob Astor, David Warner como Lawrence Beesley, passageiro de segunda-classe, Ian Holm como J. Bruce Ismay e Cloris Leachman retratando Molly Brown. O filme foi feito a bordo do Queen Mary.
Os Yankees Estão Voltando!
Merchant Seaman
During WWII, the United States set up army bases in Great Britain as part of the war effort. Against their proper sensibilities, many of the Brits don't much like the brash Yanks, especially when it comes to the G.I.s making advances on the lonely British girls. One relationship that develops is between married John, an Army Captain, and the aristocratic Helen, whose naval husband is away at war. Helen loves her husband, but Helen and John are looking for some comfort during the difficult times.
Brecht and Co
Brecht's company of actors tells the story of Bertolt Brecht: his theatre, plays, poetry and his life.
A Most Public Affair
Mr. Rosenthal
A re-creation of some of the confrontations and sketches in the remarkable background of the Windscale Enquiry. The dialogue is taken from the Official Verbatim Transcript of Proceedings. It was filmed on location in the Lake District and at Whitehaven Civic Hall where the Enquiry took place.
D.S. Burtonshaw
When one of Regan's snouts complains that his girlfriend's recent suicide was murder, the flying squad detective feels compelled to investigate. He uncovers a conspiracy that reaches the heart of the government, and finds himself fitted up, suspended and under the scrutiny of Special Branch.